My sister, a frigging pharmacist no doubt, has both her kids vaxxed and they're even younger. 10 and 7. She has a 1 year old. She's said out loud she wished she could vax him as well.
Yea, I know what's coming for her in the end. I don't feel bad at all. She thinks because she's a pharmacist she's a total medical expert. Told me to my face that VAERS was a conspiracy website.
I feel exactly the same. Don't have kids but I'm the 2nd oldest of 32 grand kids. It just drives me insane that these retards are just so quick to put this experimental vaxxine into their kids.
Those are some beta fucking parents who probably spoil their children. If you're getting bullied by your children into medical decisions then you have zero conviction or integrity.
Would you allow your child to bully you into smoking meth? Jumping off a bridge? etc.
If the child vaccine lots are anything like the adult ones, fortunately only roughly 5% will be injured or killed. Still horrific and unforgivable, but many children will be lucky.. I hope.
If that 5% number stays roughly the same, I would think so. Where things get worse is with more and more boosters, I can't imagine that helps your long term odds out.
Your statistics are a little off. 5% of the batches appear to cause 90% of the side effects. But that still leaves the other 10%, and it doesn't factor in how many of those are children and whether the breakdown is the same.
When some piece of shit pediatric witch doctor tells you Ivermectin doesn't work and they don't want to hear about the studies, it's time to punch them square in the face and break not only their noses but their orbital sockets, jaw and skull...
yeah... but those parents will feel quite virtuous until they don't.... when their kids start dying and can't bring home any grandkids because they're fucked up... they can take their virtue and suck on it.
This didn't even require an investigation. The most basic risk analysis would lead a responsible parent to choose AGAINST an experimental gene therapy with unknown short, medium and long term consequences versus a virus that children are in no danger from whatsoever.
If child protective services weren't a bunch of corrupt pedophiles, I'd say that any parent giving their child the covid "vaccine" should have their children taken away from them as they are obviously unfit to be parents.
I feel like finding the right husband or wife is difficult enough, but now my kids will have to have the added weight of finding someone that is unjabbed. I only pray they remember to ask the question before they fall in love, and not after then think "it'll be OK, I LOOOOOVE him or her..." then have to live with no kids, and pushing a wheelchair or losing a spouse at a young age.
I believe Jim Jones had the kids drink the kool-aid first....that way they no longer had a reason to live....making it easier to get them to commit kool-aid suicide....
Actually, that is exactly what the "Vaxx Regretters" will try to do.
Use millions of dollars (billons?) of your tax money to fund a "de-vaxx" therapy, so they can back out of this and get a "do-over".
I don't think the "do-over" is going to work. But I do think we're going to waste a ton of treasure on it. And all of the bad guys will get that money.
I truly believe there is a therapy for it and many placebos. A lot of doom about the vax but I know exactly zero people personally who have had injuries from it...yet...Hopefully the effects are exaggerated and there is a cure but we will see
Many of us saw this a good year ago when VAXing your child was a priority for leftist parents. This video still haunts us. For those of you that have recently woken to this nightmare- this is just ONE that the media and doctors ignore. This child was 12 when her parents decided ‘for mankind’ to get her vaxxed. There are many, many more. The babies sacrificed again up to Moloch are the hardest to watch. Every parent wishing to sacrifice their children needs to watch this!
My niece and two nephews are Jabbed 13, 11, 8. I am devastated. I pray all the time that they are spared any harm and this nightmare ends.
Please Lord, protect these children and give them the strength to carry on. Amen.
My two, too. ='( Parents didn't waste a day.
All we can do now is pray. Best of luck to you Fren.
My sister, a frigging pharmacist no doubt, has both her kids vaxxed and they're even younger. 10 and 7. She has a 1 year old. She's said out loud she wished she could vax him as well.
Yea, I know what's coming for her in the end. I don't feel bad at all. She thinks because she's a pharmacist she's a total medical expert. Told me to my face that VAERS was a conspiracy website.
I feel exactly the same. Don't have kids but I'm the 2nd oldest of 32 grand kids. It just drives me insane that these retards are just so quick to put this experimental vaxxine into their kids.
But they will also be the doctors..society will be a functionless, formless herd of inept and mentally incompetent drones.
This breaks my heart...
It won’t destroy those parents soulless enough to knowingly sacrifice their children to the cause.
"my kid would have died even harder if he would have been uninjected and caught covid"
Lol parents aren't going to murder their kids.. that doesn't make any sense.
I have a few close friends who were bullied/blackmailed into getting the jab by their adult children.
Not saying my friends would ever kill their kids, but can they forgive them?
If you believe that most of the jabbed will dead within 3 years, then these adult kids will be responsible for the deaths of their parents.
Those are some beta fucking parents who probably spoil their children. If you're getting bullied by your children into medical decisions then you have zero conviction or integrity.
Would you allow your child to bully you into smoking meth? Jumping off a bridge? etc.
Yeah but I bet there will still be many sheep that will say; “the world didn’t have a choice, we needed to take the risk because Covid was so bad!”
If the child vaccine lots are anything like the adult ones, fortunately only roughly 5% will be injured or killed. Still horrific and unforgivable, but many children will be lucky.. I hope.
Don't forget those are short-term effects... we have no idea about infertility, long-term auto-immune disorders, etc...
If that 5% number stays roughly the same, I would think so. Where things get worse is with more and more boosters, I can't imagine that helps your long term odds out.
6-8% .... Q
That’s about 3 kids in my daughters 4th grade then. They did a vaccine clinic at her school today so she got the day off.
Don't confuse the short-term with the long-term.
I think all will have shorter lives. Some will be much shorter than others.
Your statistics are a little off. 5% of the batches appear to cause 90% of the side effects. But that still leaves the other 10%, and it doesn't factor in how many of those are children and whether the breakdown is the same.
When some piece of shit pediatric witch doctor tells you Ivermectin doesn't work and they don't want to hear about the studies, it's time to punch them square in the face and break not only their noses but their orbital sockets, jaw and skull...
That’s the saddest thing I’ve read all week.
yeah... but those parents will feel quite virtuous until they don't.... when their kids start dying and can't bring home any grandkids because they're fucked up... they can take their virtue and suck on it.
They will blame Trump.
This made me feel unusually sad for a moment.
This didn't even require an investigation. The most basic risk analysis would lead a responsible parent to choose AGAINST an experimental gene therapy with unknown short, medium and long term consequences versus a virus that children are in no danger from whatsoever.
If child protective services weren't a bunch of corrupt pedophiles, I'd say that any parent giving their child the covid "vaccine" should have their children taken away from them as they are obviously unfit to be parents.
I think you misspelled child sex traffickers
I feel like finding the right husband or wife is difficult enough, but now my kids will have to have the added weight of finding someone that is unjabbed. I only pray they remember to ask the question before they fall in love, and not after then think "it'll be OK, I LOOOOOVE him or her..." then have to live with no kids, and pushing a wheelchair or losing a spouse at a young age.
I believe Jim Jones had the kids drink the kool-aid first....that way they no longer had a reason to live....making it easier to get them to commit kool-aid suicide....
Sad and 😟
Let's all be sure no mercy is ever shown to the people that purposely hurt those children.
Actually, that is exactly what the "Vaxx Regretters" will try to do.
Use millions of dollars (billons?) of your tax money to fund a "de-vaxx" therapy, so they can back out of this and get a "do-over".
I don't think the "do-over" is going to work. But I do think we're going to waste a ton of treasure on it. And all of the bad guys will get that money.
I truly believe there is a therapy for it and many placebos. A lot of doom about the vax but I know exactly zero people personally who have had injuries from it...yet...Hopefully the effects are exaggerated and there is a cure but we will see
Far too early. The deaths will start in the next 6 months or so.
I doubt Trump would say to get them if they were really that dangerous. Further Q said you and your family are safe.
We are watching a movie folks.
Do you struggle to perceive reality and differentiate it from fiction?
No. Why? Am i wrong? Did Trump not say that? Did Q not post that?
Asking for a Friend...
I agreed with you for a long time, but after further research I now believe most are doomed. The mass deaths will happen over the next few years.
Dig more and you'll find many highly qualified folks who have reached this conclusion. Picture the public reaction when everyone learns the truth.
We all need to consider how we're going to live out our lives in light of these mass casualties. Most of my friends and family will be gone.
Much sadness and horror, but many opportunities and challenges. I'm ready for it.
How many of these parents are still going to double down and still say they are glad they vaxed they dead child?
These poor kids. All we can do now is pray the children are ok. I take it she is a liberal as well? Such brainwashing in this world.
I take no pleasure in any of this. I spent a lot of my time, like everyone else here, hoping I could help people avoid this nightmare.
I haven't follow for a while... what's the truth?
Yes I have thought that all along. Many will feel guilty. I’ll feel sad. Even though there are casualties in war, it’s still difficult.
Can hcq and iver be the detox?
Many of us saw this a good year ago when VAXing your child was a priority for leftist parents. This video still haunts us. For those of you that have recently woken to this nightmare- this is just ONE that the media and doctors ignore. This child was 12 when her parents decided ‘for mankind’ to get her vaxxed. There are many, many more. The babies sacrificed again up to Moloch are the hardest to watch. Every parent wishing to sacrifice their children needs to watch this!