"The Federation starship Enterprise is on a mission to help decontaminate the polluted atmosphere of the planet Ariannus, when sensors detect a Federation shuttlecraft that was reported stolen. The craft is brought aboard along with its alien pilot, who identifies himself as Lokai, a political refugee from the planet Cheron. Lokai's most striking feature is that his skin is ink-black on one side of his body and chalk-white on the other side.
Shortly thereafter, sensors detect another spacecraft in pursuit of the Enterprise. The alien craft disintegrates, but not before its pilot, Bele, transports to the Enterprise bridge. He is colored black and white, similar to Lokai."
"As Bele continues angrily to press his matter with Starfleet, he reveals the source of his conflict with Lokai. He, and all of his people on Cheron, are black on their right sides, while Lokai's people are all white on their right sides. The distinction is lost on the ship's officers..."
That was the point. But Roddenberry was right in what he was bringing attention to, but also provided a way forward by showing us a humanity united on common goals and ambitions.
I think in tbe end his ideas were shaped by resisting the control and tyranny of the religious establishment. I don't think he had issues with individual believers so much as he did what fundamentalists forced on others.
spot on. the woke are pushing for reparations while actual slavery is still practiced overseas and more 'acceptable' economic and sexual slavery is practiced right here.
Next time you're called a racist flip the table on them and let them play Defense for a change: "If I had a different skin color you wouldn't be calling me a racist right now--so YOU'RE a racist! Get your racism out of here you filthy racist! RACIST! OMG people are you hearing this racist here? RACIST SCUM!!!"
The key here is to not let them get a word in. They're great at the accusing game so they'll try to bait you into responding to them. Ignore everything they say and just unleash a tirade on them until they slink away. Bonus points if you can weave in Mysogynist Ableist Nazi Terrorist as well.
There’s a way to do this that is less combative and more quiet, reserved, and gentle. When the leftist is going off about the white race this and the black race that, in a disappointed tone, say, “See, I can’t go with you there because I prefer to treat people as people, not as skin colors. That just seems super prejudiced to me.” Their entire ideology is based on treating different races differently, measuring their level of kindness and cruelty against the color of one’s skin, so this cuts all their known arguments off. They might try to shift gears, but they will soon go back to racial prejudice. Then just repeat it: “Yeah, I still prefer to treat people as people and not as skin colors.” Any person publicly bitching about races is gonna start to feel stupid pushing back against that sentence. Also, “racist” is worn out rhetorically so I think “prejudiced” now works better. Also this traps the left because they now openly concede that racial prejudice is acceptable and good, they just don’t lead with that because they know how stupid it sounds to normal people.
They've already immunized against that attack. "Racism is prejudice plus power, and since non-whites don't have any power the only people that can be racist are whites." It's a shit argument, but they embrace it and repeat it like it was a scientific fact.
The argument that they have no power, after having Obama as president, is very degrading. There are black people in politics, as CEOs, in space. I wonder why they want to degrade themselves so much? Them screaming about white privilege degrades themselves too. Why do they think that it’s better to be white? Why do they think it’s worse to be black? It’s easier to get into an Ivy League school if you’re black than white. Isn’t that black privilege?
I'm peach.
Excellent episode. Shines a glaring light on judging. Boiling it down so well there couldnt be an either or argument since both side are both black and white..depending upon which side is as trivial as the very black or white argument. You're human beings. Act like it. Period.
NPCs haven't developed individuated consciousness yet. They project their hive mind mentality onto others. Its unfathomable to them that people can think differently than the authorities or their peers
I am light brown right now. I'm darker in the summer. I'll be a lot lighter by January.
It's odd that there are "people of color" now, but they don't want to be called "colored people," which is precisely the same thing. Both terms translate to the same thing in French.
On the other hand, we all have colors, so we are all really "people of color" or "colored people." A black person pointed this out about the term "colored people" back in the 60s when I was in school.
Religious fundamentalists: your personal beliefs tell me all I need to know. Once I know you don't conform to my ideology, I grant myself permission in the name of my god to be a shithead towards you and place myself in authority above you.
Anyone remember this classic Star Trek episode?
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
"The Federation starship Enterprise is on a mission to help decontaminate the polluted atmosphere of the planet Ariannus, when sensors detect a Federation shuttlecraft that was reported stolen. The craft is brought aboard along with its alien pilot, who identifies himself as Lokai, a political refugee from the planet Cheron. Lokai's most striking feature is that his skin is ink-black on one side of his body and chalk-white on the other side.
Shortly thereafter, sensors detect another spacecraft in pursuit of the Enterprise. The alien craft disintegrates, but not before its pilot, Bele, transports to the Enterprise bridge. He is colored black and white, similar to Lokai."
"As Bele continues angrily to press his matter with Starfleet, he reveals the source of his conflict with Lokai. He, and all of his people on Cheron, are black on their right sides, while Lokai's people are all white on their right sides. The distinction is lost on the ship's officers..."
i do. the original made lots of people uncomfortable.
It was cringe
That was the point. But Roddenberry was right in what he was bringing attention to, but also provided a way forward by showing us a humanity united on common goals and ambitions.
I think in tbe end his ideas were shaped by resisting the control and tyranny of the religious establishment. I don't think he had issues with individual believers so much as he did what fundamentalists forced on others.
Actor, Frank Gorshin. 😜
didnt know the Futurama [Crud Gang](https://theinfosphere.org/Crud_gang#:~:text=The%20crud%20gang%20(referred%20to,blue%2C%20which%20they%20both%20use.) episode came from that
Good catch, fren!
There is nothing new under the sun. 😉
I remember that episode.
Planet what? 😂🤣😅🤣😂
‘Polluted atmosphere’ 😂
Me to college professors and businessmen: Any comments on the flood of illegals?
ALL of them: "They're just taking the jobs we don't want."
Me: Isn't that ignoring the fact that this is indentured servitude?
Them: Crickets
spot on. the woke are pushing for reparations while actual slavery is still practiced overseas and more 'acceptable' economic and sexual slavery is practiced right here.
Also who says we don't want them. Young people need then. This is how they learn about the working world and how to budget.
And a lot of them are paying the cartels a portion of their salary so that their relatives in Mexico aren't killed!
Next time you're called a racist flip the table on them and let them play Defense for a change: "If I had a different skin color you wouldn't be calling me a racist right now--so YOU'RE a racist! Get your racism out of here you filthy racist! RACIST! OMG people are you hearing this racist here? RACIST SCUM!!!"
The key here is to not let them get a word in. They're great at the accusing game so they'll try to bait you into responding to them. Ignore everything they say and just unleash a tirade on them until they slink away. Bonus points if you can weave in Mysogynist Ableist Nazi Terrorist as well.
There’s a way to do this that is less combative and more quiet, reserved, and gentle. When the leftist is going off about the white race this and the black race that, in a disappointed tone, say, “See, I can’t go with you there because I prefer to treat people as people, not as skin colors. That just seems super prejudiced to me.” Their entire ideology is based on treating different races differently, measuring their level of kindness and cruelty against the color of one’s skin, so this cuts all their known arguments off. They might try to shift gears, but they will soon go back to racial prejudice. Then just repeat it: “Yeah, I still prefer to treat people as people and not as skin colors.” Any person publicly bitching about races is gonna start to feel stupid pushing back against that sentence. Also, “racist” is worn out rhetorically so I think “prejudiced” now works better. Also this traps the left because they now openly concede that racial prejudice is acceptable and good, they just don’t lead with that because they know how stupid it sounds to normal people.
Bingo. Use their tactics; flip the script / turn the tables on them.
YES!!! 1,000%!
They've already immunized against that attack. "Racism is prejudice plus power, and since non-whites don't have any power the only people that can be racist are whites." It's a shit argument, but they embrace it and repeat it like it was a scientific fact.
The argument that they have no power, after having Obama as president, is very degrading. There are black people in politics, as CEOs, in space. I wonder why they want to degrade themselves so much? Them screaming about white privilege degrades themselves too. Why do they think that it’s better to be white? Why do they think it’s worse to be black? It’s easier to get into an Ivy League school if you’re black than white. Isn’t that black privilege?
They’d just call you triggered and laugh
Tell them your mother taught you never to speak to strangers or bigots.
Or just wave them off in a condescending manner and walk away. If they assault you, then unleash fire and fury.
I'm red, white, and blue.
Hint: Those two groups are the same!
It's still true today, sadly.
My skin has a faint peach color, from all the carotenoids in my diet.
I know, probably some kind of privilege or something.
I was raised to view everyone as individuals and not be a racist. Then I grew up and started noticing patterns.
Well white, of course.
White......and red....and blue......
Akr a statement like tha t and I know exactly what you are.
"Any Color You Like"
Hey teacher, leave those kids alone.
I'm peach.
Excellent episode. Shines a glaring light on judging. Boiling it down so well there couldnt be an either or argument since both side are both black and white..depending upon which side is as trivial as the very black or white argument. You're human beings. Act like it. Period.
Can honestly say that I have never, not even once thought of myself as a color or a race.
Guess that means I'm an individual............................
KKK: We need to treat black people like they are stupid and incompetent.
WOKR: We need to treat black people like they are stupid and incompetent.
I'm blue dabadidabadi
Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg
NPCs haven't developed individuated consciousness yet. They project their hive mind mentality onto others. Its unfathomable to them that people can think differently than the authorities or their peers
Annnnnd, that's a wrap!
I am light brown right now. I'm darker in the summer. I'll be a lot lighter by January.
It's odd that there are "people of color" now, but they don't want to be called "colored people," which is precisely the same thing. Both terms translate to the same thing in French.
On the other hand, we all have colors, so we are all really "people of color" or "colored people." A black person pointed this out about the term "colored people" back in the 60s when I was in school.
I identify as clear.
Religious fundamentalists: your personal beliefs tell me all I need to know. Once I know you don't conform to my ideology, I grant myself permission in the name of my god to be a shithead towards you and place myself in authority above you.
they're people too and they're imperfect. don't discount organized religion, without it we would have never made it out of the caves.
Exactly. The people here are no different. Still indoctrinated with the "red pill."