But that's exactly what they are. It's almost a decade that libertarian, freedom loving, independent thinkers have been fighting in the UK to get their country back from the EU. Guardian readers are the worst and I know, my family and pretty much all friends from University read it, they are almost impossible to debate with they are so far gone. Eight years ago it's was a constant regurgitation of BBC, Ch4, ITV, Guardian, Snopes, Open Soceity Foundation, New European, WEF articles on the destructiveness of Brexit, debating online social media was seriously hard work. Their faces when we won, then the faces when Trump won, we knew the world was changing.
Also with that in mind it’s very important we remember the connection between CORGAN and COBAIN.
Corgan always envied Cobain’s fame believing his music to be artistically above Nirvana.
Cobain was believed to be jealous of Corgan for the alleged affair he had with Courtney Love.
How is it that Courtney Love ends up dating so many mega stars right before they blow up from seemingly out of nowhere? IE Corgan and their initial success and Nirvana right before Nevermind.
In comes the mind control.
C Love > Father > Grandfather managed and played music for THE GRATEFUL DED.
The same GRATEFUL DED connected to the valleys of drug use and cia mind experiments of the 60s
The same GRATEFUL DED who’s shows played out like mega rituals with intense care being given to props, lighting, symbols, staging, etc
These same shows were flooded with pure drugs, who supplied these artists shows w so many pure strong drugs, and why?
Was the hippy generation successfully comped and turned into a non threat through mind control drug use and controlled opposition?
Fast forward to the grunge movement of the 1990s SAME PLAYBOOK USED? Designer heroin? Heroin becomes sexy model attribute? Depression, nihilism, controlling the white population and making them feel hopeless/less likely to rise up and organize fight back? Controlling the black population making them feel divided from the rocker white generation?
Suddenly the suicide or murder for fame money becomes a lot less likely. Considering these facts and why Cobain was sacrificed/murder one has to wonder…. Why is C Love still around? Why Corgan? Why did Dave Grohl rise to mega fame over Cobains dead body and become Rock N Rolls “Nicest Guy”
Anyone seen the trailer for new David Grohl movie Studio 666? Think he’s trying to tell us something?
“Over the Rainbow”
If you’re not one of THEM you should be GRATEFUL just to be DED!
It’s a little schizophrenic but I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge on Nirvana over the years and a lot of these facts come from some articles posted here.
There is a connection Between Cobain > Grateful Ded. Loves Father was a manager for Grateful Ded and her Grandfather was a Bassist. Her mom a sort of “high end” “psychiatrist” of sorts.
Grateful Ded utilizes many occult and esoteric symbols used by the Nazis. They copy the 223 SKULL N BONES and SS lightning bolt which are both Nazi Death Cult symbols.
The CIA is known to have utilized this band and many many many artists of the hippy 60s generations in their never ending quest of controlling the popular control, drug mind control/making people compliant, and controlled oppositions.
They played the same game into the 90s with Cobain. The esoteric, western religious symbols, abortions reincarnation life and death suicide drug use symbols are all used.
NUMEROUS “Illuminati” style photo shoots of Cobain and band. “One eye” symbols OK over the eye symbols, guns suicide symbols, also if you take a look Cobain wears a lot of unusual rings one which looks just like the BROWN STONE RINGS THAT SOLEMINI (SP) was wearing when Trump ordered his death.
I knew I saved the link, it’s a little over the place and the Katt Williams thing is hard to follow, but I believe he is accurate and the connection makes sense as you go through. Apparently Williams utilizes a lot of Freemason “Illuminati symbolism as well.
Some of it is out there but if you follow his facts like the connections to the dead you realizes he certainly seems to be onto “something”
Hey I know I made a schizo joke but I think you should make a separate post and elaborate on these ideas regarding the music industries use as a method to control the population. It seems spot on.
I would love to when I have more time but there was actually a few weeks where these interesting NIRVANA threads were popping up on the GA not THAT long ago….
That’s where I found the Kat Williams/Cobain site, as well as writing a few other more detailed posts on some symbology/occult pushed by NIRVANA. I will try and dig some up in history.
I wonder how many artists are against the DS but refuse to speak their mind over fear of backlash. It sucks realizing your favorite punk signer is a fucking communist. (Jeff Rosenstock) I wish the based artists would be more vocal.
the more I read the msm, the more I realize they are just like the bullies people would argue with in high school, renouncing facts and mocking the people they argue with. fucking children.
I asked because it struck me odd. I had a very unusual day in the late 90s... And the most vivid thing that I always remembered from that day was the song Thirty-Three stuck in my head as I walked past a store with a large sign advertising bumblebee tuna. So your username on this thread made me remember and laugh.
Is it just me, or is The Guardian the biggest collection of cockhead "journalists" (lol) ever digitally assembled into one smouldering turd-filled dumpster fire?
The smug "Of course it is, Billy" is nauseating
But that's exactly what they are. It's almost a decade that libertarian, freedom loving, independent thinkers have been fighting in the UK to get their country back from the EU. Guardian readers are the worst and I know, my family and pretty much all friends from University read it, they are almost impossible to debate with they are so far gone. Eight years ago it's was a constant regurgitation of BBC, Ch4, ITV, Guardian, Snopes, Open Soceity Foundation, New European, WEF articles on the destructiveness of Brexit, debating online social media was seriously hard work. Their faces when we won, then the faces when Trump won, we knew the world was changing.
Yes. The opposite of what I want from news; the oozing bias.
I always heard it as: "I used to pee on little boys"
Hahahaha I'll never hear that song the same again now!
So weird. Right before I saw this post I turned this song on. :-0
Joe’s Garage?
is Winter ❄️
He puts on a GREAT live show 🎶
Was never a big fan, but saw them at Lalapalooza 94 and they killed it on stage.
really wish we could hear Frank's take on all this bullshit.
Here’s a quote I love:
Plenty more here: http://www.scottrainey.com/jokes/zappa.htm
He's also seen shapeshifters.
Corgan on Howard Stern
not saying it's this but, skinwalkers give me the heebie-jeebies.
As they should.
Now you're gonna make me listen to Howard Stern.....
Bro I can only make it a minute and a half I hate Howard Stern's voice I hate the traditional radio voice it's annoying as fuck to me.
I mean this is quite the teaser. No information is given at all.
Has he ever publicly spoken about this incident?
He did date Courteny Love… sooo…
Nobody thought twice about the lyrics to this song 30 years ago. Read them now. Bullet with butterfly wings. MK ultra? Cannibalism? Adrenochrome?
He’s one of the rare few who understood the enemy and successfully stayed in the industry, warning others about them, without being destroyed.
Also with that in mind it’s very important we remember the connection between CORGAN and COBAIN.
Corgan always envied Cobain’s fame believing his music to be artistically above Nirvana.
Cobain was believed to be jealous of Corgan for the alleged affair he had with Courtney Love.
How is it that Courtney Love ends up dating so many mega stars right before they blow up from seemingly out of nowhere? IE Corgan and their initial success and Nirvana right before Nevermind.
In comes the mind control.
C Love > Father > Grandfather managed and played music for THE GRATEFUL DED.
The same GRATEFUL DED connected to the valleys of drug use and cia mind experiments of the 60s
The same GRATEFUL DED who’s shows played out like mega rituals with intense care being given to props, lighting, symbols, staging, etc
These same shows were flooded with pure drugs, who supplied these artists shows w so many pure strong drugs, and why?
Was the hippy generation successfully comped and turned into a non threat through mind control drug use and controlled opposition?
Fast forward to the grunge movement of the 1990s SAME PLAYBOOK USED? Designer heroin? Heroin becomes sexy model attribute? Depression, nihilism, controlling the white population and making them feel hopeless/less likely to rise up and organize fight back? Controlling the black population making them feel divided from the rocker white generation?
Suddenly the suicide or murder for fame money becomes a lot less likely. Considering these facts and why Cobain was sacrificed/murder one has to wonder…. Why is C Love still around? Why Corgan? Why did Dave Grohl rise to mega fame over Cobains dead body and become Rock N Rolls “Nicest Guy”
Anyone seen the trailer for new David Grohl movie Studio 666? Think he’s trying to tell us something?
“Over the Rainbow”
If you’re not one of THEM you should be GRATEFUL just to be DED!
You bring up some good points before going full schizo. Appreciate the points to think about!
It’s a little schizophrenic but I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge on Nirvana over the years and a lot of these facts come from some articles posted here.
There is a connection Between Cobain > Grateful Ded. Loves Father was a manager for Grateful Ded and her Grandfather was a Bassist. Her mom a sort of “high end” “psychiatrist” of sorts.
Grateful Ded utilizes many occult and esoteric symbols used by the Nazis. They copy the 223 SKULL N BONES and SS lightning bolt which are both Nazi Death Cult symbols.
The CIA is known to have utilized this band and many many many artists of the hippy 60s generations in their never ending quest of controlling the popular control, drug mind control/making people compliant, and controlled oppositions.
They played the same game into the 90s with Cobain. The esoteric, western religious symbols, abortions reincarnation life and death suicide drug use symbols are all used.
NUMEROUS “Illuminati” style photo shoots of Cobain and band. “One eye” symbols OK over the eye symbols, guns suicide symbols, also if you take a look Cobain wears a lot of unusual rings one which looks just like the BROWN STONE RINGS THAT SOLEMINI (SP) was wearing when Trump ordered his death.
“Over the rainbow”
I knew I saved the link, it’s a little over the place and the Katt Williams thing is hard to follow, but I believe he is accurate and the connection makes sense as you go through. Apparently Williams utilizes a lot of Freemason “Illuminati symbolism as well.
Some of it is out there but if you follow his facts like the connections to the dead you realizes he certainly seems to be onto “something”
Thanks for the link!
Hey I know I made a schizo joke but I think you should make a separate post and elaborate on these ideas regarding the music industries use as a method to control the population. It seems spot on.
I would love to when I have more time but there was actually a few weeks where these interesting NIRVANA threads were popping up on the GA not THAT long ago….
That’s where I found the Kat Williams/Cobain site, as well as writing a few other more detailed posts on some symbology/occult pushed by NIRVANA. I will try and dig some up in history.
Now I have to listen to him while I cook dinner. I like him and am surprised he's not a flaming leftist.
"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."
-The anthem of angry teens washing dishes everywhere.
Sounds like a prison planet
I'm convinced earth is the Australia of the Milky Way.
Wise words that will sadly be overlooked in this thread.
He was on the Joe Rogan podcast a little while back talking about exactly how the music industry works. He's a very smart guy.
The music industry is literally some (((people))) finding every way they can to screw artists.
The whole thing is a screw job from top to bottom.
Yep that's exactly what he said. We've all known that for a long time now.
Is the interview worth listening to?
Episode 1038 is over 4 years old - is that the one?
I think thats the one
I wonder how many artists are against the DS but refuse to speak their mind over fear of backlash. It sucks realizing your favorite punk signer is a fucking communist. (Jeff Rosenstock) I wish the based artists would be more vocal.
Once Marilyn Manson comes out as a Christian on Kanye's new album, I think more celebrities are going to step forward.
Now I feel better about my taste in music.
the more I read the msm, the more I realize they are just like the bullies people would argue with in high school, renouncing facts and mocking the people they argue with. fucking children.
Crucify the insincere tonight, tonight
Corgan has been awake for a long time. I will cautiously say he's good people.
I love Billy Corgan. Siamese Dream was my first CD ever. Pumpkins are my all time favorite band.
Why bumblebee tuna?
because my first post was of Michele Obama with the line that read....your balls are showing....Bumble bee tuna
I guess I still don't get it 😂
I asked because it struck me odd. I had a very unusual day in the late 90s... And the most vivid thing that I always remembered from that day was the song Thirty-Three stuck in my head as I walked past a store with a large sign advertising bumblebee tuna. So your username on this thread made me remember and laugh.
it's just another sign that your on the right path
Ha I like that!
Behold the nightmare
Of course it is, Sean Michaels.
It isn’t WHAT he said, it’s HOW he said it with the annoying, nasally voice of his. /s
Always a joy-killer. I'm not into their music, but I find Cogan a very intelligent individual and he seems 'based'.
I told you it’s not WHAT he said…I was saying the same thing long ago.
Q: What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?
A: About 6 months on average.
Is it even that long anymore?
I usually say 6 to 12 months... KEKEK...
What else does Billy reveal?
“Breathing Under Water….. Living Under Glass….”
93 XRT. Chicago's Finest Rock
Nice! Thanks Pen, I've always like Smashing Pumpkins, they may survive my media purge.
Is it just me, or is The Guardian the biggest collection of cockhead "journalists" (lol) ever digitally assembled into one smouldering turd-filled dumpster fire?
Such a bunch of smug cunts.