Yesterday I was speaking to a client who is an older and very experienced clinical psychiatrist in California. Somehow we got on the subject of transpronounism and I asked his thoughts from a medical perspective. I’m going to try to share his incredibly interesting explanation in plain terms.
First, transgenderism is a form of body dysmorphia, a recognized mental disorder in the big book of mental ailments. It is also, more interestingly, a form of schizophrenia.
Here is how he explained its current proliferation and why it is primarily seen in men:
Men are sexually aroused by visual cues, while women typically are not. A man gets physically sexually aroused by seeing a woman that he finds attractive. A woman recognizes physical attraction but physical arousal generally requires social interaction.
When a man with body dysmorphia puts on a woman’s clothing or make-up and observes himself he gets aroused. At that moment (his exact words), “a minor second personality is born.” This is called multiple personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder. The man sees the pantomime woman separate from himself and is attracted to the image.
But here is where it gets relevant to the here and now.
Typically this second self stays a very minor influence either because it is treated as a mental disorder or because societal negative feedback causes feelings of shame and recalcitrance. In other words, humans have traditionally informed men that this is odd behavior and men have decided they are right or at least to keep the second self private.
But today, that same behavior inside the unicorn zone creates positive reinforcement for the second self. We have begun supporting and encouraging the second self to manifest and gain influence. We do not just do this locally, where there is possible negative feedback for balance. A man puts on a dress and makeup, goes on social media and thousands of people cheer his courage. He goes to school and the students pat him on the back instead of stuffing his head in a toilet.
By rewarding the second self society encourages the female persona to gain influence, such that it can overpower the original self. The female persona becomes the primary personality and desperately seeks to erase the male original.
But feelings of guilt and shame remain very powerful. The mind’s remedy is to spread the disorder to create a more comfortable inner thought process. We know this as the cliché, “misery loves company.” Trans people need to see more trans people to keep their illusion of normalcy intact.
His professional opinion is that, as a society, we have started an unstoppable wave of nurtured schizophrenia. A very high percentage of transpronoun men will eventually commit suicide because of their immense internal struggle and because they have been taught that seeking mental help is an admission that they are suffering with a disorder. The popular woke notion that the disorder is, in fact, a positive affirmation of self actually keeps the person from looking at it as an issue.
From a global perspective, most countries still treat this as a mental disorder. When we say the rest of the world thinks we have gone crazy, it is not pure hyperbole. A large portion of Western society is literally suffering from mass scale psychosis in very clinical terms.
As I have explained, this is an account of someone I spoke to who has expertise on the matter. This is his explanation. If accurate, which it seems to be, we are facing a truly lost generation.
I've been saying all along that this type of behavior used to be seen as schizophrenia and the person would receive 'mental care', Not applauded...
Very interesting. I was wondering where all these people came from in the last decade, seemingly an explosion of crazy people. This is a very credible explanation.
"All these people came from" the propaganda that drives the trans ideal. This propaganda begins in the school system, directed at students. I think it began in the college system and worked its way both outward into society and down into the lower grades, but I'm not sure. That is how most "movements" begin, but I haven't really looked into the beginnings of "Trans."
While the OP psychoanalysis is interesting and could very well be accurate, it doesn't begin with "acceptance," and grow from there. It begins with targeted propaganda to get a small group of people to accept it, then preach it, and amplify it. The entire process is designed not only to help fulfil the depopulation agenda, but to create an environment where all sides are experiencing cognitive dissonance, and are thus off-balance, confused and divided. This state, applied to the whole of society regardless of your stance on the trans issue (the stances of all sides are designed and part of the plan) makes everyone susceptible to other programming (programming outside of the trans programming).
This "sexual confusion" device has been used numerous times in recent history, and likely not so recent history, to overthrow ideologies and nations. It was used in the 1910s to help drive WWI and the Federal Reserve Act. It was then ramped up in America and Europe to help drive the Eugenics Program and WWII. It has continued to ramp up until today, with some purposeful backsteps to help people adjust to the "social progress".
But "social progress" into "trans-world" isn't really the agenda, or at least it isn't the primary agenda, and I'm not sure its really what they want at all. When people are sufficiently twisted in their perception of the world and their place in it, a person can become a Savior to that confused world if they present a path to normalcy. That path to normalcy from that Savior can contain any conditions they want as a Trojan Horse. You can, for example, lead the entire world into a Great Reset if that plan offers an out for the constant cognitive dissonance society is experiencing.
In our case the Great Reset is tied to the source of the programming, but what if the Great Reset is the stick, and the real plan is intended to be later offered as the carrot, the one that leads out of the trans (and other) programming, but leads ultimately to the same Great Reset in prettier packaging, possibly even packaging that seems like it's the opposite of it.
This has happened at every stage of advancement of the Cabal agenda.
For example, Rockefeller (very likely an agent of Rothschild from the beginning) created his monopoly by first creating the South Improvement Company, which he knew would fail and set himself up as "the villain," on purpose, only to later have his agents offer a new plan, which got everyone on board. This new plan was the exact same scheme but all the bits that were hated before were either absent or hidden, or espoused as a "necessary evil to solve the crisis," thus the REAL PLAN, the plan they intended all along, went through, and Rockefeller completed his oil monopoly, which then turned in to the Single Corporation that exists today and rules the world (see link above).
In 1913 Senator Nelson Aldrich, who just so happened to be the father-in-law of JD Rockefeller, Jr., offered to congress a "solution to the bank crisis" called the Aldrich Plan. It was a plan for a United States Central Bank which would solve all the country's ills, of which there were many (all of which were created by Rockefeller et al). Everyone hated it. It was obviously a ploy to subvert the economic system of the US. It was completely rejected by all. So the "other side" offered a different solution, the Federal Reserve Act, which as it turned out, was the exact same plan with all the bits that were hated before absent or hidden or a "necessary evil.' Again, it was the same plan in prettier packaging.
In the 1920s-40s we were offered the Eugenics Program of the Nazis, which was "exclusive." As it turns out, the Nazis were funded 100% by Rockefeller or Rockefeller adjacent. Soon after the war (before the war really, but it took off afterwards) we were offered the Eugenics Program of Planned Parenthood which was "inclusive" which was ALSO funded 100% by Rockefeller. As it turns out they were the exact same Neo-Malthusian eugenics program, even down to statements made by the leaders of the organizations, and the social groups that were targeted for elimination. They just had different packaging.
This trend of being offered one thing, and then offered "the opposite" which is really the same thing has continued throughout our recent history, but in each case they also had a cognitive dissonance inducer, designed to cause confusion, so that people would see the "carrot" as a real carrot, and not the stick in disguise. In the case of the Federal Reserve and the Eugenics Program, one of the cognitive dissonance inducers was "sexual confusion" related. Economic crisis was another major component in both steps as well. Sound familiar?
The trans programming is intended to be a cognitive dissonance inducer and society divider that helps people focus on the stick before the carrot. The thing to watch out for is the carrot that's really just the stick with an orange bow.
It's the orange bow that scares me sometimes.
"The thing to watch out for is the carrot that's really just the stick with an orange bow."
Awesome post, Slyver (as usual)... but plz do expound on that line I quoted
I'm not sure where to go that I didn't already go. I mean there are other examples, but the main point is that the operation looks like this:
We have always adopted the Carrot Solution. We accepted the Federal Reserve Act. We accepted the New Deal. We accepted Bretton Woods, and Nixons removal from the Gold Standard, etc., etc. Some of the Carrot Solutions we've adopted were more "compromise solutions" rather than the Trojan Horse that is an important element in the Carrot Solution, but they were similar in the sense that they were offered to solve the crisis AFTER the exact same solution was offered and rejected on purpose.
The Carrot Solution is the Trojan Horse. It's the Savior (sometimes offered by an actual front man Savior figure). It is this that makes me worry the most about Trump and Q. I don't think that they are Controlled Opposition, but if we end up being "saved," we had better read the fine print of whatever plan they offer. Worse, most people, even here, don't yet appreciate what a real solution will look like, so they won't necessarily know that the solution being offered is really just the old New World Order in new New World Order clothing.
In short, I do have some worry that "Orange Man Bad" may be a warning of the Carrot Solution. Again, I don't think so, because we do seem to be heading towards an actual solution, but too few I think recognize what that is, which leaves a lot of leeway for fuckery to be injected into that "Final Solution."
Appreciate your response- you originally articulated it well. I got it.
Guess I don't wish to even think of it that way... been duped more than a few times over the past 3+ decades of deep divin' rabbit holes... and this one... THE ONE... IF we've yet again been offered the ol' "front man savior" switcheroo? Can't deny this theory has crossed my jaded mind more than a few times... but, can't fathom it. False prophet type shit. So, like you, I don't think so... guess future will prove past? I'm kinda the opposite of a doomer, but wrong or right... it's outta my hands, so I'll ride this wave all the way to shore, with faith in the plan... bc really- what else do we have left at this point?
But this is the opposite of what a real solution must look like. We must take an active part in our future. "The Solution" demands that we recognize our own power and agency or else a savior will be all that can "save us." Contrary to popular belief, that has never turned out well before.
We must appreciate, and learn, every single one of us (or at least a critical mass), that we are Sovereign. We are the Ultimate Authority over our Jurisdiction. We must gain a deep understanding of what that Jurisdiction is. We must work towards the solution ourselves, though the Gestalt of Many Minds, and enacted through our own work.
This is the ONLY solution that does not lead to a thousand years of darkness, where the rest of the nations bow down to Israel, exactly as Revelation says will happen, leading to the "best of all possible worlds". The part they left out, but which is obvious and implicit, is that the best of all possible worlds for Israel, is the worst of all possible worlds for everyone except the Elite Class of Jewish Priests that wrote most of that book in the first place specifically to control the rest of the Canaanites that called themselves "Jews" (or rather, Israelites and Judeans), and completed the final edit we have today.
"That book" being the 'Elders of Zion'?"
Dr Preston James (Veterans Today) said society is rapidly approaching critical mass (estimated @ 10-11℅) but that was circa 2015. Seems we're nearly there by my estimations. And of course realize ONLY "I" can bring about real change in my life, but it's so much easier relying on some one else? Therefore, outta my hands ;)
It was the Removal of Bullying that somewhat allowed this shit to happen....
Up here in the north country, there are many parents who are unplugged, their kids do not use any screens, they are homeschooled. Yes, it is all back to nature and agrarian utopia that we were seeking when we settled here. Subliminal messaging is real, it is done by advertising all the time, it is done with memes, with political messages, incorparated into all visual images that are reproduced digitally, the invasion of the mind can happen anytime a person turns on the tv or logs on to the internet, or plays a video game. Why are there no transgendered people in religious sects that use no modern media equipment. It is not just the fear of God that keeps people from trending that way. Yes, there are small amounts of homosexuals in that group, about the same amount of animals that you see who do not care to mate, and that happens sometimes, across the board. The animals do not turn to homosexuality, they are basically just not interested in mating, but otherwise are accepted into the herd , flock, whatever. I believe that there will always be some who are asexual, but it is the constant media barrage that claims we must all be sexual beings, we must all want to f*!k something. While biology will take over (a man's erection happens, a woman will get a stirring at the exact time she is ovulating and is fertile), for the most part, these voluntary celibates will relieve the annoying "itch" without seeking a partner. What with the pollution of our foods, the use of big pharm for children who are diagnosed with ADD, (probably caused by vaccines, processed foods, constant watching tv and computer use), the biological norms are affected. Use of birth control medications mess with the mothers hormones, when she decides to have a child, after years of taking birth control. If your child is not exposed to trends, and has a chance to see his peers who are also kept from that influence, he will most likely never even entertain the thought of all of this madness. My son was raised to be anti establishment, as I have always been. I may have done too good of a job, I think sometimes. He was not allowed to be near a computer until he was 13, and I was very strict about this, not going on line until he was in bed, so as not to appear "do as I say and not as I do". The end game of all of this subliminal mind rape is to stop human beings from procreating, they want there to be a finite population, because they do not want to share the resources, even though there is enough to share, they keep it from us. My son was bullied because Mom raised him this way, he did not collect pokemon, thought it was dumb, he did not see the movies his peers saw, so he had no reference. i was not able to homeschool, but he did go to a Waldorf school until 4th grade, Waldorf does not believe in media for children, even to the point of music, they advise a childs musical experiences should be live performances, classical. I do believe that within a given population, a small percentage may have homosexual tendencies, and that is based on hormone imbalances. Celibacy is not a horrible thing, and without social influence, to be gay or whatever, it would just exist. We all have degrees of libido, but the pressure to fix that has been around forever Society encourages sexual desire for men and sexual promiscuity for women, while at the same time, encourages abortion and birth control, all of this makes sexual confusion and perversity inevitable. Teach your children well, and don't use the media for that. Teach your children to think for themselves.
It's the ADHD drugs they give children.
IDK maybe. I think if it's something like that it is more likely the vaccines.
Drugs and Bioweapons, interesting....
Schizophrenia has become a 'catchall' term; the excerpt below is specifically about insecure neurotics (1921):
— William A. White, Introduction to "The Neurotic Constitution" by Adler, 1921
— Alfred Adler, "The Neurotic Constitution" 1921
Psych nurse 40+ years. Terrific post. Thank you. Shame doctor opinions vary when these issues are their livelihood. Its disappointing that money rules critical thinking/judgement. So many people are harmed when 'guided' into creating a 'new normal' after seeking help from doctors more interested in $ rather than helping individuals adapt, cope and understand their feelings.
Betcha got nurse Rachet stories.
Culturally nurtured and reinforced schizophrenia. That's a great explanation. And useful, as it highlights the way back even if society hasn't fully turned around yet.
And it also explains why it happens in pockets and spreads via social networks.
Sounds reasonable. This is why they have to shut down any criticism.
[All emphasis is mine.]
I believe the wave IS stoppable! The power of censure - compassionate, loving, but firm - is amazing. The deep state has done an awesome job of convincing people to stay silent, even in the face of obvious danger to ourselves, our families and our communities.
Once we break free from that programming, the normal societal corrections will become profoundly powerful.
These people are mentally ill. And they have been weaponized for evil. Their actions do pose a danger to our very social fabric, but they are also to be pitied. I hope we can find the compassion to lead them back to sanity and neutralize their destructive impact on humanity.
Until we stop this madness, the deep state will continue to use this mental illness for evil purposes.
I wonder what initial actions might lead someone to become a homosexual, also a mental illness.
This is true. Helen Joyce is a journalist who does a good job of analyzing this phenomenon from a big picture perspective. I found these two points enlightening.
These are my summaries, not direct quotes.
Men with autogynephilia are the activists primarily driving the insistence on pronouns, entry to women-only spaces, and childhood transitioning. They need validation that they are women, which requires everyone else to participate in their view of reality. So they need to be able to function in society as women, which means going into women's spaces because they are "women." These are the people that also push the transitioning of children because they believe that they have always been a "woman in a man's body", even as a child. Since they have "established" that children can be transgender, they advocate for transitioning during childhood.
The saddest commentary is that parents who allowed or encouraged their children to transition will also continue to drive transitioning of children. If childhood transitioning is exposed as harmful (human rights abuse), they won't be able to live with knowing that they have irreversibly destroyed their children's lives and future, and their own as well. She says that this is also the reason why some organizations support transitioning children. If there is even a single person in an organization that has a transgender child, especially if they are high up in the hierarchy, no one feels that they can speak out in opposition to transitioning.
So, "go f@!$ yourself" is not a rude thing to say to a tranny?
One time I was walking down 10th Ave in midtown Manhattan, a real gay hotspot. Two queers walking toward me, talking up the sidewalk. Walking regularly in this city, one can get tired of this rude shit.
I body checked the closest.
"What the fuck? Excuse me!" he says with a lisp.
"Don't take over the whole sidewalk, asshole," I reply.
He gives me the typical younger generation cry, "Don't tell me what to do!"
"I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you'd like that wouldn't you?" He just stared at me.
I then said, "But I don't think your boyfriend could just sit back and watch."
Well that explains alot.
Incidentally, I know of two women who wanted to be men.
One of them was Asian athlete with a brother who was an Olympic athlete who medalled at the Olympics. My feeling is she wanted more attention from her parents especially since Asians favor their sons. And she changed her name to male even though she never went any further with it. (Still competed as a female) And for all we know she still is a female even though she requested she be called by a different name.
The second female actually physically transitioned to a male. She had both her breast removed and was taking male hormones. FWIW she was an unattractive female who was slightly overweight and became an unattractive male who was slightly overweight. Since she only transitioned a year ago there is no telling how well she will do over time. I suspect she will eventually regret her choice.
Spot on for men, but, if women don't get aroused visually, what is the deal with women trannies dressing like men?
Mental illness...🤐
Like anything else, until a patient accepts the diagnosis, and embraces treatment, they unfortunately will be lost for a lifetime in their own misery.
I think it's rooted in a strong dislike of anything that's deemed "feminine". They must see femininity as a weakness and so shroud their inner voice with a louder, more masculine one. They don't want to appear weak, hence the bravado. Weird how none of these f2m transitioners never want to look like a normal man - they take the stereotype and wear it.
Wonderful write up on the issue. 👍
This phenomenon is called autogynephilia. While it may not account for all cases of transsexuality, it definitely accounts for a non-negligible proportion of them.
This post is so valuable. Thank you.
👍👌 My pleasure...
I am sorry to disagree with your client but I had a sister who was schizophrenic and flipped out several times...I read EVERYTHING that was available on schizophrenia in the 70's and I never came across anything that inferred "body dysmorphia". I feel this may be a more modern association with schizophrenia to explain the transgenderism that we see so prevelant today...
Schizophrenia is basically a split from reality and even though transgenderism isn't "real"...that isn't the reality that is meant. It is an all encompassing world that the rest of us don't exist in...visually, mentally, is more akin to an LSD trip because high levels of adrenechrome, which is a by-product of adrenaline, somehow overwhelm the system in a schizohrenic...and there is also a very close association to alcoholism....
Dr. Abram Hoffer was able to maintain schizophrenics on megadoses of essentially there was a cure...and if that is the case then transgenderism should be able to be "cured" with megadoses of my point is that I don't buy that transgendrism is associated at all with schizophrenia...I believe that is a modern construct adapted to fit a narrative when in reality the connection really doesn't exist even though it all comes under the umbrella of "mental illness"...
I tend to agree with you. I worked in residential settings (group homes) with many of the residents diagnosed with schizophrenia. I did not see one instance of gender confusion.What is common is the feeling of being possessed, somatic issues of invasion, thought disorders, hallucinations, paranoia, a lot of fear, etc. I did see the transgender thing with those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, stemming from childhood abuse.
I’m not trying to be rude here, but the OP’s post talking about a person who’s client is a psychiatrist states that the psychiatrist says that the transgenderism is a form of schizophrenia. You’re saying that body dysmorphia is not at all under the umbrella of schizophrenia? Are you sure they haven’t broadened the scope of schizophrenia in the past 40-50 years? You’re saying that schizophrenia is more of an all-encompassing (visually, mentally, physically, as you state) condition? Your analogy to an LSD trip is a good way to distinguish.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around what you’re stating. This is a question I don’t know if you can answer… could we consider classic schizophrenia as a physically-induced (i.e. B-3 deficiency) mental condition that comes from deep within a person’s psyche whereas transgenderism is perhaps an emotionally-induced (I.e. confusion, feeling of inadequacy, etc) condition that the individual is trying to force down into the depths of their psyche? That they’re trying to force their delusion to alter their very being? I don’t know if I’ve described it quite accurately, if it makes sense.
(I don’t know why you got a down-vote as your points are valid and you have direct experience in the subject).
Well...I am SURE they have broadened the scope of schizophrenia in the past 40-50 years...just like they constantly change definitions to fit their they did in terms used to define things associated with covid vaccines etc....I brought up LSD because in Dr. Abram Hoffer's experiments in the 50's they found that high doses of B3 would bring people out of a bad LSD trip.
I said what I said because I saw my sister flip out twice...the 2nd time right after the birth of her first child...AND also because I read every book the library had on schizophrenia...including medical texts. She was initially drugged and institutionalized and did psychotherapy but after she had a child and flipped out the 2nd time I sought my own answers and came across Abram Hoffer's book...How to Live With Schizophrenia...published in the 1950's. I found the answers I was looking for and we took her to an Orthomolecular Psychiatrist who treated her with a protocol that was based on high doses of B3 and she never flipped out again...schizophrenia is a consistent 1% of the population worldwide and is genetically my sister was ALWAYS schizophrenic but knew what to do if she felt herself slipping into it again...for women it is very often associated with the birth of a child...for various reasons... can consider that schizophrenia is a B3 deficiency except that the studies show that schizophrenics have high levels of adrenochrome (by product of adrenal production of adrenalin) that induces the mental/physical state...which is why the high doses of B3 were necessary to counteract the adrenochrome...and believe me there has been a whole lot more research on this subject since the 50's. Hoffer had a clinic in NY and wrote many books on the subject along with Andrew Saul...schizophrenia is a brain/body disorder just like diabetes is a pancreas/insulin is not buried deep in the is a mental manifestation of a physical imbalance...
Hoffer was a Canadian psychiatrist have a man who looked at schizophrenia and tried to figure out how to help people...the area of study was known as Orthomolecular Psychiatry...and opposing that is of course the Rockefeller philosophy of using drugs, psychotherapy and institutionalizing people. Which school do you think the person giving this information was schooled in????? Which do you think benefited the individual and which benefitted the doctor, hospital, mental institutions and drug companies? That's where you will find your answer...medicine has become a conflict of interest and people have to seek out their own healing and determine their own path because "no one cares for you or your loved ones as much as you do"...that was a VERY important lesson I learned. My sister was fortunate...lived a normal life for many years until she died of breast cancer in '92...and I wish I knew then what I know now about cancer...
I thank you that you can see truth...and can ask questions that can be logically answered with truth...I believe body dysphoria is a real condition...I just don't believe it has ANYTHING to do with schizophrenia...thank you for your intelligent inquiry...
Thank you for this great information. Schizophrenia is a subject I know almost nothing about. This branch of psychiatry, orthomolecular, reminds me of the difference between Rockefeller medicine and functional medicine (and related disciplines). One’s primary focus is on money and the others’ is on healing. will see the majority of responses buy into the Rockefeller definition of mental illness/psychosis etc. and therefore, think that the physical and mental are two separate entities in a person as opposed to the delicate interdependence of the body and mind...that is where the answers are found...also...why have they had to feed estrogen through our meats etc. so that men would become more people only think this affects the body and not the mind? See how narrow thinking blocks true answers....
Unfortunately I'm still looking ...must i delete..?
As far as i can tell, Yes...
This is a very good post. One I have spoke about publicly for awhile now. It’s great to have more professionals speaking about this, even if it was in a private setting such as this. Talking to others will loosen lips about what needs to be talked about. Also want to add there are some very good comments as well.
Great stuff people. Save this, and spread this knowledge. These people need help. Seeing this so openly now is scary. What comes from it is disaster. Acceptance is important…not ours, that’s helpful sure. But the acceptance of Jesus in these peoples lives would be amazing. It would literally save their life. I hope for great things.
Explains a lot. Have two buddies that have sons now daughters.
Agreed. This is along the lines of what I was thinking, these people are constantly aroused. That's what the devil wants us all to indulge in - continuous arousal. Why else would sexual themes be pushed into the general public sphere? Everyone's being aroused.
This is also known as demon possession
Have to disagree with the notion that we could be facing a lost generation.
Molding a generation into believing a falsity shows that ppl are malleable and their ability to be molded is not specific to left or right thought. Hence,,, their asses can be mounded back to reality!
Sure, some are going too have been guzzling the kool-aide and some mainlining it, but most are just sheeple wanting to fit in. When the tide turns they’ll turn with it.
How would treatment with Ivermectin (anti-parasitic) help cure homosexuality?
A significant majority of gay men are infested with intestinal parasites.