Losers, haters, and other Democrat pedophiles are attacking the new The Sound of Freedom movie as "QAnon" (does that mean fake? Or that it was simultaneously tweeted by both President Trump and Dan Scavino 17 times?). They even claim no kids were rescued. Here's the actual raid footage!
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡
What's unique about the current MSM negativity campaign against Sound of Freedom is that their attacks are not based on any defense of a politician, celeb, or individual who they're pretending is being unjustly smeared. They are attacking the idea of child trafficking on a large scale even existing.
A natural reaction by a skeptic would be "Given the severity of these assertions, we need to see more evidence before concluding anything." Instead they're all "Huuurrr Q ANON dOn'T wAtCh TeH mOviE!!1!"
They've never done this with any other social issue movie before. The movie Traffic from 2000 comes to mind. They gave Steven Soderbergh four Oscars for that, and today's Hollywood and MSM are the same as back then.
MSM has demonized QANON to the public so much as being anti-lgbtqiazkf, nazis, conspiracy theorists, etc. that they are hoping if they attach QANON in this heading it will make people either not want to see it or think it's a conspiracy theory and fake.
i've heard different people use the phrase QANON and i've told them, there is NO QANON, there is Q who drops information and there are anons who are just regular Joe's wanting to research info for themselves. i also added some anons are some of the smartest people i've ever had the honor to follow.
That's exactly why I think people should let the machine do what it does. More people will see it that way. And that is one of the goals. It enables more goals to be met.
Angel Studios is taking a major win right now. Hitting 2.4M+ in ticket sales 1 day ahead of their Sunday 7-9-23 goal. It looks like somebody (or group of somebodies) dropped some big bucks into the Pay It Forward in the last 24 hours to push it over the goal. They are smartly now reporting it as "121% OF GOAL", and hopefully can rub it in the MSM faces for a while as it keeps growing into next weekend. https://www.angel.com/warroom
Streisand effect has already been unleashed:
Don't forget that MSM is all connected and work together. They are making a false drama here and appearing to be outrageous. They know if they gas up opposing and outrageous viewpoints, that you will click it, share it, talk about it, click click click, $$$, and you were very helpful in getting them richer. They don't actually have these opinions and aren't actually wed to their "side". They are at work. It's their job. They do it well and it works. They ask themselves in each instance, "What will generate engagement and how can I word it to aggravate hotheads into longer and deeper engagement in our trap.. er uhhh.., our Important News?
11 yr old boy asked for cocaine before the "party" started because he gets scared and others have provided it in the past.
Those who know can't sleep...
Yeah in Pakistan the boys get high before having sex with man because it helps with the pain during and after. It’s heartbreaking
I've listened to some survivors and they say they took drugs to be able to get through the torture. It's all so heartbreaking.
Worth repeating the rumor here.
Allegedly, Adam Schiff received an 11-year-old black boy for his entertainment at the Standard Hotel.
The kid was drugged.
Adam Schiff found out to his horror that at some point during his entertainment, the kid was not unconscious as he appeared; he was dead.
Now that I know it's standard operating procedure to drug them, the Schiff story makes sense.
Leftists and the deep state think that by denying reality that others will go along with it. It may have worked at one time (who said something about "tell a lie over and over"?), but many more are awake now.
This video brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.
This is a weak spot for the Deep State.
With CIA-assisted drug trafficking you can blame the drug users, or the low level drug pushers. Or you can demand more drug education, or more drug treatment. But with child trafficking, there is no way to rationalize it. No way to excuse it. So, the Deep State can only attack the messenger.
Darn good point.
Denial that it exists, it is being over exaggerated, or is not really present in THIS country (US, the biggest customer) is all they have left. All involve attacking the messenger(s). Watch for saturation of the battlespace with these "messengers" over the next few months to force the MSM/CIA to debunk continuously, helping push the awareness factor. At some point we may publicly see the child trafficking expose' merge with the Ukraine criminal activities for the normies.
My read on this is that the human trafficking and globalist slavery agenda is the CORE of all the other corruption, but it cannot be attacked directly and has been completely insulated inside a protective intelligence agency/MSM bubble which is now breaking down.
Trafficking->>>Abortion-Money Laundering (WallStreet)-Political Corruption-Endless Wars & Intentional Destabilization-BioLabs (BigPharma)-Baby Factories-Transition Surgeries (BigMed)-Financial Manipulation (SEC)-Asset Theft (FedRes)-Taxpayer Funds Money Laundering (IRS)-BioSecurity State (FBI/DHS)-Corporate Slavery (CCP)
By their protests of the movie, it sure makes them easy to spot. The public is now watching and taking note of those most suspicious in their outrage.
All this talk may may make people curious enough to go see it.
Streisand effect.
If the Pedo left really wanted this movie to die at the box office, the best course of action is to shut up about it. It is not the 2000's. They have no excuse to realise that the Streisand effect is in play here.
But no! They can't resist attacking the film and making it bigger and bigger!
It is becoming a new business plan: make something the left will not like, provoke the left to attack the product relentlessly, sit back and relax as they do all of my marketing for free, and then roll in the dough a few months later!
I agree.
I disagree that this will equal any real numbers on its own. People don't need anything special to happen, or to be coerced, into seeing a good movie. Nobody needed the Streisand effect to see Taken or that great movie from the 90s that was about trafficking humans for sex slavery, called Breakdown. It is a good movie and we saw it in a full theater. Then rented it many times cuz it's scary. My point is that Taken and Breakdown weren't the slightest controversial and nobody tried to make anyone that hadn't seen it feel bad or morally deficient.
I just think SOF is a good movie that can stand on its own. And I think more people will see it if they don't feel like it will make relationships that are already strained, worse. There's a very isolated and alienated anon in my extended family that has used every opportunity available over the last 5 years to try and act morally superior to the people she is desperate to be accepted by. She wants validation from what she sees as the "mainstream" family, much the same way that we at GAW are forever waiting for the Mainstream to agree with us. The family will agree that political elites make laws for the but not for... and they will agree that the breakdown of the middle class is an assault on family cohesion, and that social media is an absolute destructive force, and that the sexualization of children is wrong, etc. etc. So much to agree on and talk about and get to work over. Together.
But she isn't really about that. What she's more about is trying to feel superior and is using ever more extreme devices to use as evidence that she is superior. So when it came to the movie that each of us had planned on seeing at one time or another, she saw an opportunity to make it about passing her litmus test of good and evil. She bought 8 tickets and decided when and where we would be seeing it. When someone revealed they had work at that time and had planned on a different day for their wife and and another friend to go with him on his day off, it became "I can see that your job and bank account are more important than children". It became a huge and toxic power play for control of the people she feels are morally less than her. Her without a job, her that has no social group other than online strangers. She ended up not being able to afford those tix, angry that everyone didn't drop everything and go see it on her terms, and further alienated because nobody is as dedicated to misery and being a victim than her. This didn't happen with Taken. Her and I agree on tons of stuff, and she posts here regularly but doesn't know that I do , and that I agree with much of what she's on about. But because she needs it to be about her, instead of doing the work and having the discipline to not make it about her, I can't let her know I'm right there with her, because I'm not trying to control people or divide. There's always gonna be someone that's seen it more times. There's always gonna be those that saw it harder. Or REALLY got it. Or saw it before it was cool. Etc. These people aren't helping the children. Pride can get in the way.
Hey look, I built a wall! Lol. Sorry bout that. I get worked up over these subjects, of course.
I respect your opinion.
These people are SCUM.
Amazing to me how this story is featured on CBS and people still think it’s a conspiracy.
Nobody serious or in any numbers thinks that. I've never heard someone say that milk carton missing children were a conspiracy.
I seriously do not get the game plan the MSM and the Demonic Rats are playing here.
By now, they all should be well acquainted with the Streisand Effect, that attempts to censor or ban something, or decry something as bad, would cause more interest and eyeballs to view the something that is being attacked. Especially now since it is getting well established that whatever the MSM attacks as bad might be actually pretty good in reality.
All of this attention and decrying of the movie as "Qanon", whatever that even means, caused more attention and ticket sales to this movie than ever before. If the pedo left was not so eager to destroy the movie and broadcast their thoughts about the movie out loud, then it might not do as hot in the box office.
It is becoming a new business plan: make something the left will not like, provoke the left to attack the product relentlessly, sit back and relax as they do all of my marketing for free, and then roll in the dough a few months later!
It's sickening to think that they're brainwashed to the point where due to party affiliation and hating Christianity, they will attack righteous movements in the name of leftist ideology. No wonder the word "righteousness" is mentioned gazillion times in the Bible. Everything I read from old to new testament is somehow relatable to this day and age.
KEK, this title
We have to keep in mind that many LGBT people, and a lot of people on the left, and an anti-if I have been sexually abused. They will continue to allow their family members to be sexually, abused, until they deal with their own sexual abuse.
This movie is in an affront to their own trauma - and until they deal with it, they will deny it even happens. They will tonight even exists. To do so would mean they’d have to look deep within their own soul’s and deal with their own molest.
On the other hand… MSM is hard at work protecting pedophiles. But I don’t even like to use that word anymore and I don’t like the F word. But their kid fuckers and that’s what I say now. Please forgive me lord.
The more they tie "Qanon" to this movie, the more people will look into Q and realize all of us were never the crazed nuts they portrayed us to be. They will start to see what is really going on. They will wake up. The truth will set them free.
I must be getting old...I saw this clip a while back and somehow i seem to have 'forgotten' about it...🙄😮
Didn't Shifty have a good friend that liked to drug up young boys? Birds of a feather, you know the thing.
I just wrote about the rumor that Schiff entertained himself with an 11 year old black boy who was drugged.
The story goes that at some point, Schiff realized the kid wasn't just drugged out, he was in fact quite dead.
Allegedly at the Standard Hotel.
And yes, he was buddy-buddy with Ed Buck, who is in prison, know, I believe. He liked to watch black men take drugs...even when they didn't want to. A couple of them died from it, I heard.
The MSM and the cabal's puppets are shitting themselves right now, but Sound of Freedom is a drop in the bucket to what is coming. This movie is just prepping the sheeple for the true reveals complete with names.
I think Q's suicide weekend may be when a bunch of these evil freaks refuse to face the reaction to their deeds.
Now why would they attack a movie exposing pedophilia and child trafficking.... hmmm let me think a minute...
Ctrl Floridians will tell you otherwise. This area is STILL kno n as the sex/child trafficking capitol of the U.S. There have been exposès on this subject locally for well over a decade now. But it's only been relatively recently (the past 7 yrs) that the national spotlight has been illuminated.
AMC is Chinese owned.
The enemy desperately wants to call this movie a 'Conspiracy Theory' because that is their go-to for all child trafficking/satanic ritual abuse stories. They think normies will immediately dismiss it and go back to sports and fashion magazines the moment they hear that phrase.
But they can't if it is a true story.
That's why it is so important to them to cast doubt on the true events.
What I can't understand are these liberals who can't bridge the gap between the two sides, liberal and conservative, to come together and both agree that child sexual abuse and human trafficking is evil and wrong, but either a) they're pedophiles who support it or b) they're so blind by hatred for the people they labeled "enemies" for not having the same opinions as them, that they're willing to just go along and pretend this isn't happening all around the world. This isn't a political issue, it's a human rights issue.
Well, that’s the word we’re looking for then. Hear it? You’re over the target. Keep dropping ordinance there.
I fear my President, congress, Senators (men/women), FBI, DOJ, DHS, CIA, news media, court system. They are not my friends. Note to self.
As long as the movie and it's subject matter can be seen as separate from q people and all of the negative connotations that go with that, then this movie can help move people to do more. Taken was a very popular movie franchise and nobody felt like they were choosing some side, or making a political statement by watching or not watching it. It got seen. Still does. Wish this movie hadn't gotten politicized.
Sound of Freedom is the drip, drip, drip, the faucet needs to be fully turned on.
But muh' Mike Rothschild said this is just a conspiracy theory. Ticket sales for a Qanon movie or something... Was Mike lying??
Sticky this!