AOC complains her Twitter presence is much less now. (unaware she was artificially promoted?) Warning...she eats chicken during video.
🤢 These people are unvotable 🤮
STFU u/#nobodycares u/#trumpwrong
I bet it took her team a couple hrs to decide what food she would eat to make her seem "of the common man" lmao
Look guys I eat shitty processed chicken chunks dipped in grease just like you fat pathetic losers!! I'm just like you!
Seriously how out of touch can you be. She easily could have stopped fucking eating to film this. Nope, just talks with her horse face chewing cud like a mongrel
They just allowed her to be herself: mediocre bartender. Media team was like "Just try not to choke, ya simpleton."
If she didn't choke she would never have got the gig in the first place
Stupid freshman bitch things she got under the richest man in the worlds skin, ROFLMAO and almost passed out from laughing so hard
Like, Right!
Many of her bots have been deleted and many of her followers have died suddenly.
Why is she not eating crickets? Thought there was a climate crisis?
Its as if a millions bots cried out at once
We lived inside a volcano the whole time ???
Is it a live chicken?
Ozzy has entered the chat
This bitch is so dumb, she doesn't realize that all her bot-farm "followers" were cut off.
I thought she was a Herbivore
I've got a banana she can swallow
Who is Herb?
What a savage as she chows down on that food while making a silly video.
sandy hooker
"Warning...she eats chicken during video."
Are you sure that wasn't human flesh?
You're irrelevant kek
Oh pleeaaze, someone post his reply. He has to reply. He's too much of a troll to pass up that opportunity.
The great bot nuking of 2022
Okay we are officially in that strange part of the movie....
She probably didn't even know most of her followers were bots and the rest were people who just wanted to see what ridiculous thing she'd say next, so they could make fun of her.
she gets more attention from here than from her tiny district
. . . you would cry too if it happened to you . . .
Chicken = Coward comms
On 2/17/21 'Royal Chicken wars':
"Chicken comms are about exactly that, people who are afraid. “Frying” chickens via pressure, and few ways are better for that then threats of exposing sex crimes.
...Looks like a lot of players are getting in on this. I don’t have it defined which entity uses which restaurant for comms. However KFC is very oriented to sending comms about “Chickens” being cooked.
The Secret Recipe of the Colonel/Kernel i.e. the trick to cooking the chickens – to get the Popcorn (Kernel) to pop. Movie comms. Always talked about in terms of finding it – and that’s what we have today. Various outlets asserting they are prepped for new ways to cook the chickens."