Leonardo DiCaprio testifies that CCP-linked Malaysian financier,now a fugitive, sent $30 million to Obama during 2012 campaign
“He told me that he, or he and a group, were going to make asignificant contribution to the Democratic Party. … I said ‘wow,that’s a lot of money.’”
Here is my question: Leo has been a dutiful deep state Hollywood puppet up to this point, but here he is testifying about info that harms Obama. Is Leo breaking out?
So many possibilities. Telling the truth because he knows they already know. Flipped. Replaced. He didn't get that far in Hollywood without being compromised. This movie has so many plot twists!
So many forget the child stars are almost all abused.
Yeah they had to have done something for times such as when they are freed and break away, that hurts them in someway, possible torture. I’d think they certainly would have thought of that. Brain damage or something…so they go to that place instead of snapping out of it and being sound mind enough to point the finger.
His pronoun is "they"?
The next sentence shows they were thinking of these people such as leo, brittney, and other programmed kids. Certainly a minus one from a real English teacher but my English teachers never had to deal with chicks with dicks or dudes with tits. They couldn't diagram that sentence without sending me back to the principals office to write sentences on the board for the rest of the day.
1."there are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits."
There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.
There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.
There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.
Sorry we are casting only on role right now now room onstage for theys
Former supermodel Ana Lucia Alves is now a whistleblower (or at least claims to be one) who has talked about handlers, human trafficking, etc, in fashion and showbusiness. According to her, the "price" that certain people pay to get superstardom differs. In some cases, it's of a sexual nature (she claims that Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell are likely high-class madams for the Elite who pimp out the models working for them - a deal that she herself was offered but turned down). In other cases, the "price" is spreading propaganda (such as in Leonardo DiCaprio's case). She said that some mega-talented people like Gary Oldman don't have to make such deals at all to become superstars because they are so talented that showbusiness can't get along without them and leaves them alone. She claims to have met DiCaprio, and said that he seems like a nice person but is essentially living in a gilded cage with handlers all around him.
Here's a video of her talking about these things:
DiCaprio is pretty talented, but started acting as a kid so he could have been abused as well.
I always wonder about Cate Blanchett, who is Australian and was a theater actor, but seems to have recently turned into another Hollywood owned slave. She was already famous, but I guess they’re all just greedy.
An alleged Epstein victim claimed that Epstein and Maxwell name-dropped Cate Blanchett as being one of the people that they knew.
To be fair, I don't know how trustworthy she is (she seems like she has Stockholm Syndrome), and not everyone that Epstein and Maxwell rubbed shoulders with was intimately connected with them or knew everything about them (President Trump apparently took a while to catch on, after which point he had Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-Lago).
I had lost respect for him over the years, but when I watch that awful political trash movie Don’t Look Up, I’ve care absolutely 0 for him.
Leo has been involved in this case for a long time. This guy donated a bunch of money to Leo's foundation, and helped fund "The Wolf of Wall Street". In 2018 the justice dept took like $60 million back from the production company. Since then he's been in cooperation with the government about it.
I know right? But remember, at this phase it still one faction of Cabal against anothe faction, and looks they are turning against the Obama faction.
They are forming the circular firing squad ofckingbama worried anout 😂
The titanic has a "leak"
Also it sank on April 15th? Is that date fagging??
The Titanic Never Sank. ~{°¡°}~
Say hi to her sister for me
I guess the survivors are lying
Very strange wreckage at the bottom of the Atlantic, then. Complete with name, etc.
It was actually the titanic's sister ship
Insurance scam
That's nonsense. There were two sister ships, the Britannic and the Olympic, and they are fully accounted for. None were identical. Materials taken from the wreck of the Titanic bear a serial number for that ship. There are other detail differences in construction between the Titanic and its sister ships that were identified with the wreck. There are any number of debunk sites in the internet that cover this. One site in particular goes into detail, but I was unable to find it for citation.
Oh thanks.... I'm not sure where I read it, probably on the internet Lol. Sorry about that... I believed it tho (ikr, I have to rethink everything)
It's a faucet that never seems to get fixed though.
All aboard the ark, boarding has begun. Bring a fren!
Leo commits suicide with two shots to the head while tied up and hanging from the Hollywood sign?
More like the Desert Song motel...
Why the "W" rather than a "Q" on the signature line?!?
Weonardo DiCapwio?
Welease: Bwyan.
Well W is next to Q on the keyboard. Easy to make the typo.
Wow. Good question
Hot debate - April fools joke or not -- Obat and Big Mike moving to Kenya in June -- gett'n out of dodge.....
Joke… for now.
I thot so too. But it ran in the "Africa Times", or a similar journal. I don't think they're into April fools. We'll see. Timing is about right for a quick Obot exit.
Hell it’s a movie now
Get the popcorn boys!
So is Durham going to go after Obama now that the precedent has been set?
Go after him for what? Accepting a large donation from a rapper that's a US citizen? The fact that the rapper misrepresented the source of the funds is not Obama's fault unfortunately.
You mean like charging a former President for an unstated crime to make it a felony? It doesn't matter if it's a crime, I don't like Obama and someone needs to start the process. Ha!
There was a Q drop referencing the Titanic movie starring Leo. Anyone want to help me remember?
Good stuff for a sticky. Let's see where this goes. This looks like the first time tying in Bathhouse Barry.
Wow. Why Malaysia? Dems are turning on each other now? Suicide weekend coming soon....
I've never liked DiCaprio. Even before I knew anything about the evil of Hollywood there was just something about him that turned me off. It was probably his global stance on supplying clean water for everyone and his entire climate change attitude. It has always been a red flag to me when someone like him with so much money wants to help third world countries but doesn't care about his own countries homeless. I never believed half the stuff he said. Also he's in the Oprah club. As my Grandma would say, "he thought his shit didn't stink."
Flippity flip as the rats flee the ship.shhhhh..listen...you can hear the drum beat..faster and faster....n..c...s..w..i..c..
He’s been planted in since he was Luke. Remember the older brother on that show as he was so young ( Leo ) and in Hollywood. Kirk Cameron. I don’t know anything at all with this, but my realistic hunch is that Kirk got to Leo before Satan could grasp him. It would only make sense, him knowing Hollywood better and being older; maybe he influenced Leo like a real big brother.
On another thought but with the same mentioned above…he had to because of the weight of his own. If he did have anything to do with fake Covid passports / cards circulating Hollywood ( yep. They all bought theirs. A ring of them ) all the way to any child charity especially Africa, then it’s a plea bargain. A VERY VERY VERY PLEASEEEEEEE!!!? deal. They’re both about the same stature in their worlds now. So that means business or corruption between Hollywood and D.C. would pass by them inevitably. If not the or some of the “shot callers” so to say.
Also, he could be a martian 👽. We haven’t heard that word in a while. They must’ve been warriors on Mars, seeing the spelling ( like a Spartan ) and the first cartoon of one, “Marvin the Martian”.
Leonardo? <—— anyone else go by that name today?
Damn dude. That's some collection of pieces of sentences and unfinished thoughts you got there. Your minds racing like a mofo, huh?
They are well aware of the writing on the wall. As we reach a creshendo you will see a wide mixture of reactions.Some will flip completely, realizing the cause was helpless and just how much damage was done by going all in with Obama 2.0, some will try to say "I knew what was going on and I tried to stop it from the inside"...some will triple down.You already see some vapid talking heads "Accidently" making a mention of who the President, hoping that if they find a subtle way to slip it in there, so that you and I will go easy on them after years of their lies. They will want to now tell the truth.....but you know what? When No Name and Bush Sr.got fitted for their boots, and then as the lethal injection took hold, I bet they were wanting to loudly tell the truth then...but it was too late. I bet Bush Sr even suddenly developed crystal clear recall, and could now remember where he was on certain days, something he always had a bit of trouble with for decades. The point? All these people will be looking to save their own skins but the big problem is, they were warned, yet chose to proceed.
Too bad this would never lead to an Obama indictment. As far as they know the donations came from a US citizen rapper. They did their due diligence vetting the donations. But that rapper is clearly fucked. Not exactly a big win for us.
Yeah, I don't understand how anyone sees this as a win. Leo has been involved in this case since 2018, and is only testifying because of his connection with the guy. The only one fucked in this case is the rapper.
Yeah and the guy from the Fugees was internationally involved too. Gets crazy
Oh man he came through didnt he.. wouldn't have expected that at all. I can be wrong!