We moved out of Hawaii to get away from the mandatory testing/vaccine. For the holidays we’re staying in a more free state and we were invited to my aunts house nearby for Christmas morning. Enter my cousin (aunt’s daughter) two weeks before Christmas, having decided she wants to spend Christmas with her family this year but refusing to spend time around unvaccinated people. She came to the “compromise” of mandatory testing. Rather than make a fuss I simply pulled my family out of the situation and said we’d be spending Christmas morning by ourselves.
My aunt wasn’t very happy with me since she offered to provide the covid test. Everyone else is going along with the testing protocol, though they’re PISSED. My husband is fully supportive of pulling out.
I’ve never taken the PCR test and will likely need to do so to get back in the country in February. My aunt is accusing me of being selective of the test. I explained that a government mandated test to return home from my friends wedding when the arrangements were made pre-restriction is quite different than my entitled cousin demanding that I test to prove I’m worthy of Christmas morning. I told her that if I went, I wouldn’t enjoy myself. I’d be resentful and I wouldn’t have a good time.
Don’t let the rona ruin your holidays people. I’d rather have fun on my baby’s first Christmas!
Methinks the tail is wagging the dog. A better solution would be to invite everyone to your house, no strings attached. Those that have a problem with the non-jabbed can stay home.
Problem solved.
Hehe, I don’t have a place of my own. We are staying with relatives who will be going to my aunt’s. The plan is to stay behind and spend our morning there, then go to a friend’s.
It's still not right that one person is demanding something of everyone. If she has a problem with the unvaxxed it's her problem, not everyone else's. She should gracefully offer to stay home and visit with her mother another time.
While I’d be morally in the right, my cousins have put my aunt through hell the past few years—she was forced to get vaccinated to see her grandchildren. She’s hardly seen her own kids. I don’t really want to be the person who says she shouldn’t see her daughter, even if her daughters being a bitch about it, and I don’t need to be there anyway.
Then, don't give it another thought and have a great Christmas!
^^^ You don't owe them anything or any explanation.
true, if asked, simply state, I don't feel welcome at this family event.
You're probably right but I would suggest making that point to your aunt since she seems upset with you over all this.
So rent a place with the same invitation. I'll bet everyone will choose to come to your place!
Your cousin is undoubtedly an ABSOLUTE FAGGOT.
Here's hoping they die slow from covid. I put that shit on them all day long, they get pegged by my negativity until it rots out their colons and spreads to stage 5 you def gonna die breast cancer. Die slow weak faggots. Start tomorrow and die by the new year. honk honk see you at the dance doug
Your comment made me laugh. Thanks for that. I miss that Voat-y tone in comments on here. We need more of it. This place was a whole bunch better a year ago. Voat was even better.
Sadly, GAW has been getting sharply prudish lately. And meanwhile, the world is going to hell in a hand basket, express lane, with no good news anymore. But as long as everyone is being nice and polite....
And then you read stories like OP’s here. People like the cousin should be called out and roasted to a crisp. They are a big part of why we are, collectively, where we are.
Order followers.
RIP Voat. We've all come along a way and a lot of us are hanging by a thread at this point. Nevertheless, all walking dead cabal minions should be aggressively dismissed at every turn. Simply laughing them off is also an instant one shot kill to their egos.
You ever feel in the last few months like we're simultaneously closer than ever to the hammer dropping ,while also being further away from any victory at all? I wonder how many people on here realize we're cheering on a faction within the military industrial complex. And while this faction is clearly the best hope for any sort of liberty prevailing worldwide this century, they also don't mind the citizenry boiling in the flames of the fight. I'm becoming increasingly worried we're heading towards a USSR collapse scenario here in the states this next decade. It was the easiest way to purge the cabal from Soviet Russia, by letting its institutions crumble in on themselves. But it was hard fuckin times on the country. Eventually, Putin (a military man) steps in and they rebuild. But not after a long, long, long ass fumigation of the entire eastern bloc that lasted nearly 15 years.
Maybe that's what Trump meant by drain the swamp. Walk into swamp, pull plug, walk out of swamp, swamp go down drain, country go down drain, start over with no more swamp. A real depression might be about to hit here for the first time in a century and I'm not sure Trump can swoop in to stop it. I'm not sure they intend for him to stop it. It just is what it is, and it must happen to move forward. Just my rambling thoughts on pills at 3am this fine monday fucking morning god dammit we gotta eat these shape shifting blue blooded fucks
Wow! That was a great rant! I hope your Monday goes OK and you got enough sleep!
We were not invited to Christmas on my mom's side, because we don't have vaccines. Removed all of them from what little social media I had left, and will never speak to any of them again. We don't break bread with communists.
This is the way
I think you should tell your aunt you are appalled at the idea of exposing your baby to all those spike protein spewing vaxxed people.
I thought it hit every salient point. I'm only sort of kidding, though. If I had a small baby, I sure as heck wouldn't want them exposed to a bunch of vaxxed people.
It's probably good that you are not going because if someone gets Covid, you and your family would get blamed. Have read of numerous instances of this happening in the last few months.
Excellent point. They're probably more likely to get covid because they're vaxxed and they sure as heck would blame her, her husband or the baby because that's what the knuckleheads are being told by their masters in the msm.
Wat a maroon. 🐰
offer to take your temperature if it will heal your aunties feelings
its good enough for dentists in nys
You made the right decision in my opinion.
Youre doing the right thing. Playing hardball an being an asshole is the only way to get these people to back down
I know it sucks and I have a brother that is practically doing the same thing. In July he told us we wouldn’t be able to see his newborn (coming in Jan.) until we were vaccinated. It just sucks to see friends and family acting this way BUT keep in mind y’all that we NEED to be there for them…when shit hits the fan and they all realize they messed up, it’s not our job to tell them ‘told ya so’ (even though it’s going to be a great feeling for us) it’s going to be so hard for them to come to terms, they will be so lost, if you are truly AWAKE you know this isn’t about being right about everything but about being there for your fellow humans
Q talks about suicide weekend - my thoughts are either the market crash or when the sheep realize they’ve been poisoned. TRY to stay positive and be there for these people
Maybe, maybe not but only time will tell and I don’t wish harm to my family…you jerk
Obviously if you’ve done any DD into the Jabs you know the possibilities. You think stating it here is some kind of revelation for GAW? Lol just a shill comment with no substance, aren’t we suppose to be spiritually awake?
A better reply would have been, “we are praying for you and your family! I hope everything goes well and you have a beautiful baby niece”
Nope instead you chose the dark path…GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL MATE
Good for you!
Good for you.
You should test a grapefruit.
I hope you used the words 'entitled cousin.' :D
I hope they are the ones to test positive
The PCR test is NOT a reliable or accurate test. Don't take that one in any situation. As for your bratty cousin, ask her how vaxxed people are doing with Omicron variant? Not so well per the CDC themselves.
Merry Christmas to all the smart unvaxxed people in the world!
Point out that taking a home Covid test gives even more false results than the Covid PCR test. Why take a test that can not differentiate cold, flu or Covid and for which 99.7% survive under the age of 65 with no comorbidities.
I proclaimed that any member of my family mandating vaxxes, testing or masking will simply be uninvited (forever) to our Xmas Eve bash and Easter. The two Holidays we host and pull out all the stops for them.
Despite having some seriously fucking brainwashed morons in the family... guess what? Not a fucking peep. Zilch. And the best part? We've had no less than 4 family gatherings, no one talks about it, everyone acts normal. Almost as if it was all bullshit? Lol.
Yeah, I grabbed the bull by the horns on this and told them to fuck off forever if they attempt to paint non-compliant family members into a corner with this Orwellian pile of diarrhea. No time in my life for fucking idiots like that. And no exceptions.
Similar things going on all year in my family. I have found the initial anger, frustration has disappeared replaced by freedom from many relationships that were always complicated and toxic, our only real connection being "family" obligation and tradition. We now have stronger connections with fewer actual relatives but more "just friends" who have become part of our family. We celebrate our lives only with people we truly care about. Our grandkids are better off with fewer judgemental haters in their lives.
Why not simply suggest that your cousin sit this Christmas out if they are so concerned. I’m sure they will understand.
While I’d be morally in the right, my cousins have put my aunt through hell the past few years—she was forced to get vaccinated to see her grandchildren. She’s hardly seen her own kids. I don’t really want to be the person who says she shouldn’t see her daughter, and I don’t need to be there anyway.
Sorry to hear you’re going through this. I’m sure people around the world are having the same problem. I support you, because I wouldn’t go either.
This cousin is dumb. Imagine listening to the media tell you that you can only spend Christmas with vaccinated people, then demanding it. What a tard.
People who makes such demands are people I don’t want to be around anyway.
Difficult situation, handled with grace and compassion. Well done.
My extended family on my Mom's side have stated that they don't want to be around we who are unvaxxed, meaning my Mom, Dad, siblings and me, 6 in total. My Mom's oldest sister, my aunt, is crazy with the Fauci and vax worship. We used to spend every Christmas Eve or Christmas Day evening (alternating years) with her and that part of the family, and it was always pretty fun. But in 2020 we didn't have that gathering (guess why), and for 2021 she says her family feels "uncomfortable" with all of my family being unvaxxed, even though we ALL had covid exactly 1 year ago.
To be honest it's been nicer not going to those gatherings anyway. Less stress, less worry, less running around, we can stay home and be cozy and comfy for Christmas.
LOL EXACT same going on with my husband's family! I'm going to make a great dinner for him and we will stay home.
That's the way to go these days. Avoid the crazy family members, stay home all cozy and comfy and enjoy yourselves.
Take a family vote.
Good call. Your Aunt can reflect on who she would rather spend time with: the demanding cousin or you? After this Christmas you likely win that decision every time.
This is strength of character in action. Good for you and Merry Christmas!
At this point you have to stay strong. It’s not about the virus that is fact. Don’t risk it or give into the charade your faggot cousin came up with.
For all we know the test kits could be messing with people or dosing us with graphene oxide
Tell your aunt you'll come if everyone will take an STD test, and bring the results to the front door.
Its the same thing. Medical privacy.
Have a stool test.
right....send it to the aunt and let HER test it for covid and corn
Bravo! and great way to explain it to your Aunt. My Dad invited my brothers and fam to go to his church Christmas Eve. One of my brothers said now b/c they require masks, he will join my family and I at the new church we found that never required masks through all the shutdowns and restrictions.
Ftfy: vaccine-free
Remember you're not un-attractive or un-desirable, you're FREE!
I have an out of state relative who was worried about coming home for Christmas due to some people's vax status (mine). I just heard they will probably not come due to her vaxxed husband catching covid. It brings me zero joy as I really wanted to see them. The irony is unbelievable however.