There were comments on Telegram that they don't and won't use FB, they're suspicious of course. There are already reports FB is removing members from the group. I don't go to FB so I can't say for sure.
Maybe Madonna was right as in their plan to blowup the white house. We presumed it was for trump.
Maybe they were announcing their FF plans for the future..
They’ll start shutting down all routes there as well. Too many trucks(too many cooks?) Need to do city by city. Concentrate all trucks regionally and send to the largest city per region. Yes DC will get theirs. So will the Puppy Bowl.
there will be many trucks.... big beautiful trucks... the most beautiful trucks in the world.... make sure to bring in a septic pumper and empty out the actors in the white house!
We've got to mirror this on Gab stat. All the other social media are censorable, as we've seen. Guttr is censored politically. Te is owned by a Russian who is a member of the WEF just like his peer Joe Biden.
Why would they be using a facistbook group to organize this? Did they somehow miss the extreme levels of censorship and outright bans on facistbook the entire past two years? I'm surprised facistbook hasn't shut that group down already. the risk of shilling, if anyone here is actually in the group, get the mods to make a or gab(are there groups on gab?) group and direct members to join there as well. failbook will censor you if they can get away with it, and gettr is a lil sketch, so make sure you make a point of posting about alternative websites you use on the daily so that you can't be silenced.
yes, Gab has a group Canadian Trucker Convoy. I watched it grow from about 1,000 to over 6,000 in about 5 days. Can't believe they could trust Facebook!
Gotta admit, I don't use Gab that much. Nothing against it, the microblogging style just never really grabbed my attention. I'm glad it exists, and I have an account, but I like Minds a lil better, though I use Dot Win the most... =/
Yeah, I tried putting up one but they recognized my IP. I thought about getting the software that hides your IP but I said to myself, "Tom, you are 70 years old and Fakebook did nothing but show you how phony nearly everyone you know is so say good riddance and move on!"
Excellent! (sorry I had to bump you up off '17', but had to)...
Now I got that Blondie song stuck in my head. . . .
Good tune
Maybe next week!
Weed, Whites and Wine!
I’ll be Willin!
"The convoy to DC group on fb has 110000 members from 60000 yesterday."
But then the fb group they listed on that post only has 23k members.
Already the fuckery begins.
There were comments on Telegram that they don't and won't use FB, they're suspicious of course. There are already reports FB is removing members from the group. I don't go to FB so I can't say for sure.
FB would shit down any attempt to organize in NY minute.
We got a long way to go and a short time to get there...........
" Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?...."
Can't we do both, east and west,I -70 west and I-40 east.
Twice the trouble for them to deal with.
Maybe that's why there are reports of setting explosives in the white house? Blame it on the truckers?
Maybe Madonna was right as in their plan to blowup the white house. We presumed it was for trump. Maybe they were announcing their FF plans for the future..
They’ll start shutting down all routes there as well. Too many trucks(too many cooks?) Need to do city by city. Concentrate all trucks regionally and send to the largest city per region. Yes DC will get theirs. So will the Puppy Bowl.
Dont you pick on puppy bowl.
exactly DC is pretty much a ghost town what kind of impact will that be?
That's what I'm wondering. I live just across the river in VA and used to work downtown until the pandemic has us going to remote work.
I think the majority of people in DC are still working from home. Downtown is virtually deserted.
At most, they'll ruin some tourists holidays. That's about it.
Stop, Burt is dead :(
there will be many trucks.... big beautiful trucks... the most beautiful trucks in the world.... make sure to bring in a septic pumper and empty out the actors in the white house!
I’m not sure about the whole, “ they can’t censor us there”, I assuming they are referring to fb
We've got to mirror this on Gab stat. All the other social media are censorable, as we've seen. Guttr is censored politically. Te is owned by a Russian who is a member of the WEF just like his peer Joe Biden.
But is anybody actually in the white house?
Go to bitemes home state
One of my favorites!
We have the best gifs, don't we folks?!?
“They can’t censor us, please join this Facebook group.”
"They cant censor us there..." ? Didn't they censor the Canadian truckers group? What makes them think they won't kill this group as well.
Why would they be using a facistbook group to organize this? Did they somehow miss the extreme levels of censorship and outright bans on facistbook the entire past two years? I'm surprised facistbook hasn't shut that group down already. the risk of shilling, if anyone here is actually in the group, get the mods to make a or gab(are there groups on gab?) group and direct members to join there as well. failbook will censor you if they can get away with it, and gettr is a lil sketch, so make sure you make a point of posting about alternative websites you use on the daily so that you can't be silenced.
yes, Gab has a group Canadian Trucker Convoy. I watched it grow from about 1,000 to over 6,000 in about 5 days. Can't believe they could trust Facebook!
well good.
Gotta admit, I don't use Gab that much. Nothing against it, the microblogging style just never really grabbed my attention. I'm glad it exists, and I have an account, but I like Minds a lil better, though I use Dot Win the most... =/
137k on this group:
I'll be on the look out for Smokey and The Bandit.
But why go to DC? Its occupied enemy territory. Better to go and blockade all State Capitals.
Hm, the FB page really doesn't mention a DC run as in the post image.
Although if it gets shut down they have a Telegram page too:
I for one would love to see this happen!
Kinda makes me wish for minute I wasn't banned from Fakebook!
Yeah, I tried putting up one but they recognized my IP. I thought about getting the software that hides your IP but I said to myself, "Tom, you are 70 years old and Fakebook did nothing but show you how phony nearly everyone you know is so say good riddance and move on!"
'they can't censor us there" . . . .uh-huh. . .
Sounds like a ploy to get people on Facebook.
They should be using something else to organize besides Facebook.
There's a HUGE difference between a facebook group and actual trucks.
I hope this is true though, it's pathetic that Canada beat us to this.
Jill will be on double time diaper duty for Xiden...
You actually think Jill is wiping his ass? I bet she has never wiped a butt in her life.
I believe I'd like to see this in our nation's capital!!!
Why are people being funneled from gettr to fb? Idk man idk
The empty white house?
Won't take so many trucks with all them bridges in NOVA!
FB is going to delete the group. If they haven't already.
Make sure Biden's outside