There is a source in Rome who does thorough reporting on everything Vatican but for the life of me I cant remember the site address or name of the reporter. My Dad would know but he wont be here for a few days.
Correct me if i am wrong, but i do believe carter never got a letter at bush funeral. Maybe carter isnt in the in crowd. Just happened to be alive so he sat with the deep staters
Carter was cited in one of Mark Talor's prophesies of January 2018 'The Crew of 32'
The Spirit of God says, "Two will be taken and three will be shaken! For I will remove two from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall be shaken to the core. The 32 years they have altogether served and empowered that entity called Baal, and the covenant they had holding up his house with the illuminati and the New World order, shall come crumbling down. For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, it will be sign that anyone calling himself Mine but comes against my lsrael, sympathizing with her enemies, will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken, will be a sign that no one is above the most high God, not even those that hold the highest office in the land.
The 5 being Carter, Bush Snr, Clinton, Bush and Obama
Q told us the Pope was going to have a bad May and we still have 5 more days of May.
Which Q drop is this, Fren?
Post 997 [Pope] will be having a terrible May. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT> Dark to LIGHT. TRUTH. Q
Why does Isource news have a CIA logo in there header?
Also they said Hunter Biden was getting arrested a month ago. Still waiting.
This is fake news. Fake and gay
Just noticed. Not related to this post though…
Is this the only source?
There is a source in Rome who does thorough reporting on everything Vatican but for the life of me I cant remember the site address or name of the reporter. My Dad would know but he wont be here for a few days.
Wow! Thanks for the research fren!
I must have missed that fren!
Source: Trust me bro!
Right?! I wish we had more info...
Isource is fake news
oh no.
So anyway...
Big gulps, eh? Whelp, see ya later.
All his appointments are canceled today as he has a fever. Source - Catholic News Agency
Popesicle incoming
Good riddance, evil filth
Wackcines are a helluva drug.
There's 3 of them
WTF hes gonna beat Carter???
Correct me if i am wrong, but i do believe carter never got a letter at bush funeral. Maybe carter isnt in the in crowd. Just happened to be alive so he sat with the deep staters
Carter was cited in one of Mark Talor's prophesies of January 2018 'The Crew of 32'
The Spirit of God says, "Two will be taken and three will be shaken! For I will remove two from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall be shaken to the core. The 32 years they have altogether served and empowered that entity called Baal, and the covenant they had holding up his house with the illuminati and the New World order, shall come crumbling down. For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, it will be sign that anyone calling himself Mine but comes against my lsrael, sympathizing with her enemies, will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken, will be a sign that no one is above the most high God, not even those that hold the highest office in the land.
The 5 being Carter, Bush Snr, Clinton, Bush and Obama
I guess Satan is calling him home.
Predict a super pro populis replacement controlled by the opposition instead of the cabal. Still red vs blue :(
A terrible May indeed!
Pope'd suddenly.... :(
Sayonara Pope Pinko the Pedo (if true).
So did they lace the juvenile victim with arsenic before pope bit him?