Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!
I'm wanting to give up something meaningful for Lent and that will be Great Awakening any world news for that matter. As you know, this site can be addictive!
Now seems like a difficult time to give up on paying any attention on current events. What will happen with the Ukraine\Russia conflict? What about the trucker convoys? Will Covid be gone by Easter? It seems the CDC is releasing damning information now, what will become of that?
I gave up the same last year, and it definatly gave a great sense of peace to have little to no input on world events for 40 days. Returning was actually really disappointing. The only developments I came back to last year were discussions of airlines requiring vaccinations, and talk at GAW about "the upcoming Arizona audit."
Keep up the good fight Patriots!
Until April 17.
Man I needed that information desperately. I feel like that old man that says, "Help I've fallen and I can't get up." Well I got on my computer, reading the news, and I can't get off.
Right at the exact time I need to be planting a garden, and building a chicken coop, and doing other things like standing in from of the local pharmacies with a sign that reads, "Vaccinating children is CHILD ABUSE! Or organizing a protest in front of the hospital proclaiming that hospitals are killing people for profit.
Almost daily I also tell myself to turn off the computer, and open my bible, and yet that has gone on so long I'm not even sure where my bible is. I can't seem to be master over my own mind, but am enslaved to this media stimuli, and two seconds after reading yet another article, I can't even remember what I read.
Self-reflection is always the first step though.
Happy Easter! He is risen and returning soon!
He is RISEN Indeed! Have a Blessed Easter! πβͺ
What!? Youβre gonna miss March Madness!!!
lent is a catholic invention based on babylonian pagan bullshit
It's a shame I got busy yesterday and missed this, I would have broke this party up from the jump. God doesn't even care about lent. Especially when they drag idol worship into it.
Catholics have generational ignorance and misinformation to come out of. They can have the lent thing, but I'm not being quiet on the issue, I'll speak up anytime I see it!
Gonna interject here - I was raised Catholic - no longer practice or follow - but I have read the Bible - and lent is about sacrificing something important in honor of God giving us His only SON to redeem us of our sins - so for me that means showing God that I acknowledge, appreciate and am GRATEFUL. I personally don't follow ANY organized religion anymore because they are ALL manmade - but I do believe in God.
Lent is a way to sacrifice to show devotion to God. Nothing wrong with it.
This^^ is how you spot the catholic. They've never read the Bible. Salvation is not based on works, sacrifices, and hasn't been for 2000 years. The "sacrifices" of the Spiritual Age, in which we live in, are your prayers to Him, spoken in a closet, by yourself, with the door shut. He is in you, you are the Temple of the Lord, and you are in Him, the Body of Christ, amen. All communication is direct.
Wait. You mean I don't need a faggot in a long flowing robe to give me HIS blessing and talk with the Almighty on my behalf, for money?
Now THERE'S a "revelation" :)
Actually, from the very beginning, salvation was always and only by the grace of God through faith (which is a gift of God) accomplished through the Person and work of Christ alone, completely apart from any works of man. The Lamb was slain from before the foundation of the world. OT era animal sacrifices were a temporary insertion until Christ should come to earth and die for his people, as Paul explains in his letters. "It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." Abraham was saved because he believed God's promise, not because he sacrificed animals. All who believe have the same kind of faith that Abraham had.
Not every Israelite was "saved." Only the ones who had God given faith. Based upon his behavior, you wouldn't think that Lot was saved, yet Peter affirms it was so. Lot was a type of believer too much in the world, yet God had chosen him for salvation before he was ever born. When Christ came, salvation was opened up to the world of the gentile nations. Prior, it was mainly for the Israelites. Also, the Holy Spirit was given to indwell believers when Christ appeared at Pentecost. Prior to this, the Spirit would sometimes temporarily fall upon believers who would be empowered to prophesy.
NT talks about fasting for the purpose of prayer, so giving up something for Lent is a type of fasting, which doesn't have to be assigned to a particular season. I put Lent in the same category as celebrating Easter and Christmas. Observe these things if you wish, just don't get caught in the mind set that religious rituals and observances are keys to finding favor with God. The heart has to be scrubbed of self-righteous notions. Christ alone is perfectly righteous, and a believer has Christ's righteousness laid to his account. He died as a substitute for his people's sins, which have all been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The debt of sin is paid in full.
A believer will have some good works, but genuine good works spring from salvation and God's work in and for the believer, not our own fleshly "good works." Even religious non-believers can perform fleshly good works. Any good works performed prior to experiencing the spiritual rebirth of salvation are what the Bible calls "dead works."
There is that troubling passage in the book of James. It talks about faith vs works and faith without works being "dead faith." This is on the surface different from Paul's writings, especially in the book of Galatians, where he says they have been "bewitched" by Judiaizers into adding the works of the Law to the grace of salvation. He explicitly states that if they continue to believe in co-mingling grace and works, they will be in danger as to their salvation status. The point of the Law of Moses is that no one can perfectly keep it! It only condemns you to a trip to the Lake of Fire. Who saves you from the fire? Christ! Christ only! Not any portion of what the Bible calls "filthy rags of self-righteousness" will open the gates of Heaven to you. Cling to Christ and you will be safe.
The Parable of the Wedding Feast: Matthew 22
22 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 βThe kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king [God the Father] who gave a wedding feast for his son [Christ], 3 and sent his servants [prophets] to call those who were invited [Israelites] to the wedding feast [marriage supper of the Lamb], but they would not come. [No thanks, we don't want salvation your way.]
4 Again he sent other servants, saying, βTell those who are invited, βSee, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.ββ 5 But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business [interested in worldly things, not heavenly things], 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. [Prophets, apostles and Christ were killed.]7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops [Roman army] and destroyed those murderers and burned their city [sack of Jerusalem].
8 Then he said to his servants [Christians, including apostles], βThe wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.β 10 And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all [Jews as well as gentiles in the world] whom they found, BOTH BAD AND GOOD [no relationship to works]. So the wedding hall was FILLED with guests [lots of people in Heaven].
11 βBut when the king came in to look at the guests [Christians], he saw there a man who had no wedding garment [he was wearing his filthy rags of self-righteousness]. 12 And he said to him, βFriend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?' [clean wedding garments supplied by Christ's works to cover our sin] And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants [angels], βBind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.β 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.β
[Many are attracted to popular images of Christ, but "relatively" few believe in Christ as accurately set forth in the scriptures. True faith is the work of the Lord, not man.]
The last time I read the Bible was today, joker.
Catholics don't believe salvation is based on works, fool. But works are critical. Jesus Himself said we have to do works.
In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus refers to heaven as "the narrow gate". Not just any crackhead gets in.
You don't HAVE to sacrifice for God but what does it HURT? The apostles fucking DIED for Him what have you done? People can't even be bothered to give something up once a year because "I don't have to!"
People can't even be bothered to give something up once a year because "I don't have to!"
EVERY day is the LORD's day, bro.
Catholics don't believe salvation is based on works, fool.
Y'all don't even have faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Everything about catholicism is works based, penance, communion, the mass, prayers to idols.
Jesus Himself said we have to do works.
Matthew 15:24 KJV But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Jesus ministered, on Earth, to the people of Israel. The people of Israel were under the Old Covenant, which required works for salvation. Welcome to the New Covenant, bro. See the writings of Paul for details.
You don't HAVE to sacrifice for God but what does it HURT?
Because it is a substitute for a personal relationship with Him. Which is what He wants from you. The veil was torn, go on inside.
The apostles fucking DIED for Him what have you done?
They were appointed to death, to show their faith to unbelievers. What ever He appoints me to, I will be so happy to receive it, all joy to Him.
"prayers to idols"
^^^this is how you spot the protestant. We don't pray to idols. We ask Mary to pray for us.
Jesus ministered, on Earth, to the people of Israel. The people of Israel were under the Old Covenant, which required works for salvation. Welcome to the New Covenant, bro.
So you're actually saying Jesus doesn't care if you do good works and only emphasized them CONSTANTLY because he was talking to Jews? I think you win gold in the mental gymnastics competition. If you have the love of the Lord in you then you will want to do good things for others. (Galatians 5:22)
See the writings of Paul for details.
Very familiar with the Pauline epistles, don't need a lecture on them. My favorite verse in the whole book is from Galatians (10:11). I guess you conveniently missed the verses where Paul emphasizes works. (Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 6:9, Titus 1:16, Titus 2:7, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, 2 Thessalonians 3:13)
Nobody's saying you are saved by good deeds. But I can't comprehend that people are practically discouraging good deeds. Christ's message was love, and if you're saying good works aren't important I don't want anything to do with you.
"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." -Hebrews 13:16
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 5:16
"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, βGo in peace, be warmed and filled,β without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, βYou have faith and I have works.β Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." -James 2:14-26
We ask Mary to pray for us
Mary is an idol. You don't need to go through Mary when you are of the Body of Christ. Think about it for minute. You are asking Mary to ask Someone Who is inside you already?
If you have the love of the Lord in you then you will want to do good things for others. (Galatians 5:22)
I couldn't agree more. But it's not required for salvation. What works did the thief on the cross do?
I guess you conveniently missed the verses where Paul emphasizes works. (Ephesians 2:10
catholics just cannot interpret scripture. Proven fact. His workmanship. They are claiming it for themselves.
Nobody's saying you are saved by good deeds.
The catholics are.
James is stating that a man who says he has faith but has no works to show it, does not have true faith. This is proven by the statement this faith. Of course believers have works but they are not saved by them. So that no man can boast.
Mary is an idol
No. Mary was the mother of Jesus. Moloch is an idol.
You are asking Mary to ask Someone Who is inside you already?
Yes. It's called intercession. It's no different than asking for prayers from a person in your life, like your grandma or friend.
What works did the thief on the cross do?
Again you're missing the point. I'm not saying works are required to get into heaven but implying they aren't important or at least expected is hogwash. As for the works of the man on the cross, I'm not sure. But as far as I can tell Jesus saved the man because he repented.
Luke Chapter 23: βDo you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our crimes; but this man has done nothing wrong.β
catholics just cannot interpret scripture. Proven fact. His workmanship. They are claiming it for themselves.
You apparently can't read so I'll literally spell it out for you. "For we are Godβs handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
God literally prepared us to good works. Plain, simple English. Not hard to understand. Now if you're claiming Catholics are taking credit for the good works, again that's b.s. Maybe SOME Catholics do, but when a Godly person does good works they do it in the name of God not their own.
So that no man can boast.
You clearly have a problem with Christians doing good works because you think they take credit for them. Not sure where you get this idea but scripture commands us to love our neighbor and help them.
God speed anon.
Give up something that will do you some good, bread, sugar, flour, and rice, potatoes
That's what I'm saying!
Taking a break from this site will probably do the op some good. There are a lot of tense and cranky people here, look at how many have their undies in a bundle over him taking a break for lent.
(this second part is not directed towards you.) It's a pagan blah, blah, blah...so what. He is taking a break this time it doesn't mean he's worshipping pagan gods, he's taking the time to relax and recharge. The enemy has claimed too many things from us it's time to take them back, the rainbow, crocs, and birkenstocks. They can't have my comfy shoes. We can also use Christmas and Easter to remember and worship the Most High, take back those days from them.
Have a blessed Easter.
I give you a lot of credit for giving it up but I know exactly what you are saying. You just have to step away from it at times because it makes you crazy. This is like a soap opera You can step away for awhile and come back and itβs the same crap going on. Have a strong and faithful Lent and I will be praying for you. May God Bless You Abundantly and have a blessed day πΊ
I did a week break from news - no news at all - in December. It was awesome, and I really felt good afterwards, less worried, less nervous, less angry too.
I'm just coming back from a break, I've posted a few times but it's good to recharge your batteries now and then.
Even soldiers have R&R.
Have a blessed Easter fren, we should all draw nearer to God as we're nearing to the Lord's return.
Have a great rest and enjoy your family and life and celebrate the victory above all victories.
He is risen indeed βοΈ
Much love to you and your family. ππ»
Sometimes it's very good to unplug from everything so to speak and recharge. I still enjoy hiking many miles in the forests, even camping and leaving phone in the car. Sometimes the simplest things in life can do the most good for us. Recharging mentally is equally as important though so anyone taking a break is a good thing, definitely not a bad thing.
I take breaks from this website too. I take breaks from everything. I can understand that for some people life may not be so simple as to be able to take a break from something though. I'm fortunately to live in FL where I don't have to deal with all of the endless bullshit and can take breaks from everything to enjoy the outdoors.
You don't even have to go outdoors though. It can be something simple as watching some movies or TV shows or even a night out at the bar.
I admire your commitment.
You're gonna miss the reveal!
Of course that would still be awesome!
Don't worry this movie is like a soap opera, 40 days will pass in real time but you would have only missed 4 minutes in movie time.
During the height of covid hysteria GAW was my security blanket. Going into the RL was a horror show of brainwashed zombies, many of which are people I love.
One wouldn't let go of the wheel headed into a tight curve, would one?
Be blessed! I admire your willingness to surrender something important to God! Pray I can do the same one day!
More will happen during your absence this year. And it will happen whether you are here, or somewhere else. Enjoy.
You should stay here and give up something tangible like coffee or sugar. We ARE the News. Patriots eyes front!! π
You picked a hell of a time. You are going to miss some important things the next few weeks.
wait a minute... easter is on the 17th? I SMELL A DATEFAG BOIS
Have a good time. But: there's a very special Q-day this month, be aware of that.
God Speed Pede
Yes by all means letβs try too earn our place in heaven itβs the Catholic way.
"I can't believe you have to EARN a place in heaven!" -certified pr*testant moment