I'm an atheist. I don't want to argue about religion. I just want to point this out. If I were a Christian I could argue that, well, God wrote stories from the Bible into the stars because he is, well, God. (It's really hard to argue with the connection between the Bible and astronomy.) I think the Bible (New Testament) is pretty damn cool; just misunderstood.
Jesus, who never existed, whose story existed prior to his alleged time, is a personification of the Sun, which dies in Winter and is resurrected in Spring, saving us from the evil of cold and darkness. The story is an allegory misinterpreted as history. "
After the death of Judas (after Scorpio goes below the horizon), Jesus (the sun) is handed over to Pontius Pilate (Sagittarius). Pilate is the last person Jesus encounters in the story before being put to death, only to be resurrected three days later; just as Sagittarius is the last zodiac month of the year the sun passes through before dying on the Winter Solstice, December 22, only to be resurrected three days later and begin anew its journey northward, on December 25, Christmas day.
There is a boatload more of this astrotheology stuff. I'm barely scratching the surface. The really cool one is the number 33. It is mind blowing.
The Astronomy and Astrology of the Solar Hero Myth
This whole death and resurrection thing reminds me a lot of the book I found at the very end of my post in this thread with the baby and the skull and bones.
Suicide weekend as well? Christmas would be a perfect time as we're all home with our families.
Edit: Christmas this year falls on a SUNday. How fitting.
I have that book. Damn that thing is DEEP. It is a scholarly work that is heavily referenced.
Other than solarmythology.com, here is another website.
https://www.usbible.com/ (again, not my website) Looks like he recently updated the SSL cert as it was expired not long ago, so I presume he is still around.
Now does Elon's meeting with the Saudis at the World Cup make sense?
Business was happening in the bleachers. Always does with any sports games. Most particularly, it's when they arrange all the international trafficking deals; drug, human, sex, and child all.
The Saudi was al talaweed, supposedly the one partly responsible for the Vegas shooting and attempt on MBS life.
Then there was the Ritz Carlton purging in Saudi Arabia, and al-talaweed was locked up.
Then, a Q post about seizing his assets.
Then finally, when the Twitter deal was first mentioned, al-talaweed made some noise as if he was still owner. But then if you read the fine print, the articles say he USED to be the largest owner of Twitter shares.
Now, musk has gotten backing from MBS, the brother that won the fight and is a trump ally.
Basically proving how much Saudi Arabia plays a role in all the Q posts about it. Our fates are intertwined.
The details of the purchase are murky. It’s public that MBS contributed. Indirectly it was seized money. He took everything from a hundred or more family members involved in the plot. That al-talaweed guy was insanely rich. He owned fucking Citibank. Supposedly in the purge MBS took everything.
I’m sure they aren’t broke, but they aren’t billionaires anymore.
If elon plans to step down at some point, I doubt that it will be tomorrow. Seems too soon to me. But we will see. I’m any case, Q already did call all the stuff going on at Twitter so we’ve already got all the confirmation we need there
When you inherit a kingdom, you also inherit that kingdom's sins.
Every king will understand this.
Elon became king of Twitter, but it was not a throne which one could seize. A king is always held down by the cabal of misfits behind him who hold a dagger to him and his progeny. He must appease the people as well as these cutthroats who disguise themselves as yes-men.
On paper, Elon bought Twitter. In reality, he bought a writ of slave ownership. The hidden masters will have not given up "their" kingdom on the arrival of a "peoples" king.
Twitter is the pre-eminent platform for the trade of child pornography, as we have come to find out. Saudi Arabia, the Bloody Wonderland, was the height of sex trafficking, so Q informs us.
Do you see it?
Twitter is the Bloody Wonderland's access portal. Always has been. A messenger bird for the merchants of death and depravity.
If Elon steps down, it means his job was done. He acted as a company liquidator. He seized the assets, and catalogued all the strings of the puppet masters. He's the messenger and in-between man for what is ostensibly the collapse and bankruptcy of a human trafficking empire, unable to survive now that their marketplace portal has been shut down.
Why Elon? Because he had the capital to make it work, and the infrastructure to support the take-down. White Hats held him hostage, and used him as a means by which to contact the real hostage-takers -- traffickers.
Who controls? Who controls the controllers?
Elon controls Twitter as the CEO. These assholes are the controllers of the controller. Once strings connected to these parasites are cut, Twitter, the bird, will sing.
You see, that's the thing. They have to fight a war while maintaining appearances. The market can't know Twitter's not for sale. They can't know it, as well as Facebook, have always been a Government entity under the pretense of a privately/not-so-privately owned company.
You're forgetting all that time Elon fought to acquire Twitter. Personally, I see that as them buying time to cut all the strings they know would lead back to them. Then when Elon finally gets it, he has to see where they missed a thread or two.
He had to be allowed to buy it, otherwise all other companies get revealed as being owned by a shadow-network of government spy agencies.
They're also fighting on two fronts. Salman (Alwaleed's successor) isn't playing nice with his brother's associates as well. They had retreated to Twitter for shelter. Elon marked the beginning of their "safe spaces" finally being assaulted.
The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).
There's lots of moving parts, so I'm just feeling my way through this. But in light of a lot of Q posts, it makes sense that Twitter was a crown jewel for The Bloody Wonderland in their operational procedures.
Some assets flip, white to black, but ultimately it's clear that even if a piece presents as black or white right now, the turn order ensures it's final allegiance at the end of the game.
Right now, I think Twitter was safely owned by Black Hats up until the end of the 2020 election. At that point, different aspects of the company were up for grabs, and a scramble ensued between black hats and white hats to grab up as much of the bird as they could before the bell rang.
Elon, in my opinion, is a white hat asset which was flipped white. He is currently acting like a white piece, but can change back to black at a whim. He's a pivot point for this war, and a contact for both parties to communicate what turns they are making in this tit-for-tat game.
Elon, I'm sure, knows the white hats have an upper hand seeing how the black hats don't have Alwaleed backing them anymore. They still have an empire which has a controlling stake in world commerce, however, regardless of whether or not it's illegal. Big players are involved in the trafficking market, and if they were to go down so, too would their investments. Taking out the trafficking market will also nail the entire global economy along with it.
It's not as easy as flipping the light switch on and off.
Part of why these entrenched players are so protected is because they know if they are arrested it's not just them who will go broke. Our market is actually built on foundation blocks of illicit activity. They know that's the only way to get away with it. It's the "too big to fail" mentality/mantra.
Elon is acting like the jack which holds up the crossbeams so that the foundation blocks can be swapped out. Elon is temporary, and necessarily has to cooperate with the previous, rotting foundation for a time so that they don't take the whole house down with them as they get ripped out.
Dude, you need another own post with all your Elon analyses from this post comment thread! I agree with how you see the battlefield and we need more eyes on this thinking
White Hats seized Twitter and Elon was installed. Where the funding came from and whether or not Elon was once a black hat or has been a white hat or whatever is anyones guess.
But, with the Twitter files being released it seems logical to conclude that White Hats are in control of Twitter.
I took it to mean after the December 21 EO, the NEW puppet master(s) are the White Hats. And that Elon Musk isn't doing what he's doing because he made a deal, he is being held hostage by the good guys. I don't think Musk was a WH sleeper, I think he is being totally controlled.
Funny, evening of 12/20 and I read that Elon has just said he will step down when he finds a suitable replacement, which to me is him stepping down. Crazy.
Yes based on the very specific way you’ve decided to interpret 4-5 different dates, words, and abbreviations, that could definitely, probably, most likely be true.
"EO 12/21."
12/21 can be either Dec. 2021 or December 21st.
Executive Order to seize assets should an election encounter foreign interference?
What if Twitter is about to be seized not by Kushner or Trump Jr., but by the Military?
Just spit-ballin' here.
EO = Elon Out?
The winter solstice is 12/21/2022 on wed tmrw
This date has numerological esoteric/occult significance, for anons that have eyes to see
7770 DAYS AFTER 9/11
The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest, darkest night of the year
dark to light?
"Pluto's return?"
Elon retweeted this image showing how All of US history has occurred within a single Pluto orbit
That changes before new years you know. Pluto return of USA 1776 is late December 2022 I think it's the 27th or so....
Apparently the 28th.
Well, ain't that somethin'.
Makes me think of tombstone “you tell ‘em im comin’ and Hell’s coming with me”
Pluto=God of Hades or Hell
Here is my take.
Text from this other thread. And now you know where my username comes from.
Winter solstice and Christmas are coming too.
I'm an atheist. I don't want to argue about religion. I just want to point this out. If I were a Christian I could argue that, well, God wrote stories from the Bible into the stars because he is, well, God. (It's really hard to argue with the connection between the Bible and astronomy.) I think the Bible (New Testament) is pretty damn cool; just misunderstood.
There is a boatload more of this astrotheology stuff. I'm barely scratching the surface. The really cool one is the number 33. It is mind blowing.
The Astronomy and Astrology of the Solar Hero Myth
This whole death and resurrection thing reminds me a lot of the book I found at the very end of my post in this thread with the baby and the skull and bones.
Suicide weekend as well? Christmas would be a perfect time as we're all home with our families.
Edit: Christmas this year falls on a SUNday. How fitting.
thanks for the links. I'm actually in process of reading this: https://www.davidfideler.com/jesus-christ-sun-of-god
I have that book. Damn that thing is DEEP. It is a scholarly work that is heavily referenced.
Other than solarmythology.com, here is another website.
https://www.usbible.com/ (again, not my website) Looks like he recently updated the SSL cert as it was expired not long ago, so I presume he is still around.
Nice collection.
Or End Operations
EO 13848
Originally Trump Sept 12 2018 ---- Biden renew it his first time in 2021
Biden renewed it again this year.
Looks like that has already happened
It's important to note that even if Musk resigns as CEO, he still owns the company outright.
Unless it is seized. But in that case he would still be owner it just would be in some sort of receivership situation
Sure seems that way
They did. The Saudi Prince, Alwaleed if I recall -- the child trafficker, and probably the biggest one at that.
He's the other end of the Hillary's Alice and Bloody Wonderland comms.
Now does Elon's meeting with the Saudis at the World Cup make sense?
Business was happening in the bleachers. Always does with any sports games. Most particularly, it's when they arrange all the international trafficking deals; drug, human, sex, and child all.
Yep, it was Aladweeb. The same Aladweeb that was neutered shortly after the Q drops began.
Yup, than the Blackwater guys got hold of him and had him hanging by his feet while being tortured. I wonder what kind of info they got out of him.
Hanging from feet? - Qhttps://qalerts.app/?n=221
I believe that Saudi sold his stake.
That’s where it gets interesting.
The Saudi was al talaweed, supposedly the one partly responsible for the Vegas shooting and attempt on MBS life.
Then there was the Ritz Carlton purging in Saudi Arabia, and al-talaweed was locked up.
Then, a Q post about seizing his assets.
Then finally, when the Twitter deal was first mentioned, al-talaweed made some noise as if he was still owner. But then if you read the fine print, the articles say he USED to be the largest owner of Twitter shares.
Now, musk has gotten backing from MBS, the brother that won the fight and is a trump ally.
Basically proving how much Saudi Arabia plays a role in all the Q posts about it. Our fates are intertwined.
So Twitter was bought using siezed assets? How much $$ did Elon really spend of his own money?
Is he not a white-hat but a reluctant puppet playing a part because he was in some bad stuff?
Did all these people burn "their money" to buy Twitter as part of a negotiated deal?
This is a fantastic movie, I wish I could see it without the smoke and mirrors.
“”Did all these people burn “their money” to buy Twitter as part of a negotiated deal?””
**That definitely sounds like a Trump move!
KEK and I‘m sure he also got a signed picture of them accepting the deal.
MOVIE is way more in view and approaching the final scenes.
Lol,,, yeah things are starting to line up just as been theorized!
The details of the purchase are murky. It’s public that MBS contributed. Indirectly it was seized money. He took everything from a hundred or more family members involved in the plot. That al-talaweed guy was insanely rich. He owned fucking Citibank. Supposedly in the purge MBS took everything.
I’m sure they aren’t broke, but they aren’t billionaires anymore.
Now we all know what it's like to be a character in the movie vs some dude yelling at the screen about how obvious something is KEK
If elon plans to step down at some point, I doubt that it will be tomorrow. Seems too soon to me. But we will see. I’m any case, Q already did call all the stuff going on at Twitter so we’ve already got all the confirmation we need there
Not exactly a prisoner swap.
When you inherit a kingdom, you also inherit that kingdom's sins.
Every king will understand this.
Elon became king of Twitter, but it was not a throne which one could seize. A king is always held down by the cabal of misfits behind him who hold a dagger to him and his progeny. He must appease the people as well as these cutthroats who disguise themselves as yes-men.
On paper, Elon bought Twitter. In reality, he bought a writ of slave ownership. The hidden masters will have not given up "their" kingdom on the arrival of a "peoples" king.
Twitter is the pre-eminent platform for the trade of child pornography, as we have come to find out. Saudi Arabia, the Bloody Wonderland, was the height of sex trafficking, so Q informs us.
Do you see it?
Twitter is the Bloody Wonderland's access portal. Always has been. A messenger bird for the merchants of death and depravity.
If Elon steps down, it means his job was done. He acted as a company liquidator. He seized the assets, and catalogued all the strings of the puppet masters. He's the messenger and in-between man for what is ostensibly the collapse and bankruptcy of a human trafficking empire, unable to survive now that their marketplace portal has been shut down.
Why Elon? Because he had the capital to make it work, and the infrastructure to support the take-down. White Hats held him hostage, and used him as a means by which to contact the real hostage-takers -- traffickers.
Elon controls Twitter as the CEO. These assholes are the controllers of the controller. Once strings connected to these parasites are cut, Twitter, the bird, will sing.
That's how I see it, anyways.
Wow, thanks for spelling it out for myself and others. Comments like this is why I'm here.
You see, that's the thing. They have to fight a war while maintaining appearances. The market can't know Twitter's not for sale. They can't know it, as well as Facebook, have always been a Government entity under the pretense of a privately/not-so-privately owned company.
You're forgetting all that time Elon fought to acquire Twitter. Personally, I see that as them buying time to cut all the strings they know would lead back to them. Then when Elon finally gets it, he has to see where they missed a thread or two.
He had to be allowed to buy it, otherwise all other companies get revealed as being owned by a shadow-network of government spy agencies.
They're also fighting on two fronts. Salman (Alwaleed's successor) isn't playing nice with his brother's associates as well. They had retreated to Twitter for shelter. Elon marked the beginning of their "safe spaces" finally being assaulted.
There's lots of moving parts, so I'm just feeling my way through this. But in light of a lot of Q posts, it makes sense that Twitter was a crown jewel for The Bloody Wonderland in their operational procedures.
Something tells me Elon was able to buy because they couldn't continue paying the bills for their global messenger racket.
It's like a board of Go.
Some assets flip, white to black, but ultimately it's clear that even if a piece presents as black or white right now, the turn order ensures it's final allegiance at the end of the game.
Right now, I think Twitter was safely owned by Black Hats up until the end of the 2020 election. At that point, different aspects of the company were up for grabs, and a scramble ensued between black hats and white hats to grab up as much of the bird as they could before the bell rang.
Elon, in my opinion, is a white hat asset which was flipped white. He is currently acting like a white piece, but can change back to black at a whim. He's a pivot point for this war, and a contact for both parties to communicate what turns they are making in this tit-for-tat game.
Elon, I'm sure, knows the white hats have an upper hand seeing how the black hats don't have Alwaleed backing them anymore. They still have an empire which has a controlling stake in world commerce, however, regardless of whether or not it's illegal. Big players are involved in the trafficking market, and if they were to go down so, too would their investments. Taking out the trafficking market will also nail the entire global economy along with it.
It's not as easy as flipping the light switch on and off.
Part of why these entrenched players are so protected is because they know if they are arrested it's not just them who will go broke. Our market is actually built on foundation blocks of illicit activity. They know that's the only way to get away with it. It's the "too big to fail" mentality/mantra.
Elon is acting like the jack which holds up the crossbeams so that the foundation blocks can be swapped out. Elon is temporary, and necessarily has to cooperate with the previous, rotting foundation for a time so that they don't take the whole house down with them as they get ripped out.
Dude, you need another own post with all your Elon analyses from this post comment thread! I agree with how you see the battlefield and we need more eyes on this thinking
White Hats seized Twitter and Elon was installed. Where the funding came from and whether or not Elon was once a black hat or has been a white hat or whatever is anyones guess. But, with the Twitter files being released it seems logical to conclude that White Hats are in control of Twitter.
"muh optics"
That's apparently why.
Which brings this back around to Q posts: when does the BIRD SING?
Top 5 owners of Twitter
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Elon Musk
Morgan Stanley
BlackRock Inc.
State Street Corp.
I took it to mean after the December 21 EO, the NEW puppet master(s) are the White Hats. And that Elon Musk isn't doing what he's doing because he made a deal, he is being held hostage by the good guys. I don't think Musk was a WH sleeper, I think he is being totally controlled.
Or an EO begins execution.
Could be either one. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Funny, evening of 12/20 and I read that Elon has just said he will step down when he finds a suitable replacement, which to me is him stepping down. Crazy.
Guys. This thread is awesome. Everyone commenting with DD. Reminds of the 8chan days (:
I'm not fuqqin leaving!
Great find. Thanks for posting. This helps connect the dots.
Yes based on the very specific way you’ve decided to interpret 4-5 different dates, words, and abbreviations, that could definitely, probably, most likely be true.
INTERDASTING(commenting to not lose this post)
You know there is a "save" option right? And you can even create catagories for your saves lol.
Oh I did that too