LOAD Truth Social on your ANDROID phone NOW!!! Go to www.truthsocial.com/sideload and follow the simple instructions. Easily bypass the pro-commie GooglePLAYstore!!! SHARE!!!
✅ - TRUTH APP - ✅

Or just use the web interface on mobile. /shrug
this is best in life.
Even Conan got tired of that after awhile.
more importantly. the black trans woman.
You can even "install" the webapp as PWA to get notifications and have it open in a seperate swipeable 'app' instead of buried in your browser tabs
go to TruthSocial.com open your Android browser menu click Install 😃
That is what the official app is, it's just a wrapper around firefox.
oh well shoot ... then I'm definitely not bothering with the apk ...
it works just like a native app, but when you scroll down the url bar pops up from the bottom so you can copy and paste the current page. Most 'native' android apps are just html + javascript on chrome under the hood anyways (discord / uber / etc), by using firefox as the base instead of chrome truth bypasses googles spyware code.
the sourcecode of the changes truth made to firefox and other open source projects is available for download on their website if you want to make your own social media app. It's a lot more transparent than anything the other social media platforms do.
It's a poor reason to avoid the app. At least you can rip apart truth social and see how it works under the hood and what it is doing with your data on your phone. What other social media apps do that? This is what we want to support. They don't use webkit (apple) they don't use chromium (google) they use firefox (community based)
I have to use th web Brower to come here so I do the same thing for Truth
Hard to grab the link out of the title: https://www.truthsocial.com/sideload
Unfortunately TS still not available in South Africa....😢😎
Did you try a VPN?
It always tells me that TS is not available in SA yet....
Perhaps a combination of disabling location services for the app and a vpn? Obviously you would have to set the VPN to spoof the US.
Tx for the info...
US only 🤬
I was wondering when they would just release an apk, no way Google lets them on the play store.
Unfortunately TS still not available in South Africa....😢😎
Have you tried a VPN to establish a US connection? If you follow the apk link your phone will automatically install per your permission.
Super easy. I've directly loaded apk files for years.
Good luck!
Thanks ....
Or upload it elsewhere and provide u/purkiss80 with the link?
EDIT: if necessary (which I doubt), rename it to "truthsocial-release.apk" without the quotes.
Ah, so no cell phone required as with the website? Great!
But the issue is TS needs a US or UK mobile number to sign up, verify and login. Even with an American vpn.
So, shit out luck, still.
What about grabbing a Google voice phone number for a us number? There are many other services that offer us numbers too. It may be extra steps, but where there is a will there is a way for MAGA.
Same here in Australia. Very disappointed. Couldn’t be bothered using vpn to access as I don’t understand why they address geographically blocking Australia. Even the website won’t load, stating it’s unavailable etc.
Because of phone number registration? The APK is downloadable for all users
Can a VOIP number be used, ie Skype or Google voice type number?
I'm in the US, but I can say Google Voice numbers work. I have one.
LGB! And Let's go PLAYSTORE!
Wtf is an APK, and what funky thing will it do to my phone?
apk is the filename for your apps on an android phone. Anytime you install a new app from the Google play store, you install an apk file. Most android phones can install .apk files without the need for Google play store. It can be risky at times because it's not "verified" by Google or whatever, but if the source of the file is from truth social, then I would consider that trustworthy, but that's just my opinion.
All android apps are apk's, app developers typically upload their apk's to the play store and google approves them. Downloading an apk yourself is the same thing as downloading from the play store, except you lose the layer of "trust" that google provides
Lol trust and google don’t belong in the same sentence. But I know what you mean
Its an archive containing the source/resources for an android app
just sideloaded. so damn easy. fuck google.
This is why I love Android/Linux (course, before Google cucked Android) because of things like this unlike Apple MacOS/iOS, too damn limited and restrictive.
No it wasn't
2005, Google acquired Android Inc. for around 50 million dollars
Oh, I stand corrected... as long as I've ever had an android.
Semantics, of course, in that the first phone with Android was 2008.
I am on the east coast of Canuckland and I STILL GET "REGISTRATION CLOSED"
Im in BC, I used a VPN set to Seattle and then I could access the above link to sideload the apk and complete the registration with a cellphone num
Me too
Nice I was wondering if we would still be able to install it as an apk.
Odd...I did this last week. Is this post brand new or are we just updating pedes? (All good with me.)
I still can't register though, as I'm Canadian. And I still couldn't sign up when I tried a VPN, so I'm just waiting.
Hey Mods can yall pin this one to get the word out?
The absolute best thing Google's OS has over Apple is the ability to beat Google's bullshit. Even if they disallowed this specifically, Android allows users to bypass it. And to stop that would destroy the product overnight, as it would impact everyone else who doesn't care about Truth.
But I'm with the others; I like the browser versions just fine.
The .win communities also have a better user experience on mobile browsers than Reddit by far, as an additional jab towards Reddit there.
Thank you for posting this. I love being able to tell Google to fuck off.
Done, thank you.
Done. Nice find.
GooglePlayStore is a cess pit. Friend of mine downloaded a crypto wallet from there the other day. Installed it and it cleaned him out of £10,000 It was a fake.
That's a rough lesson learned to never trust that kind of cash to a Google operating system.
At least it's very easy to see people crying foul on a Windows PC, and Linux is an option too (though that is sort of becoming less attractive in some ways too)
DONE! Thank YOU!! u/jimmerjam
I'm good
Anyone know how to view top posts or live posts on TS? Only thing in my feed is who subscribe to.... and if I subscribe to a user, I see their comments to posts in my feed, but not the post they are commenting on. Also, no Democrats there
That's the downfall. You can only have a voice if you have followers.
Otherwise you're just shouting into an empty nothing..
That's what I'm doing. I'm just following Trump and that's it. I honestly don't have the intention of being an "influencer", or anyone I know IRL that is on there yet, but if someone stumbled across my stuff and likes it, I don't mind it. I left facebook for a reason, and that reason remains on truth; I don't like selling my data or being hounded. I just post what I feel.
That's what it's gonna take.. Someone stumbling across your content. There's some really good info being brought to life there, but nothing that isn't eventually or even started here on the .win platform.
Don't get me wrong though, I think it's needed & will eventually transform into something better after all is said & done. I think it was designed for a certain purpose @ this point. To get out specific information to normies.
Pretty big downfall and does hurt the development of a community.
Having separate tabs for posts with high engagement can help push further engagement and visibility for people who interest each other.
Essentially, until it becomes a bit closer to Twitter without the bullshit or even a forum like this, it comes across as just another Facebook.
I don't always agree with people but I do enjoy seeing what others have to say, and without an easy way to see what others are saying that'd be pretty sad.
I'm letting Truth Social boil a bit more in the pot before I worry about checking it out. People here are all I need right now.
It's Parler basically. Good framework and starting point.... but there is no option to sort by new posts. So nothing organic? Maybe I'm missing something. I like to debate and discuss and not finding much of that on TS yet
You can only see post of the people you follow.
My only interaction so far is commenting on posts in the comments.
I've posted 5x or so & have zero interaction.
New posts are at the top of feed when you refresh..
Weird design? Or is that just me? Like it's designed around central messaging, not popular messaging. Makes sense, if it's being set up as a primary information diffusion point during an awakening
90% of the information is Q related.. lol
That's exactly what's happening..
Red checkmarks hand selected to drop Truth bombs.
Centralized information..
It's theater for the average end user then. Seems propped up too. The market is saturated with central messaging
Content creator platform, designed to awaken the normies.
Kinda cool to be able to communicate with those guys through, definitely good for the movement.
Yup, really hard to get a following without one of the chosen few giving you a boost.
This platform is much more efficient for spreading organic grassroots information..
Kind of a circle jerk in there. The little man has no voice.
Thanks y'all
Am I ok just go to the website via Brave?
I only go in browser but I use Edge so I'm sure you'll be fine with Brave.
Many thanks, fren
Still get the access denied page in Aus 😒
Does anyone else get the "Running in Chrome" notification?
I want to know if the Truth Team is running this as a Chrome Based browser, or if they are using Chrome itself for some reason.
I believe it is a "glorified" web page where it is just the web page itself without any Chrome/Brave settings/options, while using Chrome/Brave's services to load content.
I hope it will evolve into a better app that is independent from Chrome/Brave soon because fuck Google, that's why!
I got "Running in Brave". Seems to use your phone's default browser.
Must have been changed at some point & it could be tied to the default browser, when I switched back I found that I didn't get any pop-up notification.
Update- My settings must have changed (likely a child of mine) & it is ties to your default browser. When I switched up to a Tor browser it was blocked due to my region.
Thanks for helping me figure that out.
If they could stop blocking EU people that would be great.
Web version works just fine. No need to.
Can't get on. First time through, I get " wrong username or password".
I have been using Brave browser to access on Android; just downloaded and installed apk,, opened and got flash message "RUNNING IN BRAVE BROWSER" LOL
There should be a way to join Truth Social without having a cell phone.
I downloaded fine, my problem is and has been I get wrong username/password and when I enter my email I Never get a reset password link. I have 3 emails I have attempted to register with and All 3 have given me the same issues???
Saving for later.
Do I still need a valid phone number?
It's using google firebase analytics and system webview. It's just a wrapper guys
I installed the app without a hitch. But I cant figure out how to create an account. Any help
But I read it was the saddest sight on the internet??? Lol
I still can't get an account after all this time. They won't even respond to an email help request. And they require a cell phone number that they can text to in their signup process. I don't have a cell phone and never intend to get one.
What country are you in?
US. They won't accept my email address.
What's it @?
It's mine. I own it. I can't tell you my domain name.
Ah, okay. Well, whoever's hosting your email may have some background rules blocking emails from TS.
I'm presuming you've checked junk/spam folder, you may need to go in and add TS to allow/exception. Varies by service provider but should be easy to find.