My biggest hope from President Trump openly using Q memes is it means we are very close to the moment that will shock all but the 4% to 6% into waking up. Whether President Trump created Q or was approached by a team of patriots to run doesn’t matter too much to me. Bringing down the Cabal is what matters.
If I had to hazard a guess, I would say he was asked to run. President Trump is a very intelligent person and has a unique way of communicating, but I doubt he possessed all the knowledge contained in the Q posts, that’s decades of data and analysis.
I don't think it's all Q+'s idea but he has always been onboard.
I will say this I do hope when all is revealed that Mark Dice might be honored to hold our beer as the Anon's take over. He was never wrong just didn't take it far enough.
One of the last Q drops before the long pause of Q drops.
Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC)…
“National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators” is one hell of a mouthful. It seems to me that the name was created so that it matches the abbreviation for Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIC). 2010 was long before Trump came along.
I’d say a lot of this may go all the way back to the start of the ARPANET which later became the Internet. The ARPANET was funded by the DoD. The Internet is what gives us the ability to get around the MSM.
The president is the CC but is not considered to be in the military, of the military etc…he is not subject to The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). If he was Bill Clinton would have been court-martialed for having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
You have to decode: "originator" = guy who pulls the trigger and gets the show on the road. Trump didn't design his skyscrapers, but he sure as hell originated them.
But I can read underneath this some personal grudge against Praying Medic. Did he ever have any credibility With You?
I've understood that the Q team deferred the timing to Trump. And the guy who pulls the trigger is the ultimate cause of the shot fired. But this is a quibble.
While it would be awesome if he is, my fear that like everything else, the MSM and the rest of the lunatic population will claim he is just a conspiracy theorist leading an ideological group. Unless dismemberment of the media is in lock-step as this comes to a head, while it would vindicate us, it would just keep the rest of the population (who is learning of all of this crazy stuff) further confused. It needs to be someone above him (like the military). My gut says he is at the helm, but not the originator.
I pretty much stopped following all the "Q" social media "expert" accounts. Not sure why so many people take what they say as pure gold, assumed predictions or what they believe Q intends. I think the entire purpose of the movement is to think for yourself. Who knows how many Q 'experts' are paid opposition as well. But, for the most part, at least it's good to keep the message moving and in a positive light.
Seems like PM has gone a little bit off the rails lately (at least in a couple of posts I've seen).
The Q team was in place long before Trump was elected, or he would have never been elected. Maybe it's semantics, and he meant to say Trump originated the name Q to put on the operation.
FWIW - I always liked PM's channel when he was commenting on the original Q drops, and bringing in commentary from the boards (that I didn't have time to dig into).
For the same reason Joe Biden was up on red stage, swinging his fists, and calling American citizen's MAGA extremists, enemies of democracy.
It is plainly obvious that the establishment, and the MSM want to tie Trump to this fictitious "Qanon" narrative they have been building. They (the wicked establishment) got a plan for mid term elections. What is it? I'll give you a hint.
The "Qanon" narrative that the establishment is building involves showing pics of "Qanon's" at Trump rally's holding their arms up at 45 degree angles towards Trump. Narrative: "MuH MaGa ExTreAmIsT's be like Trump nazis- see!"
i'm not convinced that Q will ever be "officially" acknowledged, there are good reasons for them to never officially take a position on Q... HOWEVER, I hope i'm wrong, I think in the end full disclosure is better, even if some people won't ever get why it had to be this way
I don't believe for one second that Trump was the "originator" of Q. He's definitely been included in it but I don't believe he originated it. This plan has been in the works for decades, Trump was "asked" by the white hats to run for president and being a patriot he said yes. He's PERFECT for the role he's playing because he's squeaky clean, witnessed by (their) inability to find any dirt on him.
BTW, I'm not a Praying Medic fan, he creeps me out.
My biggest hope from President Trump openly using Q memes is it means we are very close to the moment that will shock all but the 4% to 6% into waking up. Whether President Trump created Q or was approached by a team of patriots to run doesn’t matter too much to me. Bringing down the Cabal is what matters.
If I had to hazard a guess, I would say he was asked to run. President Trump is a very intelligent person and has a unique way of communicating, but I doubt he possessed all the knowledge contained in the Q posts, that’s decades of data and analysis.
He’s a chessboard piece…a big piece, but he is not the player
Originator, doubt it
Originator of the form that its in....likely
I like your thinking.
How could he be the originator when he was chosen for the role as president years prior
Makes one wonder.
Praying Medic must not remember the Q post that talks about them approaching Trump, not the other way 'round.
I don't think it's all Q+'s idea but he has always been onboard.
I will say this I do hope when all is revealed that Mark Dice might be honored to hold our beer as the Anon's take over. He was never wrong just didn't take it far enough.
Did you see today's mark dice? Love Mark, maybe it's for optics, maybe he's got a slow reveal planned. He just missed. It happens.
Yeah I did...part of my motivation for adding him to my comment.
release the hounds
I don't think we will EVER know who is Q
Part of the plan
Negative. Trump is Q+. This leaves 3 other non-military on the Q team.
You are correct about it being in the works for decades.
One of the last Q drops before the long pause of Q drops.
“National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators” is one hell of a mouthful. It seems to me that the name was created so that it matches the abbreviation for Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIC). 2010 was long before Trump came along.
I’d say a lot of this may go all the way back to the start of the ARPANET which later became the Internet. The ARPANET was funded by the DoD. The Internet is what gives us the ability to get around the MSM.
The president is the CC but is not considered to be in the military, of the military etc…he is not subject to The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). If he was Bill Clinton would have been court-martialed for having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
I did consider that. Fair enough.
Was Commander in Chief? IS.....
Ok my bad.
Ya, I think PM 'misspoke' on that one.
Did PM perhaps mean that POTUS began the online Q movement?
You have to decode: "originator" = guy who pulls the trigger and gets the show on the road. Trump didn't design his skyscrapers, but he sure as hell originated them.
But I can read underneath this some personal grudge against Praying Medic. Did he ever have any credibility With You?
I've understood that the Q team deferred the timing to Trump. And the guy who pulls the trigger is the ultimate cause of the shot fired. But this is a quibble.
While it would be awesome if he is, my fear that like everything else, the MSM and the rest of the lunatic population will claim he is just a conspiracy theorist leading an ideological group. Unless dismemberment of the media is in lock-step as this comes to a head, while it would vindicate us, it would just keep the rest of the population (who is learning of all of this crazy stuff) further confused. It needs to be someone above him (like the military). My gut says he is at the helm, but not the originator.
I pretty much stopped following all the "Q" social media "expert" accounts. Not sure why so many people take what they say as pure gold, assumed predictions or what they believe Q intends. I think the entire purpose of the movement is to think for yourself. Who knows how many Q 'experts' are paid opposition as well. But, for the most part, at least it's good to keep the message moving and in a positive light.
Seems like PM has gone a little bit off the rails lately (at least in a couple of posts I've seen).
The Q team was in place long before Trump was elected, or he would have never been elected. Maybe it's semantics, and he meant to say Trump originated the name Q to put on the operation.
FWIW - I always liked PM's channel when he was commenting on the original Q drops, and bringing in commentary from the boards (that I didn't have time to dig into).
For the same reason Joe Biden was up on red stage, swinging his fists, and calling American citizen's MAGA extremists, enemies of democracy.
It is plainly obvious that the establishment, and the MSM want to tie Trump to this fictitious "Qanon" narrative they have been building. They (the wicked establishment) got a plan for mid term elections. What is it? I'll give you a hint.
The "Qanon" narrative that the establishment is building involves showing pics of "Qanon's" at Trump rally's holding their arms up at 45 degree angles towards Trump. Narrative: "MuH MaGa ExTreAmIsT's be like Trump nazis- see!"
And I have German friends, should I hate them because of it? 🤣
My normie friends just say, “it’s because the election is coming up and he’s trying to gain support”
Man I cannot wait until that can of woop-ass to pop open!!!!
i'm not convinced that Q will ever be "officially" acknowledged, there are good reasons for them to never officially take a position on Q... HOWEVER, I hope i'm wrong, I think in the end full disclosure is better, even if some people won't ever get why it had to be this way
I don't believe for one second that Trump was the "originator" of Q. He's definitely been included in it but I don't believe he originated it. This plan has been in the works for decades, Trump was "asked" by the white hats to run for president and being a patriot he said yes. He's PERFECT for the role he's playing because he's squeaky clean, witnessed by (their) inability to find any dirt on him. BTW, I'm not a Praying Medic fan, he creeps me out.
Interesting—By openly acknowledging Q, he’s leading MORE people to research Q and perhaps wake them BEFORE the Hard Truth is shared. Make sense.
Originator? Hmmm, I don't see that. I certainly could be wrong though.
Who is Q?
"Q" is a team of 10 people. Three are Civilian and the rest are Military.
My personal suspicion is that at least one person is actually a complete sentient computer A.I. Digital human.
Why do you think that? Just curious to what your reasoning is.
Haha no
Q used to be fun.
You guys must be smoking some good shit that's all I can say
Because nothing can...
So this artificial intelligence just decided to take down the deep state?
Government /military technology is likely far ahead of whatever's been disclosed to the public. Many developments are kept secret for years, so who knows what tools they actually have at their disposal.