Trust no one. These fags have shown an aptitude for psychological manipulation. Putin could be a globalist pawn and controlled opposition for all we know. Unlikely. I’m just glad we have been taught to seek truth regardless.
I would say there's nothing wrong with that. You can't escape "globalism" on some kind of level. The globe will always have to cooperate with each other in order to maintain peace and order. Commerce kinda leads that charge. I think bitcoin would make an excellent "global currency" that cannot be hidden from the public. If you're a public servant, your bitcoin address needs to be known to the public so we can see what you're doing with our money. If you hide it, it's safe to assume you're a criminal.
Putin is the only President of bigger country that when faced an enemy irl would not back down, he is trained and training also flys freaking fighter jets. Im jelly a bit.
I strongly believe Jordan Peterson became Ortodox Christian after his return to God and Christianity and was abducted by cabaal tribesman hence illness .
I'll start by sampling a youtube version of Lesiem's "Fundamentum" off of "Mystic Spirit Voices" album. This is pretty much the only Lesiem album I like but they have others. If you like this song (not sure how anyone couldn't) then grab their "Mystic Spirit Voices" album.
It's a tricked out Gregorian Chant. It's the tits. I first heard it in a "Barnes and Noble" about 20 years ago and asked the lady at the music counter (when B&N had a music section) what was playing and I bought it right then and there.
I dont have any. But please feel free to dig around and post what you find. You can always tag me in the post or send me a message to take a look at them.
u/Phishhed44 and I have some eclectic tastes when it comes to music, so feel free to give it your best shot.
According to Cliff High Putin joined a secret society within the Russian Orthodox Church and has been preparing for this role for years. Tomorrow Russia comes off the Swift system.
I don’t trust anyone groomed by a secret society in a Church organization. Do you guys have dementia? Not even trying to be mean but you are putting so much trust in a man that you don’t even know is good. They way everyone is encapsulated by Putin is something I’ve never seen before, even with Trump. It’s like a spell.
I agree with this. There is a great lack of discernment. People should be open to possibilities, but not blindly putting their faith in something without certain knowing and/or proof. A reliance on belief is what got us into this mess to begin with, and demonstrates an aptitude to be easily misled and manipulated.
It's appears to be a mutual divorce. The EU is trying to kick Russia out. But Russia has been preparing for economic independence from the West for some time and already plans to network with China's banking system. This is YUGE because it shows the world how to defect from the Rothschild's central banking network. This move will embolden the adoption of alternate currencies and a gold standard, which will kill the Fed and other central banks.
This is a fantastic pair of videos on the subject, worth the watch.
Here's a deep-dive conversation into what Orthodoxy is, what it isn't, where Catholicism fits into the big picture, and how it contrasts with Protestantism with Father Paul Truebenbach of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. We filmed this on a separate visit from the tour video I published last week.
If the cabal was at war with Putin, why is Europe is not going to stop importing natural gas from Russia, while at the same time continuing to cut off their local energy sources such as coal and nuclear (Germany shut down this capacity). In addition, the Atlantic basically said they can't stop buying gas from Russia as it would otherwise be an act of war (no it would not be):
They also froze the Baltic pipeline from Norway, through Denmark, to Poland but allowed Nordstream 2 (Russia to Germany) to be completed.
All the cabal has actually done against Putin is smearing him in their own media which doesn't hurt him at all in Russia where it would matter. Also, when they have needed it, they have used his services. There are countless examples of this.
It seems like they want it to appear like they're against him but their actions contradict it.
I still believe there is more than one group of competing "globalist" groups, however. It'd be nearly impossible for there to not be, somebody's bound to get the short end here and there and splinter off into their own group.
It’s like this board just collectively all hit their heads and forgot what a controlled conflict is. It’s so bizarre. I swear this board talks about Putin more than Q. I’ve seen Kash Patel, Nunes, and Flynn get thrown under the bus for speaking against Putin. They’re promoting occultists who say that Russia will bring liberty to the world in the end times. People here think they aren’t sheep but seem to have the idea that the old Soviet oligarchs just gave up what the USSR fell. The mental gymnastics they can do are impressive
Ever notice how a small number of users on this board make a majority of the huge posts? Do we even know who funds this website?
Said while his own country is in the exact same situation. They're trying to take Putin out by forcing Russians to revolt against him. Sound familiar? Except here - McDonald's, T-Mobile and every other globalist corporation would have died instantly if they tried to boycott Americans.
Yet they are keeping America and the EU dependent on Russian oil. Why would they do that? Why would Russia keep NATO dependent on their oil while their allies in China lobby for the US politicians that lobby in Ukraine and Taiwan? It’s almost like a subtle order is forming, between the EU, EAEU, CHINA, and NATO. Like a world order, y’know? It’s kinda new to the public. Hmm 🤔
Ever notice how a small number of users on this board make a majority of the huge posts?
No, but it wouldn't shock me, some people are a) going to be more active than the rest, b) be more charismatic than the rest, and/or c) have the time to post more often than others. Could be a conspiracy, but it doesn't need to be.
Do we even know who funds this website?
My understanding is a good chunk of it comes from brave BAT token donations, as well as similar donations, though you'd have to take it up with u/C
full disclosure: I'm neither pro or anti Q. I just think some useful info gets posted here, and on the (hate the name) "scored" network in general. =)
There has always been at least 2 competing globalist groups. The Zionists (nationalists) and the Communists. Even within the Rothschild family there are factions fighting for control who take these sides. At the end of the day it is globalism though and nations as well as people lose their free will and ability to live as free people.
Pretty much. Putin even has his own EU, the EAEU. Russia even used barcodes for covid passports. “What if Russia and China are working with POTUS” doesn’t mean they know it either. He straight up just nationalized the globalist companies that were already leaving too lol.
You’re fine to think that but I personally disagree. They are keeping America and the EU dependent on Russian oil. Why would they do that? Why would Russia keep NATO dependent on their oil while their allies in China lobby for the US politicians that lobby in Ukraine and Taiwan? It’s almost like a subtle order is forming, between the EU, EAEU, CHINA, and NATO. Like a world order, y’know? It’s kinda new to the public. Hmm 🤔
China and the Li bloodline have been funding American politicians for years. They are definitely not anti globalist.
“Why did trump talk to them both?”
Why did Trump talk to Klaus Schwab or Trudeau? To mislead them. To get anything done you have to play along with the cabal’s agenda. I think Q and Trump are obviously doing that. Q is playing an “operation trust” type role while executing the actual white hat plans and the cabal doesn’t even know it. Basically pitting sides of the deep state against each other. For the white hats it means the breaking away of the NWO for America. For the black hats it means ww3 and the creation of the official NWO government. Ever wonder why “saving Israel for last” while being a savior to the whole planet and uniting every country against Israel sounds like end times? Because Q is playing a role, like anyone else that wants to get shit done.
This is just my theory. It’s no devolution but that’s also just a theory. Only less than ten people know the plan and none of us are them, sooooo… NCSWIC.
That and the fact that Mr. Putins Spetznaz were busy bees rescuing trafficked children from those zelly inspired boychiks(punks), who were judiciously capped during the kids extraction. Sounds like 'Whitehat' work to me...
Just like there's no such thing as a former CIA agent, there's no "former" KGB agents either. Putin rose to power through a false flag bombing of apartment buildings. Genuine people don't rise to power through false flags.
Yeah, I uncomfortable with how much some people seem to want to trust him. However, the people who are trying to destroy everything we love really really hate the guy. There’s a reason.
Or he is part of the cabal the cabal plan is to have Russia attack/defeat the US and they need to put on the front that it is the enemy.
Meanwhile the OP thinks Putin is not part of the cabal - there, the plan may have worked.
This still another viable possibility - remember you are watching a show and everybody may simply be actors and playing a part. I am for Q and hope there is a plan, but until the tide turns all I am seeing is tyranny and the great reset still in full motion. See yesterday’s executive order for digital currency? Here comes social scoring and frozen fucking bank accounts and financial terrorism against conservatives, er I mean domestic terrorists.
I don't know if Putin is a good person or bad. what I do know is that propaganda is a verry effective tool and when done right the person who is targeted has no idea that their opinion is inaccurate....I and most of us on here are so far down on the political food chain we have no idea how much of what we belive is propaganda. my personnel belief is that Putin is a world leader trying to do right by his country. I refuse the belief that he is a comic book Vilan best compared to Hitler. this does not mean he is incapable of some vile and evil acts. he was KGB before he took over. what he thinks as good thing to do for his country runs counter to USA concerns and is a partial reason for the conflict.... My belief is that biological weapons with a targeted genetic code is the main reason for what's happening in the Ukraine. but I reserve the right to be wrong in my assessment.
I read tonight an assertion that Putin was part of a secret group within the Russian Orthodox Church. This may well be true photographic evidence (in the past) showed a close connection with (ROC) Priests, growing up. Then we have his Anti-WEF speech at the WEF in 2021.
Very careful and well thought out comments. I too often go against the grain and am chastised here, but the truth is globalist plans are still moving forward and I haven’t seen a single ‘deep setback’ against them that proves beyond a doubt to me that this isn’t all still going to plan for them. You are spot on the propaganda and showmanship is so deep that anything is possible and nobody here on this site can be certain they are correct.
Q said the 2016 election was fixed… but more people voted for Hillary so she must be good. See how your line of thinking is a logical fallacy?
I don’t like him using barcodes for covid IDs. Stop it with the shilling. They are “passionately” against Putin in the same way Karl Marx was “passionately” against the bourgeoisie.
Russia is undergoing a Christian Renaissance. Putin as a leader is leading his people back to Christ and the Christian religion.
For this I believe there is no way he would align himself or even be a tool of the Cabal.
I should research Russian Orthodoxy. I don't know much about it.
Trust no one. These fags have shown an aptitude for psychological manipulation. Putin could be a globalist pawn and controlled opposition for all we know. Unlikely. I’m just glad we have been taught to seek truth regardless.
If anything he is aligned with the nationalist side of globalism.
I would say there's nothing wrong with that. You can't escape "globalism" on some kind of level. The globe will always have to cooperate with each other in order to maintain peace and order. Commerce kinda leads that charge. I think bitcoin would make an excellent "global currency" that cannot be hidden from the public. If you're a public servant, your bitcoin address needs to be known to the public so we can see what you're doing with our money. If you hide it, it's safe to assume you're a criminal.
So, Trump hiding his accounts and tax returns, not separating himself from his businesses, what was that?
there is 50:50 chance of that.
Putin is the only President of bigger country that when faced an enemy irl would not back down, he is trained and training also flys freaking fighter jets. Im jelly a bit.
I strongly believe Jordan Peterson became Ortodox Christian after his return to God and Christianity and was abducted by cabaal tribesman hence illness .
1 Hour of Chad Orthodox Chants to Redeem Your Soul (This is really good to think and reflect on)
Orthodox Meme Squad
Any source for the chants from Spotify or something else that will keep playing without YouTube having to stay open?
I'll start by sampling a youtube version of Lesiem's "Fundamentum" off of "Mystic Spirit Voices" album. This is pretty much the only Lesiem album I like but they have others. If you like this song (not sure how anyone couldn't) then grab their "Mystic Spirit Voices" album.
It's a tricked out Gregorian Chant. It's the tits. I first heard it in a "Barnes and Noble" about 20 years ago and asked the lady at the music counter (when B&N had a music section) what was playing and I bought it right then and there.
I bought that same album around the same time. Here are three more masterpieces from the Gregorian chant electronica crossover genre.
I dont have any. But please feel free to dig around and post what you find. You can always tag me in the post or send me a message to take a look at them.
u/Phishhed44 and I have some eclectic tastes when it comes to music, so feel free to give it your best shot.
I love Gregorian chants…this is all great stuff 👍🏽
Very cool…THANX!!
According to Cliff High Putin joined a secret society within the Russian Orthodox Church and has been preparing for this role for years. Tomorrow Russia comes off the Swift system.
I’m kinda jealous.
I don’t trust anyone groomed by a secret society in a Church organization. Do you guys have dementia? Not even trying to be mean but you are putting so much trust in a man that you don’t even know is good. They way everyone is encapsulated by Putin is something I’ve never seen before, even with Trump. It’s like a spell.
I agree with this. There is a great lack of discernment. People should be open to possibilities, but not blindly putting their faith in something without certain knowing and/or proof. A reliance on belief is what got us into this mess to begin with, and demonstrates an aptitude to be easily misled and manipulated.
Bbuttt…he rides tigers? jk
Yeah I heard putin was a romanov.. jk
What is the swift system
It's the international money transfer wire between banks. He's breaking Russia away from the international banking system.
Aren't they throwing Russia out??
Is that definitely occurring and not just speculation?
It's appears to be a mutual divorce. The EU is trying to kick Russia out. But Russia has been preparing for economic independence from the West for some time and already plans to network with China's banking system. This is YUGE because it shows the world how to defect from the Rothschild's central banking network. This move will embolden the adoption of alternate currencies and a gold standard, which will kill the Fed and other central banks.
Should we be worried that this is all orchestrated by Them™ to shift the global economic power structure to Russia/China/India?
I hope so.
This is a fantastic pair of videos on the subject, worth the watch.
TL;DR - The Orthodox church is very based, and deeply intellectual.
You can ask me anything you want to know. I am well informed on this topic.
A) what makes you think there's only one cabal?
B) even if there were only one, what makes you think there wouldn't be rival factions?
C) If Putin is so "anti-" globalist, why is china taking his side?
If the cabal was at war with Putin, why is Europe is not going to stop importing natural gas from Russia, while at the same time continuing to cut off their local energy sources such as coal and nuclear (Germany shut down this capacity). In addition, the Atlantic basically said they can't stop buying gas from Russia as it would otherwise be an act of war (no it would not be):
They also froze the Baltic pipeline from Norway, through Denmark, to Poland but allowed Nordstream 2 (Russia to Germany) to be completed.
All the cabal has actually done against Putin is smearing him in their own media which doesn't hurt him at all in Russia where it would matter. Also, when they have needed it, they have used his services. There are countless examples of this.
It seems like they want it to appear like they're against him but their actions contradict it.
pretty much my third point. =)
I still believe there is more than one group of competing "globalist" groups, however. It'd be nearly impossible for there to not be, somebody's bound to get the short end here and there and splinter off into their own group.
It’s like this board just collectively all hit their heads and forgot what a controlled conflict is. It’s so bizarre. I swear this board talks about Putin more than Q. I’ve seen Kash Patel, Nunes, and Flynn get thrown under the bus for speaking against Putin. They’re promoting occultists who say that Russia will bring liberty to the world in the end times. People here think they aren’t sheep but seem to have the idea that the old Soviet oligarchs just gave up what the USSR fell. The mental gymnastics they can do are impressive
Ever notice how a small number of users on this board make a majority of the huge posts? Do we even know who funds this website?
Said while his own country is in the exact same situation. They're trying to take Putin out by forcing Russians to revolt against him. Sound familiar? Except here - McDonald's, T-Mobile and every other globalist corporation would have died instantly if they tried to boycott Americans.
Yet they are keeping America and the EU dependent on Russian oil. Why would they do that? Why would Russia keep NATO dependent on their oil while their allies in China lobby for the US politicians that lobby in Ukraine and Taiwan? It’s almost like a subtle order is forming, between the EU, EAEU, CHINA, and NATO. Like a world order, y’know? It’s kinda new to the public. Hmm 🤔
No, but it wouldn't shock me, some people are a) going to be more active than the rest, b) be more charismatic than the rest, and/or c) have the time to post more often than others. Could be a conspiracy, but it doesn't need to be.
My understanding is a good chunk of it comes from brave BAT token donations, as well as similar donations, though you'd have to take it up with u/C
full disclosure: I'm neither pro or anti Q. I just think some useful info gets posted here, and on the (hate the name) "scored" network in general. =)
There has always been at least 2 competing globalist groups. The Zionists (nationalists) and the Communists. Even within the Rothschild family there are factions fighting for control who take these sides. At the end of the day it is globalism though and nations as well as people lose their free will and ability to live as free people.
Pretty much. Putin even has his own EU, the EAEU. Russia even used barcodes for covid passports. “What if Russia and China are working with POTUS” doesn’t mean they know it either. He straight up just nationalized the globalist companies that were already leaving too lol.
There is possibility that Russia was only playing along until the time was right. They're clearly been preparing for this for years already.
You’re fine to think that but I personally disagree. They are keeping America and the EU dependent on Russian oil. Why would they do that? Why would Russia keep NATO dependent on their oil while their allies in China lobby for the US politicians that lobby in Ukraine and Taiwan? It’s almost like a subtle order is forming, between the EU, EAEU, CHINA, and NATO. Like a world order, y’know? It’s kinda new to the public. Hmm 🤔
the reality is sometimes, you have to decide which is the least odious option.
Of course, we should always strive to prevent such situations from occurring, but reality is a thing, so...
China is anti globalist too? Why did trump talk to them both?
To my down voters, do you not think there is anti globalist in China?
Couldn't be if they wanted to. They're economy is too dependent on the global market.
because diplomacy means you occasionally have to hold your nose and talk to people you don't much like, in this case, the chinese autocrat.
he also talked to Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, etc.
China and the Li bloodline have been funding American politicians for years. They are definitely not anti globalist.
“Why did trump talk to them both?”
Why did Trump talk to Klaus Schwab or Trudeau? To mislead them. To get anything done you have to play along with the cabal’s agenda. I think Q and Trump are obviously doing that. Q is playing an “operation trust” type role while executing the actual white hat plans and the cabal doesn’t even know it. Basically pitting sides of the deep state against each other. For the white hats it means the breaking away of the NWO for America. For the black hats it means ww3 and the creation of the official NWO government. Ever wonder why “saving Israel for last” while being a savior to the whole planet and uniting every country against Israel sounds like end times? Because Q is playing a role, like anyone else that wants to get shit done.
This is just my theory. It’s no devolution but that’s also just a theory. Only less than ten people know the plan and none of us are them, sooooo… NCSWIC.
That and the fact that Mr. Putins Spetznaz were busy bees rescuing trafficked children from those zelly inspired boychiks(punks), who were judiciously capped during the kids extraction. Sounds like 'Whitehat' work to me...
We all know which side to pick when killary said “I stand with you crane.”
Whatever else Putin might be, there's no way he's Cabal.
They have been trying to but he already moved much of it out of the western central banks reach.
Same thing they did to Trump. Same playbook.😡 Hey deep state,🖕you're going down.
Putin held some power in the KGB during the USSR days. The regime supposedly "collapses" and Putin is promoted to leader of Russia.
As I see it, that implies he was either a double agent back then, or a double agent now. You decide.
Just like there's no such thing as a former CIA agent, there's no "former" KGB agents either. Putin rose to power through a false flag bombing of apartment buildings. Genuine people don't rise to power through false flags.
China and India must be good too, since they are aligning with Russia?
One thing often overlooked is Putin has massive amounts of blackmail on the cabal.
Absolutely impossible, that the DS would intentionally deceive us for strategic reasons. So I think it's not safe to say so.
Yeah, I uncomfortable with how much some people seem to want to trust him. However, the people who are trying to destroy everything we love really really hate the guy. There’s a reason.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Nothing is safe to say these days. But I'd lean that way.
This is probably the best use of this MEME Ive seen. Ever.
Or he is part of the cabal the cabal plan is to have Russia attack/defeat the US and they need to put on the front that it is the enemy.
Meanwhile the OP thinks Putin is not part of the cabal - there, the plan may have worked.
This still another viable possibility - remember you are watching a show and everybody may simply be actors and playing a part. I am for Q and hope there is a plan, but until the tide turns all I am seeing is tyranny and the great reset still in full motion. See yesterday’s executive order for digital currency? Here comes social scoring and frozen fucking bank accounts and financial terrorism against conservatives, er I mean domestic terrorists.
"By their fruits, Ye Shall recognize them."
Neither is XI Jinping a globalist to the contrary he is all about China what a leader should be.
I think we now know exactly why Trump handed him the soccer ball and told him that the ball was in his court.
I thought it was the opposite? Putin handed Trump the ball and said “the ball is in your court”. Dang, my memory is fading way too fast!🤦🏼♀️ Lol
No you are right.
Thank goodness! 😂 I thought I was losing it and I couldn’t pull up the video right then to double check.
It was a gamer ball with computer output "for Barron"; I read on VOAT that it contained 60 terrabytes of data/intel...
Unless he was a part of the cabal and broke ranks because he wanted more power.
Perhaps, you should look up the term "controlled opposition" before making such claims.
Whether Putin is or not, I'm not sure, but your title is pretty stupid.
I don't know if Putin is a good person or bad. what I do know is that propaganda is a verry effective tool and when done right the person who is targeted has no idea that their opinion is inaccurate....I and most of us on here are so far down on the political food chain we have no idea how much of what we belive is propaganda. my personnel belief is that Putin is a world leader trying to do right by his country. I refuse the belief that he is a comic book Vilan best compared to Hitler. this does not mean he is incapable of some vile and evil acts. he was KGB before he took over. what he thinks as good thing to do for his country runs counter to USA concerns and is a partial reason for the conflict.... My belief is that biological weapons with a targeted genetic code is the main reason for what's happening in the Ukraine. but I reserve the right to be wrong in my assessment.
I read tonight an assertion that Putin was part of a secret group within the Russian Orthodox Church. This may well be true photographic evidence (in the past) showed a close connection with (ROC) Priests, growing up. Then we have his Anti-WEF speech at the WEF in 2021.
I hope that you are right in that he is doing the right thing for his country.
However, saying that he is good simply based on the appearance or suggestion that cabal is aligning against him is idiotic and short-sighted.
Very careful and well thought out comments. I too often go against the grain and am chastised here, but the truth is globalist plans are still moving forward and I haven’t seen a single ‘deep setback’ against them that proves beyond a doubt to me that this isn’t all still going to plan for them. You are spot on the propaganda and showmanship is so deep that anything is possible and nobody here on this site can be certain they are correct.
His title is not wrong. The known cabal members are passionately lined up against Putin.
Q said the 2016 election was fixed… but more people voted for Hillary so she must be good. See how your line of thinking is a logical fallacy?
I don’t like him using barcodes for covid IDs. Stop it with the shilling. They are “passionately” against Putin in the same way Karl Marx was “passionately” against the bourgeoisie.
Sounds like you may be having some kind of identity crisis.