Yall wanna give the groomers guns!!??!?!? One minute teachers are the underarm of society. The next you want to arm them around your kids?!?! These teachers are more fucked up in the head than anyone else. Have we forgotten Libs of Tiktok already?!
Source: I work amongst them.
Give retired veterans the opportunity?
All distractions aside, the entire school system is corrupt and you should have taken your kids out when they mandated masks on them.
I took all 4 of mine out and left the workforce.
That's awesome! You can have the satisfaction of leading your own children in a godly way without worrying every night that they are being program to destory your church and family.
This is the best thing to do. It is a crisis in America and nobody will stop the teachers. Obviously it is time to TAKE CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL
Rant away, Rooftop. You are totally right.
Two School Districts in St. Louis Area Train and Arm Teachers to Prevent Possible Mass Shooting Attack...
Rooftoptendie. Well said. Can I pass this along to family? I cant think of a better way to say it
Yes! You can't fix these schools. You can't fix the teachers that are harming your kids and brainwashing them. If you care about your kids, get them out now.
One of our friends called after this shooting happened. His kids go to a private school. There are no "gun free" signs. There's one, locked, entrance. There are armed security guards. He knows his kids will make it home alive every day and aren't being fed evil, leftist crap all day.
Excellent idea, but still need to be closely vetted. I don’t think we would want someone with severe PTSD armed near the children.
I think that teachers should be vetted more closely, when you see the lunatics that are hired now-teachers who hate the U.S. and want to push communism and socialism, who advocate for BLM and Antifa, who glory in discussing their sex lives with children, who gleefully try to indoctrinate children into their LGBQT world, who think children should be punished for not addressing peers by using the “proper pronoun”, teachers who set poor examples-tattoos everywhere, nose and lip rings, blatant language and lack of self discipline let alone being able to control a classroom. I am saying anyone with a gun protecting children needs to be thoroughly vetted for mental health issues period. I would prefer former military because they are focused and disciplined, and should be the first rewarded with this type of job.
True. So many vets are killing their wives and kids and comitting suicide. If there is something to be done, now is thet ime to try it.
Does PTSD make you want to kill children? Or does it make you hyper Vigilant towards protecting your mission
Maybe in the context of above comment PTSD means Progressive Teacher Socialist Democrat.
yes.....the education system must be destroyed and teachers must be selected not because they have a glorified "teaching" degree which means nothing at ll, right up there with poly sci and communications....but hire people with life experience and military training......I trust few people with guns, but ex military or ex cops would be excellent.
Id trust a 50-75 year old veteran sitting around twiddling their thumbs in a heartbeat
Bill Cooper said it was the Orion Program. We know their game, call it out for what it is. All this one dimensional thinking about putting more guns in schools is so stupid. You're playing right into their hands.
Our goal should be to get back to kids having hunting guns on their trucks and no metal detectors. Our goal should be to get back to a trust based society.
Id trust a well trained Christian 9 year old with a gun, over a brain damaged 30 year old leftist with a gun
Of course yes
In early 90s, a classmate had their shotgun in the truck back window rack. VP noticed and talked to him a second, then send him to class.
Told the kid 2 things.
That was it.
Of course the context was government guns held in a defensive posture because we can't trust that the Deep State won't slaughter our children as opposed to our older children living in a free society with an intact 2nd amendment.
Spot on, the dismantling and decentralization of the absolute power presently enjoyed by the federal government is the only answer.
The many aspects of control they have enforce upon us has led to lost of, community autonomy, the establishment and enforcement of culture norms as defined by the community.
Not dictate by the idiot freaks of the alphabet soup, who are evidently running agendas contrary to the wishes, will and benefit of the american people, where true sovereign lies.
Until this monster is dead and buried, and the constitutional limitations once again restored and enforced, there will be no peace, safety or sanity for any of us much less our children.
I can't imagine why it would be difficult for anyone to see that the federal government and it's clandestine clowns are the underlying source of what ails us.
Band-Aids will not cure this massive hemorrhaging.
Thank you ma'am. Having matched wits against you in the past, your doots are meaningful to me!!
Got my updoot.
How many kids are molested every year? But nobody wants to say that schools are not safe anymore. Its because people want to tmake more money and not stay home and teach their children so they ignore the schools and buy more devices like Ipads that only let the children get groomed online also.
Some good points are made here. Let's have a discussion about this, and please continue to keep it civil.
I may not be able to arm teachers, but I CAN remove some targets…homeschool.
Our kids knowing there is an enemy is not a bad thing, one problem is the government schools teach that the parent is the enemy. Another is they teach to hide and let a “professional “ deal with it.
A root of PTSD is regret, not being prepared, or choosing to no engage.
I teach mine in line with Nehemiah, work armed. Everything is a weapon, kill or die trying. My most squeamish can now almost crush my esophagus.
You said it before I did, in more concise terms. Upvoted
John Brown Club says otherwise. Revolutionary minded leftist are not afraid of a lil 2A.
Arm the students!
Home school, church school.
Remember the church shootings. Home is the only option I see here
Or small private conservative schools. Not many but they’re out there
Yes. As a teacher, I do want to give teachers guns. This gives your based teacher, if nothing else, an anti-groomer device at hand.
Trained and drilled police cowered outside.
Glowies arent real cops
Every armed, law abiding citizen.
Doesn't matter what they are if that's who responds and that's what they do.
They were certainly able to protect the shooter.
Remove the kids from the school
Good point. And it wouldn’t stop the deep state from perpetrating FF’s.
The limp wristed liberal does not want to carry a gun to school. Allowing teachers to carry weapons will only encourage patriots. Why do you want to dismiss constitutional rights so easily?
I don't. I want people to think harder about the inconsistencies in what they scream out for when emotionally manipulated .
The assumption that everyone who disagrees with your message is doing so because they are emotionally manipulated is insulting and condescending, besides being inaccurate.
What if people legitimately feel like having other adults with weapons, to neutralize the threat from stooges of the FBI and CIA who perpetrate these atrocities, is a good idea? Cops sure aren't rushing in to help. What if some teachers are veterans and very comfortable with firearms already?
It feels like an anti-gun fear message you're peddling. Guns are so dangerous and scary, we can't trust teachers not to just start shooting—whom? The kids?
Whole financial system needs to come down to free parents from slavery, granting them the ability to homeschool their own kids. Better education and protection. Imagine large homeschool groups all over the country, free of financial burden or government oppression. It’ll happen.
This exists already and has for years. Homeschooling is a great option for people that have at least one stay home parent.
It'd be great to make America great again....and return to the days of an economy where the man is able to earn enough money to care for the entire household, with the support of a loving woman who felt no need, no societal compulsion, no peer pressure to let strangers raise her children, to leave her husband's property and go take orders from and do the bidding of ANOTHER man for 8-10 hours, giving HIM her energy and the best hours of her day, and bringing home a stressed, tired shell of herself to her hungry mate and children.
Yep, but its going to get BETTER NCSWIC
You cheap bastards!! Take your children out of public schools and stop buying 'muh truck' every other year.
Agree, cant even imagine the scenario of arming teachers.... sounds like pure chaos...
The whole arm the teachers is kinda not a great argument anyway.
The REAL argument is the FBI should stop allowing/planning this shit
Stop organizing and doing this shit +
Good point.
just get rid of the gun free zone status.
People have the right to bear arms. Generally leftists do not exercise that right. But merely getting rid of the gun free zone status would make any shooter think twice.
No open carry in schools, but a teacher should be able to conceal a handgun.
This. Don't require it but give the option for concealed carry. In Kalifornistan you don't know who is carrying. Not knowing if someone is carrying can be a good deterrent for actin-a-fool.
a common sense gun law
The best way to solve mass shootings in schools is to disband the FBI and ATF.
I agree.
Holy crikey. Broad brush much?
The specific teachers you're freaking out about—the purple-haired, America-hating, tacklebox-faced, thin-skinned, weak-willed, pronoun-obsessed, gender-bending groomers—don't want to be in the same BUILDING with a gun, much less fire one or [gasp!] carry one.
Exactly, they have done enough damage.
I'm more in awe that a teacher is browsing GAW. :)
I agree with the sentiment of this post but I think it is implying something it might not mean to. If we aren't going to arm teachers because there are groomers among them, the implications is that we aren't planning on firing all the groomers and prosecuting those that crossed the line.
The better way to look at this is any state willing to consider arming teachers is not going to tolerate having groomers or any other nefarious characters as teachers. No communist state like California or New York that supports groomer teachers is going to arm them regardless of how much they like their groomer class of citizens. For now, they only people who they want to allow guns are their designated loyalists (FBI, CIA, MS13, Street Gangs, etc.). While they may want teachers to have guns, they are too mentally unstable (so can be difficult to control at times) and they are too fanatical with respect to the leftist SJW religion such that they would consider owning guns sacrilege and would refuse.
School Marshals, recruited from a pool of veterans. Pre-trans period veterans obviously.
I don't think teachers should be forced or even coerced into carrying, but 2A is for everyone. They should be allowed to carry if they want. No more "gun free zones".
Solution is dismantling the ABC agencies.
Teachers have harmed more children with their words and deeds than police with guns. Teachers promoting transgenderism, critical race theory, Orange Man Bad, removing the pledge of allegiance, praying in classrooms, pushing C19 fear with masks and harmful vaccines, pushing storytime trannies, porn laden textbooks and "sex education" are far, far more damaging and destructive to young minds and bodies than police will ever be.
I was thinking this same thing.
And democrats want to hate police so badly how convenient that everybody is hating them after this shooting.
Those police should have stormed the school but something about this is a little more fishy than usual.
My wife said the same thing.
We need veterans with plate armor and an AR-15 with M855A1 ammo at every school.
Not all teachers are whack. Nothing is stopping the crazy teachers from buying guns now. I doubt they would buy a gun if they were allowed.
Teachers should be encouraged to arm up.
I wanna know why a $10 lock wasn’t used on the doors. And /back in my day/ our school had double doors with a foyer between. Had to get buzzed in with magnetic locks. Never meant anything to me then, but now it makes sense.
Probably had a lock, but the pink haired vapors had a rock in the door jam so the could get back in.
Even it if we’re there, an AR would shoot through the lock or the class door that the lock is attached to with no problem. Unless we are going to build schools like prisons, a $10 lock will not make a difference
I’d agree but idk why the fuck there wasn’t one used. Even on the front of the school. Would rather have kids in a “prison” for 8 hours then dead by a tranny fag glowie
Only solution when grouped up is being able to fight back. “Remember the Alamo!”
If you ask me, the whole arming of the teachers is more of a stop gap curing of the symptoms rather than the cause.
Putting guns into the hands of responsible and reliable personnel in school will discourage and deter would-be mass murdering cowards from carrying out their plans, but it does not account when the Alphabet Soup agencies that seem to be behind most of these henious crimes want something to happen, nor does it account for the broken culture that provides fertile ground for more of these maniacs to sprout up.
Fix both, and the amount of mass shootings will go down.
Solution is simple, home school your damn kids, it doesn't take that much time per day. Most home schooling is like 2-3 hours a day 3-4 times a week.
Furthermore it's a burden they didn't sign up for, even if they are good honest teachers. Not everyone is a soldier. Being involved in gunfights is an idea that does not appeal to most.
Right?!? How about some liability and training considerations. Do I get paid for undertaking security duties now?