Many of us do, but it rarely gets out like this due to suppression, bans, etc. Speaking for myself, I've been telling these Maskholes to get fcked from the get go.
Right on for the lady ! My problem w/ the video is - THE FUCKING SHEEP just sat there …they fucking DID NOTHING ! Except maybe a polite golf clap once the shitheads left! I mean that entire restaurant should have chased those fuckers down!!!! Wtf!
I see it differently. I see them supporting her stance by eating at her restaurant. They knew she wasn’t going to be bullied and no doubt would’ve jumped in if she needed their help.
Yes. Now the commies go off to plot save face. Which is why they all need to be confronted separately when they aren't under their fake color of authority.
That bearded dude was there for intimidation. He didn't even have in the agency jacket. Maybe 20 men on his doorstep would chill his ass.out.
I can proudly say that I see this more often than the opposite! This is the Ontario, and Canada that actually exists! Funny how the MSM and our Woke never portray it. All anyone elsewhere ever sees or hears about are the whiners and assholes who are NOT real Canadians. Kind of like this was the plan, do you think? Divide and conquer?
Thank you for this! Blessings to you and this kickass lady!!!
You know we are so LUCKY with this recent attack by the DS versus all the others (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korean War, and every other time they demonized one group of people and forced them to relinquish their rights including freedom and life). We know our rights. We know it’s wrong AND we can video tape the lackeys of the DS who were customers & neighbors yesterday! I immediately think of WW2 in Germany and what happened to the Jewish people. People did fight back but it was so dangerous. Here we are able to film it and share it and gain strength from seeing people stand up. We can also see people marching in many cities around the world, showing their opposition to their governments and the removal of their rights. The DS created the internet as a tool to surveil us BUT we have used it as a tool to show we are many and we do NOT agree with their policies. What would they expect in an upside down world? Suck it DS.
Those people have homes and ffamilies. Maybe they ought to be paid a visit. I'm done. Tar and feather these Fuckers and bury them 6 feet if it is what it takes.
DO WE REALLY NEED PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN OUR COMMUNITIES? Threatening charges and she doesn't even k ow what tjeyabre. Even brought a cop. He kept his mouth shut so maybe he isn't for this.
This is in Canada. Well done. A rare Canadian patriot.
Really, a Canadian? That would make her an even bigger Patriot, or Humanitarian (take your pick)
The twitter link says it's 'The Leaky Tank' diner in Sarnia, Ontario.
My bad, mobile, on the move. No mistakes intentional
so, are you saying sorry? how canadian...
Yea at the end you can see the Canadian "no more lock down" flag by the door. Big time patriot in a land of cucks.
She is more American than most Americans.
More Please!
"And don't shake your head at me you fucking brown-shirt"
This women is a true patriot.
I came here to post that quote!
Vibing cat makes any day a good day.
I love this woman!
Love this lady. She is what’s right with the world.
That’s how Americans should be responding
Many of us do, but it rarely gets out like this due to suppression, bans, etc. Speaking for myself, I've been telling these Maskholes to get fcked from the get go.
Me too. Sent this fuck off email to all the staff since the company said get jabbed or be homeless:
Good one
The only thing stopping us is Q.
If we didn’t think that the military was going to stop these assclowns, many of us would have already taken action.
We were ordered to stand down.
“You’ve been told.”
Fucking authoritarians. GTFO!
Stand up for your right
To Parrrrrrtaaaaaaay
This times a thousand. Great point.
"Go live in communist China!"
"Go live on their credit score!"
"You fucking brown shirt!"
She said ALL the right things. 😃
Looks like Canada, too.
Leaky Tank in Sarnia (twatter comment)
I very much enjoyed watching this - 2 minutes and 20 seconds very well spent
Right on for the lady ! My problem w/ the video is - THE FUCKING SHEEP just sat there …they fucking DID NOTHING ! Except maybe a polite golf clap once the shitheads left! I mean that entire restaurant should have chased those fuckers down!!!! Wtf!
I see it differently. I see them supporting her stance by eating at her restaurant. They knew she wasn’t going to be bullied and no doubt would’ve jumped in if she needed their help.
Yes. Now the commies go off to plot save face. Which is why they all need to be confronted separately when they aren't under their fake color of authority.
That bearded dude was there for intimidation. He didn't even have in the agency jacket. Maybe 20 men on his doorstep would chill his ass.out.
Maybe, but in that moment their voices should also be loud.
Damn straight, I definitely would have backed this lady up!
That woman is really something! The customers should have gotten off their butts and made a circle around these c-cksuckers and showed their support.
I would let this woman adopt me❤️❤️❤️
Good job citizens! Way to stand up! Looks like Canada?
Leaky Tank in Sarnia (twatter comment)
That fuckin cuck coming in halfway through 🤣
I know she didn’t want to have to do that, so damn those dickheads for forcing her to it. Damn anyone who would trample your rights.
So glad I watched until the end!
I can proudly say that I see this more often than the opposite! This is the Ontario, and Canada that actually exists! Funny how the MSM and our Woke never portray it. All anyone elsewhere ever sees or hears about are the whiners and assholes who are NOT real Canadians. Kind of like this was the plan, do you think? Divide and conquer?
Thank you for this! Blessings to you and this kickass lady!!!
Divide and conquer is the devils tactic. Unity is Gods.
You betcha!
Beautiful. 🙏
WOW! THAT is how it's done!
So what's going on in the video - it's her restaurant and she's throwing the government out?? That's awesome!
You know we are so LUCKY with this recent attack by the DS versus all the others (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korean War, and every other time they demonized one group of people and forced them to relinquish their rights including freedom and life). We know our rights. We know it’s wrong AND we can video tape the lackeys of the DS who were customers & neighbors yesterday! I immediately think of WW2 in Germany and what happened to the Jewish people. People did fight back but it was so dangerous. Here we are able to film it and share it and gain strength from seeing people stand up. We can also see people marching in many cities around the world, showing their opposition to their governments and the removal of their rights. The DS created the internet as a tool to surveil us BUT we have used it as a tool to show we are many and we do NOT agree with their policies. What would they expect in an upside down world? Suck it DS.
look at a sit called SHTF.
Bosnian dude. He tells of close neighbors who tried to kill them while tehybwere trying to survive.
People turn, the evil they contain is allowed out an it looks just like those people who work for the state.
What an amazing women!
Teepee rats.
The only reason she got away with it... Bu The way, theyve found no dead babies at the kamloops site
Those people have homes and ffamilies. Maybe they ought to be paid a visit. I'm done. Tar and feather these Fuckers and bury them 6 feet if it is what it takes.
DO WE REALLY NEED PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN OUR COMMUNITIES? Threatening charges and she doesn't even k ow what tjeyabre. Even brought a cop. He kept his mouth shut so maybe he isn't for this.