Make this painful for every person you deal with. Anyone who tells you that you must take your son to get a shot should be named in a law suit. Don't let anyone off the hook. If they tow the party line, they are as guilty as anyone at the top.
PAIN stops bad behavior.
Make this painful for every person you deal with. Anyone who tells you that you must take your son to get a shot should be named in a law suit. Don't let anyone off the hook. If they tow the party line, they are as guilty as anyone at the top. PAIN stops bad behavior.
Absolutely! It needs to be said, and you said it very well. Upvoted!
TB is bacteria-- ask this question- why test to see if I ever had TB before vax?
Because if I had TB in the past (natural immunity) getting the TB vax would be very very very bad for me
Interestingly that may be one vaccine I'm lacking. Seen some horror stories including a Chubbyemu video about someone who wasn't vaccinated against it contracting it from older Chinese food.
But I am pretty careful of not eating day or two day old food that has been left out and I have a leftover limit of next day.
Make sure to say you want to see the actual bottle, label, insert and if it's in pre-loaded syringes you want to see the box, label, insert and syringe label before it's injected. If they hesitate, refuse or say it's unavailable, go to a different doctor.
ya, about that oath...does it bother anybody else, with what we know today, that the caduceus has not one, but two snakes entwined on it! symbols are everywhere these days!
me here, disbelieving ANYTHING relating to any shot "for your own good" these days...even if label and everything seems legit, there's no way to know what's actually in that vial, and i don't trust any pharmaceuticals today, with all of the fuckery going on...friend mentioned guess she would get her flu vacc, and i immediately said DO NOT ! she is in her 80's and prime target for nuttin', as she is pureblood so far...
Great advice - anyone reading the insert of the meningitis vax who really takes the time to understand it gets a rude awakening in what is allowed to pass for medicine these days.
No American courts give a shit about the Nuremberg code. They will when SHTF, but right now they just think we are a bunch of doofuses for even bringing that up. But I still do regardless.
Excellent response... I appreciate how you gave pertinent information with choices. However, I have to say that this was available to the student. Sometime when we are faced with hard, possible life-changing choices, the mind is overwhelmed and goes blank. This information brings it back on point. - Thanks
I wouldn't do any vax at this point. It's obvious the vaccine and pharma industry needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
Find a doctor who will give your son a note. The easiest, most common, and most issued medical exemption is an allergy with an anaphalactic reaction. Doctors can't prove/disprove. Find one willing to get a letter.
Then serve the letter and have an attorney on standby.
As a nurse, I would not give my children any of these shots, if I had the ability to do it over again. I do not think there is any way to be 100% sure of the shot being given. You can read the label on the medicine, but can you be sure if it is withdrawn from a multi dose vial? Keep in mind that colleges and universities are still requiring Covid shots, so unless this changes within the next 1-2 years your son will be facing this demand for entry. Research the contents of the meningitis vax. Many shots are derived from aborted fetal cells, you could use the religious exemption to get around this or a medical exemption if the contents may present an allergic reaction. I would also consider contacting FRONTLINE DOCTORS for legal advice. Keep in mind Big Pharma can not be sued for any vax injury, they currently are exempt. No job is worth your life. If you have a vax injury or death what do you accomplish. I know it is difficult to make most 17 yo understand this.
When young people want to do something that endangers their life, their parents are supposed to step in and stop it. He can do something different, if his "chosen path" would lead to the grave. FFS don't just let your child kill himself.
The vaccine vial comes with a lid that snaps off. Tell her you want to see her open the vial in the room and aspirate it in front of you. Look at the label. How do we know they are not putting the death jab in all vaccines these days? I had a severe reaction to a flu shot that was mandated by my employer about 10 years ago. I got a note from my doctor that said he instructs me to refrain from any future flu shots, it is all I needed.
I would be very wary of taking any kind of vaccination at this time. The cabal is desperate and on the run - no telling what is now in that vax (certainly the label on the vial, the vax insert and the doctor cannot tell you with certainty). With a system this corrupt and evil I think home schooling becomes the best option.
Probably not the advice you wanted to hear but remember the old adage - "Better safe than sorry". You would be devastated if your healthy son suddenly suffered a vax induced adverse event (or death). They are already doing this same thing with the C19 vax so it's hardly a leap in logic to think that they may have introduced nano particles, pathogens and other toxins to the payload (without informed consent). God bless.
I don't trust any medical professional these days, it sounds like you don't. You can look at labels. Go search for what the labels look like for each thing. Read the pamphlets.
Are groomer and white kids are evil 'studies' good enough things for your son at school? Are the woke teachings worth risking his life long mental and physical health? Is there anyway for him to get education without the jabs?
My bank tellers daughter just had to get the meningitis shot to go to college and play volleyball. Since then (2 months ago) she has terrible inflammation in her spine and can barely participate in the sport. Her mom was so pro vax until this happened. Good luck. I hope nothing comes of it, but just be aware. I had inflammation from my series of Gardisil shots in 2007. My mom convinced me to get it then felt bad I had been diagnosed with auto immune issues.
Just ask yourself, is it worth dying for. The answer you seek will come after.
That worry in your heart is there for a reason. The Holy Spirit is a beautiful thing. But, if you trust in God, know your sons relationship with Jesus. Is saved. Then don’t fear death. Don’t be stupid of course. But don’t live in fear. No fear in losing a job. No fear from the worlds problems. If your with God, listen to His guidance. Now... does any of those worries go away, or would you have a weight lifted off if you and be confident to stand your ground, and accept those consequences, trusting our Father in Heaven for the outcome?
Personally I will NOT bend a knee to something I feel I don’t need. It’s not a easy row to hoe. But I feel that sense of strength and my trust in God during and after. Satan does his “people will think your an idiot” stuff afterwards. But don’t listen to that fool. Just say, “your a fool, I trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the one whom I love and are eternally grateful for saving me”. Trust in God, and make a decision. In the end as long as you have a relationship with Jesus, your gonna be just fine. No matter what happens, get the shot, don’t get the shot. Ultimately God has the story already written. The only way to fail here is to be a lost sheep, without the good Shepard.
We are at the point in so much deciet by our medical institutions that all medical devices they attempt to use on you needs to betreated as a potential threat. Sorry its the reality we are in now, and if you go along to get along your chances of becoming another victem increases exponentially. Welcome to WW3, this is how it is now.
You have the opportunity right now to say NO to this vaccine. You can dig your heals in and say “NO, son, I am worried it will CAUSE you irreparable harm.” Remember this - you had a chance to say NO before he was jabbed. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they wouldn’t add spike proteins to that vaccine. Don’t fool yourself into thinking its safer than the COVID jab.
Do you know any medical people personally that you trust? A nurse can give that shot. My kids had meningitis shots before college with no issues. (I agree with you, though, that these days I'd avoid taking anything!) What state are you in?
Get physical package insert (PI) from vax vial; demand to watch the needle draw the vax fluid from the vial- get a PHOTO of the vial with the name and LOT#- this is needed for any future VAERS complaints AND possible recalls by manufacturer
If they give you shit, tell them it's a law that they must provide info to you--esp for kids
Here's a link for the vax that require VIS vaccine information statements
This may be a dumb question…but why a meningitis shot? Statistically, how many people a year get meningitis? Is it mandatory because he is in a medical program and all the possible bacteria he may come in contact with?
“It’s not a conspiracy theory if they really are trying to kill you.” Wish I knew who said that.
Good luck anyhow.
Edit: Just had a thot. Go to Kennedy Jr’s (Children’s Health Defense) for stats, information, resources, legal and forms. Del Bigtree’s site might be useful also. And maybe AFLD.
If they don't shake before administering, it can be deadly. This is one of the biggest causes of vax injury out there. (Antivaxers know this because many of them lived through it)
Always ask to see the bottle and have them prep and administer from start to finish right in front of you. Human error (wrong dosage, wrong vaccine) is another big cause of vax injury. Do not let them bully you on this. Insist they do this, or leave if they refuse.
Vaccines against meningococcal disease have been available for more than 30 years, but there is no vaccine to protect against all five of the pathogenic serogroups. They push something on you with a risk of side effects that won't even guarantee protection against the thing you are being vaccinated for. So keep that little detail in mind.
Exemptions do exist. Look into it and don't take their word for it if they say they don't accept them. What is the law in your state? Many accept religious, medical, and philosophical exemptions. But if you ask the school for that info they will flat out lie to you. Go to the source and find out.
Most vaccines now days are not one item vaccines, they are combos. (multiple vaccines in one shot) I don't remember if this one is or not so you'll want to look into that. You could be getting more than you bargained for. And all the antivax groups with all of the detailed research have been wiped from the net so it's hard to find this now. But you can start here: (this is all that remains of one of the largest facebook research groups that have ever existed)
It's very informative and can save lives. It's so sad the groups were nuked from the net. We need them now more than ever and they are gone. I'm grateful someone was able to compile this little website though, so we still have some research saved for us.
Is there any way to get a religious waiver so that he doesn’t have to get it? Some states will point you to the county health office and give you the form, no questions asked, if you request it.
Are you on this site and actually feel like any vaccine at this point is worth a program/position/job? Please think long and hard about that. And then search all the vaccine regret videos out there. They are quite numerous and that decision definitely can't be reversed.
File their religious exemption form. Yes they have it they don't train their gatekeeper about it. Go to the top and claim your religious exemption. Its not for their review, it is you claiming your exemption.
Simple. No he doesn't have to get the shot. Wait until we have that shit stomped and then get into a different program when the requirement is shit canned. Nothing is worth their Jabs.
Having no children, it's easy for me to sit here and say this - but the time has come for all parents to stand up and fight. To have the uncomfortable, frustrating conversations with coaches, teachers, doctors. To lawyer up & not back down.
There is no job worth more than your child’s health. Most hospitals have mandatory flu shots and even clot shots. The list of shots required will probably get longer with time just as it has in our schools. Every single one of them is poisonous.
Dr. Malone, or one of those good doctors said to stay away from vaccines, at least for the a short while. I stopped vaccinating my dogs 2 years ago and skin issues have begun to resolve with vitamin C supplementation
Get a lawyer and sue. My body my choice-right?
Make this painful for every person you deal with. Anyone who tells you that you must take your son to get a shot should be named in a law suit. Don't let anyone off the hook. If they tow the party line, they are as guilty as anyone at the top. PAIN stops bad behavior.
Good advice. .ake it hurt them so bad they stop.
Absolutely! It needs to be said, and you said it very well. Upvoted!
BTW... 'toe' the line ;)
Meningitis is a serious disease that can kill or maim. It's caused by bacteria, and the vaccines have been tested for a long time.
Not saying he should get the vaccine, but meningitis is not fun either. (My mother's twin sister died of meningitis at 11 months).
But then, my father had polio and turns out polio is caused by exposure to DDT. So who knows if meningitis is even real or not?
He could go with prophylaxis antibiotics, that's an option to look into.
It's really disgusting that we can't trust doctors anymore. An entire profession flushed down the toilet.
Do we vaccinate against bacteria though? Genuine question
It's really disgusting that we can't trust doctors anymore. An entire profession flushed ITSELF down the toilet.
TB is bacteria-- ask this question- why test to see if I ever had TB before vax? Because if I had TB in the past (natural immunity) getting the TB vax would be very very very bad for me
I fear no dis-ease of mind so there is no shot needed.
No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.
Interestingly that may be one vaccine I'm lacking. Seen some horror stories including a Chubbyemu video about someone who wasn't vaccinated against it contracting it from older Chinese food.
But I am pretty careful of not eating day or two day old food that has been left out and I have a leftover limit of next day.
Medical or religious. If they reject it they know they give an opening to a slam dunk lawsuit.
Make sure to say you want to see the actual bottle, label, insert and if it's in pre-loaded syringes you want to see the box, label, insert and syringe label before it's injected. If they hesitate, refuse or say it's unavailable, go to a different doctor.
This. Also, ask the doctor, unexpectedly so no time for prevarication, when he/she took the Hippocratic Oath.
Good luck. All the best for you and your family.
ya, about that oath...does it bother anybody else, with what we know today, that the caduceus has not one, but two snakes entwined on it! symbols are everywhere these days!
Hippocratic oath holds no legal weight whatsoever.
Given the coof bucks shenanigans, greed, and corruption... I wonder how many doses were ill administered without consent
me here, disbelieving ANYTHING relating to any shot "for your own good" these days...even if label and everything seems legit, there's no way to know what's actually in that vial, and i don't trust any pharmaceuticals today, with all of the fuckery going on...friend mentioned guess she would get her flu vacc, and i immediately said DO NOT ! she is in her 80's and prime target for nuttin', as she is pureblood so far...
Great advice - anyone reading the insert of the meningitis vax who really takes the time to understand it gets a rude awakening in what is allowed to pass for medicine these days.
Nobody "has" to do anything they don't want to do.
Doing something that goes against your beliefs is never a good thing in the end.
COERCION is illegal and a direct violation of the Nuremburg code.
No American courts give a shit about the Nuremberg code. They will when SHTF, but right now they just think we are a bunch of doofuses for even bringing that up. But I still do regardless.
Determine If The Law Applies
under 22 years old. AND
Enrolling for the first time as a credit student. OR
Returning after a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester. OR
A Transferring or Transient student to one of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District family from another college or university.
A Continuing Education student enrolled in a program of 360 hours or more
NO, you are exempt if you are:
22 years of age or older by the first day of the semester. OR
A student not taking courses on a campus in the Alamo Colleges District family (online or distance education). OR
Enrolled continuously in one of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District family since fall 2011. OR
Taking Continuing Education classes in a program of less than 360 hours.
State Information - MenACWY Vaccine Mandates for Colleges and Universities
Excellent response... I appreciate how you gave pertinent information with choices. However, I have to say that this was available to the student. Sometime when we are faced with hard, possible life-changing choices, the mind is overwhelmed and goes blank. This information brings it back on point. - Thanks
I didn’t know it was the law to take meningitis shots
And shouldn't be if it is
I wouldn't do any vax at this point. It's obvious the vaccine and pharma industry needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
Find a doctor who will give your son a note. The easiest, most common, and most issued medical exemption is an allergy with an anaphalactic reaction. Doctors can't prove/disprove. Find one willing to get a letter.
Then serve the letter and have an attorney on standby.
As a nurse, I would not give my children any of these shots, if I had the ability to do it over again. I do not think there is any way to be 100% sure of the shot being given. You can read the label on the medicine, but can you be sure if it is withdrawn from a multi dose vial? Keep in mind that colleges and universities are still requiring Covid shots, so unless this changes within the next 1-2 years your son will be facing this demand for entry. Research the contents of the meningitis vax. Many shots are derived from aborted fetal cells, you could use the religious exemption to get around this or a medical exemption if the contents may present an allergic reaction. I would also consider contacting FRONTLINE DOCTORS for legal advice. Keep in mind Big Pharma can not be sued for any vax injury, they currently are exempt. No job is worth your life. If you have a vax injury or death what do you accomplish. I know it is difficult to make most 17 yo understand this.
Yeah, he's 17.
When young people want to do something that endangers their life, their parents are supposed to step in and stop it. He can do something different, if his "chosen path" would lead to the grave. FFS don't just let your child kill himself.
Protect your kid. No vaxxes!
My kid was a different person after that particular vax.
Maybe ask to see the vial they are giving it from?
Sticky: stickying for a few a bit to get some exposure.
The vaccine vial comes with a lid that snaps off. Tell her you want to see her open the vial in the room and aspirate it in front of you. Look at the label. How do we know they are not putting the death jab in all vaccines these days? I had a severe reaction to a flu shot that was mandated by my employer about 10 years ago. I got a note from my doctor that said he instructs me to refrain from any future flu shots, it is all I needed.
I would be very wary of taking any kind of vaccination at this time. The cabal is desperate and on the run - no telling what is now in that vax (certainly the label on the vial, the vax insert and the doctor cannot tell you with certainty). With a system this corrupt and evil I think home schooling becomes the best option.
Probably not the advice you wanted to hear but remember the old adage - "Better safe than sorry". You would be devastated if your healthy son suddenly suffered a vax induced adverse event (or death). They are already doing this same thing with the C19 vax so it's hardly a leap in logic to think that they may have introduced nano particles, pathogens and other toxins to the payload (without informed consent). God bless.
I don't trust any medical professional these days, it sounds like you don't. You can look at labels. Go search for what the labels look like for each thing. Read the pamphlets.
Are groomer and white kids are evil 'studies' good enough things for your son at school? Are the woke teachings worth risking his life long mental and physical health? Is there anyway for him to get education without the jabs?
I would hate to be a parent right now. Good luck out there.
Isn’t that the truth.
My bank tellers daughter just had to get the meningitis shot to go to college and play volleyball. Since then (2 months ago) she has terrible inflammation in her spine and can barely participate in the sport. Her mom was so pro vax until this happened. Good luck. I hope nothing comes of it, but just be aware. I had inflammation from my series of Gardisil shots in 2007. My mom convinced me to get it then felt bad I had been diagnosed with auto immune issues.
I finally found my relief this past December.
Just ask yourself, is it worth dying for. The answer you seek will come after. That worry in your heart is there for a reason. The Holy Spirit is a beautiful thing. But, if you trust in God, know your sons relationship with Jesus. Is saved. Then don’t fear death. Don’t be stupid of course. But don’t live in fear. No fear in losing a job. No fear from the worlds problems. If your with God, listen to His guidance. Now... does any of those worries go away, or would you have a weight lifted off if you and be confident to stand your ground, and accept those consequences, trusting our Father in Heaven for the outcome?
Personally I will NOT bend a knee to something I feel I don’t need. It’s not a easy row to hoe. But I feel that sense of strength and my trust in God during and after. Satan does his “people will think your an idiot” stuff afterwards. But don’t listen to that fool. Just say, “your a fool, I trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the one whom I love and are eternally grateful for saving me”. Trust in God, and make a decision. In the end as long as you have a relationship with Jesus, your gonna be just fine. No matter what happens, get the shot, don’t get the shot. Ultimately God has the story already written. The only way to fail here is to be a lost sheep, without the good Shepard.
You got this. 👍
We are at the point in so much deciet by our medical institutions that all medical devices they attempt to use on you needs to betreated as a potential threat. Sorry its the reality we are in now, and if you go along to get along your chances of becoming another victem increases exponentially. Welcome to WW3, this is how it is now.
Go to the local health department and get a vaccine exemption for the child.
No he doesn't. He still has free will.
You have the opportunity right now to say NO to this vaccine. You can dig your heals in and say “NO, son, I am worried it will CAUSE you irreparable harm.” Remember this - you had a chance to say NO before he was jabbed. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they wouldn’t add spike proteins to that vaccine. Don’t fool yourself into thinking its safer than the COVID jab.
Do you know any medical people personally that you trust? A nurse can give that shot. My kids had meningitis shots before college with no issues. (I agree with you, though, that these days I'd avoid taking anything!) What state are you in?
I’m in Ohio and it’s required for high school
Get physical package insert (PI) from vax vial; demand to watch the needle draw the vax fluid from the vial- get a PHOTO of the vial with the name and LOT#- this is needed for any future VAERS complaints AND possible recalls by manufacturer If they give you shit, tell them it's a law that they must provide info to you--esp for kids Here's a link for the vax that require VIS vaccine information statements
Thank you very much!
This may be a dumb question…but why a meningitis shot? Statistically, how many people a year get meningitis? Is it mandatory because he is in a medical program and all the possible bacteria he may come in contact with?
“It’s not a conspiracy theory if they really are trying to kill you.” Wish I knew who said that.
Good luck anyhow.
Edit: Just had a thot. Go to Kennedy Jr’s (Children’s Health Defense) for stats, information, resources, legal and forms. Del Bigtree’s site might be useful also. And maybe AFLD.
Some things to consider:
If they don't shake before administering, it can be deadly. This is one of the biggest causes of vax injury out there. (Antivaxers know this because many of them lived through it)
Always ask to see the bottle and have them prep and administer from start to finish right in front of you. Human error (wrong dosage, wrong vaccine) is another big cause of vax injury. Do not let them bully you on this. Insist they do this, or leave if they refuse.
Vaccines against meningococcal disease have been available for more than 30 years, but there is no vaccine to protect against all five of the pathogenic serogroups. They push something on you with a risk of side effects that won't even guarantee protection against the thing you are being vaccinated for. So keep that little detail in mind.
Exemptions do exist. Look into it and don't take their word for it if they say they don't accept them. What is the law in your state? Many accept religious, medical, and philosophical exemptions. But if you ask the school for that info they will flat out lie to you. Go to the source and find out.
Most vaccines now days are not one item vaccines, they are combos. (multiple vaccines in one shot) I don't remember if this one is or not so you'll want to look into that. You could be getting more than you bargained for. And all the antivax groups with all of the detailed research have been wiped from the net so it's hard to find this now. But you can start here: (this is all that remains of one of the largest facebook research groups that have ever existed)
This website should be a post in itself! Thanks for sharing. I’ve already sent it to my brother. It is extremely informative.
It's very informative and can save lives. It's so sad the groups were nuked from the net. We need them now more than ever and they are gone. I'm grateful someone was able to compile this little website though, so we still have some research saved for us.
Is there any way to get a religious waiver so that he doesn’t have to get it? Some states will point you to the county health office and give you the form, no questions asked, if you request it.
If he wants to be in a medical profession, this isn't the last shot they are going to try and force... I'd consider a career direction change...
I am pushing that hard as well. “ what is your plan b”. My hope is after 7 years things will be better. He wants to be a pharmacist 😟
Are you on this site and actually feel like any vaccine at this point is worth a program/position/job? Please think long and hard about that. And then search all the vaccine regret videos out there. They are quite numerous and that decision definitely can't be reversed.
Go to underground doctor for placebo and verification. I heard they have clinics to help people not sure where
File their religious exemption form. Yes they have it they don't train their gatekeeper about it. Go to the top and claim your religious exemption. Its not for their review, it is you claiming your exemption.
Simple. No he doesn't have to get the shot. Wait until we have that shit stomped and then get into a different program when the requirement is shit canned. Nothing is worth their Jabs.
Request vaccine exemption form from your states DOH
Having no children, it's easy for me to sit here and say this - but the time has come for all parents to stand up and fight. To have the uncomfortable, frustrating conversations with coaches, teachers, doctors. To lawyer up & not back down.
There is no job worth more than your child’s health. Most hospitals have mandatory flu shots and even clot shots. The list of shots required will probably get longer with time just as it has in our schools. Every single one of them is poisonous.
its against your religious beliefs to get vaccinated....they will back down or you sue.
Dr. Malone, or one of those good doctors said to stay away from vaccines, at least for the a short while. I stopped vaccinating my dogs 2 years ago and skin issues have begun to resolve with vitamin C supplementation