HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Court Rules Pennsylvania Senate’s Investigation of the 2020 Election Results in the State Will Move Forward
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The keystone state
We don't need an investigation to determine that Brandon didn't win Pennsylvania.
My vote was nullified for sure with the massive vote dumps
Mine too. PA IS RED
Ill like to remind everyone its been almost 1.5 years since the election.
The wheels of justice turn slowly.
It took two years to remove another Democrat who won via voter fraud. Here is a senator who was pulled from office due to heinous democrat fraud which was finally litigated two years after he was sworn in -
Well this seems to be a core problem then.
Almost like we should have protections in place against this and accountability. I'm talking penalty of death shit.
This is honestly the only thing that will stop it. You help steal an election, you get the death penalty. It has to be treated as treason, regardless if a foreign country is directly involved or not. The ONLY way this stops is when people are punished severely for it. And I don't just mean the underlings carrying out orders from above. ALL of them need to face justice. Without free and fair elections, we have no country. Period. This is the cornerstone of our great nation. Anyone who tries to destroy that should be removed from society forever, one way or the other.
Election theft really is Treason. It's betraying the citizens of the election which comprise the Nation.
I’ll allow it
Amen to that
Sometimes, even often, the wheels of justice do turn very slowly. The problem is we’ve been talking about the wheels of justice for going on five years. They haven’t even clicked. And actually, if you look at the fact that elections have been stolen for decades, at some point I’m not gonna blame people for being impatient or for having doubts.
problem is they only need to keep elections documents for 22 months! Their plan is to run out the clock!
What it means to me is that the gunk in the teeth has hardened up real good and it's going to take a lot of force and patience and time and effort to chip it out and clean the gears so the machine can finally start functioning correctly again.
At times, I think the wheels are turning in reverse.
Sure feels that way
You can die fighting or you can die crying.
We have a lot of evidence. Just because you willfully look the other way while you suck Joe's dick doesn't mean there isn't any.
We saw the coordination live.
So, please kill yourself.
And it’s a good opportunity to address his point, to answer his questions in a convincing way. Isn’t it? To be honest with you I’d like to see the answers to those questions and the rebuttals of his points because I want to believe that this is moving in the right direction. Desperately want to believe it. But when I see people asking questions like this, getting down voted and then ignored or blocked or kicked out of here, it’s concerning to me. When someone has questions about my faith, I can talk about Christ. I can talk about why I believe what I believe. I can talk about evidence and belief, I can talk about why I believe what I believe. I’m not gonna convince anyone by just telling them they’re stupid for not agreeing with me. As a spectator here, for the most part, I’m very interested in seeing the arguments from folks like you who can convince people like me that justice is coming even if it’s not entirely on the surface at this moment. I do believe somethings happening, I think there’s too many coincidences to deny that’s some thing, I’m not sure what, is absolutely happening that is way way above my head.
I believe something is happening. Do you know why? Killary didn’t win in 2016, and the deep state could do the same trick has done for many years like they did in 2020. Why they didn’t in 2016 if they were so good at stealing elections? What happened in 2016? I believe President Trump let the deep state to steal the 2020 elections on purpose. I know something is going on behind scenes plus Do you think he will not fight like he did for us(America) during his term? I do not think so. He is too clever.
I might have mixed up who was replying to who. My bad, and I retract my statement.
You really have a relevant username. I just linked to a few things to him, browse around there. There is plenty of evidence, it's just our justice system is corrupt to the core. The attorney general is supposed to be non-partisan, yet he's actlng like a sore-winning Democrat. How are people sent to prison by what other people say (evidence) yet the thousands of affidavits by poll workers are not considered evidence? There are many facts, videos, people admitting it, whistleblowers, it's the fact that these judges are threatened or paid off, the truth will prevail.
Better late than never
Justice delayed is justice denied.
That's objectively false. Justice often takes time.
Yeah, that's Commie talk.
All those that died during the plandemic because they were denied life-saving drugs, all those that were murdered when they were abandoned by the pedo regime in Afghanistan, they will never know justice.
Collateral damage I guess. I’m assuming when all of this finally happens, when the plan clicks into place, we will be able to look back on these tough times and understand why things had to be the way they were. That’s the only thing keeping me sane because it sure looks like there’s a lot of acceptable collateral damage happening all around us every day. Even children.
Justice delayed is Justice allayed.. not denied.
Whether or not the voter actually exists would be my guess.
May 3 will be 1.5 years
I saw the letter PA legislature asked Pence to not certify yet. There were irregularities and asked for 2 more weeks. Pence knew and defied their request.
Problem is Shapiro "won" and is trying to stop everything.
He’s not a Presbyterian problem
Pence sealed his fate. He couldn't win for dog catcher.
Yup, Pence's political career is over.
Is the matrix running out of RAM? Because the (2 more weeks) meme keeps popping up everywhere.
Yeah... it'll be just like AZ.
You DO realize there is a reason nothing is being done (for now) right?
Maybe so. I'm not in the know.
Only trust Gods plan honestly.
Yep. His plan is the one I trust. Even though it guarantees our persecution.
Read the book of Habakkuk this morning. Even If we suffer long, God will win and righteousness will prevail in the end. As we used to say in the Army, "Ruck up, its a long march."
I honestly feel the Trump family falls under this as well. He was put in power by god and serves as his messenger to us all
Does the sting actually start stinging at some point, is what everyone is actively wondering
I actually do believe that, but when do you think the sting is actually going to sting? Nobody’s been stung. Midterms are coming up. 2022 is here. We say on one side that elections are being stolen from us with ease by the left, but also celebrating that it looks like we might be able to pick up a bunch of seats in the midterms. Those two statements don’t go together. So are we saying, is the general consensus, that some of these arrests and election security issues going to be resolved before 2022 is over? Because man, I would love to see that.
I don’t just want it exposed the commies cheated. I want every person that aided that cheated hung.
That is surprising good news indeed.
Huge breaking news it is that the ds is still fighting it tooth and nail?
Both sides are calling it a win. Holy crap already...can we just show what we have and get on with it?
YES! <--- there's a GREAT pic here
What's that, the number of years we've suffered with the fake plandemic so far?
"The subpoena had requested a 17 categories of records"
What "court" has the authority?
Don't get me wrong, I want it to move forward, but they shouldn't need the "blessing" of some black-robed tyrants. Our "judicial" system is so completely fucked that it needs to be completely redone from the ground up.
Ha ha no, not yet...miles away from it
It'll be huge news if and when something, anything, comes of it
::fingers crossed::
The article also states that the audit stops short of looking at the actual voting machines. This is another weak attempt at constituent appeasement.
How many months do we have left to prove fraud in the 2020 election? Is it 22 months?
Here's the thing. IF the military has it all, and all the cheaters were caught, couldn't they just dump all that info 21+ months after the election? At any point, actually. If they have it all, they could just end it all at any moment. I'm guessing they are waiting for the right time so it's more easily digested by the sleeping masses. Biden's numbers are tanking daily. People are ready for all of this COVID mess to end. Very soon it will come as a huge relief when the entire thing is exposed and we can get back to normal. The worse it gets, the easier it will be to convince people they were cheated. So yes, it will continue to get worse until the point someone gives the green light to expose them all. Damn I hope it's soon.
September 2022 is 22 months
Watch the keystone and watch the sleeper cell, the Covid killer Tom Wolf who forced the elderly into nursing homes before letting Levine take his mother out of a facility first.
I watched the numbers in Lackawanna County flip in real time. It was around 10:30 pm.
That’s when I knew.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear about why the black lights were used in the AZ audit.
Pulitzer... Pulitzer... Pulitzer...
Oh they can investigate can they
Something tells me the corrupt courts and legislatures aren't the only way, but someone else is
Someone bringing something that nothing can stop...what is it, what is it....
Oh yeah: What's coming
Woh, they should slow down. How are we to enjoy the heat death of the universe, with these kids going about all willy nilly signing off on papers at such a breathtaking speed?
The fountain pen was a mistake.
Oouh boy, can’t wait to see this go nowhere
Why the hell does it take a year and a half to get this moving?
💥KA-BLAMO DS Ya pack o worms!!!💥
((( Jaws theme song intensifies )))
Please stop with the "huge breaking news" crap until there's an actual arrest or electors are decertified based on the massive election fraud in 2020!
Shill-shake with a grammatically humiliating sentence.
Imagine my surprise...
How's the impatience going handshake? This is about exposing corruption, then the arrests. Not the other way around.
OK since you know the exact formula, apparently, how much exposure before we get arrests? I’m not trying to be a dick, I really wanna know if you have an idea of what timeframe might be. Because we “exposed“ so much voter fraud already, look at Arizona. What happened? How much more do we need to expose before people step in? I mean if the plan here is that patriots are already secretly in control, and we just need to expose what’s going on so we can wake people at large up, at what point have we exposed enough before the White Hats step in and start making arrests?
Because as we celebrate Democrats dropping out and retiring, not running again, for 2022, but we are also convinced that these people just steal elections at will, then what’s the point in having elections in 2022 or even thinking we’re going to sweep them? It’s incongruent if arrests don’t happen before those elections, if elections aren’t secure before 2022, we can’t out of one side of our mouth celebrate that we will have a chance to pick up a bunch of seats while at the same time sticking to our guns that elections have been stolen at will. That doesn’t make any sense. I’m not questioning it I’m just trying to make sense of it.
A strawman fallacy right off the bat? Alright.
Law of war manual states you must exhaust all legal options, and be under full blown foreign control before we can do devolution.
You also need the right to be pissed off.
You also need as much of the left to flip as possible.
And then you do mass RICO style arrests.
You can't scatter your enemies or let them know your strength before you execute your trump card.
We can't know when things will happen, because then the enemy would know.
This is complete warfare, its not fun, its not fair.
You need to find your center. Read more q drops.
Find a way to understand and accept the suffering because its a part of change, and a part of life.
It wasn’t a strawman fallacy (as that would imply I was making a statement), it truly was a question.
A question that you answered, sort of.
And I want to offer my warmest thanks for your considerate, thoughtful and insightful answer.
As far as the Q drops - I was (probably) studying them before you. Maybe, maybe not.
But then everything you said still leads me to my same question.
When will it be enough? And your answer kind of is what I am getting at - we really don’t know.
WHEN will all legal avenues be exhausted?
When will “enough” of the left flip
We don’t know.
I should have made myself more clear in my intent. I am trying to urge patience for those who are impatient and confused and frustrated and who feel “doomy”.
They/we aren’t bad people, they aren’t off the team, they are justifiably confused and frustrated.
I’ll rephrase it: not every questioning handshake is an asshole. For the record, I don’t know what he said. But I am still questioning in some ways and have been temp banned more than once so I identify with anyone who has good intentions but is still wondering.
But answers like you have gave are very helpful. And again, my warmest thanks.
"OK since you know the exact formula, apparently" Doesn't strike me as the prelude to a great conversation. It seems like a strawman, as I didn't assert such knowledge.
I myself need to learn more about the law of war, i read someone here say you need to be occupied for 1 year, and that all courts are shown to be compromised, after showing the legislature is compromised (certifying election).
Im tough on handshakes because there is a distinct difference between complaining/shilling, and asking honest questions. If someone is bitching while asking a question that is answered dozens a time a day here i'm not giving them much benefit of the doubt. But im very open to genuine inquiry.
Glad you seem mostly on top of things, but caring too much about answers to questions you can't really know without extreme level clearance will drive you crazy.