The cabal desperately wants the public to accept transgenderism. In all my lifetime, I've never seen them push something so hard that the public blatantly rejects. That tells me that they have something coming down the road that requires a broader public acceptance of transgenderism. They are not doing this for no reason.
The satanists would love to have a tranny POTUS - baphomet would be pleased. The Democrats are in complete disarray as a party - Corrupt Joe cannot win - they cannot cheat enough to get him re-elected. They must go to their bullpen. The only person that they have is Big Mike but they know that he has this tranny baggage so they are trying to prepare the battlefield for the discussion of this issue and the acceptance of a tranny as POTUS. These people are sick!
This is what I tell my wife who can't see that Michael's a man.
If Michelle turns out to be a man, judge him and Obama on the fact that they misrepresented him for years, They lied about the president's partner.
If put that way, even the brainwashed might see that Michael is unsuitable for POTUS.
I remember when I told my 85 year old mother that Michelle was a man...totally aghast...told all her friends...equally aghast...they just could not fathom people would/could do such things...but there is incontrovertible proof that they perpetuated quite the hoax on the American was heady stuff to know all this while Obummer was in office.
You pose a good argument for convincing your wife...but I clearly remember how disdainful Michael was in her/his speeches about America...don't forget they espoused Black Liberation Theology preached by their beloved Pastor Wright. Both Obamas were a rich study...full of intrique/lies/hatred of America and its' people...not good people in any way, shape or form...which probably qualifies him/her as the perfect Presidential nominee for the Demonrat Party...
Watch Big Mike say "All this for a damn flag" and then Hussein nods in agreement. They hate the country and its people.
It would fit the pattern! Kek!
The DEMS want to FINISH what they STARTED...THAT IS ALL!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Because I had researched it and showed her the was SO favorite was them getting off the plane and a body part came loose and they were laughing while Michael tried to cover it up with his hand...they thought they were so smart...I think the old folks were more aware than we gave them credit for...
Oh that was a good one too...many good ones to choose from...they certainly did NOT hide this from the public...I am sure they got a kick out of flaunting the truth.......
And the likelihood that they "borrowed" the Nesbitts kids for the past 24 years.
Hillary wouldn't stand for Michelle to be the first "woman" President. She thought it was hers for all the years of being crooked and abusive to her husband's victims.
You'd be justified in giving them a hard stare if they said that!
That was part of Warp speed. President Trump forced them to speed up their timeline. it's like the story of the frog in boiling water. If you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out. If you put the frog in room temp water and slowly bring it to a boil the frog will just sit there.
President Trump forced them to boil the water before they were able to put us into it. They did not have enough time to condition us to the tranny acceptance. BTW, I don't know if frogs really do that.
Yea, The story always sounded a little far fetched. Still it is a good analogy.
I think this trans stuff will backfire on them spectacularly
Trans/Humanism. Robotic / Death of the nuclear Family
Hardly anyone believes that Mike Obama is a tranny outside of this forum. And I don't think they'd waste time with that. They'd bring in another one before they'd expose Mike. All this tranny stuff is just to create a massive distraction and rampant confusion. Everyone has been talking about a beer can for a month while the worst border crisis in history is taking place at the same time the CIA is funding the cartels to kill people inside the US. RFK Jr. came out and said that the CIA killed his uncle and Russia says we didn't go to the moon, but yeah, let's talk about an ugly tranny who hawks Bud Light and drugstore makeup.
And yes, the overall tranny issue is important. Obviously, the attack on children needs to be stopped, and there should be no debate. Trannies and drag queens should be shunned from society and banned from women's spaces, the same way tranny men should be banned from larping in men's activities, but we can deal with that later. It never used to be an issue, and it only became one to get people distracted from the true enemy. I have no doubt it was another CIA/CCP-designed brainwashing strategy to get an entire generation completely blinded. It is a weapon of mental destruction. But the country is at war, and the enemy is our own government, and we're worried about women's sports. This war has many fronts, gender being one of them, but we'll have no country to save if we don't get laser-focused on what's happening on the border right now.
Of course, after this week, we may have no choice.
Big Mike is 6' 180 lbs, and has Trapezoids bigger than I do, yeah right.
Have we seen any pictures of a birth certificate for "Michelle?"
Wait, when did Russia say we never went to the moon?
I wanted to know too - I had not seen that.
Careful, I got a 7 day ban for simply asking the question, and then a permanent ban when I complained about the nasty way it was done. Henceforth, I am 'The Verboten1', lol.
KEK! I've been temporarily banned a few times for stuff I think is obvious. Some mods are quick to do that.
Not true. I have no pictures of my pregnancy. Granted I rarely take photos to start with. But I do have post birth pictures taken shortly after he was born (first time holding etc).
Taking into consideration how much Big Mike likes photos though, I agree that it's suspicious. And he clearly knows the tranny controversy and that he could easily clear it up with a photo...
Nope, none. Was just husband and I as our family lived far away and no close friends. I don't like my photo being taken normally so there are only a handful of me to begin with. Add in I was dealing with other medical issues while pregnant (not due to my pregnancy), I was very unwilling to have my picture taken. I also wasn't thrilled with the changes that came with pregnancy and did not want pictures of how big I got.
I fully realize that makes me a rather odd duck but quack quack.
I've been down that rabbit hole. I alluded to it in my original comment and I also completely agree with you that Big Mike is a male.
Biggest reason I commented is to refute the statement that every woman has pictures of their pregnancy. It's simply not a good argument since it's fairly easy to disprove (women who don't know their pregnant, hiding it from parents etc) and many people would throw the entire argument out because they can refute that one claim.
There is much better evidence that would either encourage normies to consider it or convince them that "she" is male than the lack of pregnancy photos.
This, sometimes I think it’s impossible for anons to gauge normies on certain things.
I don’t think they have enough time to accomplish this.
My sentiments exactly. What other reason for pushing this tranny BS 24/7 in EVERY aspect of life???
AND they’ve already accepted HomObama.
They will never out Moochelle!
They would be admitted 8 yrs deception.
Whether she is prez or not .
Well in the cyborg-laden, test-tube grown future they want to bring about, there really is no reason to harp on biological sex anymore. Women's identification with the womb and men's identification w providing the fertilization is totally meaningless in a world where babies are literally grown in a tube and selected based on desirable genetic traits
I was thinking the same thing, and was going to write a post, but you beat me to it. We already saw the Democrat "candidates" in 2020, and they are such complete losers. No master bullshitters like Bathhouse Barry or Bill Clinton. Deep State wants the Obama hope-and-change magic back. Big Mike looks like their only possible option.
It's laying the groundwork for legalization of pedophilia. The slippery slope is real.
that too
Then their plan is going shitty.
Cf. Bud Light sales.
It's not working. Ask Bud Light
Now that would be a helluva way to "break the glass ceiling."
"See, a woman can be President. No problem. You just have to be a woman of the 'born with a penis' variety."
I can see big Mike getting in the mix for sure. I think they will keep him portrayed as a woman though. Too much spainin' to do. I mean how do they admit they dug those daughters out of a foster home or whatever ?
I move that "Tranny Baggage" be struck from the record and never uttered again.
That just give me an awful image in my mind.
I always refer to Obama's husband as Big Mike. It makes normies do a double take. Then you make then search for pics and video online. It freaks them out, whether they truly believe it doesn't matter as the seeds of doubt are now planted.
I told my libtard friend that Michele is actually a man. He 'brilliantly' told me that it was impossible since she had two kids. He is so stupid, he still believes what he sees on MSNBC, and CNN.
I've noticed that many are coming against the transgender push so I don't think it will work for them like they think.
I can't wait till they explain "their" children......
With the clown world, shit show of the Biden Admin., I can’t see the country going along with this.
BY JOVE, I think you have it there matey!
I haven't seen an "average athletic woman" with the muscles along her neck and back that Michelle has. I've also never seen her "pregnancy style" (clothes) in any pictures.
Do people really think she's man, though? I thought that was just people trolling her.
Kind of weird that you think it would be easier for a transsexual to get elected as President than a woman.
Yes, (s)he is a man, and homosexual Hussein was born in Kenya.
The People's votes and opinions don't matter because they believe they can "select" and install anyone they want (ex. Buyden - "81 million votes", "more votes than Obummer", "most popular ever").
there are videos of him on the ellen show and another walking out of a building. Both full of swinging junk in her pants.
joan rivers said she was a tranny and died not too long after in a routine surgery. I dont see many celebrities dying in plastic surgery.
Am I 100% sure, No. I am 90% sure.