I find it odd that the OP tweets by "Ben Collins" seem to literally fear open evidence of Child Trafficking and Adrenochrome sales to the Elites
PARTS of SCORED.co allow far more legal free speech than even GAB.ai !
Gab has fake definitions of :
"calls for violence" (not part of SCOTUS , without target subclass, not whole class, and imminent date less than 365 days from now, stated in the utterance)
"excessive Jew Naming" (Gab used to often ban on Microsoft's Azure behalf, then lie, but to this day Gab never even re-invited Patrick Little back , nor apologized)
Unlike Gab, scored.co does not turn over info to FBI freely, often, and brag about it.
There is only one current Free Speech site on the internet that allows "Naming Them" and you are using it now, SCORED
.... scored.co subgroups allow it, though slightly slows it down (hiding from /New/all feed)
Its more likely he is very aware of the cannibal game considering he is on their team so this tweet is most likely comms and virtue signalling a wacky qanon conspiracy to any gullible npcs who actually read his content.
Slightly OT. There was a post a couple of days ago about one of the blinds on CDAN. I find that a clunky site so I don't read it often but every once in awhile I do and the thread from a couple of days ago sent me over there. I was scrolling through it and and there was a blind reveal about Ms. Maxwell who apparently has been spending her time writing a book of sorts since the day she got into prison. A book of names and there is concern about her being Epsteined.
Flat Earth is the perfect example of a conspiracy theory no one fears because it is not true. No deep stater is intimidated by flat earth becoming more widespread. If it isn't true, it doesn't intimidate them.
They reveal that's true and what isn't by how they react to more people learning of it.
Repost: Collins is one of the thirteen satanic bloodlines in league with the Rothschilds. They have been a very powerful family within America since before it was created. Joan Collins, J Edgar Hoover, Abe Lincoln’s wife(Mary Todd), Oliver Cromwell Collins(named after the guy who fucked Ireland), Jim Collins, and Michael Collins(Apollo 11) are apart of this deeply satanic family.
I often wondered which Collins were involved, so thanks for listing names here. Since Mary Todd was a Collins, does this mean she was Lincoln’s handler?
Probably so. She was ovaries deep in the occult and is likely the one who killed Lincoln. Lincoln is also rumored to be related to the Rothschilds. The civil war was a sham created by false narratives and horrible motivations on both sides. It was a satanic ritual that symbolized the transformation of chattel slavery into a corporate kind of slavery. Abe, the last of the conservative Whigs, died with slavery. The nation would go full steam ahead in creating the modern American deep state.
Before you had four different groups in the revolution:
1: Quakers stock
2: Cavaliers stock
3: Puritan stock
4a: Borderer stock- Scotch-Irish
4b: Borderer stock- Highland scots
These groups had various different cultures and influences in their regions. All minorities(French, German, welsh) subcultures revolved around these four American cultures.
There were four regions too:
1: New England and northern New York
2: Mid Atlantic and midlands
upper south
Lower south
The issue of slavery allowed them to turn the north into a uniform culture and get rid of a lot of regional variations by pitting them against the south. America lost its culture because of the reconstruction and gilded ages that followed the civil war. The push for a centralized government killed America imo. They would later come up with Standard American English, which I call news speak, to make us sound the same.
Thanks Fren for all the details here. Very very interesting. Where can I research more on this? I wish there was a place we can go for our REAL history. This is so interesting.
Looks like alot of the low IQ pro pedo comments have been removed. Thats abnormal even for an old, controversial tweer. Wonder if its thanks to tbe bot purge. Ha.
That was Hillary Clinton's defense to deleting her emails To a T!
Didn't do it.
Didn't know I did it.
Of what I did, none were classified.
Didn't know they were classified.
They were marked classified in the wrong spot...
What were we discussing, again?
Interesting thing I heard on the radio today. Did you know that Jimmy Kimmel is partnering with crocs to sell pizza themed crocs and proceeds will go to the childrens hospital in LA ? I was going to make it a post but I eat crayons for lunch and couldn't figure how do it in 5 min. https://www.crocs.com/collaborations/jimmy-kimmel.html
Change Elon Musk to "Current Twitter Board" and change his complaints like pizzagate to "hunter bidens laptop", and WOW WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT, THATS CURRENT DAY TWITTER!
Also, it sure does suck for liberals that they've only got Twitter and no alternatives. If only they knew how to build up instead of squat over and claim something as their own, maybe they'd have somewhere else to go to 🤔. Good luck with your migration strategy to any of the conservative apps that were specifically built up because you claimed twitter and told us to go build our own thing elsewhere.
It's hilarious when they do try to enter such places "to spread truth" as they quickly find that without mod protection they can't gain any traction and just end up ignored by everyone.
I mean, everything that myself and the rest of us put together and worked on over at the subreddit and on Voat, 4chan, etc. all came from publicly available information.
We didn't lie, we aren't bots. We made connections and we did so in a way that was easy to understand for anyone who sat down and browsed through it.
And one single point, speaking of liars:
Why does a pizza place that claimed they didn't have a basement (as they had a shooting that somehow traveled through doors and happened to hit the computer...) talk about how they make their tomato sauce from all the tomatoes stored in their basement?
Why was a pizza joint owner among the most powerful people in DC? What is with all the weird suggestive shit that Alefantis posted relating to and including children on his Instagram?
If very few people want to use a site free of censorship then why do they have to work so hard to stifle free platforms, implement censorship, and deploy tons of bots to make it all appear popular and legit?
It makes you wonder what the commies think of real life conversations. Do they think those should be censored too? Do they not know what to do when they hear something they think might not be true? People disregard lies all the time without some authority censoring for them. I know the left lies, but I don’t want to censor them. I like when they show their shittiness for others to see. Pretty clear that the left aren’t afraid of lies, they’re afraid of the truth.
What do they think of real life conversations? Just look at what they tried...
Lockdown bars, restaurants, churches. Places where people gather and talk, exchanging information.
Shelter in place, inside your house and watch the fake-news, there's no need to go outside and encounter other people, just have everything delivered.
Stay away from other people, six feet distance.
Work from home, because office watercooler chit chat is dangerous.
Shut up and cover your talking hole with this mask.
In some part of Australia I think it was, you weren't allowed to speak to neighbors.
So in conclusion... Censor the internet, control the fake-news media, adopt whatever measures available to limit in-person talking, monitor (spy on) phone calls, texts, emails, and social media direct messaging.
Ever see the really old clip of "Rachel" on Oprah? Her real name is Vicki Polin and she claimed back in the 80's that her parents were part of a satanic baby killing cult and that she had participated and was basically MK Ultra, suffered from multiple personalities as a result of the abuse, etc. She's still around. Abused by pedophile satanist, she maintains to this day. And yet, oddly she never shook the liberal thing. Hates Maga and thinks his Maga (pizzagate conspiracy) believers are brainwashed by their cult leader, Trump. So bizarre.
Here's her article about her encounter with a MAGA and how she tried to "offer support to individuals who have been manipulated by cults that promotes hate and misinformation."
Exactly. It would have taken off because it was in the right place at the right time. It was sabotage by Amazon. That's why they did it too. They saw Parlor gaining steam and so they sabotaged it, plain and simple. It didn't just 'fail' because of anything Parlor did wrong...except start with woke Amazon in the first place.
This was being talked about tonight on Geeks and Gamers, one of them claimed that Biden's account is at least 47% bots and they pondered how much of Obama's "following" is fake as well. It was also brought up that during a previous claimed bot purge Trump lost very few followers (everyone has some bots following them, in this case programmed to just harass you.)
After Joe's inauguration, my Instagram account followed POTUS (I certainly didn't do that). So I unfollowed, and a while later it added me back as a follower. This back and forth game went on for a while, and I can't remember how it was eventually resolved.
LOL they are hella nervous that the previous arrangments will not be upheld.
"Don't leave us on twitter where we get tagged about our pizzagate affiliations and those savages attack us!"
Yeah pal why are you bringing up that specific conspiracy out of all others all of a sudden?
Ironically, it's more likely that bots are responsible for pushing the "pizzagate is fake" propaganda.
What these globalists REALLY FEAR is the "NAMING".
"Naming Them" was promised by Elon Musk.
He literally often said so. He stated that ALL LEGAL in USA speech will be permitted on Twitter. This enrages the Leftists and ADL/SPLC.
As law students know, there are about 23 minor restrictions on Free Speech in USA, but SCOTUS very well protects most Free Speech.
Event Libtard wiki admits so :
I find it odd that the OP tweets by "Ben Collins" seem to literally fear open evidence of Child Trafficking and Adrenochrome sales to the Elites
PARTS of SCORED.co allow far more legal free speech than even GAB.ai !
Gab has fake definitions of :
"calls for violence" (not part of SCOTUS , without target subclass, not whole class, and imminent date less than 365 days from now, stated in the utterance)
"excessive Jew Naming" (Gab used to often ban on Microsoft's Azure behalf, then lie, but to this day Gab never even re-invited Patrick Little back , nor apologized)
Unlike Gab, scored.co does not turn over info to FBI freely, often, and brag about it.
There is only one current Free Speech site on the internet that allows "Naming Them" and you are using it now, SCORED
.... scored.co subgroups allow it, though slightly slows it down (hiding from /New/all feed)
(((scored))) blocks PDW, GA, and ConPro from appearing on their app. You can only see these subs in browser mode. They are not based.
APPLE app store rules cause THAT (a 3rd party partner of SPLC has censor live power)
Android Play Store rules cause THAT (a 3rd party partner of SPLC has censor live power)
Rumble has same 3rd party censor tool.
Trump's new social also uses same 3rd party censor tool for its App.
ALL are fronts for SPLC in a way.
(((scored.co))) has no power to fight Apple App store or Android Play store rules
The app should be coded in pure javascript and just be a normal web site and avoid app censorship
There is only one current Free Speech site on the internet that allows "Naming Them" and you are using it now, SCORED!
the devils advocate: perhaps he see's pizzagate as the weakest of all conspiracy theories, so he attacks there, thinking its a weak spot,
but because he is so incredibly ignorant, and he doesn't know, what we know, he doesn't realize he re-awakened the elephant in the room.
ghislaine maxwell
jeffrey epstein
les wexner
Its more likely he is very aware of the cannibal game considering he is on their team so this tweet is most likely comms and virtue signalling a wacky qanon conspiracy to any gullible npcs who actually read his content.
Slightly OT. There was a post a couple of days ago about one of the blinds on CDAN. I find that a clunky site so I don't read it often but every once in awhile I do and the thread from a couple of days ago sent me over there. I was scrolling through it and and there was a blind reveal about Ms. Maxwell who apparently has been spending her time writing a book of sorts since the day she got into prison. A book of names and there is concern about her being Epsteined.
Notice how they never censor and freak out about dumb conspiracies like Bigfoot, Flat Earth, ect.
Then watch which "conspiracies" they desperately try to contain (in this case, Pizzagate) and then you know those are the ones that are legit truth.
Why can't normies understand this simple logic?
Not a conspiracy
Interesting point. My guess is the former they make money from. I saw yesterday a blurb that QE2 apparently believed in Bigfoot. Clicks galore!
Flat Earth is the perfect example of a conspiracy theory no one fears because it is not true. No deep stater is intimidated by flat earth becoming more widespread. If it isn't true, it doesn't intimidate them.
They reveal that's true and what isn't by how they react to more people learning of it.
Interesting inventory of Twitter capabilities....
Isn’t this how they were operating to their advantage before?
Exactly my thought! ^^^
Thou dost protest too much...
One of the comments: "you're seriously defending a pedophile?"
Why yes. Yes he is.
Repost: Collins is one of the thirteen satanic bloodlines in league with the Rothschilds. They have been a very powerful family within America since before it was created. Joan Collins, J Edgar Hoover, Abe Lincoln’s wife(Mary Todd), Oliver Cromwell Collins(named after the guy who fucked Ireland), Jim Collins, and Michael Collins(Apollo 11) are apart of this deeply satanic family.
I often wondered which Collins were involved, so thanks for listing names here. Since Mary Todd was a Collins, does this mean she was Lincoln’s handler?
Probably so. She was ovaries deep in the occult and is likely the one who killed Lincoln. Lincoln is also rumored to be related to the Rothschilds. The civil war was a sham created by false narratives and horrible motivations on both sides. It was a satanic ritual that symbolized the transformation of chattel slavery into a corporate kind of slavery. Abe, the last of the conservative Whigs, died with slavery. The nation would go full steam ahead in creating the modern American deep state.
Before you had four different groups in the revolution:
1: Quakers stock
2: Cavaliers stock
3: Puritan stock
4a: Borderer stock- Scotch-Irish
4b: Borderer stock- Highland scots
These groups had various different cultures and influences in their regions. All minorities(French, German, welsh) subcultures revolved around these four American cultures.
There were four regions too:
1: New England and northern New York
2: Mid Atlantic and midlands
upper south
Lower south
The issue of slavery allowed them to turn the north into a uniform culture and get rid of a lot of regional variations by pitting them against the south. America lost its culture because of the reconstruction and gilded ages that followed the civil war. The push for a centralized government killed America imo. They would later come up with Standard American English, which I call news speak, to make us sound the same.
Thanks Fren for all the details here. Very very interesting. Where can I research more on this? I wish there was a place we can go for our REAL history. This is so interesting.
Looks like alot of the low IQ pro pedo comments have been removed. Thats abnormal even for an old, controversial tweer. Wonder if its thanks to tbe bot purge. Ha.
Yo Ben...........ever been to a private party?...............at Comet Pizza?............are there tweets?
Holy gaslight! He literally described current Twitter
For future use when Musk shows this is exactly what they're doing currently:
Narcissist's Prayer:
Paired with DARVO:
That was Hillary Clinton's defense to deleting her emails To a T!
Didn't do it. Didn't know I did it. Of what I did, none were classified.
Didn't know they were classified. They were marked classified in the wrong spot... What were we discussing, again?
"Free speech" "authoritarians will have a field day" - wat?
Interesting thing I heard on the radio today. Did you know that Jimmy Kimmel is partnering with crocs to sell pizza themed crocs and proceeds will go to the childrens hospital in LA ? I was going to make it a post but I eat crayons for lunch and couldn't figure how do it in 5 min. https://www.crocs.com/collaborations/jimmy-kimmel.html
Change Elon Musk to "Current Twitter Board" and change his complaints like pizzagate to "hunter bidens laptop", and WOW WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT, THATS CURRENT DAY TWITTER!
Also, it sure does suck for liberals that they've only got Twitter and no alternatives. If only they knew how to build up instead of squat over and claim something as their own, maybe they'd have somewhere else to go to 🤔. Good luck with your migration strategy to any of the conservative apps that were specifically built up because you claimed twitter and told us to go build our own thing elsewhere.
It's hilarious when they do try to enter such places "to spread truth" as they quickly find that without mod protection they can't gain any traction and just end up ignored by everyone.
This guy fucks kids.
"Pushed by bots and liars"
I mean, everything that myself and the rest of us put together and worked on over at the subreddit and on Voat, 4chan, etc. all came from publicly available information.
We didn't lie, we aren't bots. We made connections and we did so in a way that was easy to understand for anyone who sat down and browsed through it.
And one single point, speaking of liars:
Why does a pizza place that claimed they didn't have a basement (as they had a shooting that somehow traveled through doors and happened to hit the computer...) talk about how they make their tomato sauce from all the tomatoes stored in their basement?
Why was a pizza joint owner among the most powerful people in DC? What is with all the weird suggestive shit that Alefantis posted relating to and including children on his Instagram?
Talk about projection
It’s like liberals want to push any and all psychological theory, but have no understanding of projection.
they see themselves as getting ahead of the story, and shaping the narrative,
we see them protest too much.
If very few people want to use a site free of censorship then why do they have to work so hard to stifle free platforms, implement censorship, and deploy tons of bots to make it all appear popular and legit?
It makes you wonder what the commies think of real life conversations. Do they think those should be censored too? Do they not know what to do when they hear something they think might not be true? People disregard lies all the time without some authority censoring for them. I know the left lies, but I don’t want to censor them. I like when they show their shittiness for others to see. Pretty clear that the left aren’t afraid of lies, they’re afraid of the truth.
What do they think of real life conversations? Just look at what they tried...
Lockdown bars, restaurants, churches. Places where people gather and talk, exchanging information.
Shelter in place, inside your house and watch the fake-news, there's no need to go outside and encounter other people, just have everything delivered.
Stay away from other people, six feet distance.
Work from home, because office watercooler chit chat is dangerous.
Shut up and cover your talking hole with this mask.
In some part of Australia I think it was, you weren't allowed to speak to neighbors.
So in conclusion... Censor the internet, control the fake-news media, adopt whatever measures available to limit in-person talking, monitor (spy on) phone calls, texts, emails, and social media direct messaging.
They don’t want others to have conversations, but they want them for themselves. Commie assholes
pizzagate is as old as pizza.
there is nothing new under the sun.
we merely discovered pizzagate, and publicized it.
i was on the front-lines of pizza gate, and i saw some very bad stuff,
and they left no doubt in my mind that they do, in fact, eat children.
presumably after they get done raping the child,
so that there is no witness, to ever tell what happened with the rape.
this sick culture goes back 10's of thousands of years.
just think about pizza meat toppings. what are they?
hamburger, pepperoni, sausage...
those are all ground meat.
all of the weird pieces of scrap meat that you don't see for sale.
lips and assholes.
frisky's cat food is made from hog lungs, livers, kidneys, and spleens.
there are 10,000 missing children in the USA every year.
where do they all go?
why don't they ever turn up?
because they are dead.
and they dispose of the bodies,
much like they dispose of the bodies of cows, pigs, and chickens.
they eat them.
and they grind up the human meat,
and mix it in with the animal meat,
and they make pizza toppings out of it.
and if you eat pizza, with meat on it, theres a good chance you have eaten human meat.
they think its funny to "include" the unwitting, in eating human meat.
people have taken random samples of meat, and taken it to a laboratory for analysis, and they almost invariably find human meat.
also search cannibal island russia
Should we test Comet pizza for human DNA?
Ever see the really old clip of "Rachel" on Oprah? Her real name is Vicki Polin and she claimed back in the 80's that her parents were part of a satanic baby killing cult and that she had participated and was basically MK Ultra, suffered from multiple personalities as a result of the abuse, etc. She's still around. Abused by pedophile satanist, she maintains to this day. And yet, oddly she never shook the liberal thing. Hates Maga and thinks his Maga (pizzagate conspiracy) believers are brainwashed by their cult leader, Trump. So bizarre.
Oprah appearance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwih4niZ4MA
Here's her article about her encounter with a MAGA and how she tried to "offer support to individuals who have been manipulated by cults that promotes hate and misinformation."
"Very few people want to use a moderation-free app saturated with lies by design."
Seems to be working for Twitter currently.
"We know this from the dozens of Twitter clones who've tried and failed."
What an absolute tool this clown is. Truth Social is growing by leaps and bounds and it's full of your so-called "Conspiracy Theorists."
People know what lies Twitter spews daily. THAT'S why they're nothing but Twitter bots on it "elevating" your lies on a daily bases.
The only one I can think of that failed was Parlor, and that's because Amazon Web Services cancelled them.
Exactly. It would have taken off because it was in the right place at the right time. It was sabotage by Amazon. That's why they did it too. They saw Parlor gaining steam and so they sabotaged it, plain and simple. It didn't just 'fail' because of anything Parlor did wrong...except start with woke Amazon in the first place.
There will be no bots to prop up the lefts propaganda.
This was being talked about tonight on Geeks and Gamers, one of them claimed that Biden's account is at least 47% bots and they pondered how much of Obama's "following" is fake as well. It was also brought up that during a previous claimed bot purge Trump lost very few followers (everyone has some bots following them, in this case programmed to just harass you.)
After Joe's inauguration, my Instagram account followed POTUS (I certainly didn't do that). So I unfollowed, and a while later it added me back as a follower. This back and forth game went on for a while, and I can't remember how it was eventually resolved.
It’s just so darn ironic that they consider unfiltered information “Authoritarian “! 😆
Think mirror. Year of the boomerang. These corrupt fuckers always projecting.😡🤡
Exposure of the private accounts is going to be very spicy
Nuke Twitter? These terms are acceptable.
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Can we include Facebook in the nuke process? They are both the devil.
It’s funny how they did not have any problem with “no oversight on this as a private company” while their friends were in charge.
LOL they are hella nervous that the previous arrangments will not be upheld. "Don't leave us on twitter where we get tagged about our pizzagate affiliations and those savages attack us!"
Why choose that specific example? Sick fucker!
Dr. Pizza anyone? Stupid pedos, please epstein your selves.
Look up Chicken Lover. Let’s start calling him Ben “Chicken Lover” Collins
Isn't he the one holding the child in James Alfantis's Instagram?
Pot meet kettle
Almost makes me want to cry …. 😂
DS MO Accuse your opposition of your own crimes. AYOYOC!