GOD Rest the OP Husband and comfort the Wife and Daughters. Never again should any person feel threatened or coerced in their occupation to carry out a Government crime against Humanity IN JESUS' Name I Pray, AMEN!
I have experienced the exact same story, but it was my mom. I hate the people who have done this to us. They waited too long before they called me. My mom took her last breath just as soon as I walked in her hospital room door. I can't imagine how many lives they stole by their protocol. Hate doesn't even measure up to how I feel about the medical community these days. Trust is not even in my vocabulary when it comes to these people.
I'm terribly sorry. Your hate is more than justified. Your distrust as well of course.
Only a fool would trust them again. There needs to be severe consequences.
You are absolutely right. The hospitals and their CEO’s worked hand in glove with the government, BIG PHARMA, AMA, ANA, CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. with one goal: profit/money. The doctors and nurses either fell in line or they were fired, so they were accomplices (some knowingly and others were unknowingly brainwashed by media and hospitals.
This is so tragic and I hope she sues every single doctor who treated her husband, as well as the hospital.
But I'd also like to say, people need to know their rights. She could have had him removed. The hospital is not a prison, you can choose to go against medical advice. She could have taken him home and pumped him full of ivermectin. She probably didn't understand that was even an option because so many people are so ready and willing to 'obey' those they see as authorities. Very sad indeed. May God bless her and her children.
Also, pts are discouraged from exercising their right to refuse health care by leaving the hospital when the hospital staff informs the pt that if the patient leaves Against Medical Advice that the insurance company will not pay for any of the stay, and the patient will be responsible. It's a rotten system.
The good that comes from all of this is that we are learning what we need to change and what we need to do next time. If they think their grammar fraud legal system gives them the right to own us, they are wrong. Fraud nullifies all contracts.
YES. My sister in law was told, when she got bells palsy from the clot shot, that if she walked out of the hospital she would be liable for the whole bill. Insurance would not cover it. She had to stay there and do whatever they said, just to get coverage. If she walked out and went somewhere else for the same problem, she would not be covered. She was essentially at their mercy. It was awful.
I will get those records but really just so my sisters and I know the truth. Sadly the legal system makes a mockery of regular people and is another level of cruelty in the fees they charge. Thanks for your support.
All the doctors, nurses, government, politicians will pay in this lifetime and will suffer for euthanizing American citizens so the government and pharma companies can sell their products.
Same. The figurative "mask" dropped on so many for me. Weak, spineless, obedient dogs who did whatever the television told them. I keep hoping I'll be able to forgive. I'll definitely never forget
It is critically important to keep the names of the doctors and hospital administrators. Both are critically important to ensuring this never happens again.
My husband was killed in the hospital on August 28, 2021. He was supposed to come home in the morning, he was doing good. And then at 7:00 am the next morning a sheriff was at my door telling me he died. It doesn’t make any sense.
I'm so sorry, frog. Your story is definitely part of why I'm so indignant about this. I will NEVER FORGIVE THEM, and never stop fighting for justice for this.
My heart goes out to this woman. May her husband rest in peace in the presence of the Lord.
Those protocols nearly killed my wife as well. She left the decisions up to me and the docs said it was either those protocols or nothing. Thankfully, she got the same treatments as PDJT (monoclonal antibodies, vitamins, etc.) after the first few days because I kept calling and bugging them with question after question so they knew that I knew there were alternatives.
I sure wish I could find some sauce for this statement about no deaths outside the hospital! I've dug into this before and can't find any facts. Do you have any? Even a link I can follow down the rabbit hole. It would sure would be appreciated.
You would have to have a dead body with the virus found inside before you would have your sauce. And the virus has never been isolated anyway. All people have to go on is a "test" that supposedly proves the existence of a virus.
Sometimes I just forget! That would make sense....was just telling someone the other day that the pcr test was absolute junk. An avocado could have a virus.
I hate to say this but the most cold hearted sadistic people often choose to be doctors and nurses, because they have no feelings they can do those gross stuff normal people wouldn't be able to withstand- sight and smell of blood, death, and sickness 24/7
Nothing will be done, sadly. The best we can hope for is that it doesn't happen again. But seeing as how they are about to start injecting livestock with the mrna vax, it's not looking to hot the USA.
The medical/ insurance industry murdered my dad in 21. He had a heart issue that they wouldn’t fix because he had cancer. We spent 6 mos healing his cancer. It was almost all gone but they still refused to fix his heart, so I feel like he gave up.
With that said, I truly believe deep down in my gut that the medical industry as we know and have come to hate will be finished in the next 5 years or less. I believe every Dr., nurse and hospital managers/ executive and insurance companies that complied with murdering millions and millions of people from long before the scamdemic will be arrested and put to death themselves.
I suspect that when Q said 6 to 8% will be lost, this is what they meant. Maybe the approach they are taking is the one with the least amount of casualties, and a quantum computer told them this was the number.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE. When you go to the hospital a nurse comes in and gives you a document to sign and says - this is just your permission to treat you. DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOU READ IT AND MAKE CORRECTIONS. It will say you agree to hospital protocol (not discussion between you and your doctor). It will say DNR (do not resuscitate) in effect. It will state something about your advance directives - which they have no clue of what you decided. You need to add: By federal law hospital and agents must keep you alive until patient, family and/or attorney gives permission otherwise. Remember, esp if via ER you are really not in shape to understand what you are signing. You can sign under your name: Signed under duress.
Similar when you are asked to sign your discharge summary. I have found lots of errors/lies that I scratched out or added in the margins. I had a nurse literally yelling at me (for which I just yelled back). I reminded her that false statements in a patients medical records is a federal felony and you can at least lose your license. If you sign the form you are showing these statements are true.
I work in the medical field. I have lost loved ones unnecessarily. I tell patients to bring a family member or friend. But never go alone to the hospital.
The cruelty and breaking of hearts was and is a great and terrible evil. It has made our comprehension of the demons that are our enemies, crystal clear.
My elderly parents are vaxx junkies. Since the first jab their health started to decline. Kidney cancer - diabetes - bladder infection - bad fall broken vertebra. In and out of hospital for both of them over 2 years.
GOD Rest the OP Husband and comfort the Wife and Daughters. Never again should any person feel threatened or coerced in their occupation to carry out a Government crime against Humanity IN JESUS' Name I Pray, AMEN!
I have experienced the exact same story, but it was my mom. I hate the people who have done this to us. They waited too long before they called me. My mom took her last breath just as soon as I walked in her hospital room door. I can't imagine how many lives they stole by their protocol. Hate doesn't even measure up to how I feel about the medical community these days. Trust is not even in my vocabulary when it comes to these people.
I'm terribly sorry. Your hate is more than justified. Your distrust as well of course. Only a fool would trust them again. There needs to be severe consequences.
You are absolutely right. The hospitals and their CEO’s worked hand in glove with the government, BIG PHARMA, AMA, ANA, CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. with one goal: profit/money. The doctors and nurses either fell in line or they were fired, so they were accomplices (some knowingly and others were unknowingly brainwashed by media and hospitals.
We and Our loved ones were treated like ATMs.
I really need these medical people to hang.
I fear that my idea of justice would be "over the top". Therfore I pray that proper justice will soon be served according to the principles of God.
What happened to the nazi dudes that ran concentration camps … or the guards? What should have happened?
Only if we do it....
NO words, but GOD please bless this family!
This is so tragic and I hope she sues every single doctor who treated her husband, as well as the hospital.
But I'd also like to say, people need to know their rights. She could have had him removed. The hospital is not a prison, you can choose to go against medical advice. She could have taken him home and pumped him full of ivermectin. She probably didn't understand that was even an option because so many people are so ready and willing to 'obey' those they see as authorities. Very sad indeed. May God bless her and her children.
Also, pts are discouraged from exercising their right to refuse health care by leaving the hospital when the hospital staff informs the pt that if the patient leaves Against Medical Advice that the insurance company will not pay for any of the stay, and the patient will be responsible. It's a rotten system.
That sounds like something that should be challenged in court.
You can't have informed consent when they threaten to cut benefits if you don't do exactly as they say.
I agree with you. It really does take the choice away from the patient.
The good that comes from all of this is that we are learning what we need to change and what we need to do next time. If they think their grammar fraud legal system gives them the right to own us, they are wrong. Fraud nullifies all contracts.
YES. My sister in law was told, when she got bells palsy from the clot shot, that if she walked out of the hospital she would be liable for the whole bill. Insurance would not cover it. She had to stay there and do whatever they said, just to get coverage. If she walked out and went somewhere else for the same problem, she would not be covered. She was essentially at their mercy. It was awful.
Like a prisoner.
I am terribly sorry
Kaiser P killed my father, too. ER gave him the clot shot. Still trying to get records and they are stone-walling me. Sorry for your loss fren.
Keep going! Do you have a lawyer
I will get those records but really just so my sisters and I know the truth. Sadly the legal system makes a mockery of regular people and is another level of cruelty in the fees they charge. Thanks for your support.
All the doctors, nurses, government, politicians will pay in this lifetime and will suffer for euthanizing American citizens so the government and pharma companies can sell their products.
This should be posted as a weekly PSA.
I will also never forget the people that wanted me dead because I was not as weak they are.
Same. The figurative "mask" dropped on so many for me. Weak, spineless, obedient dogs who did whatever the television told them. I keep hoping I'll be able to forgive. I'll definitely never forget
Never forgive, never forget what these monsters did. No amnesty, ever. Justice must be served.
Prayers for this family and all of the others here that had their loved ones MURDERED! 💔
I can't forgive and that is my sin.
God's Justice is ETERNAL.
They won't be safe to walk down the street.
It is critically important to keep the names of the doctors and hospital administrators. Both are critically important to ensuring this never happens again.
somehow, someway, EVERYONE involved needs to be tried and charged for this manic torture. punishable by death penalty idgaf
My husband was killed in the hospital on August 28, 2021. He was supposed to come home in the morning, he was doing good. And then at 7:00 am the next morning a sheriff was at my door telling me he died. It doesn’t make any sense.
I'm so sorry, frog. Your story is definitely part of why I'm so indignant about this. I will NEVER FORGIVE THEM, and never stop fighting for justice for this.
Thanks fren. It hurts so badly but the support here helps me so much.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers.
Thank you so much and same here. God bless you guys
My heart goes out to this woman. May her husband rest in peace in the presence of the Lord.
Those protocols nearly killed my wife as well. She left the decisions up to me and the docs said it was either those protocols or nothing. Thankfully, she got the same treatments as PDJT (monoclonal antibodies, vitamins, etc.) after the first few days because I kept calling and bugging them with question after question so they knew that I knew there were alternatives.
How wonderful you were able to save her life.
Damn I cry for you. It’s time to change how we behave. They won’t stop until we stop them. We need to act like this is a real war.
Nobody has ever died from COVID-19 outside of a hospital anywhere in America.
Not one single dead body on the streets ever, and yet people are wearing masks.
I sure wish I could find some sauce for this statement about no deaths outside the hospital! I've dug into this before and can't find any facts. Do you have any? Even a link I can follow down the rabbit hole. It would sure would be appreciated.
You would have to have a dead body with the virus found inside before you would have your sauce. And the virus has never been isolated anyway. All people have to go on is a "test" that supposedly proves the existence of a virus.
Sometimes I just forget! That would make sense....was just telling someone the other day that the pcr test was absolute junk. An avocado could have a virus.
God's wrath on the demons!
Amen. He is a victim of this war, and I pray for justice for all who had a part.
I hate to say this but the most cold hearted sadistic people often choose to be doctors and nurses, because they have no feelings they can do those gross stuff normal people wouldn't be able to withstand- sight and smell of blood, death, and sickness 24/7
Not all of them, by a long shot. I was a nurse's aid for a period of time, long ago. I never felt as much love for humanity in any other job.
Our hearts are your hearts, yours and your childrens'.
Take some strength from those who share trials and never give up living for overcoming the world's evil with your own goodness.
Nothing will be done, sadly. The best we can hope for is that it doesn't happen again. But seeing as how they are about to start injecting livestock with the mrna vax, it's not looking to hot the USA.
If nothing is done, it 100% will happen again. That is an immutable fact.
We will hold Qs feet to the flames on the kun for this. Believe me.
The medical/ insurance industry murdered my dad in 21. He had a heart issue that they wouldn’t fix because he had cancer. We spent 6 mos healing his cancer. It was almost all gone but they still refused to fix his heart, so I feel like he gave up.
With that said, I truly believe deep down in my gut that the medical industry as we know and have come to hate will be finished in the next 5 years or less. I believe every Dr., nurse and hospital managers/ executive and insurance companies that complied with murdering millions and millions of people from long before the scamdemic will be arrested and put to death themselves.
YUP. Been saying this for years. All of the shit-bag doctors, hospital execs, WHO, NIH, CDC, et al are all guilty. All need to pay for their crimes.
Was this part of the plan?
It seems some of this genocide could have been prevented.
I suspect that when Q said 6 to 8% will be lost, this is what they meant. Maybe the approach they are taking is the one with the least amount of casualties, and a quantum computer told them this was the number.
Yes that's quite plausible, and yet.. the immense ethical weight of such.... decisions seems to call for... more transparency?
A plan that "tolerates" millions of casualties is... ethically charged to say the least.
And the guy responsible got a 5 million dollar book deal. Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for posters loss.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE. When you go to the hospital a nurse comes in and gives you a document to sign and says - this is just your permission to treat you. DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOU READ IT AND MAKE CORRECTIONS. It will say you agree to hospital protocol (not discussion between you and your doctor). It will say DNR (do not resuscitate) in effect. It will state something about your advance directives - which they have no clue of what you decided. You need to add: By federal law hospital and agents must keep you alive until patient, family and/or attorney gives permission otherwise. Remember, esp if via ER you are really not in shape to understand what you are signing. You can sign under your name: Signed under duress.
Similar when you are asked to sign your discharge summary. I have found lots of errors/lies that I scratched out or added in the margins. I had a nurse literally yelling at me (for which I just yelled back). I reminded her that false statements in a patients medical records is a federal felony and you can at least lose your license. If you sign the form you are showing these statements are true.
I work in the medical field. I have lost loved ones unnecessarily. I tell patients to bring a family member or friend. But never go alone to the hospital.
The cruelty and breaking of hearts was and is a great and terrible evil. It has made our comprehension of the demons that are our enemies, crystal clear.
None of us will ever forget, or forgive until we have justice!
As was said recently "The way for this to never happen again is to prosecute those who caused it".
My elderly parents are vaxx junkies. Since the first jab their health started to decline. Kidney cancer - diabetes - bladder infection - bad fall broken vertebra. In and out of hospital for both of them over 2 years.