Judges 6:11-16 (NIV) 11 The angel of the LORD came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites. 12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” 13 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.” 14 The LORD turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” 15 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” 16 The LORD answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.”
I mean, you say this, but our American superiority is clearly an illusion we live in as conservatives.
Who's been an early rioter of covid? France
Who started the Trucker's Convoy? Canada
Who rioted prior to the convoy and later joined the convoy? Australia
It's a bitter red pill to swallow, but our country has been sucking ass when it comes to defending freedom, including our own.
We can still change this, but while the lefties have their own propaganda to wake up on, so do we as conservatives. We are the other wing of the same bird, after all.
Recognize where we are at, but never give up hope. You and I are both here for a reason.
It's not quite the same. USA has states of tyranny and states of freedom. But look at vax rates globally. Out of the first world countries, USA has one of the lowest rates of compliance. Also, USA never had the same totalitarian restrictions these other countries had, even in the most liberal areas, such as requiring vaccination to shop at a grocery store, enter the country, etc.
That's a standard you should not accept. Straight up.
Out of the first world countries, USA has one of the lowest rates of compliance.
You see how the playing field had to be leveled for this statement? You had to remove all the other countries for it to be factual. This is a sign of being under the spell of propaganda.
We're the symbol of freedom for the world, not just first world countries. People look at us and follow what we do. This is why the Cabal propaganda hits us so heavy, why our educational system is attacked, why our food is poisoned.
Also, USA never had the same totalitarian restrictions these other countries had
I hear this parroted on the conservative side. It's the "well, its not happening to me" excuse. We do this a lot as Americans, and the Cabal exploits us for it.
We shouldn't wait for the same totalitarian restrictions in America. We're the symbol of freedom - How bad does it have to get for us to lose that (in your eyes)?
Growing up I watched our country criticize the other countries for not being as free as us. We're being hardcore hypocrites. I know it's not pleasing to hear, and it may cause cognitive dissonance, but to me, this only means we should discuss this more often.
Seriously, we're releasing biological attacks on the world, ffs. We aren't about freedom at all.
These are all true statements. But it's unfair to call Americans complacent when we weren't subjected to the same restrictions. I think the fed. gov. tried to enact nation-wide tyranny, but because of the nature of our constitution and the power the states have, it failed.
It would have been funny to see Fauci try and impose a vax mandate to enter grocery stores in Oklahoma. I don't think they would have found anyone crazy enough to enforce such a thing here.
Then it is totally is fair to call Americans complacent. Ironically, you're also agreeing that we're hypocrites.
But it's unfair to call Americans complacent when we weren't subjected to the same restrictions.
We are all subjected to the fake election, and the fake President. We were all subjected to vaccine mandates, imposed on companies with over 100 employees. We as a country sat back while we attacked each other from within. Canada formed together peacefully and fought the system even when the badgeless UN Gestapos showed up. We haven't even come close to that strength.
I don't think they would have found anyone crazy enough to enforce such a thing here.
Wait, weren't we talking about all Americans and not just Oklahoma? When did that change? I can see you're getting defensive because you think I'm addressing your area. I'm pointing this out not to make you feel bad, but because this is another way we are exploited as a country - through our language. You can understand this rot is very deep.
Can't say your wrong about what you see, but I'm trying to explain to you to think bigger outside of what you see in front of you. This is how the Cabal is lying to you about your American exceptionalism. (They lie to all of us differently in every region, with every region)
Right now is the calm before the Cabal's next attempt. I'm sure the conservative side of the propaganda machine will come up with a new excuse on "why there is still freedom in the current tyranny", and I pray you and all our other GAW friends are acute enough to see through it.
So, you are unhappy with Americans and want them to wake up and fight back like these other countries? I believe many of them are. For example, more states now since the 19th century have constitutional carry AKA permitless carry. More states since Roe v. Wade's unconstitutional ruling have the fetal heartbill bill. 6-7% of school-aged children are homeschooled in this country now, the most it's been for decades.
Out of curiosity, how does Canada, Australia, and France compare? Although noble, what good did all their protesting do if they still have nothing to show for it? 2/3rds of Canadians supported Trudeau's emergency order to clear out the truckers while nearly 2/3rds of Americans were in favor of the truckers! I'm not pointing these things out to make you feel bad, but because projecting your unhappiness on the whole of this country including its patriots is counter-productive. Yes, things could always be better, but I'm not going to disregard the progress this great awakening has achieved.
Are you gonna tell me that the legislatures of WI and AZ ( and all the swing states in question) who have the power to decertify the 2020 election and bring GEOTUS back are NOT weak? Not one single state legislature, has stepped up to do their job- are you telling me they are NOT weak Americans?? We wouldn’t be in the state we are in if it weren’t for so many weak Americans...why are you here?
And yet, we were always but one generation away from losing our birthright protections afforded by the Bill of Rights & Constitution. In other words- losing it all.
So... here we sit, far less than a generation away, at the precipice of this centuries old battle of Dark vs Light. Time for Christian alphas to rise, those born for this very moment.
If we define "cull" as "remove immediately from the country, no excuses" I'd agree.
We have a country not based on ethnicity or religion, but uniquely, on the precept of equality under the law we make for ourselves. That concept is what makes America what it is. The People said foreign nationals coming into the country without permission is illegal. Then, it's illegal. If you want to come into this country, you have to follow the law. Simple. Prove you understand how the system works before you can be invited in to stay.
Illegals should be explicitly deported, first in line. I'd let the visa overstays be second priority behind the border jumpers. The longer they've been here, the higher the priority for removal. I don't care if they've been here 30 years and have a whole armada of anchor babies. It's time to go home. Pack it up. If you want to bring the anchors back with you, get them citizenship in your own country. Your child's legal status is your mess to clean up, not ours.
And on top of that, I'd say any border jumpers immediately go to the back of the line if they apply the legal way. They've already demonstrated willingness to break our laws and abuse our system for personal benefit. We've got millions of applicants all over the world who didn't break the law to come in. They get consideration before I'd consider a previously deported illegal.
I agree & disagree just a bit.
I’ve been doing genealogy research & discovered six generations back family left Scotland to come to North Carolina because crazy King George asked them. The majority of immigrants were escaping tyranny. The nobles who immigrated were coming to America to continue the crown’s tyranny.
It kinda messed with my head when I discovered this ancestor. He’s my 6th great grandfather. What really got to me was his involvement with Indians. I haven’t found just how much he was involved. We know how that story ended.
You live your entire life knowing history and it’s not personal. I’ve always had a deep feeling as to how they were treated.
Weird thing, I’ve discovered several royals & nobles in my ancestor but it’s just shocked me about this person. I guess because it’s closer than being related to someone in the year 1200.
My family ancestors about four generations back were dirt poor. I’m thinking they lost everything after the civil war. My grandma never mentioned this person or his noble family. I’m hoping she didn’t know because later generations were not proud to be related to people sent here to work for the king.
I knew I had Scottish ancestor because of my maiden name. I always imagined they fought the English. Who knows I’m sure some probably did fight.
Risk taking and gumption are not determined by or influenced by genetics. Those are behavioral traits that a person may or may not develop to varying degrees as they age. You can admire such traits in people, but those people are in no way genetically superior even if you believe they are a better kind of person.
The nature/nurture fight is ongoing, and we do not know all of the variables/inputs, it seems to me.
I see a lot of difference, these days, between Americans and Euros. I have a lot of experience with the Euros so this is not just from watching Tik Tok videos or anything.
Euro folks are deeply propagandized/indoctrinated (as are Americans) so it's always difficult to tease out the nature/nurture. But back in the "pioneer days" the vast majority of those who came to the Americas and particularly those who did not just stop at Boston or New York City, were folks with a high risk tolerance. I have no doubt that a chunk of that (and indeed perhaps all of that) was "nurture". But equally, I don't think one would succeed in convincing me that we know enough about all of the inputs/factors to say that none of it was nature/selection.
In any case, it's fun to tease the Euros with this. :)
And then it goes farther. The ones who were crazy enough to make it all the way to California or Yukon, braving the weather, wild animals, hostile Indians, drought, hunger, and sickness, struck gold...and now their descendants are the fruits, nuts and flakes, while the insurance types stayed back east in Connecticut.
Isn't that evidence that what people may have done 170 years ago doesn't influence today's people? It's silly to think that because one person's ancestors acted a certain way that their descendents would also act in the same manner, for better or for worse. That includes the claim by op.
That's fucking retarded. You still have J6ers in jail and a fake prez in the whitehouse starting wars. Where exactly are the Alphas lol y'all are delusional. You've done sweet FA to fix anything.
Not assessing weakness and indulging hubris is the downfall of societies.
Totally agree. In Ireland we have 95% of adults vaxxed, 92% of those over 12… Everyone is on the Ukrainian bandwagon now, not thinking there is anything odd with our government saying that we are to take in over 200,000 refugees. There was an article this week about confiscating holiday homes (“mandating the use…”) to house the refugees in, as we’ve housing & rental crises everywhere in the country already & the refugees we already have in the direct provision centres are not happy either. The hotel owners charge an arm & a leg to the government to house them zz& conditions look fairly shit.
People are still so asleep. After a few centuries of colonisation & emigration, I think that most of those with any get up & go got up & left…
Meh. I'd argue that point. There were plenty of rough and ready men in the British empire after we left. They ran the British Raj. They scrambled for Africa. They shut down the slave trade and took control of the seas from the N African Barbary states. They fought Napoleon and won. They fought the Chinese empire and won. The really rough ones ended up on an island penal colony and now we call them Aussies - and I don't think anyone wants to stand in a bar in Melbourne and call Aussies "weak ass losers."
I’m not sure of the numbers, many prisoners were sent to America. I believe they called them indentured servants.
After the Scottish English war Scottish that were not killed for treason were sent to the colonies.
The majority of prisoners sent to America or Australia were not hardened criminals. Many might have owed taxes or had something to do with religion.
Oh man, I thought America was all the religious cowboys who wanted to be free and Australia was the same but it was all the criminal cowboys who were just too slow to get away from the cops. aka the same as us but atheist and slow.
Not much has changed here really. Australians tend to still have that mentality-they see someone who is free and instead of asking, "Hey, why aren't I free too?" they say, "Hey, why isn't that person in chains like me?"
We were ripe for the picking over the plandemic- so many subservient arseholes trying desperately to also ensure none of the other convicts stepped out of line in case the wardens punished the rest of us.
Similarly, American colonists that didn’t want to revolt became Canada. Canadian we’re British loyalists that didn’t want to fight for America. All it took was one Castreaux to change their mind though!
There is a certain necessity of arrogance required to be an American. Without it, we might as well all submit. The best thing we can do to reach people is to empower them with the truth in that we are all Kings and Queens in our respective households and that government serves US. It's also time to put the SERVE back into PUBLIC SERVANT.
Arrogance is a personality flaw. You can have confidence in your abilities if you can prove your worth with such abilities, but outright arrogance isn't to be admired.
Fucking a right!
It is to an extent but there are a lot of UK peers who are pissed off AF at all this shit and are working away to redpill as many as possible
Alphas never run.
Appreciate the compliment UK pede, but unfortunately more and more Americans are proving themselves to be weak. SAD
More and more Americans is a bunch of crap.
I mean, you say this, but our American superiority is clearly an illusion we live in as conservatives.
Who's been an early rioter of covid? France
Who started the Trucker's Convoy? Canada
Who rioted prior to the convoy and later joined the convoy? Australia
It's a bitter red pill to swallow, but our country has been sucking ass when it comes to defending freedom, including our own.
We can still change this, but while the lefties have their own propaganda to wake up on, so do we as conservatives. We are the other wing of the same bird, after all.
Recognize where we are at, but never give up hope. You and I are both here for a reason.
It's not quite the same. USA has states of tyranny and states of freedom. But look at vax rates globally. Out of the first world countries, USA has one of the lowest rates of compliance. Also, USA never had the same totalitarian restrictions these other countries had, even in the most liberal areas, such as requiring vaccination to shop at a grocery store, enter the country, etc.
That's a standard you should not accept. Straight up.
You see how the playing field had to be leveled for this statement? You had to remove all the other countries for it to be factual. This is a sign of being under the spell of propaganda.
We're the symbol of freedom for the world, not just first world countries. People look at us and follow what we do. This is why the Cabal propaganda hits us so heavy, why our educational system is attacked, why our food is poisoned.
I hear this parroted on the conservative side. It's the "well, its not happening to me" excuse. We do this a lot as Americans, and the Cabal exploits us for it.
We shouldn't wait for the same totalitarian restrictions in America. We're the symbol of freedom - How bad does it have to get for us to lose that (in your eyes)?
Growing up I watched our country criticize the other countries for not being as free as us. We're being hardcore hypocrites. I know it's not pleasing to hear, and it may cause cognitive dissonance, but to me, this only means we should discuss this more often.
Seriously, we're releasing biological attacks on the world, ffs. We aren't about freedom at all.
These are all true statements. But it's unfair to call Americans complacent when we weren't subjected to the same restrictions. I think the fed. gov. tried to enact nation-wide tyranny, but because of the nature of our constitution and the power the states have, it failed.
It would have been funny to see Fauci try and impose a vax mandate to enter grocery stores in Oklahoma. I don't think they would have found anyone crazy enough to enforce such a thing here.
Then it is totally is fair to call Americans complacent. Ironically, you're also agreeing that we're hypocrites.
We are all subjected to the fake election, and the fake President. We were all subjected to vaccine mandates, imposed on companies with over 100 employees. We as a country sat back while we attacked each other from within. Canada formed together peacefully and fought the system even when the badgeless UN Gestapos showed up. We haven't even come close to that strength.
Wait, weren't we talking about all Americans and not just Oklahoma? When did that change? I can see you're getting defensive because you think I'm addressing your area. I'm pointing this out not to make you feel bad, but because this is another way we are exploited as a country - through our language. You can understand this rot is very deep.
Can't say your wrong about what you see, but I'm trying to explain to you to think bigger outside of what you see in front of you. This is how the Cabal is lying to you about your American exceptionalism. (They lie to all of us differently in every region, with every region)
Right now is the calm before the Cabal's next attempt. I'm sure the conservative side of the propaganda machine will come up with a new excuse on "why there is still freedom in the current tyranny", and I pray you and all our other GAW friends are acute enough to see through it.
So, you are unhappy with Americans and want them to wake up and fight back like these other countries? I believe many of them are. For example, more states now since the 19th century have constitutional carry AKA permitless carry. More states since Roe v. Wade's unconstitutional ruling have the fetal heartbill bill. 6-7% of school-aged children are homeschooled in this country now, the most it's been for decades.
Out of curiosity, how does Canada, Australia, and France compare? Although noble, what good did all their protesting do if they still have nothing to show for it? 2/3rds of Canadians supported Trudeau's emergency order to clear out the truckers while nearly 2/3rds of Americans were in favor of the truckers! I'm not pointing these things out to make you feel bad, but because projecting your unhappiness on the whole of this country including its patriots is counter-productive. Yes, things could always be better, but I'm not going to disregard the progress this great awakening has achieved.
You look at our own government and tell me they are not weak Rinos coming out from every crack to destroy America
Why are you here? I think youd be better served at patriots.win
Are you gonna tell me that the legislatures of WI and AZ ( and all the swing states in question) who have the power to decertify the 2020 election and bring GEOTUS back are NOT weak? Not one single state legislature, has stepped up to do their job- are you telling me they are NOT weak Americans?? We wouldn’t be in the state we are in if it weren’t for so many weak Americans...why are you here?
Don’t put true Americans in the same basket with the Mexican Americans,African Americans and Asian Americans.
You literally wrote American after every country and said they weren't Americans.
If you want to call out the illegals, call them for what they are. All those other legal citizens you listed are allowed to be here.
What I meant went completely over your head.
And yet, we were always but one generation away from losing our birthright protections afforded by the Bill of Rights & Constitution. In other words- losing it all.
So... here we sit, far less than a generation away, at the precipice of this centuries old battle of Dark vs Light. Time for Christian alphas to rise, those born for this very moment.
Armor of God, bitches
People who violently wanted to be left alone.
The immigration act in 1963 or 64 changed the makeup from pioneers to grifters.
Yeah, but look at us now. A country full of weak assed, weak minded individuals looking for their next cheap fix.
I know my ancestors are rolling over in their graves right now watching this country go down the tubes like it has.
Don't forget the criminals who got deported from Britain and the tribals imported from Africa.
And the illegals from the south, but it's a mixed bag
And imported from Middle East. No-go areas in many European and American cities.
A cleansing is needed. Cull the illegals.
Now I’m on another list.
Fuck it. It had to be said.
If we define "cull" as "remove immediately from the country, no excuses" I'd agree.
We have a country not based on ethnicity or religion, but uniquely, on the precept of equality under the law we make for ourselves. That concept is what makes America what it is. The People said foreign nationals coming into the country without permission is illegal. Then, it's illegal. If you want to come into this country, you have to follow the law. Simple. Prove you understand how the system works before you can be invited in to stay.
Illegals should be explicitly deported, first in line. I'd let the visa overstays be second priority behind the border jumpers. The longer they've been here, the higher the priority for removal. I don't care if they've been here 30 years and have a whole armada of anchor babies. It's time to go home. Pack it up. If you want to bring the anchors back with you, get them citizenship in your own country. Your child's legal status is your mess to clean up, not ours.
And on top of that, I'd say any border jumpers immediately go to the back of the line if they apply the legal way. They've already demonstrated willingness to break our laws and abuse our system for personal benefit. We've got millions of applicants all over the world who didn't break the law to come in. They get consideration before I'd consider a previously deported illegal.
I agree & disagree just a bit. I’ve been doing genealogy research & discovered six generations back family left Scotland to come to North Carolina because crazy King George asked them. The majority of immigrants were escaping tyranny. The nobles who immigrated were coming to America to continue the crown’s tyranny.
From my humble perspective that is actually quite interesting
It kinda messed with my head when I discovered this ancestor. He’s my 6th great grandfather. What really got to me was his involvement with Indians. I haven’t found just how much he was involved. We know how that story ended. You live your entire life knowing history and it’s not personal. I’ve always had a deep feeling as to how they were treated. Weird thing, I’ve discovered several royals & nobles in my ancestor but it’s just shocked me about this person. I guess because it’s closer than being related to someone in the year 1200. My family ancestors about four generations back were dirt poor. I’m thinking they lost everything after the civil war. My grandma never mentioned this person or his noble family. I’m hoping she didn’t know because later generations were not proud to be related to people sent here to work for the king. I knew I had Scottish ancestor because of my maiden name. I always imagined they fought the English. Who knows I’m sure some probably did fight.
Not to mention a lot of the best Europeans died in WWII. Much more than Americans. The effete morons who weren’t involved, lived.
And then this happened...
Now hold on just one second, I can explain everything..........
Easy to forget that best and brightest of a generation was wiped out at the beginning of WWI.. Downhill fast from then on.
The division between good/evil, strong/weak lies not on the borders between countries and nations, but through the heart of every man.
Love it! Great Insight!!!
Have been saying this for years.
America selects (or sadly more accurately “did select”) for risk-taking and gumption genetics.
Risk taking and gumption are not determined by or influenced by genetics. Those are behavioral traits that a person may or may not develop to varying degrees as they age. You can admire such traits in people, but those people are in no way genetically superior even if you believe they are a better kind of person.
The nature/nurture fight is ongoing, and we do not know all of the variables/inputs, it seems to me.
I see a lot of difference, these days, between Americans and Euros. I have a lot of experience with the Euros so this is not just from watching Tik Tok videos or anything.
Euro folks are deeply propagandized/indoctrinated (as are Americans) so it's always difficult to tease out the nature/nurture. But back in the "pioneer days" the vast majority of those who came to the Americas and particularly those who did not just stop at Boston or New York City, were folks with a high risk tolerance. I have no doubt that a chunk of that (and indeed perhaps all of that) was "nurture". But equally, I don't think one would succeed in convincing me that we know enough about all of the inputs/factors to say that none of it was nature/selection.
In any case, it's fun to tease the Euros with this. :)
And then it goes farther. The ones who were crazy enough to make it all the way to California or Yukon, braving the weather, wild animals, hostile Indians, drought, hunger, and sickness, struck gold...and now their descendants are the fruits, nuts and flakes, while the insurance types stayed back east in Connecticut.
Isn't that evidence that what people may have done 170 years ago doesn't influence today's people? It's silly to think that because one person's ancestors acted a certain way that their descendents would also act in the same manner, for better or for worse. That includes the claim by op.
That's fucking retarded. You still have J6ers in jail and a fake prez in the whitehouse starting wars. Where exactly are the Alphas lol y'all are delusional. You've done sweet FA to fix anything.
Not assessing weakness and indulging hubris is the downfall of societies.
You don't have to cry about it.
Totally agree. In Ireland we have 95% of adults vaxxed, 92% of those over 12… Everyone is on the Ukrainian bandwagon now, not thinking there is anything odd with our government saying that we are to take in over 200,000 refugees. There was an article this week about confiscating holiday homes (“mandating the use…”) to house the refugees in, as we’ve housing & rental crises everywhere in the country already & the refugees we already have in the direct provision centres are not happy either. The hotel owners charge an arm & a leg to the government to house them zz& conditions look fairly shit.
People are still so asleep. After a few centuries of colonisation & emigration, I think that most of those with any get up & go got up & left…
Meh. I'd argue that point. There were plenty of rough and ready men in the British empire after we left. They ran the British Raj. They scrambled for Africa. They shut down the slave trade and took control of the seas from the N African Barbary states. They fought Napoleon and won. They fought the Chinese empire and won. The really rough ones ended up on an island penal colony and now we call them Aussies - and I don't think anyone wants to stand in a bar in Melbourne and call Aussies "weak ass losers."
I wouldn't count the Brits out just yet.
Points well-taken, but to be fair I wouldn't walk into a prison and call them week as losers either.
And Australia was made out of England's criminals right? No wonder the English are so afraid of guns
I’m not sure of the numbers, many prisoners were sent to America. I believe they called them indentured servants. After the Scottish English war Scottish that were not killed for treason were sent to the colonies. The majority of prisoners sent to America or Australia were not hardened criminals. Many might have owed taxes or had something to do with religion.
Oh man, I thought America was all the religious cowboys who wanted to be free and Australia was the same but it was all the criminal cowboys who were just too slow to get away from the cops. aka the same as us but atheist and slow.
Not much has changed here really. Australians tend to still have that mentality-they see someone who is free and instead of asking, "Hey, why aren't I free too?" they say, "Hey, why isn't that person in chains like me?" We were ripe for the picking over the plandemic- so many subservient arseholes trying desperately to also ensure none of the other convicts stepped out of line in case the wardens punished the rest of us.
Similarly, American colonists that didn’t want to revolt became Canada. Canadian we’re British loyalists that didn’t want to fight for America. All it took was one Castreaux to change their mind though!
There is a certain necessity of arrogance required to be an American. Without it, we might as well all submit. The best thing we can do to reach people is to empower them with the truth in that we are all Kings and Queens in our respective households and that government serves US. It's also time to put the SERVE back into PUBLIC SERVANT.
Arrogance is a personality flaw. You can have confidence in your abilities if you can prove your worth with such abilities, but outright arrogance isn't to be admired.