The brother of one of the Marines killed in Afghanistan thanks to Biden committed suicide at his brother's grave on Aug. 9. I really appreciate the fact that cartoonist Branco always draws Biden with blood dripping from his hands.
I am more than sorry to hear about this suicide, Fren. I pray he’s still welcomed to Heaven as a martyr because of the message he was desperate to send through the symbolic act of killing himself.🙏🏻
I do too. Branco and Garrison are two of my favorite cartoonists.
Links to news stories on the suicide: This was just so heartbreaking- I can't even imagine the family's sorrow right now.
Not sure but I’m guessing their lifting of guidelines for those infected with Covid, ie, no longer need to quarantine, just wear a mask, among other things is, by inference, an admission that the vax doesn’t do shit in terms of protection…as we all knew.
Sorry that I don't have a link.
But they updated their guidelines and basically vaxxed and unvaxxed follow the same "protocol" now, which means all you had to do was wait and you were fine and getting the vax was useless.
The more I consider these cases, the more I feel compassion for those who commit suicide. It is not the thing to do, of course, but there are always mitigating circumstances. I have come to the insight that when a person is convinced they are in a reality that can never change, it is the temporal equivalent of solitary confinement. It is psychologically intolerable. Our whole experience of free will is the ability to change our circumstances, however small. If you cannot change your circumstances, it is like being locked in amber. Just think about it for a while. It is easy to see how anguished and frantic a person can be if they are convinced their situation will never change. Ending it is the only degree of freedom left available. Anyway, for what it may be worth...
That's like "how about I gouge out my left eye to hide my syphilis from my girlfriend?" Seems like you made a more permanent bad news story that is at least as bad as the combined above, if not worse, by doing that...
The brother of one of the Marines killed in Afghanistan thanks to Biden committed suicide at his brother's grave on Aug. 9. I really appreciate the fact that cartoonist Branco always draws Biden with blood dripping from his hands.
I am more than sorry to hear about this suicide, Fren. I pray he’s still welcomed to Heaven as a martyr because of the message he was desperate to send through the symbolic act of killing himself.🙏🏻
"To the Pure, all things are Pure."
Perhaps it even applies here. I hope so. In Jesus' name we pray.
Applies everywhere.
Oh my their poor parents and other sibs. This is so very sad.
I do too. Branco and Garrison are two of my favorite cartoonists. Links to news stories on the suicide: This was just so heartbreaking- I can't even imagine the family's sorrow right now.
and a gofundme has been set up for the funeral:
That is terrible. I will keep his soul in my thoughts. Both of them.
And of course, the Pit.
Im out of the loop, what is The Pit?
mRNA doesn't go away
Look here not there is their playbook.
Fake News buries it, we dig it up!
As they say both in scientific circles and the media, publish or perish.
Sauce on the CDC?
Not sure but I’m guessing their lifting of guidelines for those infected with Covid, ie, no longer need to quarantine, just wear a mask, among other things is, by inference, an admission that the vax doesn’t do shit in terms of protection…as we all knew.
I believe it of course, but where did CDC admit that officially?
Sorry that I don't have a link. But they updated their guidelines and basically vaxxed and unvaxxed follow the same "protocol" now, which means all you had to do was wait and you were fine and getting the vax was useless.
The more I consider these cases, the more I feel compassion for those who commit suicide. It is not the thing to do, of course, but there are always mitigating circumstances. I have come to the insight that when a person is convinced they are in a reality that can never change, it is the temporal equivalent of solitary confinement. It is psychologically intolerable. Our whole experience of free will is the ability to change our circumstances, however small. If you cannot change your circumstances, it is like being locked in amber. Just think about it for a while. It is easy to see how anguished and frantic a person can be if they are convinced their situation will never change. Ending it is the only degree of freedom left available. Anyway, for what it may be worth...
Two more
The IRS is becoming an army
Inflation is not Zero.
And that gay couple spread monkey pox to their dog
That was Pam Anderson’s dog.
We didn't miss that stuff. It's all passe compared to this 5d shit.
Plus we got you to keep tracking the mundane for us.
And also to cover the inflation reduction act.
Yeah, lots to distract from there.
This is the type of stuff that I expect Trump to use his platform on. Him focusing on the Raid has distracted us as well.
That's like "how about I gouge out my left eye to hide my syphilis from my girlfriend?" Seems like you made a more permanent bad news story that is at least as bad as the combined above, if not worse, by doing that...
Always look for the dog that didn't bark.
Exactly. The ole' "look over here, not there!"
Shout this shit from the rooftops! Remind everyone what is going on and what they are trying to hide.
About 6 months I'd wager.