People perpetuating mass formation psychosis say there's no such thing!
Except we have known for decades, perhaps even longer than that, that humans have a conformity bias.
Subconsciously we like to fit in and be a part of things; we want to have the "correct" opinions and participate with the larger overall group.
This is well documented.
Additionally, when it comes to persuasive power you need only look at things like a misheard lyrics video or threads on Reddit where they talk about some indeterminable wording in some audio or video clip, and everyone is like "I HEARD THAT TOO!" because the title of the thread immediately puts a subconscious bias into a brain to hear what it expects to hear.
Admittedly not sure what that phenomenon is called but we are very easy to subject to persuasion and it's even moreso when you have the need to conform.
We are social beings. We conform. This is considered the norm. So to deny that mass formation psychosis could even exist is denying decades or centuries of science.
“Science” is what they say it is, and the definition changes as the narrative changes. We’ve seen that in real time. Unfortunately, many people have been lulled into laziness and complacency - they will believe whatever they’re told because it’s easier. Adversity builds character - this is why the left constantly promises handouts, promising to make things easier for people - to weaken us.
Anytime you see "fact check" means it's the truth and the media is trying to convince you its not. So in this very funny case AP is telling you that you this is false and they're also the ones providing the "fact checking"!? The irony level is off the charts.
Experts: "Mass brainwashing isn't real" Also experts "conspiracy theorists are mass brainwashed"
"FACT CHECK" means leave your f#*king FACTS at the door, WE will tell you what to believe.
Whats 2+2?
Only people who can answer this correctly will be allowed to enter the NWO (in the alternate timeline that is)
It's fucking 5
Wrong. 2 + 2 = 22.
Good to know what the litmus test will be.
I believe the answer is 666
Pepe loves pushing buttons! So much fun!
We need a Dee Dee from Dexter’s lab Pepe-fied stat!
Sending out the Fake Fact Checkers to clean up inconvenient truths!
Experts suggest that what experts suggest is expertly suggested
How many fact checkers need to fact check the facts to know that the fact checkers are fucked?
This holy book is holy because it says so
Streisand must be losing her mind right now. The only thing left is for them to start burning copies of 1984.
Thats the best part, these kind of posts gets normies to go and look up the stuff
(Plagiarised, but worth a mention ICYMI here ...)
... So does pointing out that DELTA and OMICRON combined is a PERFECT anagram of MEDIA CONTROL!
I've introduced a LOT of curiosity/bewilderment from Normies when pointing that out, letter by letter.
Also don’t forget omicron = moronic
So safe to say white hats in control? ~ish ?
..... I am in awe of people who can do Anagrams. I would never figure these things out.
Even more amazing is the people who can make palindromes! One of my favorites is, "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!"
Can’t keep a good anon down. Welcome back.
Damn! You caught me :) I couldn't resist posting something :) (and yes, I couldn't resist checking up on what is REALLY happening in the world :) )
It is easy to do anagrams. All you need is a secret decoder ring while drinking a hot cup of Ovaltine!
Terrific example of can't be a coincidence but probably is
Like this one:
They both equal thirteen
And both have thirteen letters!
What are the odds? It must be comms
And Omicron by itself spells Moronic.
Some folks. The lack of curiosity in sheep is very high.
Lol. The ap is the last place I would be looking for the facts. They think we are all as dumb as their readers.
It's always the AP. They've done more damage than wikipedia.
OOo....that's a bold claim, Cotton.
Wikipedia has got to be the worst collection of "facts" to ever be referenced for anything of significance.
Ah but here's the thing.
A lot of Wikipedia entries reference AP or AP's "sources"
I thought I pretty much covered that with, "anything of significance" 🤷♂️
Thank you Malone!
People perpetuating mass formation psychosis say there's no such thing!
Except we have known for decades, perhaps even longer than that, that humans have a conformity bias.
Subconsciously we like to fit in and be a part of things; we want to have the "correct" opinions and participate with the larger overall group.
This is well documented.
Additionally, when it comes to persuasive power you need only look at things like a misheard lyrics video or threads on Reddit where they talk about some indeterminable wording in some audio or video clip, and everyone is like "I HEARD THAT TOO!" because the title of the thread immediately puts a subconscious bias into a brain to hear what it expects to hear.
Admittedly not sure what that phenomenon is called but we are very easy to subject to persuasion and it's even moreso when you have the need to conform.
We are social beings. We conform. This is considered the norm. So to deny that mass formation psychosis could even exist is denying decades or centuries of science.
Kind of like everything else the left is doing.
“Science” is what they say it is, and the definition changes as the narrative changes. We’ve seen that in real time. Unfortunately, many people have been lulled into laziness and complacency - they will believe whatever they’re told because it’s easier. Adversity builds character - this is why the left constantly promises handouts, promising to make things easier for people - to weaken us.
I guess everybody believes that now …
Fucking pure panic. Love it. Get fucked AP.
Sorry AP Fact Check. Who are you? Obviously you think you know more than everyone else. Note to AP Factcheckers.....YOU DON'T.
Anytime you see "fact check" means it's the truth and the media is trying to convince you its not. So in this very funny case AP is telling you that you this is false and they're also the ones providing the "fact checking"!? The irony level is off the charts.
In future they will invent a new word to use for this
Their own psychosis doesn't allow them to see that their 'fact check' proves his point.
So to break the psychosis a bigger mass threat is needed. Scarier than WhuFlu to shake them out of it. Wonder what will be that threat.
I thought seeing their loved ones dying around them would be it, but I think there is something else bigger on the way
Nah when their grandma dies they can rage on Twitter for sympathy and to blame those dirty unjabbed.
Add UNFOUNDED to the list of programming markers
without evidence
conspiracy theory
Terms designed to program the brain to automatically and uncritically reject and disbelieve anything connected with the term
WAH-WAH-WAAAAHHHHHH! (Supposed to be that air horn sound)
"T h e r e i s n o b r a i n w a s h i n g"
"T h e r e i s n o b r a i n w a s h i n g"
"T h e r e i s n o b r a i n w a s h i n g"
"T h e r e i s n o b r a i n w a s h i n g"
"T h e r e i s n o b r a i n w a s h i n g"
As we've all seen for the last 5 years, the difference between 'unfounded conspiracy theories' and the truth is about 6 to 8 months.
This 'mass formation psychosis' idea is actually an excellent meme to easily 'hypnotize' normies out of their state of sleep. Absolutely brilliant
"Fact Check" means "Opinion Check."
I have a better name for it. Fucking STUPIDITY.
Would this be considered “meta”?
Zuck has entered the chat
“Get the facts” lmao.
The brainwashed experts?
These the same folks who told us men can be women and women can be men by wishing it were so?
The same folks who say it is racist to not recognize the collective experiences based on the color of one's skin?
Wait til they get their hands on the probable parasite connection
Or the germ theory being hoax.
Quack shrinks shill for big pharma, imagine my shock
"Psychology experts say" is exactly how the mass formation psychosis steps in. People "trust the experts".
Sadly too many people will now say, see, it's been debunked by AP and not even realize what just happened.