My dearest frens, I have waited for quite some time to share the following post with you all. And, be warned here well in advance...many of you are NOT going to like it. Not one bit. But like-ability isn't the reason for which this post is being written in the first place. Instead, this post is being written in the greatest benefit of ALL (of humanity) concerned. So well, here goes nothing...!
Guys, we HAVE TO stop with the division and hatred and separation-consciousness (that we see on here so very often). If you think judging others is serving you or making you look all pious and cuddly in the eyes of God, you, my frens, are GREATLY mistaken. If you think hating on the "commies" and the "libs" and the "normies" and the "sheeple" (or whoever else) makes you enlightened or "above all" or something, well, you've chosen a path that leads NOT to the light, but to complete and total DARKNESS.
A fantastic way to become the very thing you set out to destroy, might I add.
Now, I know that there's many Jesus followers on here, so I'll remind you of exactly what he said. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Please remember, he said this about the very people who were about to slaughter him in broad daylight and publicly at that.
And today, it is your turn to actually LIVE that message. And not just his message, but that of countless other saints, sages, messiahs and God-beings from every religion and culture upon this planet. Because you don't need to be following a religion to tell that Forgiveness is the way to go.
Compassion is the way to go.
Kindness is the way to go.
Unity is the way to go.
LOVE is the way to go.
My dearest frens, the idea of dividing our world into oppossing battlefronts is a Black Hat idea, and has NOTHING to do with how God sees things. These people you are fighting and hating on daily, however asleep they might be, are ultimately all a part of the EXACT SAME HUMAN FAMILY as that of you and I. In fact, there may well have been a time in your life when someone who helped you out with something was a person that you're busy hating on right now (for their religious, political, economical viewpoints, or what-else-have-you). And frens, how does this serve ANYONE?
I know it's super hard for some of you to hear, but we simply CANNOT win any 'spiritual wars' in here as a DIVIDED human race. And yes, that does NOT mean that we let ourselves get gagged by the powers-that-be and stop fighting / resisting them or whatever. But it ALSO does not mean that we stop putting out LOVE over HATE and UNITY over SEPARATION wherever such is possible at all.
Yes, they've turned our own people against us, and our own people are (at the moment at least) too damn zombie-fied and brainwashed to realize it. And yes, many of them are actively supporting those who seek to destroy US (and THEM, too). But, one, this is NOT a permanent situation as more and more of the sleepers are awakening daily. And two, the Great Awakening is going to awaken THEM eventually too, for such is inevitable. Nothing can stop what is coming after all.
So please, PLEASE remember the many examples that those like Jesus and Gandhi set in front of us. Examples, that they set because truly, "(these ones) KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO (for now at least)." But we know better, and we can show them better.
Please remember, Q has always said "Where we go ONE, we go ALL." Q never said "Where we go SOME...and oh, the rest can go fuck themselves."
If Donald J. Trump has enough love and forgiveness left within him to tell you to "go home with love & in peace" after the negative ones stole his very presidency (on top of attempting to eliminate him AND his loved ones numerous times); and if Jesus H. Christ has it within him to forgive the very people who turned against him and murdered him in broad daylight...then WE most certainly do have it within ourselves to forgive the ones who are currently attempting to destroy us (and failing miserably at it, too), all "normies" and "sheeples" very much so included.
Because, indeed, they know not what they do. (But they will all know the TRUTH eventually, coz THAT'S very much a given).
It is about time that we raised the spiritual bar a tad higher up in here for this 'spiritual war' (no matter how difficult it is to do) because THAT is what true DIVINE-EVOLUTION and LOVE is all about. It's not about division and separation and brother-against-brother and sister-against-mister and other forms and varieties of hate and violence and war-mongering...the kinds that are exactly what the Dark Ones would have you do. Instead, this is about making amends and treaties and peace and coming together as one strong, rock-solid, UNIFIED human collective of global proportions and taking humanity back to an era of true global harmony, unity, awakening, love, truth, prosperity and PEACE. Again, this DOES NOT mean that we take negative agendas and plans lying down or anything...but this indeed means erasing all of the HATE that has been artificially SEEDED and PLANTED within us by agents of the darkness.
Is it going to be super-hard to forgive them when they are actively trying to kill us and take our jobs and restrict us in every way so imaginable? Yes. Yes it is. But if a DJT can do it and a JHC can do it in pretty much the exact same circumstances (i.e. a direct threat to everything they stand for AND a threat to their very lives and loved ones too), then so can WE. After all, God's tests aren't exactly meant to be easy, ya know. So RISE UP.
So please, PLEASE, this new year...let us promote more and more and more LOVE each day on here (and elsewhere across our real-life, social media etc.) instead of hate and division and separation, and this whole "us vs them" nonsense that our entire front page and comments are currently filled with. For indeed, is it getting us all NOWHERE. Besides, that is NOT what Q would want us to do. That is NOT what DJT would want us to do. And it is most definitely NOT what the Christed One or God would want us to do.
Let's do BETTER than our (perceived) enemies in 2022.
Cheers! And have an amazing day and week and month and year!!!
P.S. If this message resonates with your HEART at all, feel free to SHARE IT all across your social medias, and at your family and friend / relative/ colleague (one-to-one) conversations and mass conventions, your LinkedIns, your Tinder profiles, and wherever else you so please! Much love to one and all! :) :) <3
- NopeStillAin'tQ
EDIT: Some posters on here seem to imply that my post encouraging people to love and forgive reeks of one who "lacks courage". I'm just going to say in here that it perhaps takes the MOST courage to speak of LOVE when you KNOW for a fact that HATE is what sells the MOST on the internet at this point -- be it on this platform or elsewhere upon the web. In fact, it takes so much courage to speak of love that rare few people throughout history have even as much as dared to even suggest such a thing, and almost all of them have been ridiculed, mocked, and humiliated; or worse, straight up tortured and murdered.
I'm not saying this to toot my own horn or to even as much as imply that I'm one amongst them. Far, far from it. I have my bad days too and I know EXACTLY what being consumed with the feeling of pure hatred and vengeance even feels like. But if I don't make a conscious effort to rise above it all, who even will? Same goes for anyone and everyone reading this gigantic gigawall of text.
Contrary to popular belief, it perhaps takes the GREATEST amount of courage to openly and fearlessly go contrary to popular belief.
Good message, to whoever needs to hear it.
Anons who have been paying attention to Q and not just videos about Q have already understood this because Q has driven this home multiple times.
Thank YOU! I couldn't have put it any better myself! :)
I stopped reading when I saw you referred to Our Lord as “Jesus H. Christ,”
*That TRUTH is:^
Matthew 10:34.
If you’re going to use this platform to tell us we aren’t being “Christian” enough, don’t fuck up your act, charlatan.
I did. And people called me a leftist shill. Of course they were wrong.
Do you actually think Q is talking to CNN viewers there? If I’m not mistaken he said specifically that he went to the boards because of the audience there.
I don’t see this energy from Trump. Trump acknowledges the enemies we are facing and highlights their lies and damaging behavior.
Seems more likely Q was telling US not to be divided. And to be focused and United against evil. Not some weird Sunday school bullshit.
I will try to unpack what you are saying. You think that Q is asking all of us to be united, then he can do that only by addressing everyone, including the CNN crowd.
What if what Q is doing is not preaching? What if what Q is doing is showing us the truth like he always does. Q can show the truth to his audience, us - but the subject matter of the truth is one that encompasses everyone.
He is telling us that they want us divided, not because he wants us to go and hug a pink haired trans who is spewing hate from all its pores, but he is showing how the divisions are created and making us understand that the real enemy is the one creating these divisions.
What does this mean to Anons? The next time you see a pink haired trans spewing hate, just tell yourself "that is not my enemy. Thats just a tool they are using and its tragic, and when the time is right and the GA happens, if it wakes up I will be there is show the truth. Until then, I will remember who the real enemy is and who are useful idiots are"
I agree. I don’t see our fellow brothers and sisters as enemies - I see all of us as victims to our own ignorance.
I aim my arrows at those who are doing these evils and those who willingly or unwittingly are joined in arms with them, including lower level henchmen
Here's the thing.. I agree with the sentiment, and indeed where we go one we go all, there's no way around it, we are all children of God.
But being all cuddly, and caring, and carebear-y is NOT THE WAY, that's what has been done for the last 5 decades or so ffs...
There MUST be accountability, on all fronts, not only to the scum that betrays their fellow men for money and power, but to the ignorant fool who can't or won't see truth as well, there must be accountability.
And some of that a accountability does involve shaming these idiots, because otherwise they'll never ever learn
We have to be kind yes, but also firm, and ruthless at points...
Ever read this before?
You should reflect on these words, should take you right off your carebear demeanor, because it will solve nothing
Time for cuddlyness is over, it's time to set things straight, and for that you need a strong hand and mind, not warm niceness.
AMEN!! Read and absorb Matthew 10..... this time is not about being "nice, watering down the gospel" its about being bold and Courageous in spreading the good news..don't be deceived
I am with you on the firm hand idea, though if even one more can be saved I want it delayed.
Otherwise may our God drop the proverbial hammer on them.
May we all have the love & optimism of Lot, begging daily for more time to find just one more soul to save. NCSWIC, so I pray that more awaken before that hammer drops.
Mass psychological stuff considered, most who are still going along with the narrative base decisions on emotional reaction. What do you think an over 50% irrational mind (ie uses emotion to pull executive triggers more often than logic) would do once they see it was thier lack of foresight & their manipulated decisions that caused so much death & destruction? I have seen a couple in my lifetime remove themselves from the equation because they could (edit: should be "could not") handle the emotional backlash. Suicide weekend has so many interpretations that fit accurately, I simply don't want my logic challenged fellows in this world to remove themselves when they too can help heal the world.
Given what I know about Fauci, Gates, Clintons & Soros, I have zero problem with them being publicly executed. Anyone who willingly seeks out to do evil for power & gain should be lumped in there too.
The rugged truth thought is that the world doesn't need them to "heal", it doesn't need any of us, me included, it is ruled and guided by beings and forces completely out of the realm of our understanding and sometimes even of our imagination, it WILL go forward, one way or the other, the only thing people can do now is choose whether they go with it or not.
You shouldn't feel bad about those that are too weak to conform and adapt, and end up taking the easy way out, they'll continue their careers in the next stage of our existence, and have the chance to pick up where they left off, and keep growing, our Lord Jesus made sure of that.
But in order for the world to move forward it must leave the dead weight behind... it's just the way it is.
Good point, thank you for giving me new ideas to consider.
Jesus talking about a shepherd going to find his lost sheep and bring it home. He did not teach us to leave the weak behind.
I never said to stop trying, but I can also guarantee you that any shepherd with half a brain will leave the weak behind if it means saving the thick of the herd when a deadly storm is coming.
Plus like I mentioned, no real harm can befall them, they are saved, they will go on.
At the end of the day here's the deal, we are not supposed to be sheep, we are human beings.
To whom much is given, much is expected, when you're given a mind that far surpasses any other animal on the planet, you're expected to fucking use it.
it's not anyone's responsibility to think for others, actually it's not a matter of responsibility or not, it's impossible to do that, you can give information and knowledge, but in the end it has to come from the person themselves, there's no other way.
So it's not a question of "leaving them behind", they'll simply stay behind on their own accord...
You are correct, it doesn't need them. Then again Jesus Christ doesn't need me, though he has come down & lifted me up though his compassion. If I can save one more before that time that none of us can stop, then it is yet another soul who can partake in the joy of an elevated world.
Absolutely, I'm not saying you shouldn't even try.
The only thing I'm against is this "We should all be all nice and cuddly! don't call them meanie little names!! there there little sheep!! I know you completely ignored everything I tried to tell you, and even ostracized me any chance you had , but it's not your fault, awwwwwww pats head"
No, the only thing we should keep doing is speaking truth, no matter how harsh and rugged it may be, that's it, whether they manage to jump start their brains or not is their responsibility, and no one else's.
And they have to face the full brunt of the consequences of their mistakes, it's the only way they'll learn and grow, that's what love's about to me, to want people to learn and grow personally... and not to shield and cuddle them away from that pain.
Agreed. That said, I do believe once they have faced (maybe seen & understood the effects of thier choices is a better description?) the fallout of their decisions, AND has shown sincere willingness and real action towards changing, I have no problem lifting them up & having a new warrior in the fight to bring light & justice to this world.
YEah yeah, that's what I mean by "facing the full brunt of the consequences", because facing them is the only way they'll "shown sincere willingness and real action towards changing"
When they get to that point you'll see there's very little you'll even have to do yourself to lift them up, the lord our God has far better devices of his own in place for that heh, though there's nothing stopping you from helping them on their way of course.
Came here to say this.
Hence why I am the way I am. But I also make sure to come from a place of truth and my intentions are to get those to align with Truth not to vindicate myself or my beliefs. I don't need anyone's approval for what I believe and do.
There is a time and a place for vitriol and there's a time and place for caring. So I agree with you, I just want to emphasize the importance of balance and recognizing the situation.
For example, people asking questions is not the time to assume the worst. You answer truthfully and genuinely then gauge the response. People coming here asking questions should be often times given the benefit of the doubt. Even if the person turns out to be disingenuous at least your shared info might be seen by another newcomer.
Yes the cuddliness is over, but not to the point where we stop caring altogether.
Agreed overall.
We can't keep being the punching bag anymore while the futures of ourselves and our kids are threatened.
The division that you are currently witnessing is coming from your post. Pretty much anytime you create a post telling grown adults how to act, you will create division.
Personally, I will never be nice to these evil people who are abusing and killing our children. That includes those who are now carrying the water for these evil people, and masking up their kids, or jabbing them. They should always be mocked, ridiculed, and embarrassed. Trying to reason with them doesn't seem to work.
If, they finally see the light and leave evil for good, then I will welcome them with open arms, but until then they will get no kindness from me. They've had kindness, and it hasn't worked.
If you truly are looking for not dividing us, then please stop lecturing us on how to fight this information war.
That was not, I believe, at all his point. The objective was not to water down the fight against evil but rather to strengthen it.
Grown adults are able to read posts like OP an not get their panties in a bunch. There's an irony there...
That said, I thank you for expressing your views and doing so without malice. You're not incorrect at all in your assumptions, but I feel you might be missing out on the fact that perhaps the readership writ large has some "growing up" to do.
I'll add the following which I think illustrates another point about what OP is reacting to:
I'm VERY surprised by the lack of "glow" in the comments thus far. (Although I've not scrolled to the downvoted stuff yet).
What I'm saying is I believe a lot of the over the top negativity popping up here lately feels less than organic. Whether it's a deliberate attack from "outside", or legit Patriots having a "synchronization of their menstrual cycles" (hey, we all need to vent sometimes!) I don't know...
This too shall pass. Eyes on the Prize. WWG1WGA
Kek synchronized menstrual cycle
Kek! Manstration
I'm not lecturing anyone on here. Rather, I'm merely reiterating what Q (and DJT and JCH and so many others) have always told us to do (and what we simply have NOT been doing all too well at this point in time, right now).
The Great Awakening and the 'spiritual war' are NOT just about some popcorns, memes and cozy. We are transforming the ENTIRE PLANET (ruled by unspeakable darkness for bloody MILLENNIA) back into the light. So there are indeed going to be some truly extraordinary lessons and learnings that come along WITH THAT.
Take it or leave it.
100%. Christianity has been pussified.
Christianity was always a hippy religion at its core
It is, rather, a relationship.
The guy bitching about “Muh racisms” on this board, everybody. Way to go, good fucking game lmao!
No one made you read this post. No one made you comment. The reason you feel so insecure to comment your insecurities, is because you feel YOU were preached to which means YOU have some soul searching to do.
You can either read this again and listen or you can reply with vitriol. I don't care either way at this point. Just wanted to point out these:
and tell you and everyone else that you're wrong. If I feel something is preachy, I stop reading/watching and move on with my life.
It's amazing how people feel the need to flex on every post and comment. Like, we get it, you're insecure and seeking validation. Problem is, no one here cares about your insecurity nor are we going out of our way to validate anyone. Not even ourselves.
You cannot truly love someone if you are not able to hate the evil that seeks to destroy them.
I love my family immensely as is likely true for most. If someone seeks to truly harm them, it is an absolutely rational response to hate that evil.
Take the whole pedophilia issue. Should we turn the other cheek and forgive? Fuck that nonsense.
Trying to love and forgive your way past evil is like negotiating with terrorists. Hard pass.
Ah. But to love them is also to respect their choices in life. Did God squish the snake when it tricked Eve? No. He let Eve and Adam make their choices.
But otherwise I agree. There are some evils even Christ won't forgive- oh wait He died for sin not evil... guess there is no evil Christ will forgive cause He didn't die for it.
One team; one fight!
The one team is made up of everyone. The one fight is the fight to be free from evil. We started together; we finish together.
I think that’s why Jesus said to leave the judging to him. It’s too complicated.
I agree. It’s too nuanced an issue …as so many other things in life … to have a broad stroke approach.
I thought we were a United around exposing evil, child rapists, and Satan worshippers? That's why I'm here. Anyone looking at our front page and not getting it doesn't belong here.
If you check out a controversial post I made recently, some are under the impression that we're going to reestablish the White Brotherhood as the supreme rulers or some faggotty ass shit and I agree, those types do not belong here as Great Awakening is about unity and (ethnicity) supremacy is anti unity.
Well that's just obvious fed glowie crap. Deport and move on. Great Awakening is supposed to be about Truth. Unity for it's own sake is demonic false unity. Unity around Truth is true power.
But who so shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea
A few observations:
If your goal is to make sweeping changes, being in the squishy middle and choosing compromise will get you exactly nowhere. You do not have to hate, but you cannot sacrifice your goals and principles out of a misplaced sense of charity. We’ve been shown time and again that our enemies will betray their promises, take what is offered, and then portray us as the ones who cannot be trusted. Stand your ground. Do not give them an inch.
Do not attempt to argue with crazy. Any person who genuinely uses terms like “white supremacist”, “micro-aggression” or “patriarchy” is mired in a swamp of false narratives that have poisoned their ability to reason their way through arguments. Indeed, more and more, the very act of steering a disagreement towards logical argumentation is met with hostility and claims of racism. Their goal is not to prove you wrong through dialectic, but to put you on the defensive through rhetoric. As soon as you recognize this pattern, stop trying to use reason, because it will never work.
White supremacists are an actual extremist group who should be rejected wholeheartedly by everyone here. I will agree that USE of the term can be overplayed, but in those instances you have to examine the statement in its entirety. I don't agree with writing someone off as they may just be confused.
100% in agreement with you on micro aggression and patriarchy. I try to be patient and hear where they are coming from as again, they may be misguided, but I don't blame anyone for tuning people out if those words are used.
White supremacy is as real and relevant as the Whitmer kidnapping plot. No one but grifters, morons and federal informants think this way. Giving it credence cedes power to those who would use the idea to control you. Reject it.
Wanting a future for your race and culture that’s free from niggerdom is not white “supremacy” you gay fucking bitch. Stop buying into the left’s propaganda.
You are all sounding so pathetic in this thread.
And this is just as bad. I can imagine some weasel from The Daily Beast putting sh&t like this up and giggling his little soy ass off while he takes screenshots. Either stop fed posting or learn what the f&ck rhetoric is and how not to shoot your own legs off.
Also writes a mile high paragraph judging people who judge others.
I'd focus on yourself and see the "judges" in the same light that you see yourself in. There is a reason Jesus leads by example and didn't rewrite Leviticus.
Except the parts about the food those are done away with right?
Though something tells me those laws were written with the intent of avoiding animals that consume humans which pigs have been known to do many times before... oh and He also cast demons into them and sent them over a cliff- but you know what you're right: Peter had some obscure ass dream and now we're off the hook... well I don't think so, but your body your choice.
Gideon's Army is another good one you should read. It answers your "gatchya" attempt. I'll also clear it up by pointing out the founding fathers were in constant disagreement except when it came to essential liberty and the fight for freedom. We will not always be in agreement. And that is what we should not divide ourselves over. We can argue and debate, but the point of the post is to not allow it to become division. In the end we should all be on Team America (FUCK YEAH!!!) and we should all want a better world for all of us. If we can agree to that then I say we're no longer divided.
Jesus died for sins... not evil... there is no forgiveness for such acts of evil and though I don't know for sure, I am confident that Christ agrees.
I don't know if this means anything, but I have never in my life seen an actual Christian refer to Jesus as, "Jesus H. Christ". Unbelievers take his names in vain like that, but actually refer to him... Never.
Theologically I want to point out "unity" is not something Christians have with unbelievers. The thing we all have in common is sin, and by God's grace, his people are forgiven their sins... But unity? Never. God promises there will never be unity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Jacob God loved and Esau he hated. Jesus didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. We are called to forgive and bless our enemies and the enemies of the cross, but not unite with them. The division is hard and fast.
Unity as Americans? Maybe. But I've found so many Americans who hate that namesake.
This would make a great Sunday Sticky.
Please don't sticky this post. It will create division and a sense of betrayal.
I am in the camp that we should have been using mean words and shaming and mocking these evil people a long time ago. Not just the evil ones, but those who willingly carry the water for evil. Then there is the other side who want to treat these people with kindness.
But here's the problem, when someone like me, a friend, tries to interject that that that is not our path to victory, and tries to convince others to fight, fight, fight. The proponents of kindness, and no division all of a sudden find their fighting snark and use it on friend instead of foe.
If you really don't want division, don't tell your friends how to fight this war. We all have too much at stake.
I appreciate you opinion & I am all for putting down evi along with shills.
I continue to see hope & consider many on this board might be newcomers that do not spend much time in forums or digging though websites, though are having interaction with many that are waking up and are looking for a place to turn for fellowship in freedom & good information.
The top posts need the sentiment of OP & sorting by new certainly should be scrutinized & picked apart, though I would rather have disinfo destroyed with truth rather than the perceived need to give into the nature of those who want to drag every individual down so they do not need to rise up themselves.
Maybe I am just looking at the futhue where we can all live in peace & unity of the teaching of those like Jesus Christ/eternal principles.
Thank you for working to keep us & the community to a high standard.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I went back and reread all your posts on this thread, and all of them are very good. Everyone should pay attention.
I really do think the WWG1WGA premise is important, That is why I hate posts like this because they do the opposite. You only have to look at the down votes across all posts to see it is not creating harmony,
Thank you for your response.
You are welcome fren. Most of the time I do try & put lost of considered thought into my responses, especially on topics like this one.
From life experience I tend to have a fuse that just may be too long & possibly would have less fallout if I simply stopped crazy at it's inception. Though I have never been called out as being "wrong" when I blow & even the guys I beat into the ground end up apologizing for not realizing they needed to change earlier.
The punk I had the largest blow up at years ago lives in my city now & occasionally works for me & comes for advice. He often tells me I am still a dick & he still deserves it. Granted he is the only one of his family that hasn't killed himself (siblings) or ended up in prison for violent crimes.
I don't expect everyone to lift to an incredibly high vibration as so many in this forum talk about, heck I might just be somewhere in the middle of that vibratory field as they might call it. Though I figure if I can help build someone else up more than they would have been able to do it without another person believing in them, then I have done good in this world & left it a better place. If I can even average 1 person/year then I will have had an incredibly successful life. Teaching correct principles & then letting others choose how to follow that path is all I can & really should do. I also hope my fuse never burns out until after all my children are grown, I really don't want them to glorify the need to beat bad actors into submission. It unfortunately is needed from time to time simply due to the fact most of the ones who end up on my receiving end cannot grasp any other form of communication until they realize that they are in a very real danger. Though for every single one of them, I have been able to teach at least twenty others without that level of protective force.
Maybe I just use that same long fuse online too.
Thanks for taking the time to read those posts & again thank you for standing up for freedom.
Wrong again.
:) :) :) <3
This is very strong message, and I agree wholeheartedly. Full disclosure - I struggle with being compassionate and forgiving, so I know I have a long way to go in this area.
Honestly, for me, my agreement is as selfish as it is an attempt to be a loving warrior. There was a time, not so many years ago, that I was asleep. I wasn't full on woke, but I did buy the narrative on many levels. And I wasn't always very charitable towards those who had already seen what was going on. I wasn't confrontational, but I sure didn't respect their viewpoint.
Even though I recognized something wasn't quite right, it still took me a very long time to fully wake up. And I fear there is still a lot I have left to learn and discern. So when I hate on the brainwashed, I'm being a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
I don't believe we have to buckle under and accept the evil that surrounds us. There will be times when nothing but a full on fight will get us back to the right path - freedom and righteousness. But I do believe we (I) can show compassion and love to those who are slowly waking up, no matter who they may be or what they may have believed before.
This is tough place to be. But if we can unite, all of us who cherish freedom and righteousness, then we will be stronger and better equipped to defeat the deep state. And that's the whole point, isn't it?
I really want to comment on your post as I see this position far too often. Humble, you are not a hypocrite!
All of us have come up against this awakening at different times. For me, it was Sandy Hook. Just like we all wake up at different times, we also all wake up for different reasons.
The one thing I do see though is that we have forgotten how to think. Maybe we haven't actually forgotten, but there are certain topics that buzzwords come into play. We take in information and when we get new information, it is perfectly ok to change our position. As a matter of fact it is more than ok, it is what logic and common sense look like. But, far to many of us are afraid to change positions thinking we might look like a hypocrite.
Please realize there was a reason the cia coined the term conspiracy theory There is also a reason the term hypocrite comes to mind when logic should be the term.
I keep seeing people who think they must determine if a specific person is a black hat or a white hat. If some situation is real or fake. If a stranger on social media is believable. We don't have to come to any conclusions on any of this stuff right away, We can wait for more and more information and then using that added information come to a determination, that is still possible to change if even more info comes to light.
One last thing, we must accept that we are going to be wrong.... a lot. Please don't stay locked into a position simply because someone has convinced you that is what hypocrisy; looks like. They are wrong. You are using logic.
Thank you, maggle! It's certainly been a long journey from there to here, and it continues every day. I particularly like your emphasis on using logic and discernment, especially as new verifiable information comes to light.
I hope we all can find a way have patience and compassion for those who aren't as far along on that journey. I believe that - very soon - some are going to be forced to wake up. And quickly. It's going to be traumatic for them, but necessary. And our compassion will go a long way toward healing.
Again, thank you.
i agree on the sentiment but mocking people does work
It's very difficult not to fall for the hate, I admit. Watching injustice and hypocrisy unfold is something I have little patience for. That being said, staying quiet is not how we better society. A society without a voice to balance ourselves and to keep our perspective on truth is why sometimes calling ppI out isn't just important... It's necessary. It's how I got out of my leftist bubble. A good rebuking is what's needed, but only to promote positive change.
Fantastic message❤️❤️❤️
Hatred for others is not how I feel as far as what's going on in the world... I'm tired, sad, frustrated, bewildered and a whole myriad of other emotions balled up in this 60 year old body... Righteous anger even our savior Christ had and he expressed it that day at the temple when he overturned the tables of the money changers and whipped them with the whip he made for that time... Yes, Christ did say forgive them Father for they know not what they do... But righteous anger is still fair in this battle... Do I want revenge for what's been done to us??? NO!!! I want justice and those that are guilty of the injustices to be tried and punished accordingly...
alrite faggot, we get it. love thy enemies. thanks for reminding us.
Try again.
lol oh you.
Sorry for the late sticky.. this was not sticked for 14h.
My personal story regarding forgiveness.
Back in 2009, my husband of the age of 30 was taken to a hospital by his mother, admitted as single, and within 24 hours died at the hospital. Nobody contacted me too be able to say goodbye, they purple banded him, and once he had gone septic they ended life-support.
At the time we were separated, but we never wanted to get a divorce, he had a drinking problem that he had just finally tackled, and I had seen him 10 days before he died at his parents house where we had sex on their couch.
It’s a very long story, however, they lied to me about how he died and when he died. It wasn’t until I got the hospital records, that I found out that they even purple banded him, and they DNRed him. Finding this out just broke me. I also had learned that his father worked in Las Vegas doing RO water systems for the casinos. His mother called his father down, which is about a 3 to 4 Hour Drive into Phoenix. During that time not one person in that family contacted me, I was a half an hour from the hospital that he died in.
Later I also found out that there was Ethlene glycol in his system, which is radiator fluid. To this day I believe that his mom murdered him, because he was in the hospital for less than 24 hours, under the age of 30, and I didn’t find out until later that an autopsy wasn’t done either.
It wasn’t until last year, that I finally found it in my heart to forgive them. I went to Hawaii to be discipled by some family members, and we walked through all the garbage in my heart using God‘s word. By the time I left there, I had written letters of forgiveness to several people in my family including my husband‘s parents. I did so with no strings attached, with no expectation of hearing from them.
This March it will be one year that I let go of that anger and bitterness and resentment from my heart. And I can’t tell you how good it feels to know I’m not angry anymore. I truly forgive them. Not just for not allowing me to be there to say goodbye, but because I do truly believe that they murdered him.
I finally am at peace with my Lord and Savior, and with my life where it is right now here today. There’s nothing I can do to bring him back, and I love him dearly, and miss him very much… But he’s in heaven with the Lord. The unforgiveness was eating me alive, but no longer! I am free indeed!
As of Today, I have never heard back from his parents they have never apologized, or even admitted that They had done anything wrong. I’m OK with that. One thing that my family member shared with me… That if I could forgive them what they had done, perhaps that one act of forgiveness would bring them to the Lord and they would have salvation. We can only hope.
Thank you for this post, it is so important to not live our lives with anger bitterness resentment and unforgiveness in our hearts. There are plenty of scriptures regarding those topics but I’m not gonna go that deep.
If there’s anybody in your life personally that you feel you need to forgive, I highly recommend doing so, in the love in the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen
So very true. We need to be united even though there are some on that side who wish for us to be in camps and our wealth confiscated.
We need to forgive them and press on anyway. There are so many who are actually just lost and lashing out. It is super hard but We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let’s save our retarded cousins. Lol.
Well, basically just that lol. It is what it is, well, for now anyways.
Amen and Thank you, Patriot in Christ. God bless you FOREVER and EVER!
It might be useful here, for those seeking a "door" into this world of Christianity and, above all, faith -- an Amazon Prime (I know, ugh) show called "The Chosen".
First season is free, iirc. This is a very well done series showing the lives of the apostles as Jesus "chose" them. Artistic license is there, sure, but the message is very clear. I think many would benefit from it.
I would also recommend a series (originally on Netflix, I think - I don't really remember, as I don't pay for it anymore) called "The Gospel of [insert apostle name here]" (e.g. "The Gospel of John"). I think they have an episode for John, Matthew, Luke, and Mark.
This week in my church's calendar it was Christmas, so be filled with joy! Christ is born! 🙏☦
Agree - we need to show the dems and sheep that we all have a common enemy /satan and the cabal and the Global Elite and corrupt politicians - once we can all rally together against a common enemy the masses will be united - the trick is convincing the dems and sheep that satan exists and the cabal is the enemy of the humanrace
Not even. Just need to convince them that we are ALL victims of an evil system. And we are.
Most of these "jobs" are bullshit. They're designed to perpetuate the system for the greed and pedo habits of the elite. While I don't agree with the anti-work crowd on everything, I feel I agree with them more than politicians and CEOs...
I don't recognize your authority to preach to me about what God wants.
I speak to God and Jesus Christ and am moved by the Holy Spirit without or without your permission or approval.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one... and when presenting your asshole or your opinion, I believe it's best to have humility enough not to claim your asshole is the mouth for God.
You do not speak for God.
If you feel that this post somehow describes you, that is between you and God. If you felt whole in your person, you probably would not be bothered by this.
In any case, I'll use your post to remind one and all reading this that there are many, MANY agents of the dark agenda who lurk right here amongst us, pretend to BE us, with the whole and soul purpose of dividing us (even amongst our own selves, before doing so between us v/s rest-of-humanity), and whose core purpose is to promote hatred, war, and strife. And that regardless of whether I speak for God or not, that it is but common sense that Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Unity, and Kindness are values worth fighting (even dying) for; I don't think even hardcore Atheists or Agnostics will disagree with this one. After all, the ONLY people (temporarily) benefitting from War, Violence and Other Dark Acts are Power-Hungry madmen and madwomen of LESSER-LIGHT.
The ones who actually suffer from war and violence and separation-consciousness, the mothers who lose their sons and the fathers who lose their daughters and the kids who lose their beloved pets RIGHT BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES... those people KNOW FOR A FACT that separation and violence and hatred is NOT the way to go unless you are of the most depraved, most messed-up, most psychotic, evil type of being.
I have nothing against the person who has posted this comment, and I'm not even implying that they are (voluntarily) serving the negative agenda here; but I find it appropriate to use this comment to re-mention the obvious.
I wish this person well.
Is this the same Jesus that whipped the money lenders out of the temple and overturned their tables?
Forgiveness for those who seek it, but I will not negotiate with evil.
Even when doing that, he wasn't doing it out of hate, but because it was the right thing to do. And being connected to God and GUIDED by God, he had the WISDOM to know just WHAT was the right thing to do, HOW to do it best, and WHEN. Can you honestly and sincerely say the same about yourself?
If Jesus was a psycho madman killer then they'd have firstly found Judas in a bodybag before absolutely anyone else.
In any case, I've clearly highlighted in my post that it is NOT about silently taking BS from those who are actively trying to destroy us or anything; but changing our PERSPECTIVE (firstly and foremostly) against those whom we have been TAUGHT to hate (just as THEY have been taught and brainwashed to hate US)... and that we WILL 100% NEED ALL OF THE LOVE and COMPASSION and KINDNESS and FORGIVENESS, and, above all, UNITY to get us ALL through this to the other side.
And everyone from Q and DJT to JHC and GOD are very much in alignment with that exact same perspective, from what has been made pretty obvious till date.
Hope this helps!
When someone else in this thread mentioned he was accepting of God's inner guidance as he saw it you appeared to pour scorn on this point of view (albeit ever so delicately).
I understand what is required if we are all to move into the GA as one, but in order to achieve that we must be forging of ourselves first and foremost.
I am not objecting to the message you give here, but perhaps you might want to reflect on the manner of your delivery? I can see it ruffling a few feathers just from a glance.
You may need a nice cool drink of fresh water. Come to the clean well and we will share with you,.Then you too may understand.
you may want to look at a few different tranlations.
Thank you for the invite, but I'd prefer to focus on walking the One True Path and having a fellowship with Jesus Christ, rather than worrying about what you and your drinking buddies are promoting.
Romans 12:2.
My goodness, the snark directed at you for no reason. You did not agree with the OP, and neither did I. So, posters decide to snark at you because you used language they didn't like? Good grief. In the meantime, I bet they say nothing when some stranger walks by with their masked 5 year old. Or, when they overhear how someone is going to get their teen the jab. These posters will say nothing when faced with true evil, but feel very secure in snarking at some stranger who is supposedly on their side, and on the side of good.
So, I don't get this. Most people on this forum talk about how they believe in Jesus, God etc. all day. But when it comes to following his actual teachings of Love, Forgiveness etc. suddenly it's a big no-no?
Even people like Q and DJT haven't thrown out calls for hatred, division and violence. Like, it would have taken these folks BUT ONE TWEET OR POST to kickstart a full-fledged fucking Civil War.
But they know better. And given that this very website, this very portal, this very movement is THEIR creation and contribution to our world to begin with...what exactly is so very "wrong" about us actually TRUSTING their damn PLAN?
Pray tell us!
I don't think somebody who is really writing about Jesus would throw in an F bomb in the middle of their diatribe, and then tell the rest of us how to comport ourselves. Most Christians really resent the use of that kind of language in a piece about being Christ like. Please YOU need to stop the division.
Neither do you. Nor does anyone. Or do we?
It's like being King. If you are the King, people see it and accept it. If you have to declare it, then you are no King at all...
Well... if you have to say you speak for God, chances are you don't. OP never claimed to. OP shared their thoughts and feelings and is clearly passionate about this issue. OP made you read their post- oh no wait... OP didn't make you do anything. YOU chose to read it and for whatever reason feel compelled to reject what they are saying with your dumb ass statement, "you do not speak for God". How do you know they don't? That's right, you don't. You felt personally attacked, because OP called you out and instead of thinking on it, you choose to give pushback with the emotionally charged "you don't speak for God"
Everyone speaks for God. We are His creation and many times in life I have heard things that are Truthful and profound from places and people that I did not ever think could say and speak such, but if He is all powerful then He can speak through even the most broken of sinners some truth to those who need to hear it and may not have heard otherwise.
You don't feel OP speaks for God that is your business. That does NOT persist for others especially me. OP spoke truthfully and honestly. OP absolutely spoke for God to me.
I'm not angry at all.
No need to immediately resort to personal attacks.
I will pray for you.
My fren, regardless of whether you are actively or unknowingly working for the agents of the dark, I have to tell you this: All of this anger, all of this rage, vitriol, hatred, fury,'s not worth it. Doesn't help you sleep well at night. Doesn't fill your heart with a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling. Just makes you lonelier, depressed, broken and separated from the rest of the world. And it becomes an infinite loop of its own, filling you with more hatred and more distrust (and all other negative stuff) with each iteration.
Yes, changing into a different person can be (and, most often, IS) very much so hard and not something you're going to be able to do in a day. But, consider this; isn't it far, far better than that which is the alternative?
Your choice.
You assumed u/Sutton was angry, and proceeded to ponder his cognitive ability because of it.
Now you're reframing your words to mean something they didn't.
Cut the cult crap.
Thank you for the post Completely agree.
The best way our enemies die is when they die to their sinful selves.
Thank you for the reminder that LOVE is the only transforming power in this world and that spinning our wheels in the mud of a hateful culture war is just the very thing the C_A would have us do to keep us divided and powerless.
"His banner over me is love"
Nailed it.
Get a life.
Sometimes we need to be reminded, Amen.
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. - Matthew 10:34-35