Family Doctor Who Faced Backlash for Vaccinating Children and Causing Adverse Reactions Dies Suddenly
An Australian family doctor who got death threats from anti-vaxxers during the pandemic after two children experienced adverse reactions to the Covid shot has died suddenly. Hong Kong-born Doctor Wilson Chin, who studied medicine in Britain for 14 years an...
He can't hurt anymore children.
God is great.
Needs an “Oh, no! ANYWAYS” flair.
It’s easy to blame this doctor, but if it wasn’t him or would have been some other doctor.
At the end of the day kids don’t get forced vaccinated or show up without a parent being involved.
I agree. If he died of the clot shot, he may not have known everything. We can blame the people like Fauci and Biden , who didn’t REALLY take the death jab themselves.
When they take the oath to do no harm, maybe they should actually check the shit they are pushing. If I can question the numbers, they sure as hell can. Don't forget, these doctors got paid well during all of this.
Yes they should and they certainly made big $$$ for themselves and their corporation.
Then you don’t live in the real world.
Whatever profession someone is in, barber, mechanic, programmer, inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, cabbie etc… there are some that excel in their professions, are more innovative, and think out of the box, and then there are the others which are average, you know like 99% of people, normies. It’s been like that through entire civilisation. The wise and the fools.
When this doctor took an oath to do no harm, that’s what he probably thought he was doing, as someone pointed out, he wouldn’t have taken it himself otherwise.
And if this individual was arrogant and proud, anons aren’t any better when they act the same way or celebrate the downfall of a normie.
It’s no different than celebrating the death of our soldiers in the Iraq war or any other corrupt war due to the elites agenda, just because they signed up to serve their country and were ignorant of the corruption higher up. Their hearts were in the right place because they wanted to serve and defend their country.
It’s only those who knowlingly know these vaccines cause harm and are pushing it for their evil agenda that deserve our disdain.
I see too many posts here that are like this targeting normies (doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc…), many of which are good people trying to live their life the best way they know and provide for their families without evil agendas.
And your money analogy is a false line of thinking. My parents are pharmacists and my sisters a dentist here in the UK, and they’re struggling to survive. It’s no where near the pay as their US counterparts, and they don’t get massive payouts or incentives to push vaccine propaganda.
People are people and anons need to humble themselves and stop thinking they’re something special because they know more on alternative knowledge than the normies.
Some people just don't get it. There were no clinical trials that showed this to be safe. Their EGOs got in the way. Any good damn doctor would tell his or her patients, "We don't know the long term risks or benefits. Actually, we don't know if there are any benefits, as there is no evidence to suggest there is." Doctors failed. They didn't need to know all the ill effects of the shot. They just needed to know there were no clinical trials done to show it was safe. That is negligence.
Blind faith rules?
These vaccines were always emergency use authorized.
Kids were never in a high risk category for the covid virus.
The package inserts were blank.
There was always strong opposition to these vaccines, shouldn't that propel a doctor to investigate / research?
I understand some doctors should never be managing the health of anyone. They got in that position by doing research. When public outrage exists in any profession it would be wise to educate yourself, understand the situation. Instead these doctors were following the money and placing the public health at risk.
I never wished harm on him, he did that himself. Anyone dumb enough to inject experimental drugs while people are screaming "DON'T DO IT ", should be removed from the health profession,. They become a danger to the general public.
Then stop using a divisive term like normie.
And the entire Gates family.
True, but he participated and stupidity / immorality like that is not easily gotten rid of. This way, he can do no more harm, as u/jhartz39 commented. They are called to first, do no harm and these turds have power, so far. Consider that lowlife, Pan, in Cali. Is he excused because he thinks he's doing "right"? Doctors are held to a higher standard; they are supposed to have the knowledge, information. Instead, most use the cookbook approach.
I agree, KIP. By no means do I give that doctor a pass because his profession is one of the only ones where a literal oath to humanity is taken.
But he can't kill kids without stupid, criminally irresponsible parents helping.
That's definitely a point, but so what. "Just following orders" is no defense.
I don't wish any child to lose their parents, but if the parent was twisted enough to force vaccinate their child.... wasn't the narrative ALWAYS from the start that children are not at high risk for even catching covid at all?
This little eichmann is just one of far too many, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't be glad he is gone.
Amen to that.
For me, The best part of this story is that he was getting backlash at all.
The power dr's hold over people who have had deep trust in them is fading - this is AWESOME news.
I'm glad he'll not be in the position to harm anyone's kids anymore, don't get me wrong. But the backlash has to continue.
Drs need be afraid, I hope they are honestly terrified.
The ones that swallowed the BS for a bonus check or KNEW. something was "off" or were just going along to get along must wake the fuck up, grow a spine and put their patients FIRST. Afraid enough to do their own research and take their oath to Do No Harm seriously.
The dr's that rallied against their peers & staff at hospitals claiming the ones refusing the jab were unfit to see patients, and clapped as these people lost their jobs Fuck them all.
I believed the whole government, illegal taxes, fake money, pharma, hospitals, and higher education institutes are crumbling.
Please, everyone who have the ability to learn, look into alternative medicines and find those you trust (the ones who stand up against the jabs) because we will be in a major transitional world soon.
Personally, I have learned from my mom to use alternative medicine. Mom was an acupuncturist so I studied (on my own) herbal and homeopathic
All taxes are immoral. They steal your money and use violence against you if you don't submit.
I start to agree.
Luv your name
Thanks! Trying (oftentimes miserably) to live like that. Fellow anons like you and other critical-thinkers / truth-seekers here at GAW make it easier though!
Jesus was right, of course. It’s a very narrow path!
You're welcome. If it's easy, everyone and their bro will be able to do it. LOL
Yes. Find a functional dr. I have one, helped out a lot. :)
Nice. Hope I can find one.
It's as if the MD after their name and white coat confers almost a god-like status to them.
To them it does. To me, not so much.
To me, just brainwashed Rockfellers clone.
So you mean to tell me they're... brain dead... 🤣🤣🤣
Hmmm what? :)
"KNOWINGLY"...that's the worst!
This particular one was a right whiny twat who had an epic cringe video crying and bitching about people being mean to him for him wanting to kill kids.
Yeah, I saw that!
Cry boohoo about backlash.
When I saw that I wondered where his big boy pants were.
And there was absolutely NO justification for going after the kids--they were pretty much immune from this scamdemic. These "professionals" do need to become terrified because the medical claptrap is responsible for most of the poor health that we see; that is not even up for debate. Former Jaguars player Uche Nwaneri dies suddenly in Indiana after possible heart attack
Yeah. Saw that too.
womp woommmp
No more hurting kids.
Gotta Love that Karma.
Didn't say what he died from but if I had to guess. ...
I will guess away. At least they did not claim he died from heart ache.
May as well. Every Covidiot out there thought every damn death was a Covid death. Now, I will just assume every vaxxed person that dies is because of the shot. Seems fair.
For the record, I lost two unvaxxed family members to heart attacks at the end of 2021. Both had severe healthand heart issues. Both were classified as Covid deaths, even though the family knew they were not. One died trying to push his vehicle out of a snow bank. So yes, I am bitter. They used lies to spread their filth, so now I get even. Every vaxxed death is from the shot until they prove otherwise. Not the flu, not pneumonia, not old fashioned heart attacks. Nope. Those didn't kill people during Covid, and they aren't killing them now.
2 can play the same game. I am so sorry your relatives passed. We know people who got the same treatment like your family back in WA. Person died of pneumonia and even after the person passed, tried to test for CV 3x. Family members finally got tired and said, "No, he did not died of Covid, QUIT TESTING."
That would make sense if this were a contest to see who was worse and you were just keeping up. But that's not happening. You're just letting them dictate you into less than honest behavior. Fair? Life's not fair. And thank God it isn't.
Better a millstone be placed around your neck and you be thrown into the sea...
This trickle is about ready to become a flood of death. If this doesn't wake people up I don't know what will.
Even my normie friends in Washington notice now. LOL
Hope the 30 pieces of silver were worth it.
Buried her with the 30 pieces.
Play Baal games, win Baal prizes.
love the rhyme.
They made sure to demonize the "anti-vaxxers". Good on the parents who got after this demon.
Yes. You are correct. Especially in Australia.
this seems faek
Hahaha. A good one.