The hour of reckoning has come for the Deep State and their Cabalist overlords. For far too long these demons and goblins have had free reign to do as they please; twisting the soul of humanity into a knot of pain and torment for their benefit and pleasure. They have lurked in the shadows perpetrating their dastardly deeds, but now the light of a new dawn approaches, and with it the rays of truth shall arrive to scour the Earth of all those who would do evil upon humanity. JUDGMENT DAY APPROACHES.
Now is the hour to stand as one, and proclaim with one United voice, under one God, undivided, and with Liberty and Justice for all, that our country does not belong to the Cabalists and Deep Staters, and that we shall reclaim our birthright that was paid for with the blood of millions of Patriots across hundreds of years of tumultuous American history.
Assuredly the Deep State are already laying their plans of subversion and infiltration into the election systems of the 2022 Mid-Terms, but this gives us no excuse to make the task of The Great Steal any easier for them. If the Deep State are to cheat on Tuesday, let us go out in such immense numbers as to force them to overplay their meager hand and fall upon their sword. We have a winning deck of Aces up our sleeves with the America First MAGA candidates, while they hold a fractured deck of castaway degenerates.
The voice of the people has not been forsaken, nor has it been forgotten, and nor shall it be silenced at the ballot box on Tuesday. Each and every vote is critical in this Fifth Generation War we wage upon the Deep Staters and Cabalists. We know for a fact that cheating will occur this Tuesday. Just as one knows a snake is a snake, and that such a creature will assuredly sink its venomous fangs into any who touch it, so too do we know that the Democrats cannot help themselves but to cheat. It is not only in their nature, it is their last hope for survival in the coming Storm.
Does this mean we give up, stay home, and boycott the ballot box? Nay! This means we get out and vote like we’ve never voted before. We must show up in droves to the ballot box and overwhelm all of the systems of theft and cheating that the Democrats have in place. We, the People, United, are what the Democrats fear most!
Let us terrify the Deep State with our numbers on Tuesday! Let us force their narrative of election denial back upon them, and watch as they scramble to explain their cataclysmic loss of seats in the Senate and House. The election thieves shall become the election deniers!
Never forget the 16 year plan to destroy America. Had Hilary Clinton been coronated as the 45th President of the United States of America, we would assuredly be embroiled in a Global Thermonuclear War, and in all likelihood there would have already been a nuclear detonation on American soil.
This was always their plan. This was why they had such confidence in the 2016 election as to proclaim Hillary’s victory before election night. They didn’t think Hillary would win, they KNEW she would win because they have been rigging the system for decades!
Our enemy will stop at nothing in their quest for complete domination of humanity. We must meet their will to dominate with our own will for freedom. Q did us the favor of upsetting the balance in 2016 by shutting off the electronic fraud algorithms on election day. Now we must fulfill our oath and return the favor.
It is within the grasp of The People of America to safeguard the Mid-Term elections at the Ballot Box by completely overwhelming their systems of fraud to the point of complete system failure. The only way this occurs is if We the People show up and represent the vision of Make America Great Again, and America First.
2020 was about exposing the election fraud that runs rampant through our nation. Had Q not allowed this theft to be carried out, every day Americans would still be clueless as to the extreme level of fraud in our election systems.
We would never have had the Maricopa County Forensic Audit exposing the poll station corruption.
We would never have had the Cyber Symposium by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell exposing the machine based fraud of Dominion.
We would never have had Dinesh DeSousa and Greg Philips' documentary 2000 Mules exposing the ballot harvesting operations throughout our nation.
What Anons must come to realize is that this was never about one Presidential Election, or one Mid-Term election. This was about all future elections to come. There will come a time when you and I, President Trump, and all the members of the Q team will no longer be among the living. A time when our children, and grandchildren will inherit this Republic. Our time on this Earth is about leaving a better world for them.
Consider the disclosure and dissemination of truth that is to come. Consider the horrors that we Anons are aware of, yet the general population is still ignorant of. Horrors such as child trafficking, child sex slavery, and child sacrifice. When these truths are brought to light, the Democrat party will exist no more. Red will be the color of Justice.
Four diverging time lines lay before us.
TIME LINE A: The Red Tsunami
In Time Line A we have an all out blow out Red Tsunami resulting in the recovery of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and a lamer than lame duck Brandon in the White House who could be impeached and 25th’d.
TIME LINE B: The Status Quo Stalemate
In Time Line B we have a stalemate election and maintain the status quo, leading to more of what we have been witnessing these past two years of the Brandon Administration.
TIME LINE C: The Big Steal 2.0
In Time Line C we have a blue wave of fraud in which the Democrats overtake the House of Representatives, the Senate, and maintain control of the White House. In this time line, the Democrats would also begin passing legislation to turn the Supreme Court blue as well.
TIME LINE D: The Postponement
In Time Line D, we do not see the elections come to pass. Some type of cataclysmic event occurs on election day, like a nuclear detonation, that would result in a closure of the polls, and an indefinite postponement of the election.
I cannot say for certain which of these time lines we may end up in, but there are those that are more preferential than others to the Game Theory that must play out. Of the four time lines, I would argue that Time Line B, that of a stalemate status quo, would be the least desirable. We do not want a status quo election. We want acceleration, and awakening.
However unlikely it may be, I think it wise for Anons to also mentally prepare themselves for Time Line C, that of The Big Steal 2.0.. Out of all possible time lines, this might be the one that must occur to satisfy the Game Theory, and the moves and counter moves that are still on the board. I urge Anons to set their emotions aside, and think with a critical and analytical mind.
If we end up in timeline A, and then the Global Economic Collapse occurs, it would give the Democrats and Deep State enough leeway to craft new psy-ops around the idea that Republicans are to blame for the economic collapse. My opinion at this stage in the game is that timeline C is actually the ideal one. C would give the White Hats the opportunity to bring the entire house of cards down on the Democrat's heads while they hold every office in the nation.
No matter what happens on November 8th, we must all be prepared for the fallout of the Democrat party, their constituents, and their foot soldiers. Whether we witness a Red Tsunami, a Stalemate, a Torrent of Fraud, or a postponement of election day, we can be sure that the play book of the Democrats will be followed to the letter; that of causing as much chaos and upheaval as is possible.
Make no mistake, the Democrats aim to anger every America loving Patriot to the breaking point. They want you angry! They want you livid! They want you inconsolable! They want you pushed to the point of no return, no reasoning, and no negotiations! DO NOT PLAY INTO THEIR GAME!
I urge every Patriot to embrace calm, peace, and tranquility. If you well and truly believe that Patriots are in control, that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, and that Where We Go One We Go All, then I urge you to spread the word to STAND DOWN. Let the Q team and the brave men and women of our armed forces do their job. Stay out of the line of fire, and do not engage the Democrats in their game of civil unrest and violence.
The Democrats want to rekindle their lost January 6th narrative. They would be elated if Republicans gave them another “insurrection.” It is the ultimate goal of the Democrats to foment as much violence and destruction as possible, culminating in a second Civil War that would tear this country apart from the inside out.
Remember the 16 year plan to destroy America. Remember the interjection of Q in 2016-17 at the halfway mark of this plan. The goal of the Deep Staters and their Cabalist overlords was to smuggle Uranium under the Obama administration through the Uranium One program, and covertly develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction to be used to initiate a war between Russia and America.
When this plan was interrupted by the fortuitous arrival of Q, and the nullification of the Deep State’s apparatuses of fraud in 2016, the Deep State pivoted to a new plan; that of Civil War. They aimed to use whatever means they had at their disposal to fan the flames of civil unrest to such a degree that America would begin tearing itself apart.
The election steal of 2020 and the “insurrection” of January 6th were intended to be the start of the second American Civil War. Once again, President Trump and the Q team outplayed the move of the Deep State with a clear and undeniable message of “Peaceful and Patriotic.”
The Trump and Q teams deployed an effective counter-move of inviting We the People to be on location to witness the false flag unfold in real time with tens of thousands of recording devices to capture the moment for ourself, and negate the media coverage. The narrative of January 6th has been neutered from its original volatility, and that has the Democrats seething!
Expect further false flag attempts from the Democrats in the near future, and likewise expect the Trump and Q teams to deftly maneuver our Nation around these events and to defuse them as they did with January 6th. We are playing a game of attrition at the moment; forcing our enemy to dispose of their ammunition, while biding our time until the Check Mate move becomes available.
With every failed false flag, the Democrats grow weaker, and less capable to initiate their next move. As we near the end of this game, the Democrats will grow more bold and brazen in their desire to start Civil War. Do not feed into their negativity and hatred. Trust in the goodness of the American people, and remember that we are One Nation, and One People!
Every day we can witness the quickening of events along the path to the final Check Mate. The moves and counter moves of Q and the Cabal are becoming more numerous, and the time between much shorter in duration. It will not be long now until we reach the final end of this game.
As we near The Fall of the Cabal, expect the unexpected. Prepare for the ride of your life, and remember that not everyone is as well read into the events that are to come as we in the Q and Great Awakening community are. We need to be ready to be there for our loved ones, family, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and even those we may consider our rivals and enemies. Q awakened us so that we may help guide humanity through the tumultuous and painful times that are ahead.
Despite how terrible the world may seem at present, we must remember that the Precipice event still lays before us. There are still certain inevitable moves on the board that must be made in order to dismantle the Cabal infrastructure. Among these are the Global Economic Collapse, and the exposure of Israel. These events will cause greater ripples than any event we’ve seen before.
Game Theory would suggest that the best time for a Global Economic Collapse, and a complete failure of the Federal Reserve would be under complete Democrat control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. The Democrats will inevitably attempt to smear the Republicans as the reason for the economic collapse that is coming. We have a narrow window between now and the beginning of January when the new congress is seated to see a collapse occur under Democrat rule, that is of course assuming we are in the timeline in which we witness a Republican Red Tsunami on November 8th.
The question that lay before Patriots at this stage in the Game Theory is whether we believe that Patriots are indeed in control, or not. In the coming days the chips will be cast on the table, the cards overturned, and we will find out where we stand in Q’s time line of The Great Awakening. I sense a great disturbance in the force on the horizon for Anons. A time of great anguish, upheaval, confusion, and disarray. No matter what happens on November 8th, DO NOT PANIC. Let the Deep State and Cabalists do the panicking.
Stay focused on our ultimate goal of dismantling the infrastructure of the Deep State and the Cabal, and recognize that taking down a 6000 year old death cult was never going to be an easy task. Always approach the theory board with a mindset of moves and counter-moves.
If we lose on November 8th it is because that is what Game Theory demands must happen in order for the Fall of the Cabal to come to pass. There are still many cataclysmic moves that must occur on the board, and we must allow for these moves to play out along our pathway and time line to the ultimate Fall of the Cabal.
We have been waiting a very long time for the end of this 5th Generation War to come to pass. Some Anons have been waiting a few years, others decades, and still others their whole lives. Always remember that we are living through Biblical Times! We few who are awakened to the state of the world have a front row seat to an event that will never be witnessed again. It is not a curse to have lived in such times, it is a blessing. We will tell tales of these times to our children, and grandchildren in time; tales of great heroics, of valor, and of bravery.
I'll be praying for you guys tomorrow. It's a sin what the democrats have done to your country. Great post by the way mate.✔💪🙏🙏
Thank you.
Also, in commemoration of November the 5th, and November the 8th, we are introducing a brand new GIF to our collection!
u /#Nov5
Great post Qanaut!
US Deplorables.... prepare to VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTE!
Perfection! Thank you and God bless you and us all! WWG1WGA.
its time to take the rat bastards to the wood shed but its only one coming out...US WWG1WGA
Did you all leave out God in all of this post on purpose? Some trust in horses and the arm of man will fail. No call for prayer and fasting, and to seek the face of God and we all of us collectively bind in one mind to call on the Almighty. Our founders sought God for the establishment of this Republic, should not all of us at this time?
Q reminded us of the spiritual warfare we must fight and that fight is based in the Word of God, not our power. You are nothing in this if you do not realize yourself that we are fighting against beyond flesh and blood - Demonic forces.
Read the entirety of Q - 2403 and reconsider the focus.
Thank you for bringing God into the conversation.
I know there are some here that don't believe or like the prophecies. To those you should stop reading here. From Julie Green:
My children, the closer you get to midterms, the more you will see things change and intensify. 2020 will not happen again. Do not be afraid. Call down that election, My children. You have the power to command it to come down like the walls of Jericho. Command their laws down. Command the fraudulent government down. Command every person who has stolen their seats to come down. Call for justice and liberty to be upheld.
Trust Me and not them. My children, trust Me and what I am doing. Do not look to what man can do. Do not look to elections to save you. Look to Me and only Me. Things will change abruptly, so stay focused on the Great I AM. Stay focused on My love. Stay focused on the fact that I am your deliverer and that I am about to be seen. It is time for your victories, so do not lose focus now. It is all coming to an end, and you will see My love for you like never before.
I am the God in My written Word, and the world is about to see Me work to save the nations. So shout, praise, and celebrate like never before, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
Don't take this to mean the election will not be stolen. Only this time, in God's timing, it will be reversed. It might look bad for awhile tho.
Agree. Not looking to the election, but God will take control. There are other of her prophecies that indicate the 2020 election will be overturned as well.
God bless you!
God bless you as well! God's got this!
Amen! Am praying & fasting & praying against the wicked and praying Holy Scripture, God loves His Word and it is all powerful against the enemy and praying that God humble the politicians and personalities leading the destruction. God is in this thing, His heart is in it.
God Bless you, Sis, for your post. ✝️
I can see the precipice being we win house and senate and other races. Democrats and media will explode with anger and hostility, thus the precipice.
Need to add a threat of nuclear war and economic implosion to that list.
Sad...Which is coming if Dee's win.
Can we hold you to this promise after tomorrow? Because I'm tempted to predict a tsunami of despair on this board when things don't pan out as expected. Not sure yet, but there is precedent isn't there?
I have a spouse that refuses to get involved in voting ever again after 2020 and the AZ audit-to-nowhere. Nothing I can say will sway her. Nothing I can say to myself will convince me that my vote matters or not. The rigging is real. The safety measures are verbal promises so far.
Bingo, agreed, and thus, my prediction of the c heating tomorrow will be worse than 2020.
Beautiful & concise write-up of the past years.
Spreading and sharing this far and wide.
Rig for Red : For the blood moon at Midterms?
Tell them, "Go VOTE! What have you got to lose? Your Country and Your Life!"
Great overview! 👏 u/Qanaut
May God Bless & Protect Our Republic tomorrow! Put on the Full Armor of God and VOTE!! 🙏🇺🇸
Explain to them that "voting harder" is not what this is about. It is about the voter rolls. The cheating machines will manufacture fake votes for the selected candidate by stealing the ballot of anyone on the voter rolls that does not vote.
Voting not only increases the red wave, it decreases the pool of fake votes available to the cheaters at the same time.
Plus, everything is being monitored by the NG + Space Force (and Mike Lindell) in real time, so there is a good chance the midterms will turn out like the 2016 election, not the 2020 election... as long as enough people vote.
"Midterms are safe."
"Disinformation is necessary."
Hey, people still use that line to say the moon landings were fake even though Q plainly said they were real in drop 2225. So why couldn't it apply to the midterms too?
Why people think that midterms are safe ? Q said that in 2018 before the midterms back then . They probably meant last midterms .
If they don't steal , they will lose many big states from their hands
I believe timeline A is gonna happen. And the white hats are in control. Otherwise, I don’t think some of the Patriots are gonna take it any longer.
The real question is whose precipice will this election be?
Patriots have waited long enough and the majority of these are not those who follow Q. They won’t be patient any longer if they see this election stolen
Good write up, as usual.
I've been thinking lately that Timeline C might happen, though so many are pointing to a red tsunami.
I'm praying that this isn't the case, though.
It would be unbelievably difficult to ever get people to trust the voting system ever again and the despondency that would happen to many, would be so very difficult to fathom. This truly would be the precipice moment for many.
I'm optimistic that we will have the red tsunami that should happen after the last two awful and incompetent years with the Resident and stolen 2020 election, but also cautiously keeping the fact that timeline C is a possibility from the last gasps and actions by the satanic cabal.
THIS POST IS THE Gettysburg ADDRESS 2.0 ....
*great points, great savey and * **MAKING POSTS about voting GREAT AGAIN ** 🙏🙏❤ ❤ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🍊💪🍊
Not sure how much impact any of those had. To be honest, I was hoping the AZ audit would reveal tons a fraudulent votes. Wasn't there reports of stacks of ballots that appeared to be all photocopied? Maybe I'm thinking of Georgia or Michigan. I guess I'm still holding out hope that all the fraud that occurred has not been released to the public yet.
Glad you mentioned this along with keeping calm. There have been twists and turns in this saga and cool heads will prevail.
Excellent post 🐸
I have something I need to confess with you all, I missed the chance to register to vote in my state, so I won’t be able to. Lots of things have been happening, life in general and such while trying to develop better as a person and keep my job, and I missed the deadline. I’m sorry guys, at least it’s in a state that’s not very important like Kansas.
Don't worry. I'll vote for you.
Patel Patriot brought this C scenario up on Sat night too. I agree. While I have hoped for a red tsunami, I agree that C would really be what is needed to kick things off. Every other scenario just continues the bullshit. We would not have the votes to remove Biden even best case with the election. Its not a black pill either.....just that C IMO takes us to the precipice which is needed for the real shit to start happening. Comfy either way....
By all means VOTE Red!
But remember that the Democrat Bolsheviks will do ANYTHING to stop us.
They will go so far as to scorch the Earth to keep us from succeeding.
Know that they play by different rules.
I pray for your victory USA, may God guide you and look after you.
May he bring confusion to the enemy, peace and healing to the poor children broken and killed by these creatures over uncountable years and bring the death eaters to his table of reckoning and judgement.
I gave my crew half the day off tomorrow, paid. There are 14 young people (under 30) I employ atm. None of the 14 have ever voted before. I got them all registered, informed to their particular precinct location and each of them are voting. I printed up sample ballots for them to look at and related the process to them so that they wouldnt be nervous.
They have been listening to my rants every day, some for the last 6 years. They are very knowledgeable as to current events at this time as I have summarized the last 6 years over and over. Not long ago they were completely clueless. I am sure that each of the 14 will vote like Patriots. I hope I have sparked them to a lifetime of vigilance.
The two older guys on the crew I have never had to worry about. They are Patriots.
I am certainly hoping for scenario 1 in your op but will not be surprised if any of the 4 happen. I will remain calm and take care of my family and my neighborhood. I will not seek violence but will defend my community with a Wolverines determination and ferocity.
Today at work, in an area you wouldnt expect to see one, we had a Bald Eagle fly over our work site for 1/2 an hour. Just making lazy circles in the breeze. One of the older guys whose phone controls the radio slipped on our National Anthem and turned it up full volume. It was glorious. The sub we were working in is 80% H1B Visa holders. All Indians. Jokes were made. Fun was had by all.
Is it weird that I just got wood?
But really,,, WELL SAID Brotha!
I really think Dave at X22 has good information on his economic report regarding the collapse of the western central bankers (federal reserve, et. al). He believes as the old cabal system fails a new system is ready to take its place. I personally don't think the white hats will let the economic system crash with out a plan to overcome the turmoil that would cause. A crash like that would put us as a country over the precipice which is not part of the plan. Plus, this economic state of affairs can be turned around without severe economic hardship to the average American. Trump keeps saying that very soon we will be very happy. Why would he say that if the whole economy was going to be allowed to crash? He and the white hats would lose all credibility in my humble opinion!