Comments (85)
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Exactly, if we blindly followed what Trump said we would all be vaxxed. But instead we think for ourselves. We ARE Trump supporters, we are more diligently Truth supporters.
The only "person" I blindly follow is Christ!
"..make sure no one ever has an opportunity to steal an election AGAIN!" - Pedo Joe
Wow...just wow..did this criminal fraud finally admit to the world at his 'rally' that he stole his election? I think we can use this in court. Let the impeachments and the treason trials begin.
The guy pretending to be Biden literally boasted about having the largest, most extensive voter fraud network in the history of American politics. Stated it very deliberately, too. Creepy.
Whoever the fuck this guy is the teevee keeps showing, who isn't Biden
Scripted. When he is directed to say certain key phrases (by WHats) you notice he doesnt bumble pronunciation or stutter. When he does much of the other messaging of general administration and campaign stuff, the JB mannerisms and fuzzy diction return to 'sell' the role he is assigned.
the best strategy for conservatives right now is to let the liberals talk...especially their mush-brain leader
Thank you!
The original Joe Biden is either incarcerated or dead. This actor is clearly controlled by the white hats and because if a tree falls in a forest no one will hear it, that being the controlled fake news media being the forest, the way around the black out is the mouth of "President Biden". Also notice he's speaking more clearly now? He NEVER had dementia. Some say it's the actor James Woods. It wouldn't surprise me.
Why is this not solid evidence?
hell it was evidence when obummer did it.....twice
Another way to look at it is - no citizen ever has an opportunity to steal an election from us again
Welcome to the dictatorship
Nobody cares his eyes are brown now.
Like odd. Oh well. Must be colored eye contacts.
Lol. Like he wears underwear. Pampers adult overnight premium bahaha
the guy is so full of shit his heart pumps doo doo
We care.
Yes we do and I thought I saw one brown eye and one blue but just for a second or two,
I know tight? Do any of the libtards say “...hey wait a minute, ...weren’t his eyes blue? WHO IS THIS GUY?” 😂
Funny that they’re hazel now. Yesterday I mentioned that they’re always a shade of blue.
For the world 🌎
For the children :)
for Frodo
I read that title as meaning nothing was getting done. The Awakening wasn't advancing.
I get it now, but I would've said "is still here" or even "cannot be defeated."
Sorry to sound like an ass, but as they say in the military, "An order that CAN be misunderstood WILL be misunderstood."
Let's hope everyone hear goes past the headline.
I never hear goes. Mind, I am a bit deaf.
Yeah yeah lol.. I'm not even going to fix it.
Where we go one, we go ALL.
Misspellings matter.
Sentence formation matters.
I HERE you lol
Maybe I'm seeing things but it looks like the Pervident is in front of a green screen. I've done photo editing for over 20 years and the outline around FJB looks too crisp. The guy screaming "You stole the election" could be leftist optics and spliced into the video.
Yes, after reading this I took a 2nd look. The video is altered.
There's no way his handlers would allow him to appear at a rally. He can't even speak from cue cards when it's just a cameraman.
81 million my ass
This has been a production of the MOT...ministry of truth.
Let's go America! 💢
Notice how they keep saying "vote" or "go to the ballot box," when the whole damn system is corrupt? (i.e., cheating, manipulating, fraudulating, etc.)
Why do they keep saying "VOTE" when in reality - OUR VOTE DOES NOT MATTER if they erase, change, or funge the data?
That always bothers me when people like Bannon, etc., say "vote."
We just need to fix and secure the elections like yesterday. We did flood the 2020 election and the famouse halt just exactly like they do on Wall Street when they're cheating on shorts like with Game Stop. They are the same evil Satanic bastards.
Maybe they also need to say that so they can convince the normies that 81 million people turned out to vote for their candidates. They need some cover for all their lies, but all their lies are getting hard to cover for NOW. I also agree if we turn out in droves it will mess with the algorithm they have set up.
Of course we 'all' have to keep voting.
There is nothing like showing up en masse to force count totals above that which is registered.
It's a no brainer to understand fraud when that happens. Everyone who wants to, will be able it.
At some point the corruption will be ferreted out and the people will restore the republic.
September 4 this year 2022 the states can start shredding, deleting, burning all evidence of the 2020 election.
Our elections are still rigged. The 2000, 200,000 or 2,000,000 mule's will still be employed along with the internet controlled machines.
In California in a similar way the Wall Street short sellers borrow on margin and use phantom shares that don't exist, short my investment in GME aka Game Stop, will flood the state with foreign fake ballots to once again steal every race.
Like Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they're punched in the mouth. At some point we have to visually up front in plain sight not in secret but before the world punch these evil bastards in the mouth.
Let's do it Q team.
i think that no shredding can occur if docs r evidence in court cases
It will be very interesting to see what happens next month.
n even more so in October
I agree. These people need defeated while we have the power and not like the Confederacy did early on when they failed to crush the North but hoped they'd just give up but that didn't happen as they got stronger until the greats like Stonewall was killed and it was too late.
God forbid anything happens to President Trump while we are waiting for these lunatics to wake up. I'd say 30% will never wake up.
Very good post. I agree that date will be a biggy. Pass the popcorn.
F@#$#n YEA BABY!!!!!!!
Oh, just wait! God has promised He is moving His hand against them, and that when He does there will be no denying that He is the one, true, living God!
I was kinda hoping it would go somewhere eventually.
Somebody buy the guy a beer who called the resident aa pedophile at the rally!!!
Joe you have already lost
This is not the JB with the bad eye job in this clip.
The cabal amplifies the socialist message to outrage and deflate our momentum. It tries to normalize the abnormal by inflating their numbers. Patriots are the majority today and will not be defeated. Sure we have lost battles but we are winning the war and gaining strength everyday. I tell myself each day, “if the could have, they would have”.
Biden is like a dildo.
God and country!🇺🇸🦅
that's a great video, thanks for sharing🇺🇸
Anyone on here have a link that’s shareable? Won’t let me share to Facebook and I don’t have any of the other platforms. I would like to send it in a text
Just copy the URL to this post and send it in a text message. I do that all the time to send stuff from here to my hubby.
Thanks fren!
Trump started it but it doesn't end with him!
Great video. Thank you
this guy is so fucking demonic behind that delirious feeble old man guise. I want to see him tortured for bringing torture to me and the rest of America.
btw can anyone tell me why the videos on here are showing normal until i click play? I mean when I click play, it's like it zooms in 25% and I lose the trackbar. my page zoom is normal.
Same happens here. I just maximize it to full screen and there’s the track bar.
I want to send this to every like minded contact I know so I tried copying and pasting to an email. Tried sending it to myself first and it arrived in my spam folder and the link was marked through, couldn't open it. I'm an admitted tech dunce so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?
Right click and download
Thank you. "File size exceeds 25 MBs." Apparently Comcast can't handle more than that. Pisser.
No proof
LES GO!!!!!!!!!