I'm with General Flynn: Rope around each satanic, pedophilic, blood drinking, cannibalistic neck. Large millstone attached. Then a free deep dive into the ocean. Maybe these PoS's will catch a glimpse of the Titanic remains as they exit from this world and enter into hell.
I have long been a proponent of using the criminally disturbed and evil as tools to progress science, e.g. space exploration, testing, and deep sea exploration could be interesting as well.
You offer them a choice; die in shame by execution, or sacrifice themselves for forward progress. Whether that is testing new rockets, new submersibles, giving us new data on exposure to space and the radiation spread across it, etc.
AND I live in Florida...ALSO, That Sheriff has the right idea on gun ownership...(paraphrasing)"if you come to Polk County to cause trouble or steal...you will be shot and everyone carries"....WOWZA!!!
And Florida just instituted Constitutional Carry!!!!!!!!
First of all, in our house, we believe that Sheriff Judd is a national treasure. Second of all, it’s become more and more alarming and revolting as the pedo/cannibal global crap bubbles up to the surface. It’s not some small group of evil psychos. It’s massive. And it’s been going on forever. Anyone with a molecule of power is in on it, and they’re getting more brazen about it. Difficult to process that this is the world we live in.
I agree 100%! Everyone of age should be required to watch this video!
It is heartbreaking, and frankly nauseating. But we can no longer allow society to ignore what is happening to our children.
This will be the tipping point, the precipice. No matter what political affiliation someone embraces, if they are even remotely decent, they will not allow this to go unpunished.
Every single person who targets children deserves the most extreme of punishments.
Why people do such thing? It is very heartbreaking. I saw this video at the time came out because I live here. I started to cry and thinking of what he said about the just born and the perverts. I don’t get it, why do they not do it between themselves? They are destroying everything is good in this world including our angels kids and animals. Think about for a second. Destroying Good things.
Blue checkmarks are NOT used on Truth Social. Truth uses red checkmarks.
There is an @GenFlynn account on Truth Social, but it has no Truths.
@TrueGenFlynn is the correct account, not this FAKE.
Edit: Apparently I was wrong, but for the right reason. This tweet from Flynn is an absolute bombshell. It was too good to be true. You can read through the comments in order to understand why I thought it was fake. HUGE posts like this REALLY require proper links in order to verify the authenticity of the post.
How many times are you going to confidently state information that is wrong? Click the Twitter link, verify for yourself, then put on your fucking dunce cap
I value your discernment. Too many "Oh i like this" upvotes without verifying. Lots of posts get 200 upvotes only to find out the information was false.
Apparently, in hindsight it is. Still, the OP should have provided an appropriate link. Please understand that we get fake shit on here all the time and we have a responsibility to vet what is posted. The OP FAILED! Why not just do a screenshot of the twitter post and link to the twitter post? Why make it confusing by taking a screenshot of Truth? Terrible post with no link.
I forgive you. You are right the link should have been posted. But we are all capable as well of verifying for ourselves before going off. Its a busy world and we are all guilty of the same sort of thing from time to time.
Yet so many people on here downvote people for posting links to Twitter and other sites. I would say do both. Post the screenshot and the link. Everyone can make their own choice.
I'm with General Flynn: Rope around each satanic, pedophilic, blood drinking, cannibalistic neck. Large millstone attached. Then a free deep dive into the ocean. Maybe these PoS's will catch a glimpse of the Titanic remains as they exit from this world and enter into hell.
I have long been a proponent of using the criminally disturbed and evil as tools to progress science, e.g. space exploration, testing, and deep sea exploration could be interesting as well.
You offer them a choice; die in shame by execution, or sacrifice themselves for forward progress. Whether that is testing new rockets, new submersibles, giving us new data on exposure to space and the radiation spread across it, etc.
Did in shame, or die with dignity.
Bonus points if we get to see the results.
Thats not Justice. Trial and a swift execution.
Justice comes in a lot of flavors. The victim of the crime should have to agree to it too, of course.
yes, but first ...
... sandpaper and a spray bottle of acetone.
Is there a link to what he is asking us to listen to?
I shared it on Fb, and of course have no interaction on it. Fb likes to rank my posts low. 🙄
I rank about the same as you on FB...the truths hurt...
Thank you:)
it won't open for me.
Oh dunno why, someone else posted the Twitter link with the video now anyway. I'll edit.
Thank you and yuck. It’s hard to know what we need to hear and what we don’t. I didn’t want to hear that.
This post is fake. See my other comment.
looks real
thats him on twitter
I bet if I googled FLYNN TWEET with any string of these words his Twitter would pop up.
Was unsure of Flynn based on some older stuff but this clears things up pretty well.
Or so we hope! Ahaha…. Ahh… God save us All…
That's my sheriff, baby! He's AWESOME!!
AND I live in Florida...ALSO, That Sheriff has the right idea on gun ownership...(paraphrasing)"if you come to Polk County to cause trouble or steal...you will be shot and everyone carries"....WOWZA!!!
And Florida just instituted Constitutional Carry!!!!!!!!
Thank you Gen Flynn
First of all, in our house, we believe that Sheriff Judd is a national treasure. Second of all, it’s become more and more alarming and revolting as the pedo/cannibal global crap bubbles up to the surface. It’s not some small group of evil psychos. It’s massive. And it’s been going on forever. Anyone with a molecule of power is in on it, and they’re getting more brazen about it. Difficult to process that this is the world we live in.
That's a screen shot of Gen Flynn's twitter post:
I agree 100%! Everyone of age should be required to watch this video!
It is heartbreaking, and frankly nauseating. But we can no longer allow society to ignore what is happening to our children.
This will be the tipping point, the precipice. No matter what political affiliation someone embraces, if they are even remotely decent, they will not allow this to go unpunished.
Every single person who targets children deserves the most extreme of punishments.
Why people do such thing? It is very heartbreaking. I saw this video at the time came out because I live here. I started to cry and thinking of what he said about the just born and the perverts. I don’t get it, why do they not do it between themselves? They are destroying everything is good in this world including our angels kids and animals. Think about for a second. Destroying Good things.
I disagree. I think we should refuse to close our eyes to the evil that exists.
Flynn is one of the few who I think puts America first
The Dutch AIVD, clowns and glowies, in May came out with a report titled: Anti institutional extremism. https://www.aivd.nl/onderwerpen/extremisme/anti-institutioneel-extremisme
The definition they use is: those that belief that an elite exists with evil intent to enslave, oppress and kill humanity.
LT.G. Flynn now is considered an anti-institutional-extremist, a threat to their democracy (= The Mock Crazy). In US-DS parlance: domestic terrorist.
Edit: Apparently I was wrong, but for the right reason. This tweet from Flynn is an absolute bombshell. It was too good to be true. You can read through the comments in order to understand why I thought it was fake. HUGE posts like this REALLY require proper links in order to verify the authenticity of the post.
I think it's just a screen shot of his twitter post:
its real....
How many times are you going to confidently state information that is wrong? Click the Twitter link, verify for yourself, then put on your fucking dunce cap
Word. FFS, put down the pipe solarsavior.
I understand why you're triggered, but "lighten up Francis" (It's a quote from the movie stripes).
What triggered me to respond is you spewing expletives at your fellow frogs. We're all in this together fren. Ribbit...
That’s fair. I apologize.
Big love to you and yours. We're gonna win this war and you're gonna be a big part of that victory.
I value your discernment. Too many "Oh i like this" upvotes without verifying. Lots of posts get 200 upvotes only to find out the information was false.
Here you go. Great Awakening 👇 https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1674150883263643648?t=_0ct9-jGqfe2kPZQIUv4Zw&s=19
Yep, this is a bombshell. No doubt.
The actual Twitter post was posted here a couple hours earlier as well.
This post is on Twitter, not TruthSocial.
Apparently, in hindsight it is. Still, the OP should have provided an appropriate link. Please understand that we get fake shit on here all the time and we have a responsibility to vet what is posted. The OP FAILED! Why not just do a screenshot of the twitter post and link to the twitter post? Why make it confusing by taking a screenshot of Truth? Terrible post with no link.
Oh, I totally see what you are saying. I hadn't noticed the TS stuff in the original post pic. Yeah, that's fucked up.
I forgive you. You are right the link should have been posted. But we are all capable as well of verifying for ourselves before going off. Its a busy world and we are all guilty of the same sort of thing from time to time.
Yet so many people on here downvote people for posting links to Twitter and other sites. I would say do both. Post the screenshot and the link. Everyone can make their own choice.