Maybe it was a signal that the operation was a go for launch. It is possible that the 2012 election was a test to see what it would take for Donald Trump to win in 2016. Not saying that President Trump stole that election, but it was to prevent Hillary from stealing the election.
Trump started Tweeting stuff very relevant to today back in 2012, including the "round up the perverts" Tweet and the "when I was younger my name was Donald J. Trump and Obama was Barry Sotero." or whatever.
Makes me think the military took over before 2016. Maybe that's why Q keeps saying "we have it all."
Watch as they get uterine transplants and their bodies reject the organ because men literally don't have the right muscles or pelvic floor to hold it there. It'll literally want to collapse inside of them and/or slip out via "neo vagina" hole.
The tail on the Q is pointing towards the East Wing of the White House. Points of interest on that side of the building are; the movie theater, library, calligraphy workshop, the Lincoln bedroom and the Jacquline Kennedy Garden.
The tail on the Q is pointing towards the East Wing of the White House. Points of interest on that side of the building are; the movie theater, library, calligraphy workshop, the Lincoln bedroom and the Jacquline Kennedy Garden.
Remember when the fountain was fenced off for ah, construction? It was enclosed so no could see what was going on. I vaguely remember this. I wonder if they destroyed the evil symbol & then rebuilt it & it sealed with a Q! kek!
I don't see anything else those stepping stones would be in line with if not for making a Q. Definitely a cute nod from the team if they are indeed in control, but I wouldn't huff too much copium from this.
"Has this always been here" is a legitimate question. Dipshits like you are why people conflate questions with affirmations. I would agree it's reaching if OP posted "OMG GUYS LOOK ABSOLUTE 1000000000000000000000% PROFF Q IS REAL!!!!!"
But they did not. They asked if there was any significance at all and there might be according to u/Qnaut's analysis. And no, you don't get to assume intent when asking a question. That makes you extra stupid.
"Over the top" has and likely always will be a more effective approach at making a point from time to time. Throwing the "reaching" label is what was uncalled for.
I am a patriot
Patriots don't whine like they're the victim after getting push back for sharing their opinions.
You can go to HE****. I am more conservative than 95% of the people out there. I fight constantly. I don't whine I fight back when I am attached without warrant. Don't you ever pretend to know who I am.
They also don't have to go around saying they are a "patriot". They know actions prove they are a patriot and don't need to glamour themselves about it.
Historical data from Google Earth shows that the water feature has been there for decades, and the three dots have been there at least since 2012.
Here is another shot from 2010 that lacks the three dots.
Interesting time correlation... The Q appeared perhaps only mere months after the infamous 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner with Obama and Trump. This would have been right before the start of Obama's second term.
2011 is when Trump first really got attention on the political scene, making a big ass deal about Obama's fake birth certificate
<Clicks third link leading to 18+ minutes of smarmy hussein crap> Hell to the No! Kek!
Add that to another "we are watching a movie" notch.
Hmmm. Interesting. Maybe Big Mike had them added so he didn't have to walk on those bricks when pissing in the fountain.
Remember, 'they' buried Benhazi and lied about on MSM in order to get BHO reelected. That happened during the Obama vs Romney campaign period.
Sticky to get eyes on. I'm curious.
Good sticky. And as usual, the FROG ARMY DELIVERS.
The only way to find out is to download Google Earth and use the timeline feature.
Alright, I'll do it.
I can see the Q on the White House lawn as early as October of 2012.
And it was absent in August of 2010.
Maybe it was a signal that the operation was a go for launch. It is possible that the 2012 election was a test to see what it would take for Donald Trump to win in 2016. Not saying that President Trump stole that election, but it was to prevent Hillary from stealing the election.
Trump started Tweeting stuff very relevant to today back in 2012, including the "round up the perverts" Tweet and the "when I was younger my name was Donald J. Trump and Obama was Barry Sotero." or whatever.
Makes me think the military took over before 2016. Maybe that's why Q keeps saying "we have it all."
Remember that President Trump also requested a look into Barry's fake birth certificate.
No, the only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save and spread (your ass cheeks).
this photo from 1990 would suggest the three little white circles haven't always been there
That is a different time of year. The trees do not have leaves. This would be useful to compare to a more recent winter pic.
Tomorrow biden will be out their digging them up...
And underneath them, they shall find photos of Michelle, pregnant
Men cant get pregnant.
And yet faggots won’t stop trying.
Watch as they get uterine transplants and their bodies reject the organ because men literally don't have the right muscles or pelvic floor to hold it there. It'll literally want to collapse inside of them and/or slip out via "neo vagina" hole.
It’s long been known that giving organs from man to woman in a transplant is a bad idea. But in clown world, doctors will probably try it.
Already happened. Lillie Elbe, Danish transsexual died in 1931 of complications due to a uterus transplant.
There was a movie about her a few years ago with Eddie Redmayne.
I'll have to search for that one, sounds awful.
And B.O.’s birth certificate?
Even if it is not. It will be funny AF to watch them dig it up. It will be an epic troll at the worse.
Fine, I'll say it. "Watch the water"
Wasn’t there some type of barricade surrounding the fountain within the last year?
The tail on the Q is pointing towards the East Wing of the White House. Points of interest on that side of the building are; the movie theater, library, calligraphy workshop, the Lincoln bedroom and the Jacquline Kennedy Garden.
It's only a Q from this one angle though
Still a q
No. Q. Kek!
All Qs are only a Q from one angle chief.
Unlike this one, all other Qs are VIEWED only from one angle
U got a point
Yes... but why does it have white flowers on that specific section? Why is it not more uniform and a complete red circle?
Its symbiology is probably nothing more than a notice to the Derp State. Still symbolic none the less.
It's a Q aligned with North.
Which way is north?
They way it's pointing. Penn side up.
The tail on the Q is pointing towards the East Wing of the White House. Points of interest on that side of the building are; the movie theater, library, calligraphy workshop, the Lincoln bedroom and the Jacquline Kennedy Garden.
That’s hilarious. They just redid the fountain.
Interestingly, the White House fountain is located at the bottom of a massive pentagram.
Remember when the fountain was fenced off for ah, construction? It was enclosed so no could see what was going on. I vaguely remember this. I wonder if they destroyed the evil symbol & then rebuilt it & it sealed with a Q! kek!
I believe this photo is taken after the re-grade of the Rose Garden. The crab trees are not visible - one can see the border bushes.
I don't see anything else those stepping stones would be in line with if not for making a Q. Definitely a cute nod from the team if they are indeed in control, but I wouldn't huff too much copium from this.
All this time. I’m pretty sure the landscapers look at satellite view to map out there designs..... and this stuck out Quite Quick!
You are really reaching with this.
"Has this always been here" is a legitimate question. Dipshits like you are why people conflate questions with affirmations. I would agree it's reaching if OP posted "OMG GUYS LOOK ABSOLUTE 1000000000000000000000% PROFF Q IS REAL!!!!!"
But they did not. They asked if there was any significance at all and there might be according to u/Qnaut's analysis. And no, you don't get to assume intent when asking a question. That makes you extra stupid.
Your comment was over the top and uncalled for.
I am a patriot but sometimes they reach for stuff.
"Over the top" has and likely always will be a more effective approach at making a point from time to time. Throwing the "reaching" label is what was uncalled for.
Patriots don't whine like they're the victim after getting push back for sharing their opinions.
You can go to HE****. I am more conservative than 95% of the people out there. I fight constantly. I don't whine I fight back when I am attached without warrant. Don't you ever pretend to know who I am.
Simmer down now before you hurt yourself.
It really upsets me when people act and speak this way.
They also don't have to go around saying they are a "patriot". They know actions prove they are a patriot and don't need to glamour themselves about it.