Sixth-Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher
What do you do when your teacher is a pervert and no one will listen? You take matters into your own hands.
According to a report in The Boston Globe, sixth-graders, no less, at Davisville Middle Scho...
This the way. Empower the youth to be citizens of America.
They will make great Anons someday 😊
It gives us hope for the future!
Powerful article.
These young men are both honorable and resourceful. Their parents should be proud.
Amen! May their type (and tribe) increase!
After they have a chance to swell with pride...they should all be taken behind the wood shed and smacked around a bit for their stupidity.
Gen Z is turning out to be quite based, even with all the effort from the evil ones.
God is not mocked.
We have two Gen-Z boys. We did not exert any political influence on our older son. He realized on his own, and very quickly, that the woke BS he endure all through school was just that, BS. Our younger son definitely has his own opinions and is not easily swayed. I feel very good about this generation.
This is the way. If you are forceful with your views and way of life, you will breed rebellion. However, if you respect your offspring as the individuals they are, even at an early age, they will figure things out on their own and respect you more in the long run for letting them choose for themselves. This is especially vital during the teen years.
Children are not as retarded as society tries to convince us. If you treat a child like a child they will forever be a child. If you teach them logic and reason early on, they will be a blessing. Don't be the reason they rebel.
Greatest lesson I learned from others' examples. My kids are who they are. I still parent (at least the younger one) and I still worry, but I know what their strengths and weaknesses are and interact with them accordingly. At least I try.
No translation needed 😆
These weren't boys they are men. They did what we expect our men to do.
I regret that I have but one updoot to give for this comment.
any endeavor that has young children supervised by adults should be watched closely
Absolutely. Especially when you see those soy boys supervising preschool outings.
There is hope for the young males in this country yet.
I have two boys. The older one's had to stand up to bullies. I hope they'd both take action in a similar situation, and I know I would believe them if they came to me.
Brave kids stupid adults. we had a principal like that in my school, thankfully people listened.
Schools are a haven for these creeps. There were several like this guy when I was growing up in the Dark Ages. It made me said when the one boy said his own mom didn't believe him. If the boys had gone to any of the girls' dads, this would have ended quickly (and likely quite violently).
Yeah I agree, I think the wise thing to do is to listen to the kids and then work on obtaining proof. Because people can be wrongly accused but it doesn't sound like this guy was.
I'm very thankful for the school that I grew up in other than that one teacher we actually had a lot of very good teachers in my school it helps being from a small town.
Hard times make strong men.
Very true.
Princes on their way to becoming kings! Good on ya lads!
Some future leaders in that group for sure. Of the Trump variety, naturally. 😊
Thank you. The closing line just is the icing on the cake for me: This is who I want my sons to be! Amen, and pass the tissues!
This is an excellent article that shines a light on the insidious toxicity of what goes on in some schools and the need for parental accessibilty and transparency in schools. It also demonstrates the positive impact good parenting and "grass roots" activism by a few can have against evil.
These kids exemplify the kind of citizen leaders America needs now and in the future.
PJ Media does good work, writing-wise, when they're not overly doomy. This is the first piece I've read by this author, but Megan Fox does a lot of family-based articles, in particular about the foster care system and abuses of CPS. I will seek out more articles from this author.
Megan fox is great. she has gone on Riketa Law live stream and vented a few times. her and nick will just spend hours talking and getting drunk.
I found Megan when she was writing her series about men viewing porn in her local library and her attempts to get it stopped. She would make an excellent school board president.
School officials who ignored the students must be fired and go into a national registry to Do Not Hire.
This is absolutely AMAZING!
And it's why I have such hope for our future. No matter how hard the deep state tries to demoralize and undermine us, we always always always bounce back stronger.
Further proof that good will always triumph.
Wow, the students themselves are standing up now. I like this. Good info.
It's sad that things have reached the point where the students have to take matters into their own hands... But amazing what these kids did.
Well, the kids are fed up. I don't blame them. To orchestrate this takes guts and planning. Good for them. Might make good leaders in the future.
Based and redpilled youth.
Certainly worthy of recognition for their deeds.
I stickied and approved this. These young men will make good husbands and make the country a better place.
One question, why is a US Attorney involved? Rhode Island is a state of the Union and not a federal territory. No jurisdiction.
Update in the Washington of the female students reported being stalked by the teacher (he was also her coach). The parents filed a complaint with the U.S. Attorney, hence the reason for fed involvement.
So many of these cases are reduced to he said/she said making it difficult to prove. These boys were incredibly astute to get video proof of this behavior so the victims can be vindicated.
My first sticky. I am humbled 😊.
Your question is a good one. I will start digging and see why this is the case.
Sixth graders studying organic chemical reactions on the chalkboard? They're further along than I was at that age.
holy shit, that is the middle school I went to.... mid 90s
Egads! Sadly this sort of thing has gone on for a long time, and in many ways the sunlight shown on these creeps in recent years has been a blessing in that they are getting caught. The virtual environment during the pandemic helped with getting this lecherous slug out.
Surprised they didn't dox the boys. MSM is evil.
Do what is right, not what is easy- Parents, THANK YOU! More of this please!!
These YOUNG MEN Grew up EARLY and by DAMN they will make VERY FINE FATHERS AND HUSBANDS...any women would be PROUD to have him on their arm....OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍
We all like to believe we'd act the same in a similar situation. These young men did, and should be commended for doing the right thing, and doing it in the face of evil.
The fact that such complaints were simply brushed
This is PRECISELY why schools' anti-bullying campaigns are bullshit. The second you accuse someone they don't want to punish, the victim blaming begins. Happened to one of my son's in elementary school, and I will never forgive or forget what happened.