The incentives to put compounds or substances in the vax that destroy IQ and ruin recollection, reason and sense is overwhelming.. because then anyone so damaged will be too stupid to stop the group attacking them. Like a rapist drugging their victim before attacking them.
Do you think moderna, pfizer, AZ etc have thought about this, realise that any defense against their planned attacks would be ruinous.. and so designed this malicious damaging property into their 'product' ?
I 100% believe that memory destruction was a goal of this psy-op/the vaccines.
When Covid was supposedly at its worst, you had talk of asymptomatics spreading the virus, and thats why we all had to wear masks, cause we might kill grandma with a mild cold.
Now Omnicron is supposed to be the least deadly, and you have parents breaking down on twitter, with mental attacks, because they are so paranoid of the common cold
You have Sweden thats been pushing microchips in their citizens since 2016, but apparently microchips is some new big conspiracy.
Its so easy to flip flop on your power grabs, and have people just go along with it, if their memory is damaged and they can only think of the now and what freedoms to give up to make it all better.
It amazes me how Apes -- who are experiencing corruption on a grand scale in the stock market and clearly sees how the media covers for the fraud, still believe the COVID narrative.
Wake the fuck up, retards! Everything is corrupt, EVERY. THING!
If you're on the same side as the media on anything, you're probably being manipulated.
As a 38 year old man who spent most of my teens and adult life as an agnostic who thought he was truly open-minded, and then came to be a beliver in Yeshua six years ago - only after years of massive historical research and extensive study into prophecy, I would argue that it just might be YOU who are making the assumptions here.
Sometimes, it may shock you to know, we have actual reasons we believe. Just wanted to throw that out there.
EDIT: And besides, you got to be kidding me if you think you are going to have a fruitful and thoughtful debate of deep spiritual, religious, and metaphysical concepts on an anonymous forum on the internet in 2022. I've never heard anyone say "that comment under that meme post really converted me to 'insert belief system.'" Thats just silly, come on now.
Sometimes, it may shock you to know, we have actual reasons we believe. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Same here buddy.
The difference is that I'm not declaring metaphysical matters to be fact with absolutely no wiggle room. The ego of many people, like my dad, to say any scripture besides the Bible is demonic is way out of line.
The Bible is a sacred collection of texts. It isn't the only sacred collection of texts.
The issue would be who says a text is sacred and why. The Bible is sacred to me only because it is a collection of 66 books written by 40-something different authors over the course of one thousand five hundred years or so, and yet somehow manages to tell one story, with interweaving subplots, inter-connected themes, and fulfilled prophecies that stretch in fulfillment over thousands of years. At the very least, such a thing is only conclusively possible with a divine overseer of some sort.
Admittedly, I agree with the idea that there are more sacred texts outside of the Bible. Heck, the book of Enoch for instance had a massive impact in turning me to a biblical worldview.
But yeah, I mean if you're talking about say the Vedas or the Babylonian Kaballah or something, the reason Bible Believers would ultimately conclude such texts to be demonic, is because the teachings trace back to the very same fallen entities God is at war with in the Bible (from the view of the biblical paradigm at least, see Enoch, mentioned above)..
If you are referring to maybe some Gnostic texts or something, the reason folks ultimately conclude them to be demonic is because they teach a sort-of self-worship. A "you can become like/become one with God" type of message.
I've read a ton of ancient sacred texts (not that it matters, but double major in history and philosophy with a focus on Ancient Religons) - and ultimately probably now have the same views as your
I guess my point was I came to them through research and reason rather than "oh thats what i grew up hearing in church."
You're definitely more well read than I am, but I've dipped my toes in enough variety to understand that there is a massive deception going on regarding history and religion. I haven't read the Book of Mormon, and was super dismissive of it, but now it seems that they were right about higher civilizations doing stuff in North America before Columbus and Incas and such.
I'm not convinced that Yeshua / Jehovah / YHWH is a good deity. And I suspect that there were demigods hanging out and influencing culture alongside giants and other so called mythical dramas.
There are reports of Gandalf / Noah-like white guys with beards roaming around the Earth helping people post deluge recover and regain tech after hiding out in caves.
I can buy the idea that THE CREATOR came down as an avatar in Jesus' form and did awesome stuff. He just wasn't the only avatar doing awesome stuff.
And there also isn't any way to know if our creator is actually at the top of the hierarchy.
Amen Brother! It is definitely NOT the only sacred text. The "bible" was for the Jewish people. So God only loves the jews? I think not. But wow don't challenge the zealots on that point.
Has the PaRtY oF sCiEnCe finally admitted they have no interest in looking things up on their own and they'll just roll with whatever John Oliver says ?
The same mainstream media that covers all the sins of the wall street like naked shorts and allows suppression of stocks like GME and precious metals, and never covers any of this.
If this was from superstonks, I tell you people there are so short sighted, I am surprised they can see a palm thats about to slap theirface
I’m one of 5 of my parents children. All my brothers and sisters got the vax along with my two parents. Guess how many of them are dead now? All 7. I’d be more upset if this wasn’t clearly a sign from God that I made the right decision to remain a Pureblood.
So you won’t do easy basic research to better understand the opposition to your own opinion, but have enough information to decide that those who believe in what you won’t research are domestic terrorists? Lol what a moron
Keep up the good work, you may never reach this guy but there are a lot of folks starting to ask questions and you're pointing them in the right direction.
I'm always amazed by the morons who say "surely the mainstream media would report on it". My only conclusion is that they are truly, truly stupid people. And they walk among us.
And have you seen the idiots who are admitting they’re wrong but saying we weren’t right, it was just a 50/50 chance and they happened to be on the wrong side?? Complete morons.
I posted this (below) to FB earlier and immediately deleted it because I have so many clients on it
Imagine picking a team to play on and when your team loses, your teammates say of the other team, “You’re not actually better than us. It was a 50/50 chance and you just happened to pick the right team to be on.”
An idiotic thing to say, right?
Well the tinfoil-hat-for-your-mouth mask-wearing, pro-permanently-restructure-my-gene-pool crowd is using this argument against those of us who warned them against their completely mindless, depraved decisions to shoot themselves and their kids up with experimental drugs.
Worst of all, these people vote, so if you wonder how a mentally ill shell of a man was elected, look no further than these mentally ill people who will double-down on their decisions. Even when they have to acknowledge that they were wrong, they have to say that the rest of us weren’t actually right but that we just got lucky on a coin toss.
What could be more dangerous to your long term survival than willful ignorance?
Idk but I’m not gonna look into it, if there was something more dangerous an expert would have told us by now
(and profited from it)
Willful ignorance. The exact 2 words that came to mind for me.
The incentives to put compounds or substances in the vax that destroy IQ and ruin recollection, reason and sense is overwhelming.. because then anyone so damaged will be too stupid to stop the group attacking them. Like a rapist drugging their victim before attacking them.
Do you think moderna, pfizer, AZ etc have thought about this, realise that any defense against their planned attacks would be ruinous.. and so designed this malicious damaging property into their 'product' ?
I 100% believe that memory destruction was a goal of this psy-op/the vaccines.
When Covid was supposedly at its worst, you had talk of asymptomatics spreading the virus, and thats why we all had to wear masks, cause we might kill grandma with a mild cold.
Now Omnicron is supposed to be the least deadly, and you have parents breaking down on twitter, with mental attacks, because they are so paranoid of the common cold
You have Sweden thats been pushing microchips in their citizens since 2016, but apparently microchips is some new big conspiracy.
Its so easy to flip flop on your power grabs, and have people just go along with it, if their memory is damaged and they can only think of the now and what freedoms to give up to make it all better.
Lack of oxygen is creating zombies
i swear its fluroride in the water making people this dumbed down. Idiocracy style.
It amazes me how Apes -- who are experiencing corruption on a grand scale in the stock market and clearly sees how the media covers for the fraud, still believe the COVID narrative.
Wake the fuck up, retards! Everything is corrupt, EVERY. THING!
If you're on the same side as the media on anything, you're probably being manipulated.
It shouldn't amaze you. Most people there just want to get rich without doing anything. They don't really understand anything.
It’s Reddit. The odds that that poster is even a legitimate person and not a shill is pretty low. Reads like “Hello fellow apes” to me
Same goes for the Christians on this board and the Jesus narrative.
No suspicion at all that “Jesus is the only way” might be a psyop.
As a 38 year old man who spent most of my teens and adult life as an agnostic who thought he was truly open-minded, and then came to be a beliver in Yeshua six years ago - only after years of massive historical research and extensive study into prophecy, I would argue that it just might be YOU who are making the assumptions here.
Sometimes, it may shock you to know, we have actual reasons we believe. Just wanted to throw that out there.
EDIT: And besides, you got to be kidding me if you think you are going to have a fruitful and thoughtful debate of deep spiritual, religious, and metaphysical concepts on an anonymous forum on the internet in 2022. I've never heard anyone say "that comment under that meme post really converted me to 'insert belief system.'" Thats just silly, come on now.
Same here buddy.
The difference is that I'm not declaring metaphysical matters to be fact with absolutely no wiggle room. The ego of many people, like my dad, to say any scripture besides the Bible is demonic is way out of line.
The Bible is a sacred collection of texts. It isn't the only sacred collection of texts.
The issue would be who says a text is sacred and why. The Bible is sacred to me only because it is a collection of 66 books written by 40-something different authors over the course of one thousand five hundred years or so, and yet somehow manages to tell one story, with interweaving subplots, inter-connected themes, and fulfilled prophecies that stretch in fulfillment over thousands of years. At the very least, such a thing is only conclusively possible with a divine overseer of some sort.
Admittedly, I agree with the idea that there are more sacred texts outside of the Bible. Heck, the book of Enoch for instance had a massive impact in turning me to a biblical worldview.
But yeah, I mean if you're talking about say the Vedas or the Babylonian Kaballah or something, the reason Bible Believers would ultimately conclude such texts to be demonic, is because the teachings trace back to the very same fallen entities God is at war with in the Bible (from the view of the biblical paradigm at least, see Enoch, mentioned above)..
If you are referring to maybe some Gnostic texts or something, the reason folks ultimately conclude them to be demonic is because they teach a sort-of self-worship. A "you can become like/become one with God" type of message.
I've read a ton of ancient sacred texts (not that it matters, but double major in history and philosophy with a focus on Ancient Religons) - and ultimately probably now have the same views as your
I guess my point was I came to them through research and reason rather than "oh thats what i grew up hearing in church."
You're definitely more well read than I am, but I've dipped my toes in enough variety to understand that there is a massive deception going on regarding history and religion. I haven't read the Book of Mormon, and was super dismissive of it, but now it seems that they were right about higher civilizations doing stuff in North America before Columbus and Incas and such.
I'm not convinced that Yeshua / Jehovah / YHWH is a good deity. And I suspect that there were demigods hanging out and influencing culture alongside giants and other so called mythical dramas.
There are reports of Gandalf / Noah-like white guys with beards roaming around the Earth helping people post deluge recover and regain tech after hiding out in caves.
I can buy the idea that THE CREATOR came down as an avatar in Jesus' form and did awesome stuff. He just wasn't the only avatar doing awesome stuff.
And there also isn't any way to know if our creator is actually at the top of the hierarchy.
Amen Brother! It is definitely NOT the only sacred text. The "bible" was for the Jewish people. So God only loves the jews? I think not. But wow don't challenge the zealots on that point.
Apes arent woke. Apes are on stock market training wheels because they cant thinkg "freedom" only "money"
Apes dont wake up until they get boned by wallstreet. Wakes upnanportion of reddit. Until then they are greedy mask wearers
Agreed. My bad, silver apes good
Almost has to be a double troll
Has the PaRtY oF sCiEnCe finally admitted they have no interest in looking things up on their own and they'll just roll with whatever John Oliver says ?
There are morons here who have gotten 3x jabbed
The same mainstream media that covers all the sins of the wall street like naked shorts and allows suppression of stocks like GME and precious metals, and never covers any of this.
If this was from superstonks, I tell you people there are so short sighted, I am surprised they can see a palm thats about to slap theirface
I’m one of 5 of my parents children. All my brothers and sisters got the vax along with my two parents. Guess how many of them are dead now? All 7. I’d be more upset if this wasn’t clearly a sign from God that I made the right decision to remain a Pureblood.
All seven? So that means you’re dead as well?
lol. I knew the handshake meant "new," but based on his math it also appears to mean "ghost account."
now, tell me: how old is the bus driver?
Jesus, Im the oldest of 9 with anti-vax parents thankfully, I couldnt imagine losing every single one of them to the vax..
They used to be a bit upset that our parents never vaxxed them, but now they realize how bad vaxxes have always been.
I guess being solid in your beliefs is all you can do after that, I'm sorry
You are really bad at math.
So you won’t do easy basic research to better understand the opposition to your own opinion, but have enough information to decide that those who believe in what you won’t research are domestic terrorists? Lol what a moron
Baaaa Baaaa.
Eric Clapton = Helpful Musician.
However, Helpful_Musician does not equal Eric Clapton.
The little parasite that controls his brain hit the "flight" responses
Oh that sweet summer child. Bless his heart.
Keep up the good work, you may never reach this guy but there are a lot of folks starting to ask questions and you're pointing them in the right direction.
if your response to looking up stuff for yourself is
you sound like a child having a temper tantrum, ya know those things you whine about in /childfree ?
if you refuse to educate yourself, do you even have a voice?
If you have no voice you have no choice
-Serj Tankian
I like this one......He who does not read has no advantage over the man who can't read.
The willfully ignorant should be viewed and treated as a clesr and present danger to survival.
I bet you a silverback 🦍 is smarter than him.
You can't save them all ape-fren. NCSWIC
I'm always amazed by the morons who say "surely the mainstream media would report on it". My only conclusion is that they are truly, truly stupid people. And they walk among us.
And have you seen the idiots who are admitting they’re wrong but saying we weren’t right, it was just a 50/50 chance and they happened to be on the wrong side?? Complete morons.
I posted this (below) to FB earlier and immediately deleted it because I have so many clients on it
Imagine picking a team to play on and when your team loses, your teammates say of the other team, “You’re not actually better than us. It was a 50/50 chance and you just happened to pick the right team to be on.”
An idiotic thing to say, right?
Well the tinfoil-hat-for-your-mouth mask-wearing, pro-permanently-restructure-my-gene-pool crowd is using this argument against those of us who warned them against their completely mindless, depraved decisions to shoot themselves and their kids up with experimental drugs.
Worst of all, these people vote, so if you wonder how a mentally ill shell of a man was elected, look no further than these mentally ill people who will double-down on their decisions. Even when they have to acknowledge that they were wrong, they have to say that the rest of us weren’t actually right but that we just got lucky on a coin toss.
Idiots. Prideful, stupid, idiots.
It seems the common sense is being erased incrementally with each jab.
“ no no no no “sounds like more denial from these idiots
These are bots, not people.
You title should say “at the time of this post, the guy is/was triple vax’d”.
You know he has boosted again
This has to be a bot.
"They wouldn't do that."
"Someone would tell us if that were true."
"They couldn't keep that a secret."
The false axioms that keep people blind and quite stupid.
The same media that says GME stock is bogus.
Yet he is using phrases GME HODLers use.
Go buy RFK Jrs book "Real Fauci"