His death was at a very convenient time for certain people and the manner of the accident quite suspicious. He was becoming more and more outspoken and wanted to return home and i believe spread the word on what he believed/witnessed.
Suspicious only out of paranoia. You don't have any basis to imagine an alternative future that justifies present suspicion. Plenty of people meet an untimely death (including, for example, my brother). Patton was not immune to death, and frequently acted in the face of it as a method of leadership. The only people who remember Patton are those who respect his military reputation. He was not a public figure in any political sense. His episode of the slapped soldier could have nullified any public attention he might have attempted to gain.
Besides which, what are you proposing? That the U.S. should suddenly turn on the Soviet Union, an ally, in an undeclared war of destruction? That is a non-starter. The U.S.---and everyone---was war-weary, including the Soviets. We had only 3 atomic bombs at the end of the war, and had to use two of them to overawe the Japanese into surrender. You have no sense of realism or prudence.
Patton may have thought he could have made mincemeat of the Soviet forces, and maybe he could have, if he were provided enough men, munitions, and fuel to advance all the way to Moscow. And that's the stopping point, because assaults on Moscow famously come to a dire end. Patton was notoriously an "individual contributor." He did not function well as a team player, and any war with the Soviet Union would have required far more commitment than just a well-supplied Patton. Upon consideration, even he would have recognized that fact.
So, stop living in a paranoid fantasy. Patton had lived the fulfillment of what he conceived to be his destiny, and there was no further historical role for him.
Know a guy who actually talked to one of the guys who went to retrieve Patton's vehicle after the accident. Paraphrasing a little - he said "Of course it was an accident. No one could keep a car with that many bullet holes in it on the road"
Yet they run/own 96% of central banks... and news/entertainment media, Hollywood, healthcare (plus Fauci), education....and U.S. Congress reps with a sworn oath to Israel first (over the U.S.).
Now research how many in congress have dual citizenship with Israel for the real shocker. Last I checked, that was supposed to be a legal disqualifier to hold a congressional seat.
Lemme know what you find 😏🙃
Edit: I know, but true understanding comes from seeing yourself.
It depends if talking House vs Senate, and power of position.
A full 20% of Democrat Senators are Jewish, but 0% of Republicans
Yes over 20% :
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Dianne Feinstein, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia (freshman)
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Charles Schumer, New York
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Michael Bennet, Colorado (Bennet’s mother is a Holocaust survivor.)
10 out of 49 Democrat senators are Jews, and I named them above.
20.4% of Democrats, but 0% of Republican Senators
If this shocking meme was not the world's most censored and hidden meme, you would already know of the House and Senate percentages.
Should be obvious should it not? They are trying to find out why there are so many as a proportion of the total while as a percentage of the population they are distinctly less prolific.
EDIT: They also obviously represent a morally reprehensible group who are actively working against the interests of our societies.
Let me ask you this then: If one group of people consistently, over and over again, act like vile, usurious, traitorous scum, and continue to do so even after history has shown again and again that this behavior eventually ends in their demise, are they to blame?
A "group" of people? You are saying all Italians are Mafia? All Germans are Nazis? Or are you assuming what you need to prove? Blaming the victim?
Of course some Italians are Mafia. And some Germans were Nazis. And some Russians were Soviets. Some blacks are criminals. And some Hispanics are MS-13. Doesn't imply anything about "groups" as a whole, in any case.
You just wrote about all those demographics as demographics and it didn’t sound hateful to your ear. But if anyone said “Jewish Cabal” on social media because it would be branded as hate. You also cannot say “Jewish Banks” or “Jewish Hollywood”. You pretty much cannot even say “Jew” with no other modifier. This is the whole problem. The gentiles are being prevented from speaking about a problem - Jewish ownership of certain industries - because Jewish people are using their ownership of those industries to try to force us into a silencing double standard where they are allowed to address and characterize us as demographic groups but if any of us turn around and point out the demographic group who is puppeteering the whole divisive show, they suddenly recoil in fake pain and demand censorship.
And here is your problem: as an ethnic group, Jews tend to be more intelligent and more industrious than other ethnic groups. (So also Asians.) As a result of their intelligence and industry, they will always rise to prominence in whatever field they are in. And non-Jews are envious, and resentful, and are open to imagine that this competition is unfair. Giving rise to pogroms and death. So, get over it.
Is Mark Zuckerberg Jewish? Not by any meaningful attribute that I can see, even though he may come from a Jewish background. What he is doing with Facebook is not at all related to Jewish life, thought, or culture. It is related to left-liberal secular culture, which many non-observant Jews have adopted in rejection of an observant life. (Seldom do they convert to Christianity.)
It's like the Mafia. If there is anything wrong about the Mafia, it has nothing to do with being Italian. It has to do with being criminal. We are willing to talk about a Mafia problem, but we don't talk about an Italian problem. We are willing to talk about a Nazi problem, but we don't talk about a German problem.
The minute you decide it is more important to concentrate on the actual problem to be faced, then you can afford to disregard ethnicity---and stop branding an entire people as the evildoers in your view of the world.
You nurse your perceived wound, but what is your answer? Dispossess all the Jews? Kill them all? You don't dare think of such things, but you have no answer even to the problem you think you have. Which suggests to me you are mainly content to fester in resentment. That, my friend, is useless and futile.
And, "How many of these people have dual citizenship?"
Also, what results would we get if this filter and my question were applied to US legislators, state governors and state legislators? (Betting the results/facts would surprise a lot of people.)
The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail...
Leftists want me dead, for many years. Feds want me to suffer. Not ever have I posted a single erroneous statement. Not ever have I ever downvoted anyone or anything, as main admin here can confirm. I don't downvote, nor upvote manipulate. I have no internet name. I am this sites most prolific meme maker, making nearly 1,000 memes a year for 15 years, and am on 7 other free speech sites.
Even though I don't post much on scored the last few months, you should feel honored that people like me even participate among you. I made the meme in this thread.
Can someone please point me to the Q post that says we should persecute those of the Jewish faith on a Q board? Why are these posts and those who encourage them , allowed on this Q forum?
Not a rabbi, shill, Q said Israel, which is a political power, just as Russia, The UK and the US are. All are being cleaned of the DS influence. The common people , who are born into and live under those states, are slaves who are controlled at the point of a gun or under threat of imprisonment or shunning. Just as you and I are. You should have compasion for those who pactice their faith rather than your obvious bigotry . Your posts here advance the DS agenda. You are bending the words of Q to fit your rabid hate for those who practice their faith.
Again foaming at the mouth pushing your agenda. I am not Jewish. I am for freedom and compassion. I am with Trump and Q. How do you reconcile Trump having Jewish people in his family?
Patton for those not aware... u/#conspiracy
The media:
Some missing assholes from the current administration that the OP missed:
Can't forget Pelosi:
Great sauce. Thank you.
Please put this as a post for those unaware.
Kanye's infamous re-shared old image :
= = =
BBC editors and talent : https://files.catbox.moe/t9obrq.jpg
If you are insinuating Patton, he was in an automobile accident. No IED. He lived for a while, but ultimately succumbed to his injuries.
Better to consider that God received him home. Patton could have done nothing about the post-war environment.
His death was at a very convenient time for certain people and the manner of the accident quite suspicious. He was becoming more and more outspoken and wanted to return home and i believe spread the word on what he believed/witnessed.
Suspicious only out of paranoia. You don't have any basis to imagine an alternative future that justifies present suspicion. Plenty of people meet an untimely death (including, for example, my brother). Patton was not immune to death, and frequently acted in the face of it as a method of leadership. The only people who remember Patton are those who respect his military reputation. He was not a public figure in any political sense. His episode of the slapped soldier could have nullified any public attention he might have attempted to gain.
Besides which, what are you proposing? That the U.S. should suddenly turn on the Soviet Union, an ally, in an undeclared war of destruction? That is a non-starter. The U.S.---and everyone---was war-weary, including the Soviets. We had only 3 atomic bombs at the end of the war, and had to use two of them to overawe the Japanese into surrender. You have no sense of realism or prudence.
Patton may have thought he could have made mincemeat of the Soviet forces, and maybe he could have, if he were provided enough men, munitions, and fuel to advance all the way to Moscow. And that's the stopping point, because assaults on Moscow famously come to a dire end. Patton was notoriously an "individual contributor." He did not function well as a team player, and any war with the Soviet Union would have required far more commitment than just a well-supplied Patton. Upon consideration, even he would have recognized that fact.
So, stop living in a paranoid fantasy. Patton had lived the fulfillment of what he conceived to be his destiny, and there was no further historical role for him.
late 1990s revelation : parts and core materials for 11 total (less 2 used = 9), not 5 total.
perhaps only 3 already out in pacific rim, but as I said 11 total including the 2 dropped, 9 remaining piles of parts
game theory proved why we needed more than 3, in case they assumed we could only make 3 a year
Pretty much
Know a guy who actually talked to one of the guys who went to retrieve Patton's vehicle after the accident. Paraphrasing a little - he said "Of course it was an accident. No one could keep a car with that many bullet holes in it on the road"
NOW do all the spouses.
A few more and you could make a deck of cards
That’s really something.
No wonder why DEMS hate Christianity
Less than 1% of U.S. populace.
Where are the "over representation" alarmists?
Yet they run/own 96% of central banks... and news/entertainment media, Hollywood, healthcare (plus Fauci), education....and U.S. Congress reps with a sworn oath to Israel first (over the U.S.).
Don't dare make fun of the 👃's on this forum bahahahahaha
Now research how many in congress have dual citizenship with Israel for the real shocker. Last I checked, that was supposed to be a legal disqualifier to hold a congressional seat.
Lemme know what you find 😏🙃
Edit: I know, but true understanding comes from seeing yourself.
The noticing.
Well if it's factual regarding their religious beliefs then it must be because they were 'selected' not 'elected'.
elite = chosen people .... literally.
Of course one could question the story of the choosing and the choice itself. But that is what they carry are a heirloom.
Should you wish to compete with such claims .... by raising your own ... it will be labeled anti-semitic, white supremacy and racist.
This makes me want to eat some oven-baked cheese danish!
Why do they all have similarly large nostrils?
( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)
Because air is free.
38 out of how many?
What are you implying?
It depends if talking House vs Senate, and power of position.
A full 20% of Democrat Senators are Jewish, but 0% of Republicans
Yes over 20% :
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Dianne Feinstein, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia (freshman)
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Charles Schumer, New York
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Michael Bennet, Colorado (Bennet’s mother is a Holocaust survivor.)
10 out of 49 Democrat senators are Jews, and I named them above.
20.4% of Democrats, but 0% of Republican Senators
If this shocking meme was not the world's most censored and hidden meme, you would already know of the House and Senate percentages.
Not implying. Just trying to get a grasp of how big the problem is.
Steve Martin Roxanne gif would be great here u/#honkler
How many are Christian ? Muslim ? Hindu? Etc? What is your point?
Should be obvious should it not? They are trying to find out why there are so many as a proportion of the total while as a percentage of the population they are distinctly less prolific.
EDIT: They also obviously represent a morally reprehensible group who are actively working against the interests of our societies.
Well Obviously. Politicians right?
It is not right to criticise someone on account of their faith, however, do you want politicians to represent you who have dual passports?
If they can just make a huge mess of things then leave and go home I don't see how they can be completely trusted.
It would be like following an officer into battle when only he has access to a teleporter.
The meme would have been more relevant if it had shown dual-passport holders by Party affiliation.
Who cares if they are Jews? ???
Let me ask you this then: If one group of people consistently, over and over again, act like vile, usurious, traitorous scum, and continue to do so even after history has shown again and again that this behavior eventually ends in their demise, are they to blame?
A "group" of people? You are saying all Italians are Mafia? All Germans are Nazis? Or are you assuming what you need to prove? Blaming the victim?
Of course some Italians are Mafia. And some Germans were Nazis. And some Russians were Soviets. Some blacks are criminals. And some Hispanics are MS-13. Doesn't imply anything about "groups" as a whole, in any case.
You just wrote about all those demographics as demographics and it didn’t sound hateful to your ear. But if anyone said “Jewish Cabal” on social media because it would be branded as hate. You also cannot say “Jewish Banks” or “Jewish Hollywood”. You pretty much cannot even say “Jew” with no other modifier. This is the whole problem. The gentiles are being prevented from speaking about a problem - Jewish ownership of certain industries - because Jewish people are using their ownership of those industries to try to force us into a silencing double standard where they are allowed to address and characterize us as demographic groups but if any of us turn around and point out the demographic group who is puppeteering the whole divisive show, they suddenly recoil in fake pain and demand censorship.
And here is your problem: as an ethnic group, Jews tend to be more intelligent and more industrious than other ethnic groups. (So also Asians.) As a result of their intelligence and industry, they will always rise to prominence in whatever field they are in. And non-Jews are envious, and resentful, and are open to imagine that this competition is unfair. Giving rise to pogroms and death. So, get over it.
Is Mark Zuckerberg Jewish? Not by any meaningful attribute that I can see, even though he may come from a Jewish background. What he is doing with Facebook is not at all related to Jewish life, thought, or culture. It is related to left-liberal secular culture, which many non-observant Jews have adopted in rejection of an observant life. (Seldom do they convert to Christianity.)
It's like the Mafia. If there is anything wrong about the Mafia, it has nothing to do with being Italian. It has to do with being criminal. We are willing to talk about a Mafia problem, but we don't talk about an Italian problem. We are willing to talk about a Nazi problem, but we don't talk about a German problem.
The minute you decide it is more important to concentrate on the actual problem to be faced, then you can afford to disregard ethnicity---and stop branding an entire people as the evildoers in your view of the world.
You nurse your perceived wound, but what is your answer? Dispossess all the Jews? Kill them all? You don't dare think of such things, but you have no answer even to the problem you think you have. Which suggests to me you are mainly content to fester in resentment. That, my friend, is useless and futile.
Bravo !
I do have a list but it is not for the current year.
Its all Democrats... this awesome old video needs an update :
And, "How many of these people have dual citizenship?"
Also, what results would we get if this filter and my question were applied to US legislators, state governors and state legislators? (Betting the results/facts would surprise a lot of people.)
Are you noticing? #TheNoticing
Who are the Knights of Pythias?
Everyone on this list knows their significance.
It is a global alliance.
Wow, this is important.
You have ten different accounts.
The accounts are:
then, else, many, were, like, want, try, from, each, SaneGoatISwear
We don't need ten different accounts because we stand by what we say.
Leftists want me dead, for many years. Feds want me to suffer. Not ever have I posted a single erroneous statement. Not ever have I ever downvoted anyone or anything, as main admin here can confirm. I don't downvote, nor upvote manipulate. I have no internet name. I am this sites most prolific meme maker, making nearly 1,000 memes a year for 15 years, and am on 7 other free speech sites.
Even though I don't post much on scored the last few months, you should feel honored that people like me even participate among you. I made the meme in this thread.
TallestSkil, the doomer of all doomers, has one account.
You have ten.
Oh I am so honored to have this level of folks representing Q.
Can someone please point me to the Q post that says we should persecute those of the Jewish faith on a Q board? Why are these posts and those who encourage them , allowed on this Q forum?
you sound vaxxed and boosted
And by the way , I got fired from a good job for not taking their VAX, what have you sacrificed?
And you sound like a deep state shill, on a mission to discredit and devide this community. Where is the Q post I asked you to provide?
Not a rabbi, shill, Q said Israel, which is a political power, just as Russia, The UK and the US are. All are being cleaned of the DS influence. The common people , who are born into and live under those states, are slaves who are controlled at the point of a gun or under threat of imprisonment or shunning. Just as you and I are. You should have compasion for those who pactice their faith rather than your obvious bigotry . Your posts here advance the DS agenda. You are bending the words of Q to fit your rabid hate for those who practice their faith.
Again foaming at the mouth pushing your agenda. I am not Jewish. I am for freedom and compassion. I am with Trump and Q. How do you reconcile Trump having Jewish people in his family?
And this is why it's fixed. All hopeium.
222 up votes ?
And now almost 300, I am praying for those who feel that this is something Q supports.
How many times a day does that very last guy get asked "Hey, why the long face?"
95% of the ones "chosen" by AIPAC this election , and funded, won : https://files.catbox.moe/7y5vij.jpeg
LOOK AT THEM BOAST of their power!
Gotta love the choice of ukraine colors used in the image.