Yea, he's got some anger issues. He and his wife announced divorce in March 2022 so you wonder if there isn't some connection. Ironic that he would talk about how much "her family" and husband secretly hate her. Lots of couch time needed for this guy IMO.
I’d agree, the word “cunt” is vulgar and used by people of low class. Having daughters myself, I’d be ashamed and disgusted with myself if I was ever angry enough to resort to using such a vulgar and low class word.
After seeing how Australia handled Covid with their Nazi tactics of lockdowns, arresting people for failure to wear masks or staying in their homes, quarantine camps, it’s a safe bet I’d never step foot in that country.
Never said piece of shit did I?
you are exactly like Clott Adams adding words to a statement to try and justify your
position. and i suppose when your husband said cunt you were standing there a complete innocent victim.
😂 I never said “YOU”. It was an example for people like Scott Adams (ie) my former spouse. Scott Adams called her a cunt and a piece of shit.
My husband called me a cunt on a daily basis, and usually with an adjective thrown in front of it. Along the lines of “washed up, stupid, ugly.” And actually, narcissistic people like to define others, tell them what their reality is. Just like your doing.
Exactly, he can't stand the fact that someone might've been "smarter" than him and thought with better logic. He's lashing out because if he's wrong about one thing, who knows how many others he's been wrong about
Due to his constant self-promotion on social media, and choice of being smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 discussion, his poor decision to take the poisonous vax has left him eating crow.
But he will not acknowledge his dumbness. Instead he confirms he really is an angry and pathetic loser with a filthy mouth.
Ugly words and insults are forever on the internet Scott. There are no Take-Backsies.
Excellent summary of the whole affair. What I don’t understand is why it matters. Are we adopting cancel culture now? Starting to sound like the spanish inquistion.
For many, many months, Mr. Adams went on and on about how selfish, stupid and dangerous the unvaxxed were and that we were morons putting him - and everyone else - at risk.
Educated members of our group and others carefully tried to explain & show why the vaxxes were not what they claimed to be and why a person should not be compelled to take such a dangerous experimental injection.
When an abundance of incontrovertible evidence surfaced showing the extreme injury and death caused by the injections, their lack of efficacy and the immune system damage that was happening in those who took it, (just as we told him) Mr. Adams professed that it was simply an 'accident' that we knew the truth before he did, discounting our many thousands of hours of collective research we shared with him as good citizens.
He finessed away his change of opinion, claiming innocence in his mistaken choice, giving no credit to those who tried to help him. Instead, he stated we surely were 'too stupid to know any of this' before he did, effectively dismissing all that we had done to help him.
So, his continued public spewing has now awoken the tiger.
We didn’t know, we guessed. It would be impossible to know for sure before evidence is present. Big pharma have no trust in our ranks, so it wasn’t a suprise that our guesses turned out to be correct, but still we guessed.
But I don’t care about that, cancel culture is wrong either way. If we are going to continue this spanish inquisition, how are anyone going to be able to switch sides without having to atone to a ”Grand jury”. This is hurting our cause.
Speak for yourself. I didn't guess. I do extensive medical research and had been watching what was happening in China, starting early December 2019, translating Chinese 'WeChat' social media videos (until it was shut down) and researching everything I could get my hands on as I watched it unfold. By Jan 15th, 2020, I had already ordered and received my face shields, N-95 face masks, boxes of blue paper face masks, Lysol Wipes, disposable gloves, rubbing alcohol, Lysol spray, antibacterial cleaners, hand sanitizer and $1,000 worth of backup food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc.
By end of Jan 2020, I had emailed all my close relatives a series of 4 emails showing them the videos from China, telling them what was coming and what supplies to buy. My husband and two children were getting briefs from me daily. I had a running chart of COVID-19 Positive tests and deaths in China that I updated daily for several months. I then started a chart for the US as soon as it hit here. I monitored those numbers constantly. I also was researching potential treatments, read articles by numerous authorities and began compiling everything useful on the subject.
By Feb 2020 (before masking, shut downs, etc.) I was having a conversation with an audiologist in Costco and she asked my why my cart was so full. I frankly told her that very soon things were going to change and she should get her supplies in order ASAP. I remember her asking where the virus came from. I replied it is a bioweapon made by the military. She said whose military? And I said, "Ours". She then said, well I guess I'll just wait for the vaccination. I replied, "NO!" "Do not take the vaccination." "It will be step two on the plan to reduce the population." I told her about Bill Gates' Ted Talk where he talks about how we can reduce the population by 15% with proper healthcare (abortion) and vaccines. I told her about the Chinese knockoff vape pen sickness in July/Aug 2019 that was killing young smokers on the west coast with a strange kind of 'ground glass appearance' being found in their lungs. I told her about the suspicious Event 201 Pandemic Preparedness Exercise that happened in Oct 2019. I told her about the Mystery Drones in Nov 2019 that flew over 5 heartland states, sickening school children so badly that entire school districts shut down. And then the first outbreak of The Virus in China in Nov 2019.
I knew it was all related. I spent hours every day researching and compiling and saving data and sharing this info to comment boards everywhere. This has continued to this day! I got into some very interesting conversations with others as we discussed what was unfolding. But soon, my shared links to published studies and patents and past medical interviews that backed up my statements started getting scrubbed or censored from the various social media sites like YouTube, Gateway Pundit, Bizpac Review, MSN, Voat, Q- boards, Reddit, etc.
For the record, I just checked my file folder I started back then titled: Wuhan Corona. It has 4,169 files in it and is 4.04 GB in size.
Such snark and sarcasm from you. I think you don't get it.
If you did your own research like I did, you would have learned that only the N-95 mask, if properly fitted, especially teamed with the clear face shield, will do the job. I had both of those, in enough quantity to outfit my family.
Luckily I did, because it became necessary to take a friend to the hospital with an appendicitis attack and they would not let her or us in without this.
The blue paper masks are worthless but necessary as a pacifier to go places that won't let you in without something, but were only used after my whole family was on the weekly Ivermectin Prophylactic protocol, (began taking Jan 2021) so we felt protected, regardless. The N-95 mask is very uncomfortable and hard to breathe in, so we only wore when necessary and kept both kinds in our cars.
In the beginning of this coming to light, I was interpreting the horrific videos coming out of Wuhan. Here's what I watched: security videos of people collapsing and seizing in mid-step or while sitting at a work station or standing guard at a business. I watched personal videos that panned the street to reveal well-dress bodies of people lying flat and stiff on the sidewalks, in the lobbies of banks, inside the grocery stores, all seemingly dead. I watched videos of officials wearing giant spacesuit type equipment drag people who were alive and objecting off the street and throw them into the back of vans for quarantining. I saw officials welding shut the steel entrance doors to high rise apartments, while the voices of people from the upper floor windows yelled in protest.
I watched videos of nurses in Wuhan who were crying hysterically and saying all the doctors were dying or already dead and they were unable to keep up with the demand of the sick people. They were sweating and suffocating inside their full-body PPE. I saw them remove their head gear and masks to reveal a blistered face, sweat-soaked hair and bleary eyes from crying. I saw a video taken by a Doctor who was coming to work at the hospital and there were block-long lines of people clamoring to get in. Once inside the doors, the doctor panned the area to show the entire lobby and all hallways were filled with sick people and their loved ones loudly demanding help. I'd never seen anything like this before in my life.
Until more information came in and more news was presented, I had to go on gut instinct, and use whatever means was available to fight this released bioweapon.
For me it was no mask, no wax and no fear. I continued to live my best life, traveled relaxed enjoyed living it to the fullest.
I still don’t know 100% what was true, was covid even a thing? Do masks work to your benefit or make you sicker? Is the wax doing anything, i.e. defend you or kill you. I can prove either side of these arguments with a number of studies.
If you don’t understand this paragraph, Scott Adams is probably not for you. Others enjoy reading his musings and he is still on our side. Cancel people are not, that is not my side. I’m with the people taking the liberty to form their own thoughts that I may or may not agree with.
Having to agree to a package of thoughts is not why I’m here.
Look at his eyes... already showing signs of deep neurological damage from the injections... anybody can see that. He must be scared...his days are numbered. He's got all that sweet sweet luciferase coursing through his blood...
You can see that his originally light blue irises appear black or even red-black. Are his pupils completely dilated or is he suffering from some eye disease that has changed his eye color to dark brown/black?
His blinking pattern is also too rapid. His blinking is done with a squeeze rather than a blink. Even his brows are moving with each blink. Very odd.
Could be neurological.
I think he was kind of a weird blinker before the injection. I used to watch his stream almost daily and I seem to remember that mannerism.
Jimmy Dore, who says he was vax injured and speaks out about it, seems to have difficulty now with blinking his left eye. It appears he is able to blink it, but it doesn’t always unblink as quickly as his right eye. And that change did seem to appear after the injection, although I didn’t watch him as much as Adams. I’m glad Jimmy is speaking up though!
I've never heard this guy speak before and I always wondered what is the fascination with him that people have...he's a disgusting human being to respond in this manner to a comment someone made about him. It's so over the top that it does show who he really is.
I know everyone loves to hate on Scott, but this is a serious situation that calls for compassion.
Each person, for whatever reason. Made their own risk/reward calculation based on whatever sources they trusted at the time.
It will be revealed to all, eventually, that the whole thing is enterprise fraud supported by the government to cull the population. Vaxxed and un-vaxxed.
Don’t think that because you were smart enough to avoid the shot that you won’t be affected. The death and destruction is coming for all of us.
It could be a situation like marek's disease, where the disease becomes so fierce everyone has to receive some treatment or die.
This is the best possible outcome for the powers that be (who have immunity) because it creates slaves and drug addicts out of the entire stock of living humans.
“Oh, you don’t want to comply with eating bugs? Then no antidotes for your family this month. Dead? Sorry!”
This is the situation they want. Don’t kid yourself.
All together now, vaxxed and un-vaxxed. Fight together against the globalists or die later!
It’s not the first time he’s responded to someone like that. I stopped watching him a couple years ago because of his arrogance and how psychologically manipulative he is.
Wow. That is so offensive.....made worse because it rolls off his tongue so effortlessly and venomously. There's something deeply wrong with Clot. Who talks this way on twatter and remains there? Apparently, he does.
On a second viewing, it was kind of nice to hear someone speak their mind haha. It’s kind of a question if Shelly meant her message to be read in a compassionate tone or a condescending tone. If it was a condescending tone, then that I’m-insulting-you-while-acting-concerned-about-you posture is pretty annoying. Like when liberals start a tweet with, “Oh sweeties” before they explain what a racist you are or whatever.
Talk about projection! 😂😂😂
Yea, he's got some anger issues. He and his wife announced divorce in March 2022 so you wonder if there isn't some connection. Ironic that he would talk about how much "her family" and husband secretly hate her. Lots of couch time needed for this guy IMO.
We should make a go fund me for Clott Adams to get anger management class
He was unhinged
Reminds me of my ex husband. The word cunt has no effect on me whatsoever anymore. I told him he may as well use a different word.
Hey Scott, whoever swears first, loses. Oh, and while your at it, Shut your dick sucker.
He's a classic case of SDS.
Cunt's a great word. Don't act superior because you don't like to use certain words in the language, of if you must don't mention free speech again.
The word cunt is useless and only belittles the user of it. You have no argument so you resort to “cunt” and “piece of shit.” Wow. Impressive.
You are free to use the word as much as you like, while I am free to judge You using it.
I’d agree, the word “cunt” is vulgar and used by people of low class. Having daughters myself, I’d be ashamed and disgusted with myself if I was ever angry enough to resort to using such a vulgar and low class word.
Don't ever visit Australia
After seeing how Australia handled Covid with their Nazi tactics of lockdowns, arresting people for failure to wear masks or staying in their homes, quarantine camps, it’s a safe bet I’d never step foot in that country.
Right?! You are free to speak as you like. And does my view of that person change when they speak so crudely? Most definitely.
Never said piece of shit did I? you are exactly like Clott Adams adding words to a statement to try and justify your position. and i suppose when your husband said cunt you were standing there a complete innocent victim.
😂 I never said “YOU”. It was an example for people like Scott Adams (ie) my former spouse. Scott Adams called her a cunt and a piece of shit.
My husband called me a cunt on a daily basis, and usually with an adjective thrown in front of it. Along the lines of “washed up, stupid, ugly.” And actually, narcissistic people like to define others, tell them what their reality is. Just like your doing.
if you say so
You need to own your mistake Scott.
Seriously.... isn't his whole podcast about telling other people what to think??!!??
Exactly, he can't stand the fact that someone might've been "smarter" than him and thought with better logic. He's lashing out because if he's wrong about one thing, who knows how many others he's been wrong about
many I would guess...He has become the stupid boss that he likes to draw..
Life is funny that way.
He for sure isn’t hiding who he is. When someone tells you who they are- pay attention.
Nah. I just ignore them.
Due to his constant self-promotion on social media, and choice of being smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 discussion, his poor decision to take the poisonous vax has left him eating crow.
But he will not acknowledge his dumbness. Instead he confirms he really is an angry and pathetic loser with a filthy mouth.
Ugly words and insults are forever on the internet Scott. There are no Take-Backsies.
Excellent summary of the whole affair. What I don’t understand is why it matters. Are we adopting cancel culture now? Starting to sound like the spanish inquistion.
For many, many months, Mr. Adams went on and on about how selfish, stupid and dangerous the unvaxxed were and that we were morons putting him - and everyone else - at risk.
Educated members of our group and others carefully tried to explain & show why the vaxxes were not what they claimed to be and why a person should not be compelled to take such a dangerous experimental injection.
When an abundance of incontrovertible evidence surfaced showing the extreme injury and death caused by the injections, their lack of efficacy and the immune system damage that was happening in those who took it, (just as we told him) Mr. Adams professed that it was simply an 'accident' that we knew the truth before he did, discounting our many thousands of hours of collective research we shared with him as good citizens.
He finessed away his change of opinion, claiming innocence in his mistaken choice, giving no credit to those who tried to help him. Instead, he stated we surely were 'too stupid to know any of this' before he did, effectively dismissing all that we had done to help him.
So, his continued public spewing has now awoken the tiger.
We didn’t know, we guessed. It would be impossible to know for sure before evidence is present. Big pharma have no trust in our ranks, so it wasn’t a suprise that our guesses turned out to be correct, but still we guessed.
But I don’t care about that, cancel culture is wrong either way. If we are going to continue this spanish inquisition, how are anyone going to be able to switch sides without having to atone to a ”Grand jury”. This is hurting our cause.
Speak for yourself. I didn't guess. I do extensive medical research and had been watching what was happening in China, starting early December 2019, translating Chinese 'WeChat' social media videos (until it was shut down) and researching everything I could get my hands on as I watched it unfold. By Jan 15th, 2020, I had already ordered and received my face shields, N-95 face masks, boxes of blue paper face masks, Lysol Wipes, disposable gloves, rubbing alcohol, Lysol spray, antibacterial cleaners, hand sanitizer and $1,000 worth of backup food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc.
By end of Jan 2020, I had emailed all my close relatives a series of 4 emails showing them the videos from China, telling them what was coming and what supplies to buy. My husband and two children were getting briefs from me daily. I had a running chart of COVID-19 Positive tests and deaths in China that I updated daily for several months. I then started a chart for the US as soon as it hit here. I monitored those numbers constantly. I also was researching potential treatments, read articles by numerous authorities and began compiling everything useful on the subject.
By Feb 2020 (before masking, shut downs, etc.) I was having a conversation with an audiologist in Costco and she asked my why my cart was so full. I frankly told her that very soon things were going to change and she should get her supplies in order ASAP. I remember her asking where the virus came from. I replied it is a bioweapon made by the military. She said whose military? And I said, "Ours". She then said, well I guess I'll just wait for the vaccination. I replied, "NO!" "Do not take the vaccination." "It will be step two on the plan to reduce the population." I told her about Bill Gates' Ted Talk where he talks about how we can reduce the population by 15% with proper healthcare (abortion) and vaccines. I told her about the Chinese knockoff vape pen sickness in July/Aug 2019 that was killing young smokers on the west coast with a strange kind of 'ground glass appearance' being found in their lungs. I told her about the suspicious Event 201 Pandemic Preparedness Exercise that happened in Oct 2019. I told her about the Mystery Drones in Nov 2019 that flew over 5 heartland states, sickening school children so badly that entire school districts shut down. And then the first outbreak of The Virus in China in Nov 2019.
I knew it was all related. I spent hours every day researching and compiling and saving data and sharing this info to comment boards everywhere. This has continued to this day! I got into some very interesting conversations with others as we discussed what was unfolding. But soon, my shared links to published studies and patents and past medical interviews that backed up my statements started getting scrubbed or censored from the various social media sites like YouTube, Gateway Pundit, Bizpac Review, MSN, Voat, Q- boards, Reddit, etc.
For the record, I just checked my file folder I started back then titled: Wuhan Corona. It has 4,169 files in it and is 4.04 GB in size.
So for me, IT WAS NOT A GUESS.
So you also knew masks worked? Amazing.
Such snark and sarcasm from you. I think you don't get it.
If you did your own research like I did, you would have learned that only the N-95 mask, if properly fitted, especially teamed with the clear face shield, will do the job. I had both of those, in enough quantity to outfit my family.
Luckily I did, because it became necessary to take a friend to the hospital with an appendicitis attack and they would not let her or us in without this.
The blue paper masks are worthless but necessary as a pacifier to go places that won't let you in without something, but were only used after my whole family was on the weekly Ivermectin Prophylactic protocol, (began taking Jan 2021) so we felt protected, regardless. The N-95 mask is very uncomfortable and hard to breathe in, so we only wore when necessary and kept both kinds in our cars.
In the beginning of this coming to light, I was interpreting the horrific videos coming out of Wuhan. Here's what I watched: security videos of people collapsing and seizing in mid-step or while sitting at a work station or standing guard at a business. I watched personal videos that panned the street to reveal well-dress bodies of people lying flat and stiff on the sidewalks, in the lobbies of banks, inside the grocery stores, all seemingly dead. I watched videos of officials wearing giant spacesuit type equipment drag people who were alive and objecting off the street and throw them into the back of vans for quarantining. I saw officials welding shut the steel entrance doors to high rise apartments, while the voices of people from the upper floor windows yelled in protest.
I watched videos of nurses in Wuhan who were crying hysterically and saying all the doctors were dying or already dead and they were unable to keep up with the demand of the sick people. They were sweating and suffocating inside their full-body PPE. I saw them remove their head gear and masks to reveal a blistered face, sweat-soaked hair and bleary eyes from crying. I saw a video taken by a Doctor who was coming to work at the hospital and there were block-long lines of people clamoring to get in. Once inside the doors, the doctor panned the area to show the entire lobby and all hallways were filled with sick people and their loved ones loudly demanding help. I'd never seen anything like this before in my life.
Until more information came in and more news was presented, I had to go on gut instinct, and use whatever means was available to fight this released bioweapon.
For me it was no mask, no wax and no fear. I continued to live my best life, traveled relaxed enjoyed living it to the fullest.
I still don’t know 100% what was true, was covid even a thing? Do masks work to your benefit or make you sicker? Is the wax doing anything, i.e. defend you or kill you. I can prove either side of these arguments with a number of studies.
If you don’t understand this paragraph, Scott Adams is probably not for you. Others enjoy reading his musings and he is still on our side. Cancel people are not, that is not my side. I’m with the people taking the liberty to form their own thoughts that I may or may not agree with.
Having to agree to a package of thoughts is not why I’m here.
Look at his eyes... already showing signs of deep neurological damage from the injections... anybody can see that. He must be scared...his days are numbered. He's got all that sweet sweet luciferase coursing through his blood...
You can see that his originally light blue irises appear black or even red-black. Are his pupils completely dilated or is he suffering from some eye disease that has changed his eye color to dark brown/black?
His blinking pattern is also too rapid. His blinking is done with a squeeze rather than a blink. Even his brows are moving with each blink. Very odd. Could be neurological.
You just reminded me of this:
That was terrifying. I always like that character and looked forward to him showing up in an episode.
I think he was kind of a weird blinker before the injection. I used to watch his stream almost daily and I seem to remember that mannerism.
Jimmy Dore, who says he was vax injured and speaks out about it, seems to have difficulty now with blinking his left eye. It appears he is able to blink it, but it doesn’t always unblink as quickly as his right eye. And that change did seem to appear after the injection, although I didn’t watch him as much as Adams. I’m glad Jimmy is speaking up though!
Interesting....I'll check out Jimmy
Yep; I noticed that right way. His lips show damage to the facial nerves as well; they aren't synching well. I see that in a lot of people.
Whatever this person commented on, it really seems to have touched a sour spot.
Clott is reading the tweets at the start of the video. Lol, it wasnt even a particular "nasty" tweet or jab...
Shelley, if your reading this, I hope you sue Clott for defamation under liable law stature.
Heck, it was actually gentle and in the kindest possible tone, but look how he responded.
Wow! I thought he was supposed to respond with calm funny sarcasm.
Love seeing his meltdown.
Wow he really is a pompous POS. I would love to smack the shit out of him like a little bitch.
He puts the "n" in narcissist.
He sounds vaccinated!
I'm sure his motto is 'be kind'.
"I was definitely scared about civilization".
Looks like Shelly struck a nerve. kek
Went woke, going broke in 3...2...
The internet has really degraded everything in public discourse, hasn't it? (xim/xir posted, on the internet)
I've never heard this guy speak before and I always wondered what is the fascination with him that people have...he's a disgusting human being to respond in this manner to a comment someone made about him. It's so over the top that it does show who he really is.
Unbelievable that he has any sway with people.
Is he looking in the mirror and talking to an imaginary Shelly? It sure seems like it. That mouth too, I thought I was salty, whew.
Scott, why do you beat your wife?
hahah what a big brave boy he is, i hope shelly has a husband built like a brick shithouse. What a bellend this guy is.
I know everyone loves to hate on Scott, but this is a serious situation that calls for compassion.
Each person, for whatever reason. Made their own risk/reward calculation based on whatever sources they trusted at the time.
It will be revealed to all, eventually, that the whole thing is enterprise fraud supported by the government to cull the population. Vaxxed and un-vaxxed.
Don’t think that because you were smart enough to avoid the shot that you won’t be affected. The death and destruction is coming for all of us.
It could be a situation like marek's disease, where the disease becomes so fierce everyone has to receive some treatment or die.
This is the best possible outcome for the powers that be (who have immunity) because it creates slaves and drug addicts out of the entire stock of living humans.
“Oh, you don’t want to comply with eating bugs? Then no antidotes for your family this month. Dead? Sorry!”
This is the situation they want. Don’t kid yourself.
All together now, vaxxed and un-vaxxed. Fight together against the globalists or die later!
Did you take the jab?
like the way he was compassionate to Shelly you mean?
Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
So what’s the solution?
He must have really thin skin.
The faggot doth protest too much.
Very intelligent response by Clot, what an academic response to criticism! /s
Literal Time's Xer of the Year
What a monumental asshole.
It’s not the first time he’s responded to someone like that. I stopped watching him a couple years ago because of his arrogance and how psychologically manipulative he is.
How much longer til this prick "dies suddenly" ?
Don't want to know. Could care less about this clown
Who’s this cunt?
The guy who makes the Dilbert cartoons.
🏆 🏅 👑
Wow. That is so offensive.....made worse because it rolls off his tongue so effortlessly and venomously. There's something deeply wrong with Clot. Who talks this way on twatter and remains there? Apparently, he does.
Say what you want about the guy but I always applaud the use of the word cunt.
On a second viewing, it was kind of nice to hear someone speak their mind haha. It’s kind of a question if Shelly meant her message to be read in a compassionate tone or a condescending tone. If it was a condescending tone, then that I’m-insulting-you-while-acting-concerned-about-you posture is pretty annoying. Like when liberals start a tweet with, “Oh sweeties” before they explain what a racist you are or whatever.
I'd rather we quot posting his gau face here. Some people seem obsessed with him.