Consider what this means. The battle between Satan and CHrist was buried for the last 2000 years, taking place in the spaces where believers and their supporters fought the internal war. But the fact that this has now emerged visibly and on the macro level indicates (I believe) that the time has finally arrived when the evil sovereignty to the world is being removed (kicked out) and God's sovereignty restored to its rightful place - over both Heaven AND Earth.
Amen. From your lips (and typing fingertips) to our blessed Lord's ears (and divine consciousness). This is the most amazing time to be alive and aware. Not in my wildest imagination could I have come up with the reality we're all living through now. Not in a million years.
My religious life and my Q Great Awakening life are colliding. Both communities are speaking the same thing, evil is being exposed, Jesus is coming soon. He wants them alive for the Great Judgement so they can really fester in their evilness and experience what they’ve done to other people in their souls. They may die from the pain. Hallelujah!
I don't think Jesus wants to see any person suffering and experiencing evil. You forget that when others hurt or burn, Jesus feels it. That's how his heart is made. He wept over Jerusalem. He didn't crow.
I think more likely that Jesus wants to see the Father's kingdom finally established in God's sovereignty over the earth, on the material level, and he knows that judgment has to fall, as painful as it may be.
Also to add, Biblically speaking God has wiped out humanity when they turn too evil. The Great Flood was with water, Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out with fire. He does use capital punishment to rid the world of evil. I pray he doesn’t wipe us all out, the rainbow after the flood signified he wouldn’t.. Pray
You are absolutely correct. He wants us to repent and follow him. But it’s inevitable that when we die we will experience all the sins we have committed. And if before we die we don’t repent we will cast ourselves away from him because we won’t feel worthy of his love and grace. But the Satanists, those who ritually sacrifice babies and rape them and offer children to Satan? If they don’t turn from their wicked ways and repent before his Second Coming, they will experience the pain they’ve caused when he arrives.
Most definitely visible. I don’t know if satan tried to hide previously but he certainly isn’t hiding anymore, openly mocking and challenging God through humans.
My sister in law is very much into Korean pop music and showed me this popular group I had never heard of before, blackpink. I watched one of their music videos and was appalled at the imagery, symbolism and lyrics. Any studied Christian might be able to pick up on Satan challenge God and talking about himself falling from heaven. The war is here
What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?
Shrinks will tell you that 'normal' for humans is whatever the majority does, so as we reach that point in time when the insane outnumber us yeah, we become the crazy folk.
Been trying to Awaken everyone who would listen for a very long time, and some would listen, others would listen and laugh, and others would just shake their heads....
But society as a whole, kept a steady demeanor, nothing in the extreme in any direction, like a pendulum, just steady, but now it feels like the pendulum split in half, and is doing that Click Clack thing, and just getting wilder and more offset....
I can't believe I'm admitting that I think the whole world is in major peril and headed toward full destruction, and I'm worried for Humanity....
That is how the criminal MSM makes a living. Everything they say is a criminal lie and they repeat it till the Morons believe it. I have compared it to the original 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. The MSM points their finger and screams at anyone who reveals their Lies.
How ironic. I just re-posted a very eerily similar writing that I wrote in back in 2021.
I made this following statement:
There is no time in history, in which so many people have been deceived in taking an injection that genetically modifies those individuals. Genetically modified crops are made in the same manner. The implications of this cannot be under-estimated. They have become spike protein factories and will suffer an early death. If they ever figure out what they did, in the mean time, they will blame all of those who have retained their marvelous and wonderful-functioning immune systems. What God has provided the pure bloods, the vax☠xed will slander and will curse even God Himself.
We are made in the image of God. That image is held in the sanctity of each individual. The sanctity of each individual is holy.
The mRNA injection is like the sting of a scorpion and as time goes on they will increasingly be troubled and will blame others for their infliction and troubles. Their minds will become irrational. It will only feed into great deception.
Those people who elected (volunteered) to be vax☠xed have become toxic creatures, enslaved by the mad science causing all their infliction and troubles. Their end will come early. As more people succumb to the damage from this toxin, more people will figure out that the injection itself caused their troubles. Their voices will be ignored at first, but when finally this great bearing-of-false-witness against all those who kept their sanctity loses its credibility, the false prophet will then offer 'life' to all those that have been inflicted. It is yet another lie and great deception. Their suffering will cause them to even yearn for death to escape their agony. It will be for this reason, many will take the mark believing it will be a sign for their salvation of life.
One might have thought that, after the last woman was burned to death as a witch in 1722, the suffering was over. Not so, for the practice of 'Swimming' was inflicted of many of those who were accused of Witchcraft after that date.
Although the belief in trial by water can be traced back to the 3rd millenium BC, the official use of 'swimming' in English law dates back to King Athelstan (928-930), where trial by water, termed 'indicium aquae', was a general test for all crimes. It ceased to be an official Law in 1219 under Henry III's reforms. For the next 600 years it was popularly, but unofficially, supposed to be infallible in discovering the guilt of witches and those suspected of subscribing to the black arts.
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The ordeal of 'swimming' was endorsed by James I of England, who stated in Daemonologie (1597) "that God hath appointed ... that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosome, that have shaken off them the sacred Water of Baptisme, and wilfully refused the benefite thereof."
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The unvax☠xed are being blamed for the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the solution being espoused is to force all of them to take the clot shot. In other words, the unvax☠xed are evil doers because they float and the vax☠xed are innocent because they sink and are drowned. Do you see the parallel?
it's been here fro a while, just with verbal attacks. But soon it'll absolutely turn to widespread physical violence. That's one of the reasons gun control has been pushed so heavily recently, so we won't be able to properly defend ourselves.
St Anthony was the first of the “desert fathers”
single-handedly starting the Christian monastic movement. His writings, and those of his successors continue to inspire anyone fortunate enough to read them. I’m a fan of The Philokalia myself.
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." - Akiro Kurosawa
"In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society." - Raoul Vaneigem
"If you want to change the world, change yourself." - Mahatma Gandhi
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." - Alan Ashley-Pitt
"The only way to deal with fear is to face it head on." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"The only true freedom is the freedom to be yourself." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
As in the unvaxed were attacked by men that were mad! The ones that were pureblood and thinking straight, were made out to be the 'mad' ones.
Will be many examples of how this quote is true
I used to feel like that.
But now that time is here.
Consider what this means. The battle between Satan and CHrist was buried for the last 2000 years, taking place in the spaces where believers and their supporters fought the internal war. But the fact that this has now emerged visibly and on the macro level indicates (I believe) that the time has finally arrived when the evil sovereignty to the world is being removed (kicked out) and God's sovereignty restored to its rightful place - over both Heaven AND Earth.
Amen. From your lips (and typing fingertips) to our blessed Lord's ears (and divine consciousness). This is the most amazing time to be alive and aware. Not in my wildest imagination could I have come up with the reality we're all living through now. Not in a million years.
My religious life and my Q Great Awakening life are colliding. Both communities are speaking the same thing, evil is being exposed, Jesus is coming soon. He wants them alive for the Great Judgement so they can really fester in their evilness and experience what they’ve done to other people in their souls. They may die from the pain. Hallelujah!
I don't think Jesus wants to see any person suffering and experiencing evil. You forget that when others hurt or burn, Jesus feels it. That's how his heart is made. He wept over Jerusalem. He didn't crow.
I think more likely that Jesus wants to see the Father's kingdom finally established in God's sovereignty over the earth, on the material level, and he knows that judgment has to fall, as painful as it may be.
Also to add, Biblically speaking God has wiped out humanity when they turn too evil. The Great Flood was with water, Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out with fire. He does use capital punishment to rid the world of evil. I pray he doesn’t wipe us all out, the rainbow after the flood signified he wouldn’t.. Pray
You are absolutely correct. He wants us to repent and follow him. But it’s inevitable that when we die we will experience all the sins we have committed. And if before we die we don’t repent we will cast ourselves away from him because we won’t feel worthy of his love and grace. But the Satanists, those who ritually sacrifice babies and rape them and offer children to Satan? If they don’t turn from their wicked ways and repent before his Second Coming, they will experience the pain they’ve caused when he arrives.
I'm not denying that sin causes pain, but simply that Christ does not want anyone to suffer in pain.
My Orthodox parish all had TDS bigly. I tried to tell them. Nope.
Yep, 2020 was when shit got real.
Most definitely visible. I don’t know if satan tried to hide previously but he certainly isn’t hiding anymore, openly mocking and challenging God through humans.
My sister in law is very much into Korean pop music and showed me this popular group I had never heard of before, blackpink. I watched one of their music videos and was appalled at the imagery, symbolism and lyrics. Any studied Christian might be able to pick up on Satan challenge God and talking about himself falling from heaven. The war is here
— George Orwell
Don’t turn your back to him...back away and beware.
Shrinks will tell you that 'normal' for humans is whatever the majority does, so as we reach that point in time when the insane outnumber us yeah, we become the crazy folk.
I would be considered abnormal, I'm vehemently child-free. There's nothing that can convince me to pollute the gene pool.
Dude you are here lol
I know. But I have this sinking feeling it’s going to get a lot worse.
Me too....
Been trying to Awaken everyone who would listen for a very long time, and some would listen, others would listen and laugh, and others would just shake their heads....
But society as a whole, kept a steady demeanor, nothing in the extreme in any direction, like a pendulum, just steady, but now it feels like the pendulum split in half, and is doing that Click Clack thing, and just getting wilder and more offset....
I can't believe I'm admitting that I think the whole world is in major peril and headed toward full destruction, and I'm worried for Humanity....
“Try looking into that place where you dare not look! You'll find me there, staring out at you!”
He who controls the spicy memes controls the universe.
love this :D
Adds new context to the phrase from the original PC game:
"We're doing spice mining" :)
yes its here, and we were supposed to get a vaccine to give us a covid tendency,
by the way, Tic-Toc is a virus on humanity:
Have a good week Pedes, and read about the virtues, it may help.
That is how the criminal MSM makes a living. Everything they say is a criminal lie and they repeat it till the Morons believe it. I have compared it to the original 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. The MSM points their finger and screams at anyone who reveals their Lies.
How ironic. I just re-posted a very eerily similar writing that I wrote in back in 2021.
I made this following statement:
There is no time in history, in which so many people have been deceived in taking an injection that genetically modifies those individuals. Genetically modified crops are made in the same manner. The implications of this cannot be under-estimated. They have become spike protein factories and will suffer an early death. If they ever figure out what they did, in the mean time, they will blame all of those who have retained their marvelous and wonderful-functioning immune systems. What God has provided the pure bloods, the vax☠xed will slander and will curse even God Himself.
We are made in the image of God. That image is held in the sanctity of each individual. The sanctity of each individual is holy.
The mRNA injection is like the sting of a scorpion and as time goes on they will increasingly be troubled and will blame others for their infliction and troubles. Their minds will become irrational. It will only feed into great deception.
Those people who elected (volunteered) to be vax☠xed have become toxic creatures, enslaved by the mad science causing all their infliction and troubles. Their end will come early. As more people succumb to the damage from this toxin, more people will figure out that the injection itself caused their troubles. Their voices will be ignored at first, but when finally this great bearing-of-false-witness against all those who kept their sanctity loses its credibility, the false prophet will then offer 'life' to all those that have been inflicted. It is yet another lie and great deception. Their suffering will cause them to even yearn for death to escape their agony. It will be for this reason, many will take the mark believing it will be a sign for their salvation of life.
Salem witch trials
'The Modern Practice of ‘Swimming’.
One might have thought that, after the last woman was burned to death as a witch in 1722, the suffering was over. Not so, for the practice of 'Swimming' was inflicted of many of those who were accused of Witchcraft after that date.
Although the belief in trial by water can be traced back to the 3rd millenium BC, the official use of 'swimming' in English law dates back to King Athelstan (928-930), where trial by water, termed 'indicium aquae', was a general test for all crimes. It ceased to be an official Law in 1219 under Henry III's reforms. For the next 600 years it was popularly, but unofficially, supposed to be infallible in discovering the guilt of witches and those suspected of subscribing to the black arts.
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The ordeal of 'swimming' was endorsed by James I of England, who stated in Daemonologie (1597) "that God hath appointed ... that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosome, that have shaken off them the sacred Water of Baptisme, and wilfully refused the benefite thereof."
It was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and that if a suspected person floated and refused to sink when placed in water it was proof of guilt.
The unvax☠xed are being blamed for the spread of SARS-CoV2 and the solution being espoused is to force all of them to take the clot shot. In other words, the unvax☠xed are evil doers because they float and the vax☠xed are innocent because they sink and are drowned. Do you see the parallel?
Updoot for the St Anthony of Egypt shout out.
Same from a Russian Orthodox anon!
Optimistically..I look forward to the time we are revered as seers, prophets, and recognized as the sane ones.
Yeah you do.
There is a lot of "you are not like us" going around now, eh?
it's been here fro a while, just with verbal attacks. But soon it'll absolutely turn to widespread physical violence. That's one of the reasons gun control has been pushed so heavily recently, so we won't be able to properly defend ourselves.
That boat left a LONG time ago
Evil people invert reality. Those people control our planet. If you know the truth you will be an inversion to all the normies
That time already happened. That was COVID.
That was the summer of 2020.
Always was. We could all cite examples.
St Anthony was the first of the “desert fathers” single-handedly starting the Christian monastic movement. His writings, and those of his successors continue to inspire anyone fortunate enough to read them. I’m a fan of The Philokalia myself.
We know... have you seen my keys?
I asked ChatGPT for similar quotes:
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." - Akiro Kurosawa
"In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society." - Raoul Vaneigem
"If you want to change the world, change yourself." - Mahatma Gandhi
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." - Alan Ashley-Pitt
"The only way to deal with fear is to face it head on." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"The only true freedom is the freedom to be yourself." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
As in the unvaxed were attacked by men that were mad! The ones that were pureblood and thinking straight, were made out to be the 'mad' ones. Will be many examples of how this quote is true
What party is mad? Is the NPCs or us?
I feel like that now 🤡
It’s a colon…?