Let’s talk about professional wrestling. Did you know that Trump is friends with Vince McMahon, CEO of WWE? There are some eerie parallels between a wrestling storyline and the drama that surrounds the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
Let’s look at current events, shall we?
Narrative Structure.
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This is what I was referring to when I saw a post and some comments about why Americans haven't acted over the stolen election because we have guns. It's because we are Americans and with the 2nd amendment we instinctively know what not to do in relation to our government. If you don't live it, sometimes it's hard for outsiders to understand. I'm not saying all just some. They could even be feds here trying to get us to say or do something stupid which we will not do. Please, if you aren't American, let us make the decisions on how we take down the cabal in our own country and you work on your country at the same time. We all have a job to do.🇺🇸
Those may be valid comments.
Many foreigners who are against globalists are putting their faith that anti-globalist Americans will defeat this new world order.
They know that if America falls, unfortunately the world falls.
and they always pray for those great Americans who fight day and night against the establishment of the deep state.
WWG1WGA- WORLD WIDE FREN. Jesus Christ be with us all! Forgive us, Renew us, Holy Spirit help us put on and keep on our armor. I pray the plan and God's will have a lot in common! Grant all people honesty about dependence on you so that we invite You into all we do.
This isn't written in stone. It doesn't have to be this way. I agree it may be more difficult if the US falls, but people shouldn't give up their own responsibility by expecting others to solve their problems for them. If people are so demoralized they can't see any thing they can do personally, then they need to work on that so they can be helpful and not dead weight. (this isn't a call to arms or violence, but a call to own your local problems and participate in making the world better locally.)
“If America falls, the World falls.”
Any reason why you're replying to a 5 month old post?
It was stickied again today. I didn’t realize it was an old thread.
ah! ok that makes sense, thx.
Agree....it was said over a hundred years ago that a spiritual battle would be fought and that America would have a very important role . Lots of spiritual gurus etc began going to America..setting up spiritual centres there....
People like me in UK where we have no weapons at all not even the law and vast quantities of fighting age foreigners pouring into the country every day are relying on America to defeat the enemy and help us defeat our oppressors ....we cannot accomplish much ...UK military is not for the people but the royals and the weffers as are the police ..we need America to help us
Tend to your own garden, agreed.
The guy who knows how to get doesn’t want to get into a fight.
The saying is, the best way to expose a dictator is the make them act like a dictator. The feds are instigating and the media is ready with the smear campaign…. Muh alt right.
I agree, and studying the storylines of the WWE will help us attain our goals.
Can't wait to see the doors to the House chamber kick open as Durham marches in wearing Ultimate Warrior facepaint and just starts slamming people while some CSPAN commentator with a high pitched voice starts screaming, "OH! You can't do that! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!"
Nothing is happening until John Durham throws HRC off Hell in a Cell, causing her to plummet 17 feet through an announcer's table.
This deserves more updoots
Wrong, you're not. Done, my part.
Wrestle fag here.
Showbiz is showbiz and running for office is no different than putting on any other spectacle for the masses
Obligatory DecodingSymbols article 10x more researched than someone's substack:
Amazing and very educational article
Well it's about narrative really, not really wrestling. Same tree, just a weird branch on the other side
Trump hosted Wrestlemania 4 and 5... 45...
This is how i imagine Trump coming back into the Whitehouse which will have been gold plated for his next 10 terms so now its the GoldHouse u/#trumpbeatdown
No what he should do is wrestle Biden. Then when he wins he gets the USA president's championship belt!! Edit: and hold up the belt in front of the white house like he's friggin macho man Randy Savage! THE CREAM OF THE CROP
Remember when Biden said he would take Trump behind the gym and beat him up or something like that? Does Joe know he's like 5'8" and 140 lbs? Trump could just yell at him and knock him over!
Top 10 Most Powerful Anime Characters of All Time
The kayfabe is getting old.
Don't work yourself into a shoot brother.
Love HH
Re-stickying this for context on the WW-YE meme!
I read this back when it was first published. I think it was just a year ahead of the times, and it seems to all be happening now instead of last year when it was written.
Good necro - useful in this case. Entheos is doing the same thing with a lot of his posts on TS. These backward, future proves past timelines are tough to stay on top of as they unspool.
Anyone rember Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory tv show? He exposed Haarp, vaccines, NWO etc. I've never been able to wrap my head around him bashing Trump so much. He even pushed Covid agenda and vax.
yes lots of connections between Vince and DJT, think WWE has been part of the plan for years
Vince McMahon Stepped down as CEO on June 17, 2022
I've noticed the parallels between pro wrestling and politics for a while, now. Using carnival-wrestling slang, many in the Republican party are jobbers against the DNC (wrestlers who routinely, or exclusively, lose matches are known as jobbers or "dummy wrestlers").
Check out MrDrew4ENT on truth social and Twitter. He makes excellent videos drawing the parallels between pro wrestling and our history. 4VKM
I thought this would be about Vince, since he may be getting MeToo'd soon.
Something about $3,000,000 in hush money.
Oh well. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Wrestlemania 4 storyline: A giant steals the highest prize in wrestling with the help of an evil twin referee. The giant then sells the prize to the resident millionaire, but the judicial system of the WWF called it corruption and ordered a New champion to be crowned in a tournament that would eventually be won by a Macho Man.
Wrestlemania 5 storyline: Mega-Powers Explode.
Evil Twin referee was the most brilliant, batshit-genius storyline in the history of wrestling. Hulk Hogan cried in losing the title and said "How much did the plastic surgery cost???!" AMAZING.
And the evil twin, Dave hebner just died this week… can’t make this stuff up
I know, right?
The courts and not the military. In any reasonable world, this makes perfect sense. I am also confident Trump employs the full gambit of his experience, so much could be true. Military is the only way and corruption of the courts. Big factors in this one.
My wife and I are wrestlefags
The product is in such a horrible place quality wise right now
but the Bloodline story is quite compelling. Sami Uso character might cement Sami Zayn's legacy in a way even his work as Generico didn't. At one point I did not really like Sami, now I think he is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world. Daniel Bryan is declining in AEW while Sami is on another level now
I really like Daniel, he is a wrestler's wrestler..but I hope he decides to end his career right back in a WWE ring. Same for Jericho.
From this anons point of view, Moxley is an addict and a cuck who simply could not hang in the real world. Look at Sami, he took crap, put over Johnny Knoxville, now he is the most over star in the top of the card story line and the #2 guy in WWE. "Dean" could have taken the rehab offer from Vince, got clean, spent the off time putting on 20 pounds of muscle, and come back world champion...such an idiot to not realize he got the best matches period out of both Brock and Triple H
Top wrestler in the World today is "Roman Reigns"..... Rome Reigns.....
Judges appear to be WWE fans......................
wrestler name UMAGA .. very interesting
Ultra MAGA wrestled The Almighty who is ex US Army… gotta love it
Ask not whom the Dong tolls for
So I lost track about 1998, so what happened after the nWo?
Linda McMahon, Vince's wife was Trump's secretary of labor.
I remember when he lost a Wrestling bet to Trump.
The penalty was allowing Trump to shave his head.
That's a fun clip
At the very beginning When trump walks in the commentator says “some say he is a prophet, spelled p r o f i t”
"Go with it- The soundtrack from your favorite adult movie. Brought to you by the NWO."
Trump's about to make his ultimate heel turn- to babyface!!
The referee didn't see that Biden had a foreign object.
Unfortunately the biggest wrestling parallel of all is that the referee is biased in favor of the cabal...
Triple H: sorry I was late Vince, I was doing stuff
Stephanie McMahon: I'm stuff
This article lost me when it tried to claim Trump's May 2021 statement had to mean he was about to make a move. Here we are in June of 2022 with no such moves made and Trump continues to boost 2022 candidates. Looks like business as usual and 2020 is now just a distant memory, so the rest of this article doesn't really make any sense.
What move would have counted
Release the election fraud proof he had the military collect. It makes him look dumb saying the election was stolen without sharing his proof with everyone. I guess he is now just giving out little pieces to different people to wake up the country but yes it is perceived as slow