I know right, the pedophile elite is busy trying to discredit Sound of Freedom and half the conspiracy community is so black pilled that they think a movie that exposes the public to a mild version of the reality of child trafficking is somehow a controlled opposition propaganda film.
The pedophile elite is trying to demonize the real heroes and the black pills are working.
The thing is: it's not even the whole CIA that's a part of this. What's going on is there's an illegal branch of government that is operating on taxpayer dollars using security clearances to hide themselves.
They get a lot of their funding from black budget operations, but they also get a lot of their funding from human trafficking and drug running.
That illegal branch of government that is running in the United States is actually a transnational organization where the branch that has infiltrated the CIA is just that it's only a branch.
The rest of it stems back to high profile, high scale, high-class organized crime. Essentially there is a mafia that is running under the scene and behind the curtain.
Like that's the best way to think about it, there is a mafia that is covertly operating within the government and using government resources as well as illegal resources to fund itself.
I worked directly for an SES while in Washington DC. He made my life miserable. I didn't think people like him existed. It got so bad that I told him to "fire me". He replied "I'll fire you when I want to fire you". I couldn't wait to get transferred out of his sphere of influence.
This move he just made is the best one he could have. Now they have to leave him alive. Because even if he died accidently the world will know the pedo cabal killed him.
They're out in the open now. Everyone knows the blatant corruption and evil that they bring in the world.
Now it is about self-preservation. They'll kill, loot, etc whatever they can before the walls fall down for them. It's coming and everyone, including themselves, know it.
The CIA is more than likely trafficking not only children, but adults, drugs and weapons for money. The money is then used to overthrow the governments in other countries, to pay for illegals streaming across our border, and to fund wars. All of these fly under the radar via disinformation. Appealing to Congress for funds for all the above would reveal the corruption, so that is why it is done covertly and via lies and misinformation. Funds disappearing from the Pentagon on 9/11 and the DOD are most likely funding the CIA’s nefarious plans. Most governmental agencies are in on it: CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, DOE, Dept. of Education, DHS, IRS, NIH, etc. Why do they not have to account for every penny spent of taxpayer dollars? An expenditure report should be filed quarterly and available to the public, or they are not funded. Funds go missing? You get zero for the next year.
If he got taken out this would light a fire and everyone would start asking questions and know there must be something they are trying to hide. He's too public to be taken out.
LEAVENWORTH, Wash. - The Washington State Patrol says actor James Caviezel suffered minor injuries when a man hurled a bicycle into the path of his motorcycle about 14 miles southeast of Leavenworth.
Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ," was injured Thursday afternoon. Trooper Rich Magnussen says the actor was taken to Cascade Medical Center in this northcentral Washington city for treatment of cuts and bruises.
Magnussen says the 40-year-old Caviezel, of Woodland Hills, California., was wearing a helmet, and adds, "it could have been a lot worse."
The trooper says he doesn't know why the actor was in the Leavenworth area.
Caviezel was born in Mount Vernon, Washington.
There was no indication why the man tossed the bike into the path of Caviezel's 2006 Harley Davidson but Magnussen says mental issues may be involved. Troopers plan to forward their investigation to the Chelan County prosecutor's office for possible charges against a 42-year-old Wenatchee man.
Oh yes bigger than the CIA. But it's an all right place to start with. And if Jim Caviezel is harmed by the CIA? (We won't be fooled) it will be the end of them.
Isn't it a little bit too late for the CIA? The movie is already out. If something was to happen to Jim Caveizel now, it would be quite obvious. And besides that, all Jim did was play a character in a movie.
But but but ... he is a freemason!!
But but but ... he was funded by some slim guy !!
But but but .. he wants to chip our kids !!
I know right, the pedophile elite is busy trying to discredit Sound of Freedom and half the conspiracy community is so black pilled that they think a movie that exposes the public to a mild version of the reality of child trafficking is somehow a controlled opposition propaganda film.
The pedophile elite is trying to demonize the real heroes and the black pills are working.
The thing is: it's not even the whole CIA that's a part of this. What's going on is there's an illegal branch of government that is operating on taxpayer dollars using security clearances to hide themselves.
They get a lot of their funding from black budget operations, but they also get a lot of their funding from human trafficking and drug running.
That illegal branch of government that is running in the United States is actually a transnational organization where the branch that has infiltrated the CIA is just that it's only a branch.
The rest of it stems back to high profile, high scale, high-class organized crime. Essentially there is a mafia that is running under the scene and behind the curtain.
Like that's the best way to think about it, there is a mafia that is covertly operating within the government and using government resources as well as illegal resources to fund itself.
...it's called the Senior Executive Service
This! 1000 times this.
I worked directly for an SES while in Washington DC. He made my life miserable. I didn't think people like him existed. It got so bad that I told him to "fire me". He replied "I'll fire you when I want to fire you". I couldn't wait to get transferred out of his sphere of influence.
What you're saying makes no sense.
If the Clintons, Biden's etc are all running pedo rings, the CIA is surely higher up the food chain, just below Satan.
George Bush Sr was head of CIA.
And add Bush to that POTUS (P for Pedos) list...never forget his Boys Town victims
Maybe it's above Satan then.
fake maga has joined in on the smear campaign of him too
Yep... I'm so disappointed in a lot of people.
Not all of them are controlled opposition though, a lot of this is bad research and black pills.
Well see if they double down and push harder...
If nothing else, this reveals one of two things about the voices you hear online when they go against this:
He is anti-semitic.
The reality exists that the CIA could kill him. Not sure I’d taunt them.
Then you lack the testicular fortitude which Jim Caveizal possesses.
He's one of God's soldiers and has the Almighty's protection.
Do not fear the one that can kill your body but the fear the one that can destroy your body and soul.
If God is for us who can stand against
Those 3 letter agencies have been neutered...they all report to MIL now.
Jim wants to be crucified for real this time.
Very big mistake on their part to harm one hair on his head.
This move he just made is the best one he could have. Now they have to leave him alive. Because even if he died accidently the world will know the pedo cabal killed him.
I wonder if they would really care if the world knows. It seems that everything they're doing now is so blatant and in our faces.
I dont think they care whatsoever.
They're out in the open now. Everyone knows the blatant corruption and evil that they bring in the world.
Now it is about self-preservation. They'll kill, loot, etc whatever they can before the walls fall down for them. It's coming and everyone, including themselves, know it.
No point killing him. He'd just be back in 3 days
Only drive a stick shift.
The CIA is more than likely trafficking not only children, but adults, drugs and weapons for money. The money is then used to overthrow the governments in other countries, to pay for illegals streaming across our border, and to fund wars. All of these fly under the radar via disinformation. Appealing to Congress for funds for all the above would reveal the corruption, so that is why it is done covertly and via lies and misinformation. Funds disappearing from the Pentagon on 9/11 and the DOD are most likely funding the CIA’s nefarious plans. Most governmental agencies are in on it: CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, DOE, Dept. of Education, DHS, IRS, NIH, etc. Why do they not have to account for every penny spent of taxpayer dollars? An expenditure report should be filed quarterly and available to the public, or they are not funded. Funds go missing? You get zero for the next year.
Excellent point. Plus the poppy fields are gone in Afghanistan. Taliban made sure of that
If he got taken out this would light a fire and everyone would start asking questions and know there must be something they are trying to hide. He's too public to be taken out.
People thought the same about alex jones back in 2010. I remember.
I’ve seen “Person of Interest”. The CIA doesn’t have the firepower to take Jim out!
Nice! I love that show!!!
They tried to get him after he made passion.
LEAVENWORTH, Wash. - The Washington State Patrol says actor James Caviezel suffered minor injuries when a man hurled a bicycle into the path of his motorcycle about 14 miles southeast of Leavenworth.
Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ," was injured Thursday afternoon. Trooper Rich Magnussen says the actor was taken to Cascade Medical Center in this northcentral Washington city for treatment of cuts and bruises.
Magnussen says the 40-year-old Caviezel, of Woodland Hills, California., was wearing a helmet, and adds, "it could have been a lot worse."
The trooper says he doesn't know why the actor was in the Leavenworth area.
Caviezel was born in Mount Vernon, Washington.
There was no indication why the man tossed the bike into the path of Caviezel's 2006 Harley Davidson but Magnussen says mental issues may be involved. Troopers plan to forward their investigation to the Chelan County prosecutor's office for possible charges against a 42-year-old Wenatchee man.
Oh yes bigger than the CIA. But it's an all right place to start with. And if Jim Caviezel is harmed by the CIA? (We won't be fooled) it will be the end of them.
Now that, is what I call drawing a line in the sand. The See Eye Aye better hope nothing happens to this guy.
I have always found it interesting that President Trump visited the CIA HQ the day after his inauguration.
Isn't it a little bit too late for the CIA? The movie is already out. If something was to happen to Jim Caveizel now, it would be quite obvious. And besides that, all Jim did was play a character in a movie.
reminds me of a quote from the movie " Yellowbeard "
Wasn't he stuck by lightning while actually on the cross, filming The Passion. Did Jesus enter his body at that time?
He was always there to begin with. He is within each and every one of us. We just need to accept his free gift
Jesus is within all of us.