Pitchforks and torches will be the only way. Don't rely upon what you read on the interwebs about the military doing something. If you want change....YOU MUST BE THE ONE TO COMMAND CHANGE. Don't wait for the military, do it yourself.
Sounds like you need to reread that Bible of yours or get a translation that's easier to understand. God has righteous anger. Jesus had righteous anger. An iconic example would be when Jesus flipped the merchants' tables and kicked them out of the temple.
Edit: see also Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 through 8.
He's right this is a spiritual battle this is about giving Grace and forgiving everyone in and out of your heart this is nothing to do with anything physical except giving Grace and truly forgiving yourself which appears externally in the simulation we call the Matrix as everyone outside of you but if you hold anger or resentment at anything outside of you you're just holding on to that for parts of yourself the external is a mirror of the internal this is what God gave us in order to practice purifying our hearts and we get to do this again and again and again cuz we're in a simulation still within the mind of God but God keeps us safe no matter what even if we fail in the appearance simulation God will still keep us safe does that give you the courage to have forgiveness instead of hate
I’m not complaining, but…
You’re giving away the whole story.
Ignoring trees to see forest.
The true test of life consists in forgiving the unforgivable. Balzac wrote a beautiful story on this theme. “Brotherhood of Consolation”. It’s set in post revolutionary France. (Nothing changes) I wasn’t a Christian when I first read it, but I didn’t last long after that. If you like that one, try “The Atheist’s Mass”. It’s some pretty good scribbling.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon.... forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean there are no consequences.
You have the right to self defense In The Bible. This is an attack and they'll get forgiven when the fight isnover and we have won. They'll also get punished appropriateky and for some that will mean death. And I'll forgive them when that's achieved.
“We caught it all” yet two years later, nothing was done about it, and the country is in worse shape than ever. Military is ready to spring the trap? Do it already.
Remember that there are three different election cycles...this year was the 6year cycle....I believe that now all of the election configurations have been monitored.....
There are three different election cycles particular offices (or something) this was the one that only happens every six years... by monitoring all three types you do two things... One You etablish a trend proving that it was not a one time offense, and Two, you capture the different permutations of cheating used for the different typs of elections...(what works for a national office may not work for a local office)...
He is returning “in some capacity” as he mentioned. Speaker of the house. “Everyone will be very very happy”, as he mentioned. The shit show will continue unabated however.
Speaker of house? If so, then he is not removed from the action. If elections are turned then he could be targeted as being a dictator and interfering with democracy. Many people think there is no corruption. They could be mislead to think he’s committing a coup. I’m thinking the House Speaker would not make sense. Also, President to House Speaker is a demotion. Trump wouldn’t downgrade imo.
A lot of the "losses" are still close and most have ballots to count. I think we wake up some time this week and WE WON most of the close races. Libs freak and demand investigation and SF says look what we just happen to have while monitoring the election....
No options left to us now but civil war. There are no avenging military angels swooping in. That is all bullshit. Its war and death and chaos. They chose this.
Well, if you voice anything but blind and unending liquid cope-hopium blend (CopeX new name) then the mods get pissy at you.
We have really reached the point where the hopium is not intoxicating anymore. It doesn't drag in the resident skeptics who have seen too much shit. I'm still waiting on major arrests directly relating to Pizzagate too.
I believe they have to steal everything. If they don't, they lose anyway. They need all the power to implement their agenda 2030 globohomo communist bullshit.
They have nothing to lose at this point so they are pulling out all the stops. That is why it is all so in the face. They had planned on pulling the tyranny off while most were still asleep - but Trump screwed up their timeline and their plans. That is why it is all in the open now. They have no other choice but to go for broke.
This is not Dems versus Republicans - we have been under the illusion of a two party system for years. It is us/MAGA versus the uniparty swamp cabal. Even the RINO traitors are showing their true colors. The last man standing wins. There is no quit, there is no giving up. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.
Yep. Then Trump becomes speaker and he starts some investigations. Maybe some more people are indicted and then acquitted in some more rigged trials. The fun can stretch out like this for years! Each time another election is rigged and another trial is rigged a few more sheeple will wake up!
That is one angle for sure. In fact, I was worried that if the Republicans did gain massive control over both houses, when the crap hits the fan, and it will, then the Republicans will take the heat. It is always the ones that last had their hands on it that get the blame. Now, if Dems still have control, they have to take the sole credit for it all going in the shitter.
The market doesn't even matter anymore. It is essentially not affecting day to day life for anyone. It is always just a talking point for the propaganda machine.
I mean , it's either military does their thing or the union breaks.its one or the other. Theres no way the power struggle is completely 1 sided. There will be successions and domestic terrorism across the board.weird times we live in but if you know you know. This is the last show down and if there isnt any action in the coming months then its the hard reality of bending the knee to the cabal or death.
Might take some years prob till 2030. Plenty of time to prep but if you're on the list there won't be much fighting it when they come in the thick of night.
This crap has to end. There is no waiting to 2024. I’m afraid it will be civil war by then.
Pitchforks and torches will be the only way. Don't rely upon what you read on the interwebs about the military doing something. If you want change....YOU MUST BE THE ONE TO COMMAND CHANGE. Don't wait for the military, do it yourself.
Sounds like you need to reread that Bible of yours or get a translation that's easier to understand. God has righteous anger. Jesus had righteous anger. An iconic example would be when Jesus flipped the merchants' tables and kicked them out of the temple.
Edit: see also Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 through 8.
Actually I believe God had warriors in arch angels. Perhaps we are those warriors now.
He's right this is a spiritual battle this is about giving Grace and forgiving everyone in and out of your heart this is nothing to do with anything physical except giving Grace and truly forgiving yourself which appears externally in the simulation we call the Matrix as everyone outside of you but if you hold anger or resentment at anything outside of you you're just holding on to that for parts of yourself the external is a mirror of the internal this is what God gave us in order to practice purifying our hearts and we get to do this again and again and again cuz we're in a simulation still within the mind of God but God keeps us safe no matter what even if we fail in the appearance simulation God will still keep us safe does that give you the courage to have forgiveness instead of hate
I’m not complaining, but… You’re giving away the whole story. Ignoring trees to see forest. The true test of life consists in forgiving the unforgivable. Balzac wrote a beautiful story on this theme. “Brotherhood of Consolation”. It’s set in post revolutionary France. (Nothing changes) I wasn’t a Christian when I first read it, but I didn’t last long after that. If you like that one, try “The Atheist’s Mass”. It’s some pretty good scribbling.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon.... forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean there are no consequences.
You have the right to self defense In The Bible. This is an attack and they'll get forgiven when the fight isnover and we have won. They'll also get punished appropriateky and for some that will mean death. And I'll forgive them when that's achieved.
They already know ncswic. Probably why Bill gates thinks there will be one.
I wish. I’ll be too old to fight the next civil War. But it will happen in my lifetime. And I’ll do what I can.
It will end.
I will believe it when I actually see something done about the fraud. A trap isn't a trap if you never collect what was caught.
We are not catching mice - but big, ugly, disgusting sewer rats.
“We caught it all” yet two years later, nothing was done about it, and the country is in worse shape than ever. Military is ready to spring the trap? Do it already.
Remember that there are three different election cycles...this year was the 6year cycle....I believe that now all of the election configurations have been monitored.....
I think you missed the point.
They had to catch the midterms for Congress of 2018
Then they had to catch the presidential one of 2020
Now they are catching the Senators (also more midterms).
That makes sense!
Thanks for the explanation. I had missed the point, too!
There are three different election cycles particular offices (or something) this was the one that only happens every six years... by monitoring all three types you do two things... One You etablish a trend proving that it was not a one time offense, and Two, you capture the different permutations of cheating used for the different typs of elections...(what works for a national office may not work for a local office)...
This is what I'm thinking.
How can he announce a 2024 run, when this latest "election" has been stolen?
It has to be something else.
Yes, I am, too.
I might get excited if it was the announcement for a MAGA party. Never registered for any party, that one I would register for though.
He is returning “in some capacity” as he mentioned. Speaker of the house. “Everyone will be very very happy”, as he mentioned. The shit show will continue unabated however.
So the soon to be Dem controlled house is going to elect Trump as the Speaker of the House? Boy, that's rich.
As soon as the military sweeps in and arrests the cheaters.
The House will not be Dem controlled. It will be narrowly in favor of R, but very narrowly. Chavez-DeRemer winning shows us that.
Speaker of house? If so, then he is not removed from the action. If elections are turned then he could be targeted as being a dictator and interfering with democracy. Many people think there is no corruption. They could be mislead to think he’s committing a coup. I’m thinking the House Speaker would not make sense. Also, President to House Speaker is a demotion. Trump wouldn’t downgrade imo.
House Speakers rather easily can become Presidents...
I think so too!
Hubris.... The drug of vice for stupid politicians...
A lot of the "losses" are still close and most have ballots to count. I think we wake up some time this week and WE WON most of the close races. Libs freak and demand investigation and SF says look what we just happen to have while monitoring the election....
sealed indictments. 322k we have. https://bad-boys.us/
I don't want to doompost but the copium levels in this forum is surreal.
No options left to us now but civil war. There are no avenging military angels swooping in. That is all bullshit. Its war and death and chaos. They chose this.
Well, if you voice anything but blind and unending liquid cope-hopium blend (CopeX new name) then the mods get pissy at you.
We have really reached the point where the hopium is not intoxicating anymore. It doesn't drag in the resident skeptics who have seen too much shit. I'm still waiting on major arrests directly relating to Pizzagate too.
It's all we got at the moment as we wait for the dems to complete the steal and then hope for justice.
The military ain't doing shit.
I believe they have to steal everything. If they don't, they lose anyway. They need all the power to implement their agenda 2030 globohomo communist bullshit.
They have nothing to lose at this point so they are pulling out all the stops. That is why it is all so in the face. They had planned on pulling the tyranny off while most were still asleep - but Trump screwed up their timeline and their plans. That is why it is all in the open now. They have no other choice but to go for broke.
This is not Dems versus Republicans - we have been under the illusion of a two party system for years. It is us/MAGA versus the uniparty swamp cabal. Even the RINO traitors are showing their true colors. The last man standing wins. There is no quit, there is no giving up. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.
Yep. Then Trump becomes speaker and he starts some investigations. Maybe some more people are indicted and then acquitted in some more rigged trials. The fun can stretch out like this for years! Each time another election is rigged and another trial is rigged a few more sheeple will wake up!
Maybe for when market crashes hard Dems will get all the blame
That is one angle for sure. In fact, I was worried that if the Republicans did gain massive control over both houses, when the crap hits the fan, and it will, then the Republicans will take the heat. It is always the ones that last had their hands on it that get the blame. Now, if Dems still have control, they have to take the sole credit for it all going in the shitter.
The market doesn't even matter anymore. It is essentially not affecting day to day life for anyone. It is always just a talking point for the propaganda machine.
What an asinine comment.
If dems stealing the house, senate, and presidency in horribly obvious ways doesn't spell out PRECIPICE, nothing does.
They will not stop. These people are stupid
Stealing the election and they don’t give a crap if we like it or not.
Putting it next to the 2018 files.
Oh dang this is gonna be good
Are the DEMS trying to start a Civil War?
Has it, or will nothing happen again? I’m betting on the latter, but hoping and praying for the former.
Another bombshell must read investigative report by The Conservative Tree house. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/13/the-modern-electioneering-process-of-ballot-submission-assistance-is-taking-center-stage/#more-239759
You should make a post of that article it is a very good read
seems like this is fear based, while trusting the plan, do something...
I mean , it's either military does their thing or the union breaks.its one or the other. Theres no way the power struggle is completely 1 sided. There will be successions and domestic terrorism across the board.weird times we live in but if you know you know. This is the last show down and if there isnt any action in the coming months then its the hard reality of bending the knee to the cabal or death. Might take some years prob till 2030. Plenty of time to prep but if you're on the list there won't be much fighting it when they come in the thick of night.
Big larp.
Y'all really getting tripped up by clickbait