No it wouldn't be fun. Not at all. Not in the slightest. The object of going to war with the globalist cabal is to restore truth to the worldwide dialog.
Bots are false. They masquerade as real people so everything posted by a bot is inherently a falsehood.
This war is serious. Time to look at what we get behind more carefully.
Im with you on this. I dont want to replace their tyranny with ours. I want Truth, Justice, Liberty. For everyone. I want people to make informed choices with information that can be trusted. I think if we can achieve this, then we can declare victory. I think evil will melt away once Truth is established as the preferred currency worldwide.
If this shit is part of the plan white hats already got shit ready to go upon transfer to Elon. Decades of military planning was involved in this takedown of the cabal.
Wouldn't it be great if he kept all of the bots for a while but labeled them as such so the sheeple could see what's really been going on. I really hope he has some FU fun planned.
Now this could seriously get interesting... What should happen is Twitter should be shut down from the moment he take's control and keep it offline until after the elections.
Clandestine is a faggot. I asked him a question on TS and that bitch blocked me. No conversation, no rebuttal, just blocked. "Conservatives" like him are no different than the left. It's disgusting.
Wouldn't it be fun if Elon reprogrammed the bots to spread the truth?
that would be over the top kek
Is accurate fact checking on the horizon? I surely hope so. I hope 1000s of red pill bots are unleashed.
Stage set?
No it wouldn't be fun. Not at all. Not in the slightest. The object of going to war with the globalist cabal is to restore truth to the worldwide dialog.
Bots are false. They masquerade as real people so everything posted by a bot is inherently a falsehood.
This war is serious. Time to look at what we get behind more carefully.
Perhaps "fun" was the wrong word.
Maybe... "effective".
You have to use available technology to combat how the the evil is using it.
Im with you on this. I dont want to replace their tyranny with ours. I want Truth, Justice, Liberty. For everyone. I want people to make informed choices with information that can be trusted. I think if we can achieve this, then we can declare victory. I think evil will melt away once Truth is established as the preferred currency worldwide.
Shouldnt even call it red pills anymore. Its the truth. And they cant hide from it anymore. Everything opposite a "red pill" is lies.
People either accept the truth, or they are accepting lies.
I've permanently changed GAW's post flairs to reflect your comment.
Thank you my good Sir! Glad to be contributing!!
How is anything going to change within the month? It'll take a week to clear the cheque.
Upon taking ownership, Elon can immediately make whatever changes he wants.
Sure, but what is the closing date? He doesn’t have ownership before then.
If this shit is part of the plan white hats already got shit ready to go upon transfer to Elon. Decades of military planning was involved in this takedown of the cabal.
Which he can do with one sentence. They could all be escorted out by the end of the first day.
He will own the company.
Sitting ducks are the easiest to carnivals that is.
Lots of 🤡 🤡 🤡 at carnivals, too
It's possible that many were swayed to vote for the (D)ementia patient in 2020 by what Twitter was doing, but POTUS Trump still won in a landslide.
Wouldn't it be great if he kept all of the bots for a while but labeled them as such so the sheeple could see what's really been going on. I really hope he has some FU fun planned.
this is the way forward
Not found for me
catsfive sorry have to log on to truth then use the link.
Ack. I can't. I hate being Canadian sometimes.
I share that feeling! try this fren .never mind you have to be logged on for it too
I sent a msg to to see if they would add @clandestine to the Truth dropdown. We'll see.
GO SITTING DUCKS! To the gallows . . .
Load the meme cannons! I wish I could meme🙂
no worries fren. stolen memes work pretty well
yes it is.thanks.good find
easy targets fren
Really? “Millions” of votes were swayed by the Hunter laptop?? I highly doubt “millions” - maybe a couple hundred thousand at most.
Nobody voted for Joe. The nation as a whole leans 70 to 80% center right. And on a good day 25% commie - - I mean - - lefty.
21,500 seperation in 2020 election...supposedly legitimate votes.
Open season on Twitter.
Did it really sway them….we will see it’s out there now bet the same people vote for the same assholes
Now this could seriously get interesting... What should happen is Twitter should be shut down from the moment he take's control and keep it offline until after the elections.
Well let's see what happens :)
"sitting ducks"... so cringe
Still banned
Why do so many put so much value into something so few people use? I feel like we put this one app on a pedestal.
Sorry, the blue hairs are still there, nothing gonna change
Why don't they? Who knows for sure if Elon cares about truth enough to withstand FBI pressure to censor.
Clandestine is a faggot. I asked him a question on TS and that bitch blocked me. No conversation, no rebuttal, just blocked. "Conservatives" like him are no different than the left. It's disgusting.
You faggots downvoting me should be just as bothered by this behavior. Seeing as you're fine with it, you're also no different than the left.