Full disclosure... back when Bruce was still half way thinking about it or just announced and Denis Miller came up with it on Billy O's old show and I never forgot. Too funny.
Not really, "nailed off " crook is an element of a Thompson quote:-
"The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little (hole nailed off by the building inspector), but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”
Announcers were comparing Harry and Meghan to the Kardashians.
Observing Meghan's Narcissistic manipulation of Harry, they joked that the next step could be Meghan convincing Harry to perform a "Caitlyn Jenner" on himself.
PS: Netflix H&M show is to come out next week, along with Harry's memoir release a month later. Some fireworks concerning BRF, probably.
If you act like a fool, expect to be treated like a fool. Just because you decide you want to be a woman today, doesn’t make you one. And everyone in Hollywood and sports acts like this is normal. Does this mean since I identify as male today, I should use the bathroom on the right? Gold for the Texas restaurant calling it what it is-a load of crap!
i mean according to the commie culture cult the person on the left IS a woman... and the person on the right WAS a man.
are these fakewoke degenerates admitting that they don't actually believe these things?
perhaps this fine establishment was simply shouting out and bringing social awareness for the stunning and brave transformation of she/her to live their truth... or some other made up buzzword bullshit
also i thought they hated Bruce now because he supports trump...
geeze it must be so confusing being in that religion, it sounds exhausting trying to keep up with who/what to be outraged at...
no wonder they are all so miserable and angry all the time...
Bruce Gender.
KEK... how about Jen Brucer?
Loose Gender...
It's the same picture.....
Bruised Gender
Haha, that's actually better. Bravo!
Kek !
Someone else on here came up with Bruce Gender, I wondered if it could have been an autocorrect error.
Immediate steal. Gold.
Full disclosure... back when Bruce was still half way thinking about it or just announced and Denis Miller came up with it on Billy O's old show and I never forgot. Too funny.
Loose Gender!!
Where's the Women's Room?
Fuck stop calling mentally ill men HER its a friken HIM
Funny, but this is simply just two men's rooms - where would real women safely go to the bathroom?
In a nailed off crook with an awning out rear, near the gully trap.
Is this a reference to something?
Not really, "nailed off " crook is an element of a Thompson quote:-
"The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little (hole nailed off by the building inspector), but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”
-Hunter S. Thompson.
I would eat here weekly. Bi-weekly if the food is good.
Haha. I get that.
What about women?
If you say a restaurant is "slammed" that usually means they're busy as hell and it's a quality business.
Jokes on them, both are the men's room!
From wheaties to fruit loops. Hopefully he fades off into oblivion soon.
“Slammed” by whom? Wouldn’t the picture on the left honor ‘her’ preferred gender? What’s the issue, lol.
Wait…are they saying trannies can use the women’s restroom?
Joke I heard on GB news:
Announcers were comparing Harry and Meghan to the Kardashians.
Observing Meghan's Narcissistic manipulation of Harry, they joked that the next step could be Meghan convincing Harry to perform a "Caitlyn Jenner" on himself.
PS: Netflix H&M show is to come out next week, along with Harry's memoir release a month later. Some fireworks concerning BRF, probably.
Slammed by same rational people who know trannies aren’t women. This restaurant allows mentally I’ll men to use the women’s restroom
Hey, at least he ran as a dude. ~{°¡°}~
If you act like a fool, expect to be treated like a fool. Just because you decide you want to be a woman today, doesn’t make you one. And everyone in Hollywood and sports acts like this is normal. Does this mean since I identify as male today, I should use the bathroom on the right? Gold for the Texas restaurant calling it what it is-a load of crap!
but why?
i mean according to the commie culture cult the person on the left IS a woman... and the person on the right WAS a man.
are these fakewoke degenerates admitting that they don't actually believe these things?
perhaps this fine establishment was simply shouting out and bringing social awareness for the stunning and brave transformation of she/her to live their truth... or some other made up buzzword bullshit
also i thought they hated Bruce now because he supports trump...
geeze it must be so confusing being in that religion, it sounds exhausting trying to keep up with who/what to be outraged at...
no wonder they are all so miserable and angry all the time...
So…one door is for people with a dick.
The other door is for people with a dick, in drag. Got it!
Damn. I'm ashamed to admit it, but the woman version makes my peepee tingle.