Unanimously, in BOTH houses of Congress... which today is virtually impossible given the deep partisan divides, and also historically a very rare event. And what did they vote unanimously, in both houses of Congress, to do? Declassify and release all information about the origins of C19.
NO WAY would the demoncraps vote for that, much less unanimously. That is like voting unanimously to release evidence proving their own guilt in crimes against humanity. The same goes for the RINO's as well. And this will automatically lead to further questions about election fraud and the stolen 2020 election overthrowing the US government, literally like a bunch of dominoes tipping over.
Let the magnitude of this action sink in for a minute. If this does not prove that patriots are not only in control but winning bigly - I don't know what would.
I think it could be a rope-a-dope. White hats have the cabal believing the only thing to be exposed is in Wuhan and then Putin (or someone) comes out with the evidence of Chapel Hill and the labs in Ukraine after they've already voted to expose it all. I hope it's something like that!
The white hat copium needs to end. This is nothing more than the next act; fingering China as the perpetrator of the lab leak to normies and drumming up support for the eventual armed conflict between China/Russia and the west. This is a preamble to ww3.
They will blame russian assets in china or even in russia for covid. That russian scientist who worked on covid vaccines and in bio labs in ukraine got strangled to death a couple weeks ago.
Wuhan is the right hand dangling the carrot that they want you to focus your attention on. They don't want you to look over at what the left hand (Ukraine bio labs) did or is still doing.
I will consider this a full win and not a move to brush things under the rug when I see it.
Because we get unclassified materials related to Crossfire Hurricane and other major national security issues uploaded to the FBI vault on a semi-frequent basis, and they are almost completely useless documents.
Because, even though something has been declassified, the FBI, CIA, DNI, DOJ, and other agencies can just submit required redactions so you can’t glean useful information from the document/email whatsoever. And they’ve fixed the Comey/corney -esque loopholes, as far as I can tell.
So both sides of the aisle can say, “See!! We declassified! Nothing to hide!” The mainstream media will run with it to clear everyone of any guilt/shame, and we will be left with nothing because normies don’t go and look at the redactions screaming GUILTY to anyone who cares enough to look for original sourcing.
What would have to happen to get all to unanimously vote the same?
Definitions matter.
My question is if they agree Ukrainian being the source of c19 would they unanimously agree to hide that and take the lesser evil to perpetuate the war they all need? This lesser evil is still their perception. I think we need to just rip the bandaid off and the truth will set you free approach.
These people cry wolf everyday via the msm for a decade. Maybe they all decided to allow the media to be exposed and be the fall guy?
Hi Frens! Forgive me as I’m still trying to learn how to meme. So, here’s another question — can anyone on this board make a meme of that tweet? It’s a huge red pill! ThanQ!!!
Don’t pin this all on China. Gain of function research was happening at the University of N. Carolina, and I would be willing to bet, other universities. Maybe it was moved to Wuhan or maybe it was in the Ukraine biolabs. I doubt this was an “accidental lab release.” I believe it was deliberate, worldwide by those who would profit handsomely financially, as well as those who wanted population reduction via genocide.
Fully declassify? I highly doubt that will happen. Much of it will be redacted for "security reasons." It'll still lead to a few dominoes.falling, but don't hold your breath on a full declass event here.
Not dooming, just being realistic. Literally NOTHINGever gets fully declassed.
Unanimously, in BOTH houses of Congress... which today is virtually impossible given the deep partisan divides, and also historically a very rare event. And what did they vote unanimously, in both houses of Congress, to do? Declassify and release all information about the origins of C19.
NO WAY would the demoncraps vote for that, much less unanimously. That is like voting unanimously to release evidence proving their own guilt in crimes against humanity. The same goes for the RINO's as well. And this will automatically lead to further questions about election fraud and the stolen 2020 election overthrowing the US government, literally like a bunch of dominoes tipping over.
Let the magnitude of this action sink in for a minute. If this does not prove that patriots are not only in control but winning bigly - I don't know what would.
Either that or something else is at play
I think it could be a rope-a-dope. White hats have the cabal believing the only thing to be exposed is in Wuhan and then Putin (or someone) comes out with the evidence of Chapel Hill and the labs in Ukraine after they've already voted to expose it all. I hope it's something like that!
Given how we're watching the truth of Jan 6th unfold your scenario seems highly plausible. We just need to be patient. We're good at being patient ;)
The white hat copium needs to end. This is nothing more than the next act; fingering China as the perpetrator of the lab leak to normies and drumming up support for the eventual armed conflict between China/Russia and the west. This is a preamble to ww3.
My thoughts as well. These people will go down lying until the bitter end. This only tells me they have another lie up their sleeve
They will blame russian assets in china or even in russia for covid. That russian scientist who worked on covid vaccines and in bio labs in ukraine got strangled to death a couple weeks ago.
Voting to declass is a way to save face, and their hero Joe Biden will save them in the end and block it when it hits his desk.
True but still not unanimous
Last question...CARES Act?
I wonder why they're exclusively looking at info from Wuhan.
Wuhan is the right hand dangling the carrot that they want you to focus your attention on. They don't want you to look over at what the left hand (Ukraine bio labs) did or is still doing.
A pressing need to blame it on China and not Chyna... interesting turn in politics.
I will consider this a full win and not a move to brush things under the rug when I see it.
Because we get unclassified materials related to Crossfire Hurricane and other major national security issues uploaded to the FBI vault on a semi-frequent basis, and they are almost completely useless documents.
Because, even though something has been declassified, the FBI, CIA, DNI, DOJ, and other agencies can just submit required redactions so you can’t glean useful information from the document/email whatsoever. And they’ve fixed the Comey/corney -esque loopholes, as far as I can tell.
So both sides of the aisle can say, “See!! We declassified! Nothing to hide!” The mainstream media will run with it to clear everyone of any guilt/shame, and we will be left with nothing because normies don’t go and look at the redactions screaming GUILTY to anyone who cares enough to look for original sourcing.
The day after the origins of covid are released, would be the perfect day for the Fauci Files to be released.
They will try their limited hangout bullshit releasing only wuhan lab leak lies and Elon will blow it out of the water.
What would have to happen to get all to unanimously vote the same?
Definitions matter.
My question is if they agree Ukrainian being the source of c19 would they unanimously agree to hide that and take the lesser evil to perpetuate the war they all need? This lesser evil is still their perception. I think we need to just rip the bandaid off and the truth will set you free approach.
These people cry wolf everyday via the msm for a decade. Maybe they all decided to allow the media to be exposed and be the fall guy?
They were all promised a 9-year old. The sickos.
I can answer the last question: when you are told to help start a war.
Hi Frens! Forgive me as I’m still trying to learn how to meme. So, here’s another question — can anyone on this board make a meme of that tweet? It’s a huge red pill! ThanQ!!!
I don’t know what we’ll see of this in terms of a meme, but the tweet itself is an image you can just right-click and download.
You’re a doll! ThanQ fren.
maybe the White Hats have a doh!-minion system, too!
Key word. Congress. Shiiit. The HOUSE voted 414 or something like that, to 0.
Ask not why.... Instead ask who Paid off Congress...
Don’t pin this all on China. Gain of function research was happening at the University of N. Carolina, and I would be willing to bet, other universities. Maybe it was moved to Wuhan or maybe it was in the Ukraine biolabs. I doubt this was an “accidental lab release.” I believe it was deliberate, worldwide by those who would profit handsomely financially, as well as those who wanted population reduction via genocide.
And it seems VETO proof.
Congress didn't have a unanimous vote to go to war with Japan.
Fully declassify? I highly doubt that will happen. Much of it will be redacted for "security reasons." It'll still lead to a few dominoes.falling, but don't hold your breath on a full declass event here.
Not dooming, just being realistic. Literally NOTHING ever gets fully declassed.