As muh Omicron fails to frighten the overfed masses, they now announce its « sister », whatever that means. I guess it has to do with what they call « Winter vagina »?🤡🌎
🧠 These people are stupid!

Lol I work with people who fear omicron.
You and me both! I have 2 that can't wait for jab #4 so they can be "protected" against this variant. LOL!! Here I am at jab #0 at fully I don't give a fuck level.
And in many cases, they are right.
I just shake my head at this crap. Why it's impossible for the Sheep and Normies to figure out it's all bullshit is beyondy comprehension rn.
The programming is strong
I think they only have time for the big news networks. Or they have never heard of anywhere else....
Does the NWO fear Omicron because it is quite possibly the variant that will end the pandemic? Are they desperately trying to track and stop the spread of Omicron because it will bring the pandemic to an end before their timeline? So, is this why a harder to track sister to the Omicron variant scares the hell out of them?
Seems like real scientists would be celebrating a variant that is mild and provides lasting immunity to all variants.
They are reacting more harshly to a variant with 'mild' symptoms than they did with Delta, that was supposedly a 'deadlier' strain than stock Covid.
You would think those idiots yelling "muh science" would know that.
There aren't any real scientists running this psyop.
Yeah, should have added /s to communicate the sarcasm.
I smell desperation. The South African physicians did the world a favor by announcing that the symptoms were so mild that they didn’t even think COVID. Now, the deep state are scrambling to re-capture the fear. I mean, a 3 shot vaccine for omicron, quarterly boosters, and now this- a “stealth” version. Who here had ever heard of a stealth version of a virus? Ridiculous.
Ahem, I made plenty of stealth viruses in Plague Inc., gosh.
New and improved!
So no need for 3 vaccines for Omicron, because it will not be effective to the “sister” variant, but take it anyhow “just in case!”
If 3 isn’t enough better do six.
Maybe you have to take the three vaccines before you can get the sister variant.
I have been sporting a summer dick through all winters so far
What, you think natural summer dick immunity is a thing? Bigot
Only bigots would call it a "sister" virus. Maybe they mean "cister."
“But since BA.2 lacks that S gene mutation, scientists will have to rely on genomic sequencing, which takes up a lot more time and effort.”
I see they have come up with an excuse to do genomic sequencing on everyone now!
^^^^^^^^^^*****Take note! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Of course, whether or not something has an "S gene" at all (if that is even a real thing) is irrelevant.
All of these "viruses" sequenced using a man-made computer model, which gives them what they want. NONE of it is done with the "real thing" (which doesn't even exist).
It is ALL a psyop.
The Emperor’s New Clothes!!!! Can’t you see them???
Of course it's harder to track: it doesn't exist just like the other "variants" and the original version.
Paging u/AmberWins, local winter vagina expert.
God I love this place!!!!
"It's harder to track. Doesn't show up on tests. In fact, we can't even prove anyone's died from it. Or even caught it. But you should be terrified, anyway!"
"She's worse than the other one." Hmm...going to need a bucket of water for this "variant".
They traced the origins back to when Ilhan Omar fucked her brother
About this so-called “winter vagina”: if it were real, wouldn’t you expect to have seen statistically fewer births in August, September and October (assuming winter months for most northern regions occur in December, January and February)?
Also: if it’s a relatively new phenomenon, why not explore the effects of various elements such as age, food, drugs and stress on female hormonal levels—instead of implying “climate change” is the culprit? (Hormonal levels are the main mechanism in vaginal moisture levels).
AKA "The winter of our discontent" 🤔
Just wait, when the term 'Winter Vagina' (whatever that is) doesn't get the desired response, they will come up with "Blue Ball Syndrome" to scare everyone.
Ya mean, do ACTUAL research?
Let’s call it the Pelosi strain since I’m sure it’ll be as hard to track as that bitch’s finances.
Is it called Omnivajayjay? I'll show myself out.
Is the new "variant" Omicron's EVIL twin?
I've seen this movie.
Ya mean ... Ron's Micro?
This appears to be the Queensland State Government (Australia) trying to frighten the living shit out of Queenslanders,and Australians in general,so the "sheeple" will get their vaxxes and boosters like good little sheep.
It so annoying and sad that these people can be so bloody stupid!
When you have awakened this becomes quite comical. Normies still can't see it though, just wait till the dogs and cats have their own variant. Get vaxxed to protect fido and mittens.
So now viruses have siblings?
Harder to track because it doesn’t exist
These are entirely new corona viruses. They just call them covid19 variants because they spent trillions of dollars to brand covid19 as the scariest virus ever. Also, new corona viruses will never stop, this is a never ending treadmill.
im so sick of this bullshit
OMG, everyone PANIC!!! Another mutation with an over 99% survival rate!!!!
They are just making shit up as they go and it's blatant now.
hahahahahahahahaha inhales HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I guess they saw the Good Morning Britain poll about mandating jabs and decided they should push another variant. These people are stupid and think we are too.
Does that mean the sister and brother are sleeping together?