Yes. Red pills for everyone everywhere. Force feed them all w/ saturation, especially those who keep trying to sweep the obvious out of their daily view.
This is not the type of assembly line Henry had in mind. Just wait for the dodge RAM homo truck... this has got to be the suppository red pills finally happening.
A really sick add would be those Vikings from a few years back singing "I wish I were an Oscar myer weiner" while tailgating behind their rainbow RAM... at a 49ers game.
these companies are doing this to short the stock in my opinion, has nothing to do with support for queers. its being used as a catalyst. to get the share price to decline
Funny you said that, gay guy I worked with in the past would have called this truck "ghey af". Dude was very gay but didn't build his entire identity around where he put his dick.
Praying dodge doesn't follow suit! Remember when dodge used to have all those patriot commercials and George Washington driving a challenger during the revolutionary War? Man I want off this ride lol
its a glimpse of pervasive control. a dim perception of a group behind the scenes. able to vomit crap at an unwitting public, from seemingly any direction. this is coordinated normalization of what we know today as perversion. to facilitate, in a few short weeks, the repudiation of todays "normal", by outlawing it. you will be forced to bow your knee to baal, and enjoy it.
Worst part is this is an old campaign. It came out last year. So many companies are doing this and no one has kept track. There should be a searchable database.
George Soros is pushing social scoring. Have companies been threatened if they don’t hire LGBQT in prominent positions and advertise their support in commercials: BUD, Maybelline, Target, Calvin Klein, Addidas, Sports Illustrated, and now Ford.
LOL…. How many gays are going to buy a truck this color? How many non gays are going to buy a truck this color? Or is this truck being marketed to liberal women who like to off road?
(((Someone))) at the top is ramming this shit through. (((They))) are sabotaging America from the inside out. Taking out our titans of industry is just the next phase of the plan to destroy US.
ESGs (Economic, Social, Governance) scores. The boards of these company want high scores, therefore public opinions take second, even if at the cost of the brand or product's life.
Have I missed something? I'm usually always looking. Lemme guess, the deep state is pushing this gay trans stuff so Mike Obama can run in 2024.and they figure they have nothing to lose bc the economy is going to shit anyway. So it don't bother them to put thousands of people on the street and piss away multi billion dollar businesses. Am I close?
Maybe. That's a possibility with big Mike. Search on here for ESG. Environmental, Social, Governance. Basically DS monies go to those who obey even if it mutilates their own business. It's slavery on a billion dollar corporation scale. The DS is trying to break American culture. A-B. Levis jeans. Ford. Probably John Deere will be one of the next ones to go woke. What else is American that can be forced to kill itself?
I am starting to think the white hats are behind this.
Yes. Red pills for everyone everywhere. Force feed them all w/ saturation, especially those who keep trying to sweep the obvious out of their daily view.
What in the homo hell is this?
This is not the type of assembly line Henry had in mind. Just wait for the dodge RAM homo truck... this has got to be the suppository red pills finally happening.
hahahahh omg there will be so many memes on a RAM truck version!
A really sick add would be those Vikings from a few years back singing "I wish I were an Oscar myer weiner" while tailgating behind their rainbow RAM... at a 49ers game.
Why does every thing have to be GAY.
Don't forget that Ford supported the Nazis in WWII.
these companies are doing this to short the stock in my opinion, has nothing to do with support for queers. its being used as a catalyst. to get the share price to decline
They had to hide it totally in dust.
FORD= Found. On. Road. Dead
but seriously, this truck & the agenda behind it... is so awful. a gay themed pickup truck LOL
gay people that i know, if they drove pickups, wouldn't be caught alive driving this "Obama"nation.
i just hope Dodge isn't next...
Funny you said that, gay guy I worked with in the past would have called this truck "ghey af". Dude was very gay but didn't build his entire identity around where he put his dick.
Praying dodge doesn't follow suit! Remember when dodge used to have all those patriot commercials and George Washington driving a challenger during the revolutionary War? Man I want off this ride lol
FORD= Fix. Or. Repair. Daily.
FORD= Fucked On Raw Deal
Now do Pontiac. Lol
Pull Over Now, The Injectors Are Cooked.
its a glimpse of pervasive control. a dim perception of a group behind the scenes. able to vomit crap at an unwitting public, from seemingly any direction. this is coordinated normalization of what we know today as perversion. to facilitate, in a few short weeks, the repudiation of todays "normal", by outlawing it. you will be forced to bow your knee to baal, and enjoy it.
The “HIY” in the front license plate, at first glance, looks like HIV. 😳
Worst part is this is an old campaign. It came out last year. So many companies are doing this and no one has kept track. There should be a searchable database.
Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge.
George Soros is pushing social scoring. Have companies been threatened if they don’t hire LGBQT in prominent positions and advertise their support in commercials: BUD, Maybelline, Target, Calvin Klein, Addidas, Sports Illustrated, and now Ford.
LOL…. How many gays are going to buy a truck this color? How many non gays are going to buy a truck this color? Or is this truck being marketed to liberal women who like to off road?
Their latest commercial (don't recall what vehicle) shows 2 lesbos adjusting the back seat so they can get it on. Sick.
How disgusting. I hope they don't sell a single one. Plus, it's really ugly.
Fags On Ricks Dick
This was in Europe . And it was kind of a I bet you won't deal.
What's going on , these CEOs by now gotta know what happens when you go woke . Is someone paying them to force a agenda?
(((Someone))) at the top is ramming this shit through. (((They))) are sabotaging America from the inside out. Taking out our titans of industry is just the next phase of the plan to destroy US.
Ya, I was just reading up on the esg stuff. Everyone should have some silver , food and weapons ready, I got a bad feeling.
Buy a rifle if you don’t already have one. And ammo. Lots and lots of ammo.
Good advice , I have both platforms
ESGs (Economic, Social, Governance) scores. The boards of these company want high scores, therefore public opinions take second, even if at the cost of the brand or product's life.
Have I missed something? I'm usually always looking. Lemme guess, the deep state is pushing this gay trans stuff so Mike Obama can run in 2024.and they figure they have nothing to lose bc the economy is going to shit anyway. So it don't bother them to put thousands of people on the street and piss away multi billion dollar businesses. Am I close?
Maybe. That's a possibility with big Mike. Search on here for ESG. Environmental, Social, Governance. Basically DS monies go to those who obey even if it mutilates their own business. It's slavery on a billion dollar corporation scale. The DS is trying to break American culture. A-B. Levis jeans. Ford. Probably John Deere will be one of the next ones to go woke. What else is American that can be forced to kill itself?
100% ESG.
Gay hot dogs wouldn’t be too tall an order.