"Oh.. he's fucking with my budget. You see, if an officer dies in the line of duty, you can get right up on top of his grave stone and grab a bunch of pity money for the department in the forms of training grants and new equipment."
These bad guys made it sound like Tucker produced the footage from Jan 6th. As a journalist Tucker is merely showing us what happened and these bad people are crying "It's bad to tell the truth!". I don't know how there are still people who can't see this clearly.
Offensive use? What is offensive is that the Capitol Police who are supposed to uphold law and order, provoked death and destruction. What is offensive is the Jan, 6 special committee withheld evidence causing innocent people to be in jail and prison under false convictions and awaiting trial, and Capitol Police lied under oath.
US Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger on Tuesday ripped into Fox News host Tucker Carlson over his commentary about footage from the January 6, 2021, insurrection that he aired Monday night, saying the host “cherry-picked” from the footage to present “offensive” and “misleading” conclusions about the attack.
“Last night an opinion program aired commentary that was filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the January 6 attack,” Manger wrote in an internal department memo obtained by CNN, adding that Carlson’s show didn’t reach out to the police department “to provide accurate context.”
“The program conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video. The commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or during these less tense moments,” Manger said.
Take a look at him, looks like an officer who is believing in concentration camps (scary kind of look). I imagine he is thinking that lies are true and true are lies. He knows he is done.
'Offensive use'
do explain yourself, Mr official-looking cuck.
He's the type of goy that allows video cams to be "shut off" when high prized prisoners "off" themselves. AKA cuck
'We' did not see the peaceful protests burning and killing people....
The truth can be offensive- to liars and other treasonous types.
"Oh.. he's fucking with my budget. You see, if an officer dies in the line of duty, you can get right up on top of his grave stone and grab a bunch of pity money for the department in the forms of training grants and new equipment."
These bad guys made it sound like Tucker produced the footage from Jan 6th. As a journalist Tucker is merely showing us what happened and these bad people are crying "It's bad to tell the truth!". I don't know how there are still people who can't see this clearly.
How pathetic to be in the winter of one's life and yet lying to the country.
The older I get, the more cognizant of the legacy I leave. This man must have completely sold his soul.
I’m sure he is sitting on more than skid marks
'Offensive' to whom?
But even if someone was offended, who cares?
lol, yeah. I find it kinda kekish that CNN is using (highlighting) "offensive" in conjunction to the footage release (use).
Do even CNN viewers think that "offensive" use of video is a valid concept?
Seems designed to wake up, not shut down.
Offensive use? What is offensive is that the Capitol Police who are supposed to uphold law and order, provoked death and destruction. What is offensive is the Jan, 6 special committee withheld evidence causing innocent people to be in jail and prison under false convictions and awaiting trial, and Capitol Police lied under oath.
Just wait u til the kiddie diddling videos come out. Watch how they cry then!
Real tough guys say no to the money. Wonder how much his soul was worth
You'd have to ask satan about that. This guy hasn't had ownership of his soul for decades.
Translation: "Mwaaah, mwaaah, myaaahhhhh!"
Cry moar, dude.
5 bucks says Nancy and Company either have something on him. Or he’s just an idiot.
Probably a mix of both.
Dirty Sanchez
It is over. People can see clearly. No amount of spin will put the genie back in the bottle now.
lmao oh the left trusts this cop huh?
The politicians better be worried when the special snowflake in charge of protecting them gets his feelings hurt by the truth.
Capital Police are nothing but controlled stooges that bend over to congress. They know who butters their bread
Involved in committing TREASON. Firing Squad…BRING IT!
The truth IS offensive for those that live in a world of lies.
This one will look good swinging from a lamp post.
The Mason brotherhood has been offended.
is he saying it's not real? Because true things can be offensive that doesn't really matter.
Since when telling/showing the truth offensive? That Nancy needs to turn in his gun, badge and man card.
Longest running movie ever!
Clearly he is on Pelosi's payroll.
How dare the truth come out! That's offensive!
Take a look at him, looks like an officer who is believing in concentration camps (scary kind of look). I imagine he is thinking that lies are true and true are lies. He knows he is done.
Fuck the Police intensifies
It definitely took too long, but it's beautiful to witness these people flail and squirm as they get ready to go down.
Suicide watch, TBH.