Viktor Bout is a very interesting character. Calling him "merchant of death" just shows how much the Cabal was afraid of him. If you dig a bit more into his past (you have to use Russian sites and translate them) you will realise that there is a great possibility that has been working for the same white hats that groomed Putin.
Honestly, anymore, I look at the media. If they are demonizing someone, then I know there is way more to that person and automatically give them the benefit of the doubt. Of course the complete & total opposite is true for those they "love on". Hence, what you are saying makes perfect sense in my mind.
Are the factories that create weapons "factories of death"? When they call Bout a "merchant of death" arms dealer, what I really want to know is did he run his business properly with end user certificates submitted by all customers and truthful customs declarations for the shipments? If he did, then he was just a businessman/salesman.
The American government post JFk assassination has seen great upheaval and a schism forming. DS has existed for a long time but since then it has grown and the DS has grown into factions. And then there are the white hats.
The US internal conflict has been hidden better than the turmoil that followed the fall of the USSR.
I’m personally guilty of this. It’s hard to live life with grace AND truth. I’ve only been living with Grace, trying to forgive and accept. I’m seeing it’s time we start arming ourselves with truth as well.
the soviet union was the enemy, not present day russia.
If you really think that today's Russia is like the Soviet Union of the past, you are wrong, communist countries like Cuba and North Korea would be allies of Russia and those countries would have all the Russian trade supplying those countries, but they don't have help from Russia today.
The lefties would love to see the cops and the military taken out so they could put in a force they control. They were pushing for all they were worth in all the blue areas, and most of those are now dealing with what a crime infested shithole they've become.
Straw man, not my argument. No one on our side wants to defund the police or military. But that doesn’t absolve them of the crimes against the people of this country by enforcing for the criminals
True, we also took the vaccine ourselves, but it was supplied and pushed on the vulnerable by those with an agenda to destroy us, just like sexual liberation. Too soon old, too late smart.
Hard disagree. America's "Christian values" a part of the delusion and false reality. This nation was founded on the principles of freedom and CHOOSING to be a Christian or not. Our nation's motto was originally "E Pluribus Unum" meaning "Out of many, One". "In God We Trust" printed on the satanic Federal Reserve notes came during the Cold War as our ruling establishment at the time sought to "fight the heathen godless commies" by reaffirming our nation's "Christian values" through propaganda transmitted everywhere. This is also where we became "anti-degenerate" and banned a fucking plant that is clearly acceptable for human consumption as detailed in Genesis 1:29.
Because this was done in bad faith and for population control purposes, the Kingdom of God has suffered greatly in the long term as a result. If you actually believe Christians are the default good guys, then you stand to ensure that we'll repeat this mess we're in. The First Amendment ensures the right for ALL faiths to be expressed freely. To disagree with that is... Simply un-American.
It’s not that America is only Christian, but that it is built on Christian values. Reading anything the founding fathers wrote would easily support that foundation. Yes people are free to any religion, but the values that made this nation great are Christian values.
Think mirror to everything the MSM, Hollywood, big religon, and the rest of the controlled puppets have written into history. The same SOBs were destroying the history of the US and its monuments so they could write their version. They have been doing this for centuries.
I like this man. In three minutes, he spoke more truth and goodness than Griner has in all his/her life.
tfw the ruskie we sent back is more Pro-American than the American we got back
Well, Putin is more pro America than Biden.
I find this fucked up beyond all reasonable comprehension to be honest.
Viktor Bout is a very interesting character. Calling him "merchant of death" just shows how much the Cabal was afraid of him. If you dig a bit more into his past (you have to use Russian sites and translate them) you will realise that there is a great possibility that has been working for the same white hats that groomed Putin.
We would need to see what side he was arming,globahomo or the resistance.
Honestly, anymore, I look at the media. If they are demonizing someone, then I know there is way more to that person and automatically give them the benefit of the doubt. Of course the complete & total opposite is true for those they "love on". Hence, what you are saying makes perfect sense in my mind.
This is the rule of thumb I follow to guide my research.
Are the factories that create weapons "factories of death"? When they call Bout a "merchant of death" arms dealer, what I really want to know is did he run his business properly with end user certificates submitted by all customers and truthful customs declarations for the shipments? If he did, then he was just a businessman/salesman.
I believe that John "no name" McCain also was an "arms dealer" was he not???
Honestly made me tear up a bit. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and our country!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Can we please trade back? This dude speaks the truth; Brett Griner only speaks hateful, nasty garbage.
Heartbreakingly true.
He is not wrong.
The American government post JFk assassination has seen great upheaval and a schism forming. DS has existed for a long time but since then it has grown and the DS has grown into factions. And then there are the white hats.
The US internal conflict has been hidden better than the turmoil that followed the fall of the USSR.
... also this is why I don;t believe that he is Jewish, one of the lies that is spread about him.
The movie is just fiction.
Viktor said in the interview that the movie is wrong about his parents. Probably a good idea to be skeptical of Hollywood portrayals.
People don’t care about that unfortunately. They would rather go by what the Lord of War says himself rather than digging and researching.
America is a deeply embedded rebellion, soon to rise again. We didn't lose our values and we didn't lose our morals.
In time, we will wipe out the demonic degeneracy that the world sees only because the MSM temporarily owns the microphone.
We became too nice and tolerant
Absolutely. And they see it as weakness and take full advantage of it.
I’m personally guilty of this. It’s hard to live life with grace AND truth. I’ve only been living with Grace, trying to forgive and accept. I’m seeing it’s time we start arming ourselves with truth as well.
Should I even think this guy is legit as fuck? Lol. Spittin some truth. And u know he has seen some.shit
More intelligent than anyone from the Biden administration.
He is correct, Russia shares some similar roots to the US, most important is Christianity.
I grew up among anti Russia propaganda in the UK and I never understood why Russia was so dangerous after the communist regime fell.
I trust Russia more than the EU and my birth place, UK, that's for sure.
^^^Agree big time^^^ Russians and Americans (UK) are natural allies. We know ((who)) has been thwarting this for many years.
the soviet union was the enemy, not present day russia.
If you really think that today's Russia is like the Soviet Union of the past, you are wrong, communist countries like Cuba and North Korea would be allies of Russia and those countries would have all the Russian trade supplying those countries, but they don't have help from Russia today.
Cops and military. They are ultimately responsible as enforcers. It’s their job to defend and protect. Failures.
Hell yeah! Lets defund them all. /s
The lefties would love to see the cops and the military taken out so they could put in a force they control. They were pushing for all they were worth in all the blue areas, and most of those are now dealing with what a crime infested shithole they've become.
Straw man, not my argument. No one on our side wants to defund the police or military. But that doesn’t absolve them of the crimes against the people of this country by enforcing for the criminals
Weird to be in English.
Wow, I forgot all about her since she was booted out of this state and back to her country
Sounds like a domestic terrorist to me. /s
Can we trade the 6' 9" tranny back to Russia to get this guy? He seems nice.
Yeah, we were a shining city on the hill until the Soviet Union set about to corrupt us.
We destroyed ourselves.
Sexual liberation is a means of political control, and we drank up every frkn drop.
True, we also took the vaccine ourselves, but it was supplied and pushed on the vulnerable by those with an agenda to destroy us, just like sexual liberation. Too soon old, too late smart.
This board has went down the shitter.
Hard disagree. America's "Christian values" a part of the delusion and false reality. This nation was founded on the principles of freedom and CHOOSING to be a Christian or not. Our nation's motto was originally "E Pluribus Unum" meaning "Out of many, One". "In God We Trust" printed on the satanic Federal Reserve notes came during the Cold War as our ruling establishment at the time sought to "fight the heathen godless commies" by reaffirming our nation's "Christian values" through propaganda transmitted everywhere. This is also where we became "anti-degenerate" and banned a fucking plant that is clearly acceptable for human consumption as detailed in Genesis 1:29.
Because this was done in bad faith and for population control purposes, the Kingdom of God has suffered greatly in the long term as a result. If you actually believe Christians are the default good guys, then you stand to ensure that we'll repeat this mess we're in. The First Amendment ensures the right for ALL faiths to be expressed freely. To disagree with that is... Simply un-American.
It’s not that America is only Christian, but that it is built on Christian values. Reading anything the founding fathers wrote would easily support that foundation. Yes people are free to any religion, but the values that made this nation great are Christian values.
Exactly this! ^^^^^^^^^^
Sounds like someone needs to research the unmodified Anerican history...
but, but, but muh Nazis. kek
Think mirror to everything the MSM, Hollywood, big religon, and the rest of the controlled puppets have written into history. The same SOBs were destroying the history of the US and its monuments so they could write their version. They have been doing this for centuries.