Look at that picture. That is the biden I remember.
Who is this clown in office now?!? We all know an actor, but which actor?
Plastic Surgery you say? Actually the real biden? OK, that severe a change take months/years to heal, or so I've been lead to believe. Can anyone point out the time where he was out of the limelight to have this alleged surgery? Even then, the skin takes a long time to stop looking like new.
When did it happen? I postulate there isn't a time in which it happened.
I kinda feel this way myself. By the time he was running in the late teens the switch had already happened. I don't recall any in between. Just one day he was old, next time I saw him, new.
I thought something was definitely wrong before the 2016 debates. Biden had been going around acting like a demented stooge, and I thoroughly expected Trump to wipe the floor with him. Trump didn't because all of a sudden Biden was lucid and actually presentable during their first debate. In my opinion the actor was already in place before the debates but stepped up to do what they needed for the debates.
Trump had already passed it off as they would be giving him performance drugs for the debate so that it didn't look so strange that he did well.
I don't think that was the case. I think he was supposed to do well to help them cheat him into office. I think his win was orchestrated by more than just cheating alone. I think the whitehats wanted the election just close enough so that they had to cheat big, but not far enough apart that they would have to take the cheat to overdrive. I think they took it to overdrive anyway out of fear of Trump winning again.
And to further that theory, I believe Trump was purposely extra aggressive and "unlikeable" (I loved it) towards the same agenda. Too over the top, in hindsight.
I think everyone is going to feel really stupid when they realize that Patriots put the fake Biden in to let him win so they could set the trap for the rest of the global deep state.
I am not so sure they will ever let the sheeple in on that part of the plan. A lot of people would be furious at all that was lost. People have lost their lives, their livelyhoods, and everything they have spent their lives working over.
Telling them you let it happen might be a very bad idea.
If the Democrats installed the (original) impostor to begin with then this is all the Patriots would need to reveal. They wouldn't need to reveal any secondary (or flipped) impostor in order to convey whatever lesson is necessary.
I don't know, maybe people will be grateful if they see what was avoided and how this was the way to avoid it. It's hard to tell what people will accept.
Clever people will work out that Biden 2 was allowed to win when more evidence comes out and.
yep that's me🥸 I do think he's the original, but I bet there are also masks involved; to keep us guessing and analyzing. like these older videos, his face is much puffier.
I also know that JFK Jr. was fond of masks, so assuming Q uses them. and wonder if there's CGI too. maybe some of these people aren't even real/some of the peripheral players, so the movie has more background characters. Remember the scene in home alone, where the bad guys think McCauley Culkins character is multiple people, because of all the contraptions he set up. Q reminds me of that;)
because the cabal killed his wife and daughter and now he's working with the whitehats (look up Neilia Biden) and it's the 'systematic destruction of the old guard'- it's been planned for a long time.
So, he will do whatever it takes to bring them down and wake us up; including acting like a fool.
yep it sounds farfetched, but once you start digging & see how close he was to Teddy Kennedy and his family, it makes sense. I think they're double agents; confusing the deepstate. and that's why JFKJR called Biden a 'traitor', as an inside joke. he's was a 'traitor' to the blackhats.
My children, you are about to hear shouts and screams across your land saying, "THE BIDEN IS WHO? No, they couldn't have done something so heinous. Not in front of our eyes. They actually tried this? Who is he again? Lord, how can this be? "The Biden" is a perpetrator and an even bigger fraud than we thought. How did the world not see this? Lord, how could they have done this to us?"
He is neither. Even if he were to be charged with treason which is the death penalty they will not put him in jail or on death row. He has dementia and they cannot jail or kill him with that so he gets away with his crimes. The best they can do is put him in a home and confiscate everything he or his family owns. His family because they too are living luxury off his crimes.
From a number of observations over the years I believe Biden has been replaced by an impostor twice, and the Democrats who are "in the know" about the first impostor are oblivious about the (white hat controlled) second; they still think their impostor is in place.
If you guys need a comparision, I took these pictures of Biden on Veteran's Day 2015. I know these are unedited. They went straight from my camera to my computer.
The sensible conclusion is that Biden is replaced by an actor. When he looks different and his expressions are different than replacement is the go to conclusion.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift. and his mental state is declining. Him being replaced is an extreme assertion, it would need ample evidence that couldn't be explained so easily. If this is an actor or not really doesn't even matter as well. With both outcomes, he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things. He will still pay the price and he is still illegitimate.
he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things.
Yes, he's our puppet. He's doing stupid things because it undermines the dems and their stupid emotional followers are less likely to riot when they get ousted for cheating. The dems have to be seen to fail for the public to accept that they cheated.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift
No, new Biden's forehead is more bulbous. Old Biden's is more sloped, they are just different people. The ears and eyes too. You'll see if you look carefully.
and his mental state is declining.
He hold himself well and walks way too surely and smoothly for someone with medium dementia.
GIven that he appears to be a different person, the simplest explanation is that he is an actor. Given that he makes such very terrible mistakes, the simplest explanation is that he does it on purpose. He just looks like a kinder person to me too. Old Biden looked and sounded like a spiteful monster. See the clip of him arguing with Clarence Thomas years ago.
he looks like he got a facelift. the ears are very much the same, the earlobe is what changed, which is called pixie ear. it happens when you get facelifts when you are old. same for the eyes. people can retain fat in their forehead, his facelift plus weight loss can change its shape. this really is the simplest explanation.
He hasn't retained fat in his forehead, it's a different shape, more domed and less sloped.
this really is the simplest explanation.
What's not simple about exchanging one man for another who looks similar?
Other leaders had doubles. Stalin and Saddam Hussein did for example. It's not a stretch considering his appearance has changed.
Break through the cog dis man! This would not even be close to the weirdest thing to be happening these days.
lol okay, answer this.... if we have the technology, and the wanted everyone to think its Biden, why not make him look exactly like old biden? why would they change his ears to be exactly the same, but make his face look stretched and weird and change his personality? why go through the trouble of one thing and neglect the rest? they fix his inner ear, but not his lobe? why.
Because is doesn't matter if anons know. It's like an open secret.
The NPC normies cannot accept it even if it's clear because it goes against the narrative. A sort of emperor's new clothes.
It's just like all the other obvious things the normies cannot accept such as the election steal and the toxic vax.
They're brainwashed and as long as the Biden looks approx similar, it'll do.
There's the short Hillary stand in too, the one from the fake inauguration. She was a foot shorter than she should be. The NPCs will not take it on board, they are not told it's a possibility.
yes I don't think so. think it's the original JB/he's been working with the Kennedys to bring down the DS. listen to how he says JFK 'awakened' his interest.
he's talking about Kennedy and 'awakened', and now here we are, in a Great Awakening involving the Kennedys?? 🤔🕵♀️
also, the pinching sign he makes is similar to Q in sign language. and President Trump makes the same sign.
This is like a horrible movie that I can't stop watching.
It requires audience participation and we ain't getting our money back.
Image from:
Look at that picture. That is the biden I remember.
Who is this clown in office now?!? We all know an actor, but which actor?
Plastic Surgery you say? Actually the real biden? OK, that severe a change take months/years to heal, or so I've been lead to believe. Can anyone point out the time where he was out of the limelight to have this alleged surgery? Even then, the skin takes a long time to stop looking like new.
When did it happen? I postulate there isn't a time in which it happened.
To me, Biden started looking like he was swapped out during Obama's term.
I kinda feel this way myself. By the time he was running in the late teens the switch had already happened. I don't recall any in between. Just one day he was old, next time I saw him, new.
That 2016 pic in RT is the old Biden. But by the 2020 debates with Trump, it is the double. Black eyes instead of blue. Special contacts?
I think it's much bigger than that, and we need to 'expand' our thinking. Everything JB does helps the whitehats...
Yes, Biden version 2 is a white hat
I thought something was definitely wrong before the 2016 debates. Biden had been going around acting like a demented stooge, and I thoroughly expected Trump to wipe the floor with him. Trump didn't because all of a sudden Biden was lucid and actually presentable during their first debate. In my opinion the actor was already in place before the debates but stepped up to do what they needed for the debates.
Trump had already passed it off as they would be giving him performance drugs for the debate so that it didn't look so strange that he did well.
I don't think that was the case. I think he was supposed to do well to help them cheat him into office. I think his win was orchestrated by more than just cheating alone. I think the whitehats wanted the election just close enough so that they had to cheat big, but not far enough apart that they would have to take the cheat to overdrive. I think they took it to overdrive anyway out of fear of Trump winning again.
And to further that theory, I believe Trump was purposely extra aggressive and "unlikeable" (I loved it) towards the same agenda. Too over the top, in hindsight.
I think everyone is going to feel really stupid when they realize that Patriots put the fake Biden in to let him win so they could set the trap for the rest of the global deep state.
I am not so sure they will ever let the sheeple in on that part of the plan. A lot of people would be furious at all that was lost. People have lost their lives, their livelyhoods, and everything they have spent their lives working over.
Telling them you let it happen might be a very bad idea.
When people realize what the alternative would have been they may see things differently.
If the Democrats installed the (original) impostor to begin with then this is all the Patriots would need to reveal. They wouldn't need to reveal any secondary (or flipped) impostor in order to convey whatever lesson is necessary.
I don't know, maybe people will be grateful if they see what was avoided and how this was the way to avoid it. It's hard to tell what people will accept.
Clever people will work out that Biden 2 was allowed to win when more evidence comes out and.
Can't predict this one.
and I think that's part of the plan.
we've been witnessing a worldwide presentation of good cop/bad cop; they're both working for the same side. tricking the 'monolith' JFK warned about.
just imagine what people would do if DJT and Joe Biden walked out together and said they're Both a part of Q🥸😱😉
Especially if they both take a bow and Biden takes his rubber mask off!
edit: Oh yes, I remember that you reckon Biden is the original Biden who has now flipped to white hat.
In that case, no rubber mask!
yep that's me🥸 I do think he's the original, but I bet there are also masks involved; to keep us guessing and analyzing. like these older videos, his face is much puffier.
I also know that JFK Jr. was fond of masks, so assuming Q uses them. and wonder if there's CGI too. maybe some of these people aren't even real/some of the peripheral players, so the movie has more background characters. Remember the scene in home alone, where the bad guys think McCauley Culkins character is multiple people, because of all the contraptions he set up. Q reminds me of that;)
Why would his replacement act like a mentally deficient retard?
Probably because of this:
Perhaps they're drugging him and these are the side-effects
because the cabal killed his wife and daughter and now he's working with the whitehats (look up Neilia Biden) and it's the 'systematic destruction of the old guard'- it's been planned for a long time.
So, he will do whatever it takes to bring them down and wake us up; including acting like a fool.
yep it sounds farfetched, but once you start digging & see how close he was to Teddy Kennedy and his family, it makes sense. I think they're double agents; confusing the deepstate. and that's why JFKJR called Biden a 'traitor', as an inside joke. he's was a 'traitor' to the blackhats.
I'm asking that myself. Maybe the primary replacement was going that way himself?
I find it hard to believe he is currently WH controlled, but that would be another reason.
He's putting it on.
Prophecy of Julie Green
My children, you are about to hear shouts and screams across your land saying, "THE BIDEN IS WHO? No, they couldn't have done something so heinous. Not in front of our eyes. They actually tried this? Who is he again? Lord, how can this be? "The Biden" is a perpetrator and an even bigger fraud than we thought. How did the world not see this? Lord, how could they have done this to us?"
I would actually just like both of these traitors dead.
yes it would be kick ass if in the middle of a press conference he ripped off the mask and said i am Q mfers and you are all sooooo fucked
He is neither. Even if he were to be charged with treason which is the death penalty they will not put him in jail or on death row. He has dementia and they cannot jail or kill him with that so he gets away with his crimes. The best they can do is put him in a home and confiscate everything he or his family owns. His family because they too are living luxury off his crimes.
Where do you get this idea that the actual Biden has dementia?
The guy who is there now pretends to have dementia while he undermines the dems with scripted gaffes.
Oh, they could execute him quite easily. Walk him on the platform, noose, quick stop after a short drop, easy.
Yeah, I know, but it could happen.
From a number of observations over the years I believe Biden has been replaced by an impostor twice, and the Democrats who are "in the know" about the first impostor are oblivious about the (white hat controlled) second; they still think their impostor is in place.
If you guys need a comparision, I took these pictures of Biden on Veteran's Day 2015. I know these are unedited. They went straight from my camera to my computer.
Joe biden is not replaced with a double...
The sensible conclusion is that Biden is replaced by an actor. When he looks different and his expressions are different than replacement is the go to conclusion.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift. and his mental state is declining. Him being replaced is an extreme assertion, it would need ample evidence that couldn't be explained so easily. If this is an actor or not really doesn't even matter as well. With both outcomes, he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things. He will still pay the price and he is still illegitimate.
Yes, he's our puppet. He's doing stupid things because it undermines the dems and their stupid emotional followers are less likely to riot when they get ousted for cheating. The dems have to be seen to fail for the public to accept that they cheated.
No, new Biden's forehead is more bulbous. Old Biden's is more sloped, they are just different people. The ears and eyes too. You'll see if you look carefully.
He hold himself well and walks way too surely and smoothly for someone with medium dementia.
GIven that he appears to be a different person, the simplest explanation is that he is an actor. Given that he makes such very terrible mistakes, the simplest explanation is that he does it on purpose. He just looks like a kinder person to me too. Old Biden looked and sounded like a spiteful monster. See the clip of him arguing with Clarence Thomas years ago.
he looks like he got a facelift. the ears are very much the same, the earlobe is what changed, which is called pixie ear. it happens when you get facelifts when you are old. same for the eyes. people can retain fat in their forehead, his facelift plus weight loss can change its shape. this really is the simplest explanation.
He hasn't retained fat in his forehead, it's a different shape, more domed and less sloped.
What's not simple about exchanging one man for another who looks similar? Other leaders had doubles. Stalin and Saddam Hussein did for example. It's not a stretch considering his appearance has changed.
Break through the cog dis man! This would not even be close to the weirdest thing to be happening these days.
lol okay, answer this.... if we have the technology, and the wanted everyone to think its Biden, why not make him look exactly like old biden? why would they change his ears to be exactly the same, but make his face look stretched and weird and change his personality? why go through the trouble of one thing and neglect the rest? they fix his inner ear, but not his lobe? why.
Because is doesn't matter if anons know. It's like an open secret.
The NPC normies cannot accept it even if it's clear because it goes against the narrative. A sort of emperor's new clothes.
It's just like all the other obvious things the normies cannot accept such as the election steal and the toxic vax.
They're brainwashed and as long as the Biden looks approx similar, it'll do.
There's the short Hillary stand in too, the one from the fake inauguration. She was a foot shorter than she should be. The NPCs will not take it on board, they are not told it's a possibility.
yes I don't think so. think it's the original JB/he's been working with the Kennedys to bring down the DS. listen to how he says JFK 'awakened' his interest.
he's talking about Kennedy and 'awakened', and now here we are, in a Great Awakening involving the Kennedys?? 🤔🕵♀️
also, the pinching sign he makes is similar to Q in sign language. and President Trump makes the same sign.
He was just sighted being led around by the Easter Bunny s few weeks ago.
Yeah, not even close to true. BUT. Face masks are a thing, as are detached again/attached again earlobes.
His tripping up the steps of “Air Force 1”. Definitely an acting job and it was a proof to a Q post!
yep^ he's one of the 'actors' Q mentioned, also think the same of his wife with her fishnet stockings; think she's playing a part.
would love to see some of her 'lessons' from her 40 years of teaching; have a hunch she might use socratic reasoning.
Oh, her clothes have been atrocious!
There is a Getty Image pic of him where the face mask has a square tab that “joins” his ear weirdly and is so, so obvious.
Haven’t found that particular one yet so I’m attaching pics that show the difference just on his right ear...
black eyes, dead eyes, like a doll's eyes
It can't be fun having that glued to his face. Hi eyelids and lips must hurt.
My money is on James Woods
He is up to something. Even said he has been on a secret project that keeps him busy!
I think James Wood's nose is too long. Biden2 has a petite note.
I watched every YouTube video, he changed August 2017. Maybe more since then, but certainly on that date.