‘Off The Charts’: Over 178 Million Watched Trump’s Heart-Touching Visit To East Palestine, Ohio - DC Enquirer
By: Reed Cooper | Over 178-million people reportedly watched 45th President Donald Trump’s visit to East Palestine, Ohio, to help and meet with members of the community after a train derailment led to a large release of toxic chemicals in the area.
Yep. The depth of stupidity is truly mind-blowing.
Just to be Chrystal Clear, are we now Predicting that in the 2024 Election, there will be about 400 Million Voters???
Because that's what I'm getting from this....
lol!! :)
Dems will pull off 179 million......
In an hour, at night.
With one leaky toilet postponing vote counting in 4 states.
CNN: "This just in, critical toilet infrastructure has been destroyed in a coincidental nuclear explosion caused by a train derailment instigated by Putin. This critical infrastructure was the key element in the functioning of every election center toilet in PA, GA, NV, and AZ. The election was not stolen and any unfounded conspiracy theories claiming such are violence and extremism and a severe threat to our autoc- democracy."
"instigated by Pootin"
Fixed it for you...with sad toilet humor....I'll show myself out.
Ruby to the Rescue!
They don't need an hour. Elections are a month long process now. They can take as much time as they need. Soon, election turnout will be 210% of the countries voting population. And they will consider it a success of their get out and vote initiatives. When the dead start rising up to vote, I'd say that's a success although a suspicious one.
They will just reclassify the population - all numbers are bs anyways. They own everything and if you question it - your a nazi
It’s located in your dreams buddy….
I’m sorry, I had to say that. 😄
And this time around there will be less that Trump can do about the steal. Being as how we're probably pretty close to TPTB taking the mask off, I think I would've been down with him pulling off some "tyranty" moves in 2020/2021 in order to stop the steal.
He Had that many votes in 2020 and everyone knows it.
Not to question the god emperor, but how did they come up with that number? Doesn't that massively be even the super bowl?
It would be the most watched broadcast ever in the US, or one very successful youtube video. It’s tricky use of the word “watched” which almost exclusively implies watched video of said event, or watched it happen live in person.
Just ain't getting it are we? There is no winning an election again without fixing 2020. If we go into 2024 voting harder like a bunch of fucking idiots, we lose. Again. Sad part, people will be surprised. Again.
His re-Truth of the story
Been saying this for awhile... all those dead libtards who took the vax will be casting their votes in 2024. Thats a lot of fraud to overcome.
And worse - what if the nwo who classifies those who are alive as property due to DNA modification sequencing considering property- well those votes belong to Pfizer now.
178M “watched” his visit is pretty misleading for what this viewership report actually says.178M is the claimed number of social media accounts that “saw coverage” whatever that actually means. Pretty curious where and how they got that number tbh, his visit was heavily memed which would heavily increase views on the story. Trump should know the power of memes, so I say embrace it.
All I see is "17" with an eight attached to it. Kek!
Even if every last person votes for him. they'll still rig it because the alternative for them is jail/hanging. He better have a real plan to deal with this otherwise he's a fool.
Why is he only saying it, when he could prove it
So, instead or arresting people who committed voter fraud, the Plan is for us to commit a bigger voter fraud so we can win the election. Honest people don't cheat. Honest people work within the system. When the system is broken and there is no redress, .....
If you lost the support of 81 million people, you should be very concerned.