Junkies and Hobos drop their drawers and poop 💩 off the side of the curb as people watch and nobody does anything about it. Starbucks, Amazon hubs have closed during the past 90 days as a result of zero traffic due to crime, filth and drop in tourism, Liberalism is a mental disease.
The reason they are not doing anything about the crime and the filth is deliberate and beyond liberal mental illness. Those useful idiots are simply the tools of more malevolent planners. That disgusting pile of steaming poop has a purpose. The destruction of these once beautiful cites is not just the result of stupidity. The plan is to drive normal people and businesses out. After the area is financially devastated, other financial interests quietly come in and buy up the assets for pennies on the dollar consolidating control. We are currently seeing the same thing occuring in the banking sector. The process was also seen after some of the BLM riots a couple of years ago.
These broken cities will be turned into smart city digital surveillance prisons that are built using economic zone development grants funded by the American taxpayer and other Ponzi scheme loans that also eventually end up on the backs of the taxpayer. It's easier to pull off this change in an area when the only ones watching are the corrupt officials, NGOs, and oblivious homeless junkies. Anyone else that gives a damn has already left.
Once the outflow has accomplished the population displacement goals, then the rabble will be quickly dealt with. They can be dispatched and no one will know any different. The flow will then be reversed pushing those that escaped back into the smart cities by evicting them for reasons of.... fill in the blank. East Palestine is a beta test to put the finishing touches on the legal framework to force people off their land and into the digital prison camps.
It is very unsettling and destabilizing when people are constantly displaced - whether by force, or by other means of manipulation. The end result is still the same. Population displacement has been a weapon of empires and the elitists for millennia. But most people don't know this because history is never taught nor is it learned. People are less likely to fight for a place that is not really considered "home" where they are not rooted. People band together when they share a common identity and purpose. There is a reason for the constant unending surge of migrants. Both the migrant population and the native population are destabilized - especially when the native populations are being removed or displaced themselves. It is all by design.
There has been a very coordinated globalist attack to undermine American and other national identities with the goal of keeping us from banding together in order to fight back. Their biggest fear is the masses showing up with torches and pitchforks. This is why the awakening is so vital and a race against time. The plan is to slam the gates of the prison shut before the inmates can figure out it is actually a prison.
I was born in a communist country. I am grateful I can now worship my faith and own guns in United States….something that was not possible in the 70’s in communism. Like minded individuals need to MAN UP and protect the future for our children. There is something every one of us can do. Most just care about the next sports game, sitcom or who knows what else…
The weather modification, floods, snow storms, rail derailments with hazardous materials, fires, destabilization using riots burning of food plants is all on purpose in order to drive everyone from being self sufficient and living on the outskirts of the big cities into the big cities. Where they WILL BE under digital GEO fencing .
Not everyone will understand your accurate prognostication however this Anon understands your point 💯 %.
Thank you fren. Maybe one of the reasons I can see this coming was because my mother's family hails from Russia and Ukraine. My grandfather always told us, never give up your guns. We all got an education on the process of Communist takeover. When people like us start to see seemingly disconnected data points coming together in a familiar pattern, it gets our attention. You are right. Americans need to put down the beer and remote and MAN UP. This is not going to be fixed by the government - the government is the problem.
There are many of us out there Fren. I have memories of the communists coming in the middle of the night and breaking down the door to look for my grandfathers shortwave radio and any contraband he might have had as a result of the neighbor ratting him out for 20 kilos of meat. I will never forget my grandfather on his knees in the middle of the living room floor in his underwear pulled out of bed with a gun pointed at him as the communists were ransacking the house in a search and seizure of the illegal radio. We all must be United against the Devil and MAN UP to protect our children who truly are the ones who will suffer. So many are so brainwashed from the government indoctrinated education that they truly don’t know any better . Our children were raised better with the fear of God. God Bless all who read this.
I was born here. But I heard plenty of horror stories from people like you that experienced the reality. Thankfully, my mother's family saw the handwriting on the wall on got the hell out while they could - and it cost them plenty. Those that could not believe what was coming down suffered the consequences for their disbelief and cognitive dissonance. From what I understand, all those that remained behind in Russia were assumed to have either died in the Revolution, WW1, or in the gulags. They were never heard from again. My parents and grandparents had other friends, like you, that lived through it and managed to escape.
Continue to tell your story my fren. Others need to hear it.
I am one of 3 brothers. My parents asked for a travel visa to go to Greece. The communists said NO they were not stupid if they would allow them to travel they would not come back. My parents told them that they would be leaving behind 3 young boys the youngest one less than a year old. My mother told them what kind of mother do you think I am? They approved their 2 week Visa. My parents never came back from Greece. That’s when our persecution began. They wanted to take us and throw us in an orphanage even though we were with our parents. That was so they could teach my parents a lesson…. I will continue the story if there is more interest I have to go run some errands now. Cheers Frens
Getting rid of all corporations may not be such a bad thing. Imagine the rebirth of Mom and Pop stores and restaurants all over this country. Communists and Liberals are still Ass Hoe.
All corporations, probably not... Getting rid of the control most large corporations have on this country, most definitely. I miss the days of the local mom and pop stores. As a family, once a month, we pick out surrounding local areas and try to eat at local hole in the wall gems. It has been kinda fun, and feels good to give my money to them instead of the big boys. I remember as a kid going to the family owned pharmacy, grocery, and hardware stores.
The communist don't care, in fact they are comfortable with that. It gives them more control; where you shop, who's allowed to sell, what's allow etc. A socialist dream.
Who needs wineries and artisan cheese shops when you have the dream of glorious communist breadlines—stretching for blocks—with never enough actual bread.
It's the death spiral for the city.
This is the same thing that happened in South Central Los Angelels. After every riot stores and businesses close down, leaving fewer and fewer jobs for the residents. Then another riot occurs, and the remainder of the stores close down and the remainder of job go with it. It is heartbreaking for the honest hard working people who still live there. I've seen old women have to go to the bus and take a 30 minute ride to a grociery store to buy things and then have to lug everything back onto the bus for a 30 minute ride back, and then have to walk home with all the bags. You can thank a Demoncrap for this.
The criminals just move to another place under a Soros DA and start again. At some point the police have to make a come back and start knocking heads … or … the people have to take the law and do it themselves. But then there’s that pesky woke society there.
When will the dumb idiots, who demand businesses take a knee and give a free pass to looting and destruction, realize that they alone are destroying themselves and their brothers.get off your duff and work for what you want and need. There is zero free ride in life and no one owes you anything. You were not enslaved, so no one owes you “reparations.” If we continue on the path we are now, expecting someone to always take care of you, you will be in for a rude awakening when your government, as it is today with a demented, perverted, treasonous place holder in the White House, demands you take a knee and capitulate to their demands before they give you housing, food and medical care. If you don’t bend to the government’s demands, you will be dead.
As I was searching on Google Maps today, 7-Eleven had closed down most of its stores in North Portland, as well as one in S.E. Portland (1930 SE Hawthorne Blvd) and about one other in Vancouver, Washington (11703 SE Mill Plain Blvd., store #23661).
The locations:
*11300 NW St. Helens Rd (store #14491)
*2815 N Killingsworth Rd (store #14494)
*1931 N Lombard St (store #19909)
*6117 N Lombard St (store #16155)
*6840 N Fessenden St (store #19669)
*1930 SE Hawthorne Blvd (store #25200)
The closures of these stores leave only two locations in North Portland at present: 7330 N Saint Louis Ave (#14504) and 4606 N Channel Ave (#29058). Two of the closed stores are among the oldest operating 7-Elevens in all Portland, having been around circa 1968, while the newest to be closed date from the late 1970s/early 1980s. However, as I visited 7-Eleven's official website, these locations are still listed, so, what gives if otherwise?
Do the closures of these five stores mean 7-Eleven's intent to vacate itself from Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA entirely? I am hoping not.
I would think these closures can be related to the poor economy, but perhaps the closures may also have something to do with the crime rate of the northern Portland region. Or it could mean the current franchise owner, whoever or whatever it may be, of 7-Eleven's Portland-area locations failed to pay his back taxes, and thus the stores may close until another franchisee is found. Who else knows about these?
When Waffle House closes we'll know it's the end of civilization...
DON'T SAY THAT...I Lived OFF WAFFLE HOUSE from TEXAS to FLORIDA AND BACK AGAIN...favorite place to go...
Esp. the eggs/bacon/grits and hash browns on the side...WOWZA😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Now I'm hungry........ pecan waffles........
And you can order one of everything off the menu all for $10
AND GET FILL-UPS of CoFEFE including the TRAVEL MUG---FREE!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But at Cracker Barrel you'll get a mean plate of chicken and dumplings and fried okra.
Love their hashbrown casserole. And their bacon!
Hash Brown Casserole for president!
If Trump weren't running, "Hash Brown Casserole" has my write-in vote!
hash brown casserole... best thing ever.
Kek !
Frens.......... I think we've just settled on where Frogs can meet up after the apocalypse.
doesnt appear they have any locations west of arizona or north of colorado.
Portland really was a great city. Great restaurants, local wines, tea houses. It's a shame what the communist insurgents have done to it.
Junkies and Hobos drop their drawers and poop 💩 off the side of the curb as people watch and nobody does anything about it. Starbucks, Amazon hubs have closed during the past 90 days as a result of zero traffic due to crime, filth and drop in tourism, Liberalism is a mental disease.
The reason they are not doing anything about the crime and the filth is deliberate and beyond liberal mental illness. Those useful idiots are simply the tools of more malevolent planners. That disgusting pile of steaming poop has a purpose. The destruction of these once beautiful cites is not just the result of stupidity. The plan is to drive normal people and businesses out. After the area is financially devastated, other financial interests quietly come in and buy up the assets for pennies on the dollar consolidating control. We are currently seeing the same thing occuring in the banking sector. The process was also seen after some of the BLM riots a couple of years ago.
These broken cities will be turned into smart city digital surveillance prisons that are built using economic zone development grants funded by the American taxpayer and other Ponzi scheme loans that also eventually end up on the backs of the taxpayer. It's easier to pull off this change in an area when the only ones watching are the corrupt officials, NGOs, and oblivious homeless junkies. Anyone else that gives a damn has already left.
Once the outflow has accomplished the population displacement goals, then the rabble will be quickly dealt with. They can be dispatched and no one will know any different. The flow will then be reversed pushing those that escaped back into the smart cities by evicting them for reasons of.... fill in the blank. East Palestine is a beta test to put the finishing touches on the legal framework to force people off their land and into the digital prison camps.
It is very unsettling and destabilizing when people are constantly displaced - whether by force, or by other means of manipulation. The end result is still the same. Population displacement has been a weapon of empires and the elitists for millennia. But most people don't know this because history is never taught nor is it learned. People are less likely to fight for a place that is not really considered "home" where they are not rooted. People band together when they share a common identity and purpose. There is a reason for the constant unending surge of migrants. Both the migrant population and the native population are destabilized - especially when the native populations are being removed or displaced themselves. It is all by design.
There has been a very coordinated globalist attack to undermine American and other national identities with the goal of keeping us from banding together in order to fight back. Their biggest fear is the masses showing up with torches and pitchforks. This is why the awakening is so vital and a race against time. The plan is to slam the gates of the prison shut before the inmates can figure out it is actually a prison.
So much behind a single pile of crap.
☝️I agree 100%
I was born in a communist country. I am grateful I can now worship my faith and own guns in United States….something that was not possible in the 70’s in communism. Like minded individuals need to MAN UP and protect the future for our children. There is something every one of us can do. Most just care about the next sports game, sitcom or who knows what else…
The weather modification, floods, snow storms, rail derailments with hazardous materials, fires, destabilization using riots burning of food plants is all on purpose in order to drive everyone from being self sufficient and living on the outskirts of the big cities into the big cities. Where they WILL BE under digital GEO fencing .
Not everyone will understand your accurate prognostication however this Anon understands your point 💯 %.
Thank you fren. Maybe one of the reasons I can see this coming was because my mother's family hails from Russia and Ukraine. My grandfather always told us, never give up your guns. We all got an education on the process of Communist takeover. When people like us start to see seemingly disconnected data points coming together in a familiar pattern, it gets our attention. You are right. Americans need to put down the beer and remote and MAN UP. This is not going to be fixed by the government - the government is the problem.
There are many of us out there Fren. I have memories of the communists coming in the middle of the night and breaking down the door to look for my grandfathers shortwave radio and any contraband he might have had as a result of the neighbor ratting him out for 20 kilos of meat. I will never forget my grandfather on his knees in the middle of the living room floor in his underwear pulled out of bed with a gun pointed at him as the communists were ransacking the house in a search and seizure of the illegal radio. We all must be United against the Devil and MAN UP to protect our children who truly are the ones who will suffer. So many are so brainwashed from the government indoctrinated education that they truly don’t know any better . Our children were raised better with the fear of God. God Bless all who read this.
Amen fren!
I was born here. But I heard plenty of horror stories from people like you that experienced the reality. Thankfully, my mother's family saw the handwriting on the wall on got the hell out while they could - and it cost them plenty. Those that could not believe what was coming down suffered the consequences for their disbelief and cognitive dissonance. From what I understand, all those that remained behind in Russia were assumed to have either died in the Revolution, WW1, or in the gulags. They were never heard from again. My parents and grandparents had other friends, like you, that lived through it and managed to escape.
Continue to tell your story my fren. Others need to hear it.
I am one of 3 brothers. My parents asked for a travel visa to go to Greece. The communists said NO they were not stupid if they would allow them to travel they would not come back. My parents told them that they would be leaving behind 3 young boys the youngest one less than a year old. My mother told them what kind of mother do you think I am? They approved their 2 week Visa. My parents never came back from Greece. That’s when our persecution began. They wanted to take us and throw us in an orphanage even though we were with our parents. That was so they could teach my parents a lesson…. I will continue the story if there is more interest I have to go run some errands now. Cheers Frens
And yet they will still say I do not understand why we are failing
It WAS my hometown. Now I don't have one. Seattle was my adopted hometown, but that's gone now too.
I heard that Crack Barrel is taking over the lease
4 of them, one closed earlier and the last 3 closing now
"local wines, tea houses"
Sorry but cornhole and Milwaukee's Best isn't my thing.
Getting rid of all corporations may not be such a bad thing. Imagine the rebirth of Mom and Pop stores and restaurants all over this country. Communists and Liberals are still Ass Hoe.
You didn't really think this through did you.
All corporations, probably not... Getting rid of the control most large corporations have on this country, most definitely. I miss the days of the local mom and pop stores. As a family, once a month, we pick out surrounding local areas and try to eat at local hole in the wall gems. It has been kinda fun, and feels good to give my money to them instead of the big boys. I remember as a kid going to the family owned pharmacy, grocery, and hardware stores.
Yeah that all seems like a good thing
The communist don't care, in fact they are comfortable with that. It gives them more control; where you shop, who's allowed to sell, what's allow etc. A socialist dream.
Who needs wineries and artisan cheese shops when you have the dream of glorious communist breadlines—stretching for blocks—with never enough actual bread.
Socialism explained in one sentence, good job!
I'd be happy with fewer big corporations in my town. Local shopping is a much better way to support the community
It's the death spiral for the city. This is the same thing that happened in South Central Los Angelels. After every riot stores and businesses close down, leaving fewer and fewer jobs for the residents. Then another riot occurs, and the remainder of the stores close down and the remainder of job go with it. It is heartbreaking for the honest hard working people who still live there. I've seen old women have to go to the bus and take a 30 minute ride to a grociery store to buy things and then have to lug everything back onto the bus for a 30 minute ride back, and then have to walk home with all the bags. You can thank a Demoncrap for this.
This is exactly what they want. Tear it all down so we have nothing. It's THE PLAN.
Imagine being so much of a dump. Both Walmart and Cracker Barrel pull out
The criminals just move to another place under a Soros DA and start again. At some point the police have to make a come back and start knocking heads … or … the people have to take the law and do it themselves. But then there’s that pesky woke society there.
Let them fall. They did it.
Pretty soon there won't be any businesses in these liberal cities. Then what?
Local shops? Mom and pop stores?
It is amazing how many beautiful cities the DEMONrats have destroyed.
And not a single soy-addict shed a tear.
The party line:
When will the dumb idiots, who demand businesses take a knee and give a free pass to looting and destruction, realize that they alone are destroying themselves and their brothers.get off your duff and work for what you want and need. There is zero free ride in life and no one owes you anything. You were not enslaved, so no one owes you “reparations.” If we continue on the path we are now, expecting someone to always take care of you, you will be in for a rude awakening when your government, as it is today with a demented, perverted, treasonous place holder in the White House, demands you take a knee and capitulate to their demands before they give you housing, food and medical care. If you don’t bend to the government’s demands, you will be dead.
Packing up the chicken fried steak and getting the fuck out of Dodge!
Well now everyone can blame them leaving on the "crackers".
The crazy thing about the “crackers” is that more African Americans owned slaves than whites.
Must not have had enough rainbow rocking chairs out front.
LOL! Blaming it on muh-covid....
Den how day comp dem a meal?
Chit hole city
As I was searching on Google Maps today, 7-Eleven had closed down most of its stores in North Portland, as well as one in S.E. Portland (1930 SE Hawthorne Blvd) and about one other in Vancouver, Washington (11703 SE Mill Plain Blvd., store #23661).
The locations: *11300 NW St. Helens Rd (store #14491) *2815 N Killingsworth Rd (store #14494) *1931 N Lombard St (store #19909) *6117 N Lombard St (store #16155) *6840 N Fessenden St (store #19669) *1930 SE Hawthorne Blvd (store #25200)
The closures of these stores leave only two locations in North Portland at present: 7330 N Saint Louis Ave (#14504) and 4606 N Channel Ave (#29058). Two of the closed stores are among the oldest operating 7-Elevens in all Portland, having been around circa 1968, while the newest to be closed date from the late 1970s/early 1980s. However, as I visited 7-Eleven's official website, these locations are still listed, so, what gives if otherwise?
Do the closures of these five stores mean 7-Eleven's intent to vacate itself from Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA entirely? I am hoping not.
I would think these closures can be related to the poor economy, but perhaps the closures may also have something to do with the crime rate of the northern Portland region. Or it could mean the current franchise owner, whoever or whatever it may be, of 7-Eleven's Portland-area locations failed to pay his back taxes, and thus the stores may close until another franchisee is found. Who else knows about these?
Its crime, people keep away from Portland due to crime and homelessness therefore no business.