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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Fellow Frogs,
God Bless! We ARE the White Hats! Go to every social media you have and #PrayForTrump! This is our Protesting! It is how we have done everything!
Amen! I'm on it! #GodWins
DeSantis wants to introduce legislation to ban CBDC. I predict that this will get shot down. I believe that the purpose of this move is to set a precedent for the future; that government cannot ban alternative currencies, like Bitcoin.
Reportedly Cruz is also going to introduce such a bill.
GME is up 34% after hours 🚀
Fucking hell. I just got some money transferred to do a large lump purchase through Computershare. 😭
Kek. I’ve been waiting to buy more.
Presidents as comic book villains...
Is the Trump arrest story another case of Trump 'outing' them before they were ready? My very limited understanding of Grand Juries is that the person being investigated does not necessarily even know it's being convened. Which has to be why someone like Bragg would go that route. But Trump knew about it, figured they didn't want to go for an indictment but instead just hang it over his head throughout the campaign. So Trump announces the plan to arrest on a certain day, very tight timeframe. Basically, "OK, I see what you are doing and what your plan is, I'm calling you on it, show your cards."
Great comment. Super high quality.
But on that note, what I'd really like to see is a timeline of how this all rolled out. Because the first I heard of it was that Fox news reported it, via leak.
If it started at Fox news, my suspicion would be that good guys used that instrument to get it started. But I'm unsure whether they were the first, or who the leak was first to.
Better get my shovel, and dig.
Makes a lot of since. Trump does not do things that are noy very well planned out.
Good points, I think you are on to something.
Fren that's an excellent take. Basically forced their hand by playing to the emotions and expectations of the indoctrinated.
Liberals have an overwhelming expectation that he will be arrested and they think it should have already happened a dozen times over.
I think you’re spot on...“just hang it over his head” yes! It’s like he’s daring them to do it. I never doubt that he’s way ahead of everyone and figures out how to use whatever attempts they make to “ruin” him to his advantage. You know what else? It seems like very good business for Truth Social. I’ve gotten a lot of new followers and they’re all new March members. Anyone else? Seems like a genius move from all angles.
Same here. I love Truth Social. I still do my Red pilling on DARPAbook, but I find my morale boosts on GAW and TS.
Yes, now that you mention it I got a few more followers there too. I am very suspicious of new followers so always check to see if they are bots or real and these last ones have been real.
Same here
Had an enlightening moment a few minutes ago. I had a friend on Discord I shared my artwork with and talked gaming for close to a whole year. Helped each other out in hard times and always had each other's backs. But I finally got my first taste of a classic thing happening.
I talked politics for the first time with this person, namely, how the media lies about Trump and misrepresents everything he says and does, so they can twist it in a negative light. I went through the whole process step by step to show this person how they do it, and even provided examples.
"This is like talking to a brick wall, I'm gonna do us both a favor"
Then, I was blocked. A whole years friendship thrown away over something as trivial as a political disagreement! I honestly feel pretty good about it. Politics seems to be a wonderful multitool. It helps you understand the world around you, how policies will affect your life, and you can use it in conversation to figure out which friends are loyal enough they can still be by your side despite disagreements, and who'll dump you at the first sign of trouble! Glad I picked this skill up at such a young age.
Might be surprised to find I have a handful of leftie friends who are actually still really cool with me despite our disagreements. Some of them are SUUUUPER woke too.
So when you feel like the whole world has gone stupid? Well.. It has, BUT there are still people who can meet in the middle and have fun!
I don't remember who said this, but I'll recite this quote to the best of my memory. "The perfect society is not one where everyone thinks the same thing, but a society where people can peacefully co-exist despite their disagreements"
This concludes the longest post I have ever written on this site. Have a nice day and thanks for reading.
Yeah, I do find it surprising. I had tons of leftie friends and most of them are not even crazy woke, and yet the informational chasm between us is so huge that I cannot stand to talk to any of them for any length of time, because every single conversation happens only just at surface level engagement.
Its just about finding the right thing to engage about, i think. Most of them I never even talk politics, we're just playing games or drawing and stuff. But they absolutely know about my politics, they just dont care.
Good post, thanks for sharing. 😃 WWG1WGA
If DJT is still commander in chief then if they try to arrest him, military should step in immediately and declare martial law right?
If DJT is actually arrested, it will be because he approved the plan. Otherwise, the generals who consider him CIC would have no choice but to be in open rebellion against the others who don't.
Don't y'all think its totally amazing just how many people including anons, are all in a tizz about the 'Trump arrest'?
Just look at that alone. Look at the affect this 'leaked' announcement is having. On who? Where? What?
Call me a skeptic, but I thought we'd be used to this by now. It happens again and again and again. Narrative build up, enhanced of course by DJT in the middle.
I feel like DJT (with his team) is a master magician, tweaking the dials on a massive telescope that focuses the attention of the USA and the Cabal and the population on one particular area or target.
Red dot, meet cat. Cat, meet red dot.
Frogs should not be cats, but should study the cats, observe their behavior, and figure out exactly how and why they move like they do. The red dot operator is doing what he does, but we are not the target.
That's how I see this all.
I never make predictions, but I'm really biting my tongue hard to not say flat out there will be No arrest and by the end of next week, we'll ALL understand why.
But, like you, I'll have to wait and see.
Note: remember the 'Trump' digital trading cards (big announcement) and what actually followed it later in the day....
Note 2: It's already March 22 here, so I'm wondering what I'll see tomorrow morning.
Stay frosty, pepes. Specially you US frogs.
When you watch a movie and tense up during exciting moments or feel scared watching a horror movie even if you know the good guys will win at the end.. it is how this is now.. let us all process organically..
I don't watch horror movies, because.... I know the reality of THIS world!
But also, when you watch a movie, you make a willing choice to suspend disbelief, and allow yourself to be immersed into the story, essentially for entertainment or for education or inspiration, etc.
In yesterday's GC, I made a note on what "Enjoy the Show" doesn't mean (IMO) and what it might mean.
I don't really think it means "immerse yourself into this process in such a way that you are manipulated", which is what you do when you watch a movie.
I mean, everyone is free to do that if they want, but personally I feel drawn to observing the movie in order to understand what the director and actors are doing, rather than sitting in a movie theatre.
And that too, is organic.
Oh, I feel a variety of emotions, but I also think its important to recognize the matrix for what it is.
The energy is there, all the conditions are set for the arrest of a President of the United States of America.
What if it's not the President people expect it to be?
No shortage of optimism here, I'll dream big all the way to 2024.
They gonna perp walk Trump with CNN reporters everywhere?
There's cameras everywhere there (since yesterday). Expect a spectacle of some sort....
Or not. Kek!
Might have to close your eyes for this one
Open slowly
Observe The Storm
Does anyone remember or can lead me to a post here that was about the Precipice? It was a fairly long post and the person was giving an outline of the narrative. TYA
Thanks to the hard work of skilled mods, the search function here works great.
Try it at the top right.
I HAVE tried. That is why I have asked. I could not find it.
It could be this
Found it!! THANK YOU!! AND THANK YOU again Bubbles!! You Never have a sarcastic or sassy way of saying anything. Thank you for your patients. I know it is rough. I am glad that people here know that we are all looking and waiting for justice. Some of us are farther than others. I know the further back you are the harder it is to be patient. Believe me!! I know!! Thank you again!! If I ever see you in person you are going to get a big hug from me!! Until then (((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))) FrogKings
Thanks for your kind words. I have learnt that sarcasm does not achieve anything and I reserve it only for twitter while arguing with libtards (oh and ofc hardcore shills here).
There are a few things that helps me get through all the waiting.
No one said it will be easy. We are dismantling centuries of entrenched evil in 8 years.
No one owes us anything. We got ourselves in this mess by accepting everything that was placed in front of our eyes and we have not done anything to demand anyone to come and save us.
This process gets easier if we see things from our mind's eye instead of just what we can see with our eyes.
When the GA finally completes, humanity will not forget it even in 2000 years.
The first part of this seems like part of it. It is the same subject. The person who typed it typed it about a page (screen) long.. and it was also Subtitled. Thank you for looking.
How long ago was this roughly?
Found it. Thank you. I used the search "Only at the Precipice".
Here it is and VERY WELL WRITTEN!!!:
Not Answer of the Day:
What "Enjoy the Show" does NOT mean:
That nothing real is happening
That it is all staged merely for show
That everything (everything) is predefined in terms of timing, sequence and result
What "Enjoy the Show" might mean:
That there is a performance element aka narrative warfare, and that the war between narratives (the show) is where the core action takes place, with regards to waking up the people
That there is a difference between the real and actual events (that take place off camera) and the purported displayed events (aka the narratives)
That certain things are being orchestrated for narrative effect (aka in order to maneuver the playing board and cause more and more exposure of the darkness that has always lain in the shadows)
That watching the Deep State and the Cabal instruments freaking out and being outmaneuvered might actually be entertaining
The moment I heard about "trump arrest" story being leaked to Fox, I thought, aha, something is afoot. And more and more, I've come to watch "news" that comes out in terms of its narrative effect. Does this benefit DJT and the WHs more, or the Deep State Cabal more?
Mar-a-lago raid. Remember the monstrous kerfuffle? But who benefitted? DJT.
Certainly feels to me like things are rising to an orchestrated crescendo, but the more I engage with what I think the narrative impacts are, and who they help or hinder, the more and more comfy I get.
But maybe that's just me...
I really hope you're right. Great post!
check out my recent post fren.
Random question. Did Trump give the date of his arrest or that it would just be "Tuesday"?
I only ask because next Tuesday the 28th is 10 days before, Easter.
10 days of darkness It's going to be Biblical
Random Thoughts
From Trump's TS post that was posted on 3/18/23:
Today is 3/21 or 3...2...1...
Interesting Trump chose 3/21 to say he'd be arrested. The numbers line up with a countdown.
Q's last post on 3/21 is to this video:
It says "Do not fear".
the only thing to fear is.... when they come Armed into your home and business, take your gold and give you fucking paper notes against your will.
3/21... /23
Palindrome date.
Think mirror?
But.... he didn't say he would be arrested. He said an insider LEAKED that he would be arrested.
Details matter.
Actually what Trump does is goad the MSN into making a certain headline. He wanted this headline. He knew how THEY would word it and he wanted that.
So I would disagree. I'd say you should also consider how Trump plays the MSN into running the headline he wants.
Trump often words things carefully knowing exactly how the MSN will reword it.
They carried the message he wanted.
Here is the Truth he posted:
"... will be arrested on Tuesday of next week"
Seems fairly clear that he gave a predicted date. He wanted to point out 3/21.
What if the DS intended for the arrest to be a surprise?
Trump blew it wide open and screwed up whatever they were planning.
Definitely a possibility. If so they can't arrest him or they'll make him look good. They'd have to skip it to try and make it look like he's a lunatic making stuff up.
Inclined to agree.
Personally, I think there is a LOT more going on here than meets the eye.
Don't forget the
Such could mean the leaks, i.e., the author or speaker of whatever was leaked are saying that "he will be arrested" which is different than him uttering his own phrase.
And dont forget the next day is skull and bones.
What is the general feeling about President Trump being arrested?
Is this part of the plan and are there any Q posts about it?
I don't think past Presidents will like that because that means Trump just opened the floodgate they all can be arrested. And when Trump becomes president, past presidents can be arrested. They should be VERY AFRAID.
It feels contrived AF.
I believe it will happen eventually, and it is part of the plan. It needs to happen to set the precedent to arrest a former president. The case will go nowhere but will serve to further expose and incriminate the real bad actors.
Just like with J6, the public needs to see the contrast between persecuting someone based on lies and fabricated evidence, then see what a real criminal case looks like.
Do you think the public ever will, given our Goblin owned mainstream news media and our Goblin owned social media who are all working together to kill America from within like a cancer?
The Goblins will likely drag shit like J6 and President Trump's fake crimes out for years so they can benefit from all the damage it causes because the truth lowly leaks out after nobody cares anymore. Exactly like they did with Hillary's Russia Collusion horseshit.
I think at this point dragging Trump through the mud hurts them more than it does Trump. People just aren't buying it, especially when all they can come up with to charge him with is this stupid pornstar affair from 10 years (?) ago that probably never even happened and even if it did, where is the crime?
It feels like someone is pushing this DA to pursue Trump despite all the negative optics, as if part of a controlled demolition operation.
He does tell us 100% Trump is fine or insulated.
That would imply it’s part of the plan to be arrested, or say he will be arrested wether it happens or not.
I really do not see there being ANY arrest. I'd be very surprised if there was. And if there was, I pretty much figure, it's ONLY because DJT is using it as a maneuver to destroy them even further.
The thing with Magnum PI is that it was really serious in original version. The French used a standup comedian humorist, Francis Lax, to dub the title role, which made it hilarious.
My wife and I actually think this series should have been named « Higgins » because he’s the most interesting character, especially when we accept the idea that he might be Robin Masters telling about his actual life.
Twin Peaks, King of the Hill, The Wire.
I can't remember watching a single show since COVID besides the first two. Covers daytime and night time viewing when I feel it. And The Wire? Sheeeeit.
100% right about A Discovery of Witches, the 3rd season sucked, but the first two👌
Rubicon, The Pacific and Peaky Blinders.
Stargate SG-1 Fringe Person of Interest